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ZeeWolf 04-08-11 01:42 AM

Thanks for your patients Kameraden,
I have been working hard and I thought you would like to see the new Tiger
skin that will be in the Kursk mission 4. This is where the Das Reich takes

This screenshot was taken while testing the new Tiger E Playable :DL

Of course there are some more new stuff ahead for this upcoming update, you can be sure of that :salute:

Vorwärts Kameraden!


LcSummers 04-10-11 01:20 PM


Originally Posted by ZeeWolf (Post 1638255)
Thanks for your patients Kameraden,
I have been working hard and I thought you would like to see the new Tiger
skin that will be in the Kursk mission 4. This is where the Das Reich takes

This screenshot was taken while testing the new Tiger E Playable :DL

Of course there are some more new stuff ahead for this upcoming update, you can be sure of that :salute:

Vorwärts Kameraden!



brilliant news, i know for sure, you need some time. I like that skin. Can we select skins in the future? Is this possible?

Many thanks for your update and keep up your great work.


liadou2001 04-10-11 02:27 PM

Make a mark.

ZeeWolf 04-10-11 07:21 PM

Air Recon of the Zitadelle mission 4 has just come in and the Red Army
forces are prepared for us. :up:

Take heart LC, it will be ruff even for the SS, but we must prevail :salute:


Bleser 04-10-11 10:53 PM

Hi ZeeWolf,

Just pledged my donation and awaiting the download link. Thank you for saving this wonderful game!!

Txema 04-11-11 06:09 PM

Wow !!!

66.7 Frames Per Second !!!

Have you introduced fixes to achieve high FPS values? Are they working also in the Kursk missions?




Originally Posted by ZeeWolf (Post 1638255)
Thanks for your patients Kameraden,
I have been working hard and I thought you would like to see the new Tiger
skin that will be in the Kursk mission 4. This is where the Das Reich takes

This screenshot was taken while testing the new Tiger E Playable :DL

Of course there are some more new stuff ahead for this upcoming update, you can be sure of that :salute:

Vorwärts Kameraden!


ZeeWolf 04-11-11 07:26 PM


Originally Posted by Txema (Post 1640803)
Wow !!!

66.7 Frames Per Second !!!

Have you introduced fixes to achieve high FPS values? Are they working also in the Kursk missions?



Hi Txema,
I am working on tweaks that increase the fps, especially in the Kursk missions. You will notice the difference in particular the Kursk mission 3.
However, the number of tanks and other firing and movable objects still has a dramatic effect on the fps. I have a Radon HD 4770 Video card and the
range is in game is 170 - 6 fps. The video card plays the most vital roll in
this battle. And this is a change from my previous belief that the CPU was
where the horsepower was needed. :up:

This link helps by offering a clear comparison that clears up any hype that my be confusing.:yep:

As for the image that shows the new Tiger at 66.7fps traveling at 40 + KPH, that is a single unit on the new (full size) Kursk map that I use for testing.

So, progress continues Kamerad! :DL


Bleser 04-12-11 04:51 PM

@ZeeWolf, are you in contact with the MMP team? They claim to have fixed some shadow bugs which greatly improved FPS in TvT. I wonder if you can make the same changes?

ZeeWolf 04-12-11 05:07 PM


Originally Posted by Bleser (Post 1641462)
@ZeeWolf, are you in contact with the MMP team? They claim to have fixed some shadow bugs which greatly improved FPS in TvT. I wonder if you can make the same changes?

Thanks Bleser,

Here is something to checkout: :up:

been some changes made :DL

Vorwärts Kameraden!


Bleser 04-12-11 07:46 PM

^^ Awesome! When will these changes be released? :)

I tried a couple of the new missions in your amazing download pack and performance is the #1 issue. In German mission #3 (or #4? the one with all the Russian artillery firing), I averaged about 8 FPS - totally unplayable, which was so disappointing!


Intel Core i5 750 @ 3.8 GHz
ATI Radeon 5870 - still one of the fastest single-GPU cards you can buy
Windows 7 x64

I am running @ 1920x1080 with 4xAA & 16xAF, all details maxed, which is fine in the stock game.

Thoughts or suggestions?

ZeeWolf 04-12-11 09:15 PM

The new Project ZeeWolf Update will be released on Easter.

Vorwärts Kameraden!


Bleser 04-22-11 10:07 AM

Excellent! Happy to hear this. Hopefully frame rates are better.

How do I get the update? Do you email out a new link?

Bleser 04-22-11 04:28 PM


So I posted my system specs earlier (3.8 GHz Core i5 750, 4 GB RAM, ATI 5870 video card, Windows 7 x64). I just tried to play Kursk Mission 1 and averaged about 9 FPS, which is completely unplayable. Even I turn off AA and AF in my video card I gain about 1 FPS, so that isn't it.

Can you post how you have your TvT video settings setup for playable frame rates? Was hoping to get 30 FPS minimum, otherwise I can't enjoy your work.


ZeeWolf 04-22-11 05:03 PM


Originally Posted by Bleser (Post 1648894)

So I posted my system specs earlier (3.8 GHz Core i5 750, 4 GB RAM, ATI 5870 video card, Windows 7 x64). I just tried to play Kursk Mission 1 and averaged about 9 FPS, which is completely unplayable. Even I turn off AA and AF in my video card I gain about 1 FPS, so that isn't it.

Can you post how you have your TvT video settings setup for playable frame rates? Was hoping to get 30 FPS minimum, otherwise I can't enjoy your work.


I'm very busy at the moment (working on the Easter release). I gave you the opportunity with your first post on the issue but I guess you were to busy at that time to give me more details. However I find it impossible to believe your fps could be so low.


Bleser 04-22-11 09:31 PM


Originally Posted by ZeeWolf (Post 1648919)
I'm very busy at the moment (working on the Easter release). I gave you the opportunity with your first post on the issue but I guess you were to busy at that time to give me more details. However I find it impossible to believe your fps could be so low.


No problem, I understand. And yes, normal life took over my gaming time for a bit there so I couldn't be of more help at the time.

I run with all details maxed except forest draw distance and shadows - both of those are set to about half detail. I have also tried disabling fancy video settings such as anti-aliasing and ansiotropic filtering, neither of which helps. Resolution is 1920x1080 pixels.

With the stock game I run between 25-70FPS, which is quite good. In the new (awesome!) missions in your additions, I sadly can't get above 15FPS and average around 10FPS.

So maybe after the Easter release you can send me your video settings and we can go from there.



ZeeWolf 04-22-11 10:05 PM


Originally Posted by Bleser (Post 1649041)
No problem, I understand. And yes, normal life took over my gaming time for a bit there so I couldn't be of more help at the time.

I run with all details maxed except forest draw distance and shadows - both of those are set to about half detail. I have also tried disabling fancy video settings such as anti-aliasing and ansiotropic filtering, neither of which helps. Resolution is 1920x1080 pixels.

With the stock game I run between 25-70FPS, which is quite good. In the new (awesome!) missions in your additions, I sadly can't get above 15FPS and average around 10FPS.

So maybe after the Easter release you can send me your video settings and we can go from there.



My PC is not even close to what you have and all missions are playable.
Cpu 3.0GHZ duo w/ 3Gigs of Ram and my Video card is a Redeon HD 4770
my video settings is :

Do yo have ANY other mods installed other than Project ZeeWolf's?



Bleser 04-22-11 10:42 PM

Darn, that's exactly how my video settings are setup. If my specs are so far beyond yours, I wonder what the issue could be...

And here is what I'm talking about. First, stock game, no mods whatsoever, maxed graphics settings, German mission 3 (50-55 FPS):

Kursk Mission 1, installation in a different folder with ONLY ZeeWolf mod (I have multiple TvT installs to run different configs - MAYBE this is a clue...) (8-12 FPS):

...and just for fun, with ALL graphics settings set to minimum, still hardly a good frame rate(15-20 FPS):

Again, I commend you for your excellent work - I just want to enjoy it @ 55 FPS some day. :salute:

ZeeWolf 04-22-11 11:40 PM


Originally Posted by Bleser (Post 1649065)
Darn, that's exactly how my video settings are setup. If my specs are so far beyond yours, I wonder what the issue could be...

And here is what I'm talking about. First, stock game, no mods whatsoever, maxed graphics settings, German mission 3 (50-55 FPS):

Kursk Mission 1, installation in a different folder with ONLY ZeeWolf mod (I have multiple TvT installs to run different configs - MAYBE this is a clue...) (8-12 FPS):

...and just for fun, with ALL graphics settings set to minimum, still hardly a good frame rate(15-20 FPS):

Again, I commend you for your excellent work - I just want to enjoy it @ 55 FPS some day. :salute:

Well, you are getting far below what your CPU and GPU are capable of.
Although the new changes made in the Easter update will be a great help,
there is a couple of things you can do now. First, check out
ATI Tray Tools.
It is a great tool for Redeon cards with some really powerful set of tweaks
that can be save as a profile to run only in TvT. Note: you do not need

any overclocking or hardware speed tweaks. However, you can learn very
quickly how to construct a profile that can be more DX 9C compatible for
It's link:

This link well help tremendously in sorting ATI try tools out:

Once you get the hang of this tool you'll love it. Now that I have ATI tray tools
there's never a need to even open Catalyst anymore.:DL

Then try this utility it provides a back up before it alters the TvT .exe to
take advantage of your 64bit system. You could do with out this one but
it's available if you want to check it out.
It's link:

Let me know how it goes,:up:

ZW :salute:

flying-kane 04-23-11 04:46 AM

low FPS
Hi ZeeWolf,

great work, i hope the new update comes out soon :D. I read the forum today and i suffer from same problem with low FPS. All the Zitadelle missions are nearly unplayable and some single missions, too.

I thought my new sys is potent to handle TvT, but it doesn't.

My specs:
Intel Core I5 2500K @ 3,6GHz
Windows 64bit

I have same problem like Bleser. It doesnt matter if i turn off all the eye candy or all to max. it's still at 10FPS. I tried the 4GB patch, but nothing changed. I also use the ATI Tool, is there something special to adjust?

I'm so frustrated, because when i look at your specs Zee and guys like me and Bleser have low FPS, don't get it. There must be something wrong, dunno.

Are there other solutions or hints?

sincerely Kane

Bleser 04-23-11 07:51 AM

Hi Zee,

Thank you very much for taking the time to try and address my issues.

I have tried the 4GB patch and it had no effect. I watch TvT.exe in the system monitor and it never goes beyond about 1.3GB of memory demanded, so I guess that is not it.

I'm wondering if the common thread here is Windows 7 64-bit? I know you run Windows XP (32-bit) - I wonder if TvT is just not happy with Windows 7? I'll try running TvT in compatibility mode today and see if it helps. I will also try the ATI tray tools.

Thanks again!

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