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The hype train is killing me!
:k_confused::k_confused: Can we have some news about development status and what is to come in terms of like... the next patch or so? In the meantime... THIS GAME IS AWESOME. |
Is there a continuously updated blog or development overview for Wolfpack beyond Subsim forums and Steam updates?
I would be quite interested to see how the game progresses and develops, also taking great intrest in methods and techniques involved in developing a game such as this :Kaleun_Wink: |
Version 0.15 beta
Version 0.15 is now available in beta mode. To access it, go to your Steam Library and right click Wolfpack. Select Properties, and then Betas. Select Beta. Wait for the download and start playing. Version 0.15 will be moved to the default branch in a few days.
The version is not backwards compatible, so you won't be able to see servers hosting another version of the game. Version 0.15 patch notes: Optimized flag shader. Removed “invisible” lobby option. Added distance filter for lobby searches. Be aware that latency increases with geographic distance. Added support for all aspect ratios. Added keybindings to center dive planes. Updated displacement on passenger liner type 8. Darkened map view when using night light. Fixed odometer bug. Optimized ship colliders. Added hotkey to reset odometer while in navigation view. Fixed flashlights shining through walls. Added input blocking when using TDC and chatting. Fixed fog rendering bug. Disabled use state when binoculars are active. Fixed flooding animation bug. Fixed sounds not updating while using periscope bug. Added the ability to kick players when hosting. Added passwords for lobbies. Added friendly fire option to lobby settings. Added the ability to kick players if you are the U-boat owner. Added passwords for individual U-boats. Added time settings to lobby. Added weather settings to lobby. Fixed ladder bug. Ballast tanks now contain 50 m3 of water instead of 75. Pressurized air now follow Boyle’s law. Fixed race condition when two people try to use the same station at the same time. Radio can now send numbers as well as letters. Fixed unlit characters bug. Changed binocular and UZO zoom to x7 and x8 respectively. |
:Kaleun_Salute: Na, Männer..?
There is no noticable effect to the map view. It's as bright as before at the navigators station as also by pressing "M". Also the recognition manual and distance table isn't darkened either. Is ist a bug or just "forgotten" to pack into the update :03: |
Is there any plan to remove periscope auto stabilisation, and add ship hull down on horizon? I just found the game to be a little bit easy on measuring distance.
Welcome aboard! I
Should there be a new thread where possible suggestions and improvement ideas from the players would be gathered?
From there the developers could append some inspiration, consider new features and it also could function as an archive for suggestions already pitched. Discord being more of a quick messaging application rather than a proper forum for discussion regarding things like this... (also taking into account that this could direct more guys toward the forum, this could liven up the threads as well.) |
TDC label "Heading" has been fixed and now reads "Bearing".
Short of having a JIRA type system offered by the devs for logging / tracking bugs and suggestions, then were left with very imperfect systems used by very imperfect people. :/ |
Good point. Though this could be solved to some degree by enforcing a "standard form" for the thread, new threads for specific topics/suggestions and get one or two moderators to keep things as they should be.
My main point of argument is not really going beyond utilizing the forum for players to pitch some ideas/suggestions to the developers (which, they will deem worthy of exploring themselves). Discord is not really suited for that purpose, with all the messages being buried beneath the avalanche of unrelated comments. |
Well I for one ask people to delete their extraneous comments - some do.
I also make sure a suggestion or bug stars off with “SUGGESTION:“ or “BUG:” as a means to help the devs identify a real post rather than chat. I think discord is still better than forums due to less chrome and ability to get people to remove posts. It would help if they had a kid who did this for them, I’d volunteer. |
Weekly Updates
Hello everyone!
In an attempt to be more transparent with our work, weekly updates will be posted from now on. We want to keep you updated on what we are doing, so even small updates will be posted. This week I am working on the model of the HMS Royal Oak intended for the Scapa Flow mission, while Oscar is making a tutorial level. /Einar |
Thank you. That’s really appreciated.
Awesome and truly appreciated :Kaleun_Thumbs_Up:
Weekly Update
This week Oscar is working on the bot system and bug fixes. I am working on the HMS Royal Oak model.
/Einar |
For those that haven't noticed yet, beta 0.16 is out on Steam.
All times are GMT -5. The time now is 09:28 AM. |
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