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Wow, quite extensive. I have played GWX in the past and like it very much but somehow got stuck on CCoM ... works fine, is very stable and seems reasonably realistic. |
U 112 Type IXB 1940/2020 - 1st War Patrol - 2nd Convoy Battle
- continued from 3 Sept., 0642h - 0700 - After about 1h of ASW action, the destroyer runs back to the convoy. 0715 - About 1.5h after the first attack, the convoy stops zig-zagging. 0745 - Qu.1938AM - Boat in position for a surface attack with the stern tubes, off the port beam of the convoy, course 355°, 50rpm ahead. "Battle Stations!". 0801 - Tubes V & VI, G7a, K-a/Contact Fuse, running depth 5m, Vt44, on a large tanker in Pos.3 of the middle column, Shooter: Ltnt.z.S. & I.W.O. Emmo MARBACH. Both torpedoes are hits. The tanker breaks in two, explodes and sinks immediately in a horrific fireball. Running off, first on a northerly course and then changing to 85°. The convoy is zig-zagging but the escorts make no attempt for a ASW search. "Dismissed from Battle Stations!". - to be continued - |
U 112 Type IXB 1940/2020 - 1st War Patrol - 2nd Convoy Battle
- continued from 3 Sept., 0801h - 0807 - Incoming F.T.: From B.d.U.: B-Dienst reports that this convoy is B.HX.68 and that a section of it is in position Qu.1929AM, on course ESE, speed 6kn. Cmdr.: "Again, there are several US-Steamers loaded with war materials, running in the convoy." 0850 - Diving to A-50 for torpedo loading. 300rpm, 7kn. 0921 - Tubes I & II re-loaded. Battery 7900Ah. 0930 - Surfaced the boat after 40min. and 4.1sm. Boat is in front of the port beam of the convoy. Altering course to 265°. 1000 - Qu.0117AM - Convoy running again on course 85°, speed 6-7kn. "Battle Stations!". - Turning into the convoy, and commencing surfaced attack run, course 175°, speed 3kn. Target ship is the Standard Tanker, we missed in the first attack. 1011/1012 - Two single shots with Tubes I & II, G7a, K-a/Contact Fuse, running depth 4.5m, Vt44, Shooter: Ltnt.z.S. & I.W.O. Emmo MARBACH. Boat is diving to periscope depth right after launching the torpedoes, altering course away from the convoy, to 310°. Both torpedoes are hits after 156sec. The tanker explodes and sinks within seconds. Cmdr.: "Just before the first torpedo impact, the forward sweeper shoots off a star shell. After the attack, the forward sweeper is running around the ships of the outer port column and shooting off star shells, suspecting us within the convoy. The rear corvette, is covering a possible escape behind the convoy." 1116 - Surfaced the boat after 1h 04min. and 3.2sm. Altering course to 180°. "Dismissed from Battle Stations!". - to be continued - |
U 112 Type IXB 1940/2020 - 1st War Patrol - 2nd Convoy Battle
- continued from 3 Sept., 1116h - 1124 - Incoming F.T.: From U 57: Boat rammed by Norwegian steamer SS Rona in Brunsbüttel lock. 6 men are missing. - Topp - 1143 - Outgoing F.T.: To B.d.U.: Sunk from convoy B.HX-68: On 3.9., at 0553h, HMS Furious, Qu.1937AM, at 0803h, one tanker 19024ts, Qu.1938AM and at 1014h, one tanker 8230ts, in Qu.0117AM. Convoy continuing on course 85°, speed 7kn. No more eels. 132cbm. E5/4, clear, light haze, vis.10000, >1000mb. Returning to base acc. Op.-Orders. - RST - 1200 - Qu.1963AM - Days Run: 171.7sm - ↗ 162.1sm (21h 30') - ↘ 9.6 (2h 30') 1230 - Incoming F.T.: From B.d.U.: RST: Return to base acc. Op.-Orders. Enemy submarine warning in Qu.BF14 and BF6177. Mines SW of Pen March in depths over 100m. 1730 - Qu.4255AM - On Course 180°. Radio report from Norddeich Radio about RAF raids on German held ports in northern France. RST Kptlt.&Cmdr. |
U 112 Type IXB 1940/2020 - 1st War Patrol
**** KTB - U 112 Wednesday, 4 September 1940 - West of Ireland 0737 - Qu.7255AM - Porcupine Bank - Water depth 100m. 1200 - Qu.7552AM - Days Run: ↗ 297.5sm (24h) 2200 - Qu.3255BE - ESE7/6, clear, light haze, vis.10000, >1000mb. New course 121°. Continuing return voyage to new base. RST Kptlt.&Cmdr. |
U 112 Type IXB 1940/2020 - 1st War Patrol
**** KTB - U 112 Thursday, 5 September 1940 - Southwest of Ireland 1200 - Qu.3699BE - Days Run: ↗ 284.6sm (24h) 1400 - Norddeich Radio sending report of the O.K.W., about Oblt. Engelbert ENDRAß receiving the Knights Cross. 1600 - U 32 (Jenisch) sending success report. 2117 - Incoming F.T.: From B.d.U.: B-Dienst report about a enemy convoy in Qu.4136BF, course WSW, speed 6kn. 2145 - Qu. 1799BF - Outgoing F.T.: To B.d.U.: 24h until Point "Lore". 106cbm. ESE7/6, clear, light haze, vis.10000, >1000mb. - RST - 2205 - Incoming F.T.: From B.d.U.: RST: Continue return voyage as ordered. RST Kptlt.&Cmdr. |
U 112 Type IXB 1940/2020 - 1st War Patrol
**** KTB - U 112 Friday, 6 September 1940 - Bay of Biscay 0315 - Qu.4255BF - New course 90°. Have to reduce speed due to heavy swell. 0734 - U 65 sending contact report from SC.2: "Driven off by escorts. W8/7, poor visibility. - von Stockhausen - 1200 - Qu.4345BF - Days Run: ↗ 244.2sm (24h) 1436 - Evading neutral steamer, bearing 273°, on course 121°, 6-7kn, E=9000, on surface. 2115 - Outgoing F.T.: To B.d.U.: Will arrive Point "Lore", 7.9., 0300h. - RST - 2202 - Incoming F.T.: From B.d.U.: RST: Report when at Point "Lore" and continue on Approach Path "Herz" without escort. RST Kptlt.&Cmdr. |
U 112 Type IXB 1940/2020 - 1st War Patrol
**** KTB - U 112 Saturday, 7 September 1940 - Bay of Biscay 0004 - U-Stockhausen regaining contact to SC.2 and serving as contact keeper. 0255 - Outgoing F.T.: To B.d.U.: Reached Point "Lore". Arrival Lorient 8.9., 1200h. - RST - 0311 - "ALARM!" from twin engine aircraft approaching from 15°true. Flying over the boat on course 195°, turns back around on course 15° and detects the boat only when positioned right over it. On A-20 two bombs - no damages on A-Meter. Cmdr.: "I am very suspicious of the fact, that we get attacked by aircraft, right after reporting in from the escort point. Has its position location been compromised and can the enemy intercept our radio frequencies?". 0411 - Surfaced the boat after 1h and 3sm. 0610 - Charging batteries (7300Ah): Stbd.engine charging, 490rpm; Port engine propulsion, 396rpm, 9kn. 0810 - Batteries charged. 2h for 2700Ah. 2x285rpm, 8kn. 1200 - Qu.5277BF - Days Run: 184.1sm - ↗ 181.1sm (23h) - ↘ 3.0 (1h) 1800 - Norddeich Radio reporting about RAF raids on German held harbors in northern France preparing for Op.-"Sea Lion", "with little success". 2100 - 19sm south of Pen March. RST Kptlt.&Cmdr. |
U 112 Type IXB 1940/2020 - 1st War Patrol
**** KTB - U 112 Sunday, 8 September 1940 - Bay of Biscay - Third week at sea completed. 0118 - Qu.6178BF - German VIIC boat sighted on course ESE. Perhaps, patrolling the area in search of enemy submarines, as previously reported by U 58 (Schonder). 0300 - Diving for submerged cruise on A-20. Silent running, 1.6kn. 0524 - O₂=20%. 1104 - O₂=19%. 1145 - Surfaced the boat after 8h45min. and 13sm. ESE4/3, clear, light haze, vis.10000, >1000mb. 1154 - Boat ventilated. 1200 - Qu.6184BF - Days Run: 130.7sm - ↗ 117.7sm (15h 15') - ↘ 13.0 (8h 45') 1225 - Ile de Croix - Course 15°. 1320 - Entering Lorient without escort. Many ships burning and several of them sunk from what seems to have been an enemy air raid. Harbor entrance of Lorient protected by several patrol vessels, a AA-Cruiser and four aircraft, two of which are Me110. 1400 - Mooring boat at Isère. First war patrol with U 112 and 9th war patrol overall completed. RST Kptlt.&Cmdr. |
U 112 Type IXB 1940/2020 - 1st War Patrol
++++ KTB - U 112 The totals of this 1st war patrol with U 112 and 9th war patrol overall are: Traveled surfaced: 3917.6sm - 19 days, 2h Traveled submerged: 106.2sm - 2 days, 15h, 30min. Traveled total: 4023.8sm - 21 days, 17h, 30min. Torpedo hits: 17 Torpedo misses: 2 when the target ship was zig-zagging. Torpedo failures: 3 Eto (Pi-G7H) hit but failed to ignite, 2 of which, when the target ship was zig-zagging. 2 Aircraft Carriers sunk for 45170 BRT (HMS Ark Royal and HMS Furious), 4 laden tankers sunk for 54506 BRT, 2 merchants sunk for 13198 BRT and 1 steamer of 6311 BRT loaded with tanks torpedoed, for a grand total of 119185 BRT of sunk and torpedoed enemy shipping. Crash Dives: 3 - One from enemy aircraft after sending a position report from escort point "Lore" and two from convoy escorts during the attack run, in which course, the boat sustained 8.12% damage to its pressure hull. Bombs: 2 Fliebos were dropped by enemy aircraft onto the boat, inflicting no damage. RST Kptlt.&Cmdr. |
Great results!!
U 112 Type IXB 1940/2020 - 1st War Patrol
++++ KTB - U 112 Awards, Promotions & Crew Changes: Upon arrival in Lorient, I was promoted to Kapitän-Leutnant and the Senior Midshipman (j.g.) and acting L.I., was promoted to Ltnt.-Ing. and awarded with the E.K.I. He also, received additional Machinist Training in Lorient. The I.W.O., the II.W.O., the Quartermaster and both Warrant Machinists, received the E.K.II. Two other crew members were promoted and the rest of the crew received several awards. In all, one more E.K.I and 30 more E.K.II were given. A Fireman-E 3cl and the cook left the boat and were replaced by a Fireman-E 2cl and a new cook (Seaman 2cl). RST Kptlt.&Cmdr. |
Just sank Illustrious aircraft carrier with one torpedeo!:Kaleun_Thumbs_Up::Kaleun_Cheers:
Going to be a bit lazy with this as I have been playing a lot and not really posting. So U-94 has been a lot of fun was getting a ton of tonnage off the English and Irish coasts it was absolute bedlam. Would end up butchering a bunch of merchants and then duck out just as ASW assets showed up it was a grand ole' time through 40 to summer of 41.
Then near the end of 41 some big wig obviously started noting our success started shifting us way south along the Spanish coast. Then while we were still having success they tasked us for Gibraltar every. Single. Time. It was touch and go a lot with destroyers absolutely smothering us with depth charges and other fun toys. After last patrol on which we sank 6 merchants causing absolute pandemonium I decided it was time to fold before BdU got us all killed. So with the Americans entering the war I put in a transfer to 2. Flotille in Lorient and received command of a Type IXC U-802. First patrol has been good so far. Oddly enough they tasked us for just west of Ireland for some reason. Sank two merchants en route and got to try out the massive deck gun. It was fun. Just finished marking time off Ireland and we are steaming towards Canada for more lucrative hunting grounds. |
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