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Schwieger 09-28-10 08:38 PM


Originally Posted by frau kaleun (Post 1505097)

"Boo-shady" is totally my new slang term for "damaged," "messed up," or anything else of that nature.

"Hey, did you hear Lindsey Lohan is going back to rehab?"

"Yeah, that poor girl is totally boo-shady."

haha beschädigt?

frau kaleun 09-28-10 08:48 PM


Originally Posted by Schwieger (Post 1505115)
haha beschädigt?

I believe that is the actual German word used in the game. :yep:

However I am going to use boo-shady at every opportunity until it catches on or I get bored with it or forget about it entirely. Either of the latter two could happen at any moment of course. :O:

reignofdeath 09-28-10 09:21 PM

So I had a really odd and interesting patrol. It was February of 1940. I was ordered to patrol AN26
(Curse BDU for giving me shallow waters.. A'holes -_- as Frau Kaulen likes to say, that is Boo Shady :yeah:) So I get there and get notice of a convoy heading SSE from inbetween Scapa Flow and the island NE of it (not sure of the name) I make for a intercept and apparently they changed course because I couldnt find them. So I end up picking up a merchant contact. Lo and behold its a Ore Carrier, my lucky day. Four torps later she sunk (I fired a salvo because something didnt feel right, so I figured Id be sure) I started to head back when I pick up another contact, this time it was a ASW trawler steaming straight for me, this was going to get interesting. Considering he had heard me and I was in very shallow waters, I decided to fight him, I fired two torps that WOULD have hit had I not had auto-loading on and my bow torp room decided to load the STEAM eels I had in my extra reserve slots. So with a little luck and him chasing me, as well as zig zagging I fired my Aft eel (electric) with a magnetic switch, and caught him right in the middle as he was coming across my bow (zigging of course) sunk. Phew, time to whipe the sweat from my forehead. I started heading North again back to AN 26 and ended up meeting 2 more medium merchants, the rest of my torps were used and I sunk em. Leaving one torp left. So as I finished my patrol and was on my way home, I encountered a Large Merchant, and lined up and fired, forgetting again I was using steams, which she saw and dodged. Angerly I surfaced and pursued (it being early 1940) and sunk that SOB with my deck gun, 10,000 tons down to the bottom for me :) All in all, I got 34,000 grt on my patrol with 5 ships sunk, an interesting patrol for myself if I do say so myself. I even recieved an Iron Cross 2nd class :arrgh!: as well as a first class one, 2nd class one, many u boat war badges, and a promotion for my sailors. :rock: U-19 is going to try for another patrol tonight and see what magic she can work :yeah:

frau kaleun 09-28-10 10:14 PM


Originally Posted by USNSRCaseySmith (Post 1505153)
So I had a really odd and interesting patrol. It was February of 1940. I was ordered to patrol AN26
(Curse BDU for giving me shallow waters.. A'holes -_- as Frau Kaulen likes to say, that is Boo Shady :yeah:)

Yes! It's catching on!


So I get there and get notice of a convoy heading SSE from inbetween Scapa Flow and the island NE of it (not sure of the name)
Scapa's on the south side of the Orkneys, the islands just NE of those are the Shetlands.


All in all, I got 34,000 grt on my patrol with 5 ships sunk, an interesting patrol for myself if I do say so myself. I even recieved an Iron Cross 2nd class :arrgh!: as well as a first class one, 2nd class one, many u boat war badges, and a promotion for my sailors. :rock: U-19 is going to try for another patrol tonight and see what magic she can work :yeah:
Nice work, Herr Kaleun! :woot:

reignofdeath 09-28-10 10:20 PM

Scratch what I said, Im posting my patrol until tommorow, sleep calls my name tonight. night all :rock: lets hope my U-boat doesnt get all Boo-Shady like in Das-Boot. Then Ill be at the bottom of the ocean for quite some time :( haha sorry couldnt resist using it. Its quite catchy. Boo-Shady is now the new Bernard term, its catchy :up:

desirableroasted 09-29-10 08:30 AM


Originally Posted by USNSRCaseySmith (Post 1505153)
So I had a really odd and interesting patrol. Ore Carrier, my lucky day. Four torps later she sunk ... this time it was a ASW trawler... sunk... ended up meeting 2 more medium merchants... sunk em. Leaving one torp left.... encountered a Large Merchant, and lined up and fired, forgetting again I was using steams, which she saw and dodged. Angerly I surfaced and pursued (it being early 1940) and sunk that SOB with my deck gun, 10,000 tons down to the bottom for me :) All in all, I got 34,000 grt on my patrol with 5 ships sunk

Pretty odd and interesting patrol, since those ships add up to only about 28K.

Great patrol, bad sea story.

Your ration at the O-club just got halved.

reignofdeath 09-29-10 09:12 AM


Originally Posted by desirableroasted (Post 1505475)
Pretty odd and interesting patrol, since those ships add up to only about 28K.

Great patrol, bad sea story.

Your ration at the O-club just got halved.

A) I can show you the patrol logs.

B) I told it off the top of my head, Im sorry if I dont remember every exact detail of which ship and how many tons it was worth.

C) In case you don't remember, SH3 Commander randomizes the tonnage of each ship so even though they might not add up to 28k to you, I may have gotten lucky and got the higher tonnages.

:down: Boo for you, Ill take my ration back tyvm.

LiveGoat 09-29-10 10:43 AM

That's probably it but to my cracker ears it sounds like boo-shady. :DL


Originally Posted by Schwieger (Post 1505115)
haha beschädigt?

frau kaleun 09-29-10 10:58 AM


Originally Posted by LiveGoat (Post 1505566)
That's probably it but to my cracker ears it sounds like boo-shady. :DL

It is - das Boot ist beschädigt means the boat is damaged.

Of course now I'm going to be hearing Boo-Shady as well every time my LI says it. :D

Edit: I just realized there's probably a file somewhere that controls the text in the text panel. I wonder if there's a line for "the boat is damaged" that can be changed to "the boat is boo-shady"...

reignofdeath 09-29-10 02:29 PM


Originally Posted by frau kaleun (Post 1505581)
It is - das Boot ist beschädigt means the boat is damaged.

Of course now I'm going to be hearing Boo-Shady as well every time my LI says it. :D

Edit: I just realized there's probably a file somewhere that controls the text in the text panel. I wonder if there's a line for "the boat is damaged" that can be changed to "the boat is boo-shady"...

Lmao. Please please do that. And the make your own complete lingo, that would be great "Kaptain, we be diving down to mmm bout 15 meters yo!" that would make it interesting to watch :P

frau kaleun 09-29-10 02:43 PM


Originally Posted by USNSRCaseySmith (Post 1505730)
Lmao. Please please do that. And the make your own complete lingo, that would be great "Kaptain, we be diving down to mmm bout 15 meters yo!" that would make it interesting to watch :P

Doing anything with the voices would be beyond my skills - but if I could find the file that controls the text that comes along with them... if there is such a file and it's possible to edit it.

We actually had a thread going a while back about rewriting all in-game radio messages in Lolcat:

From: BdU
To: U-57

Oh hai! We can haz invaded Polandz. Frants an Englund sez, dey see wut we did dere. Iz torpedo time? IZ TORPEDO TIME!

captaindnnis 09-29-10 02:52 PM

Name: Ernst Odzuck
Rank Lt Z. S
Status: At sea during patrol 1
Date After Saturday , Jan 2 1943
U-boot : U-535, Type IXC
10th Flotilla, Lorient
Patrol AM34

That's what im up to atm btw, do any 1 know how to make screenshot's with SH3? stock
and were there saved if its buyed with steam


reignofdeath 09-29-10 05:12 PM


Originally Posted by frau kaleun (Post 1505736)
Doing anything with the voices would be beyond my skills - but if I could find the file that controls the text that comes along with them... if there is such a file and it's possible to edit it.

Im sure there would be, I mean, it IS scripted to appear in a certain way at certain times, so there would have to be a text file SOMEWHERE, the trick is to find it :P


Originally Posted by captaindnnis (Post 1505742)
Name: Ernst Odzuck
Rank Lt Z. S
Status: At sea during patrol 1
Date After Saturday , Jan 2 1943
U-boot : U-535, Type IXC
10th Flotilla, Lorient
Patrol AM34

That's what im up to atm btw, do any 1 know how to make screenshot's with SH3? stock
and were there saved if its buyed with steam


Dunno mate, but you gotta get GWX 3.0 it makes the game 10 times better :woot::woot:

Madox58 09-29-10 05:40 PM

contains the messages you see.
de_menu.txt for German.
fr_menu.txt for French.
They are in the Menu folder.
Imagine that.

reignofdeath 09-29-10 06:11 PM


Originally Posted by privateer (Post 1505829)
contains the messages you see.
de_menu.txt for German.
fr_menu.txt for French.
They are in the Menu folder.
Imagine that.

Its a conspiracy! :hmmm:

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