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Kal_Maximus_U669 10-10-22 01:44 PM

Onealex mod
Goodnight all :D:D
We all start away: - With those who don't read the instructions provided by kyle9154 and my friend FUBAR295 in this thread... I'm sorry to disappoint you. Read the dates here my friends ... so let's stop saying that it doesn't work or what if it ..!!!. When we play this type of mod we read in order to configure and understand what we are doing.. .the instructions are provided in the mod .. when you look for them of course ...!!!
When everything is set there is no problem...
(I stopped shortly after the hostilities in Ukraine knowing that "Alex has always updated his will understand that he is busy at the moment, isn't it..)
see it in picture here:yep:
In patrol here..

Deadmode 10-10-22 02:11 PM


Originally Posted by Kal_Maximus_U669 (Post 2831899)
Goodnight all :D:D
We all start away: - With those who don't read the instructions provided by kyle9154 and my friend FUBAR295 in this thread... I'm sorry to disappoint you. Read the dates here my friends ... so let's stop saying that it doesn't work or what if it ..!!!. When we play this type of mod we read in order to configure and understand what we are doing.. .the instructions are provided in the mod .. when you look for them of course ...!!!
When everything is set there is no problem...
(I stopped shortly after the hostilities in Ukraine knowing that "Alex has always updated his will understand that he is busy at the moment, isn't it..)
see it in picture here:yep:


If you're trying to insinuate that the reason my game fails to load is because I didn't install the mod correctly then I'm afraid you are mistaken. I followed the instructions to the letter as I know from previous experience with SH3 and modpacks that being blasé is not advised.

Also, with such a weak search function it makes it basically impossible to find the answer I need easily, so I have to read the thread in its entirety. If you expect me to manually scan 101 pages of this thread covering the last 15 months of discussion for a solution then, again, you're mistaken.

But, I have to offer my congratulations that your game works. That clearly shows that anyone having issues getting this mod to run must be at fault. Thanks for you help. /s

Kal_Maximus_U669 10-10-22 02:22 PM


Originally Posted by Deadmode (Post 2831905)
If you're trying to insinuate that the reason my game fails to load is because I didn't install the mod correctly then I'm afraid you are mistaken. I followed the instructions to the letter as I know from previous experience with SH3 and modpacks that being blasé is not advised.

Also, with such a weak search function it makes it basically impossible to find the answer I need easily, so I have to read the thread in its entirety. If you expect me to manually scan 101 pages of this thread covering the last 15 months of discussion for a solution then, again, you're mistaken.

But, I have to offer my congratulations that your game works. That clearly shows that anyone having issues getting this mod to run must be at fault. Thanks for you help. /s

"If you're trying to imply that the reason my game isn't loading is that I didn't install the mod correctly, I'm afraid you're wrong."
I don't know who is wrong here since the opposite has brought you up... :yep::yep: beware the devil is in the details..:D:D

"If you're expecting me to manually scan 101 pages of this thread spanning the last 15 months of discussion for a solution, then again, you're wrong."
So you put your chances of playing to's up to you...after all...!!
Today the modders "chew" you job believe me... before we had a compilation all prepared ask the elders here

How do you think I did in the past.. when you love, you don't count.. I searched and read quite a bit, believe me..
What are you bumping into...? don't you have a problem in your machine...?
defender or other antivirus which is useless most of the time..!!!
be careful with Hsie..

See documentation in the mods but the pdf is in Russian with a good translator.. no need to search for all the sections that interest you only.
let's have a little courage my friend... that must not be very bad :salute:

Deadmode 10-10-22 03:14 PM

I wish I could thank you for your help but instead you chose to be a weirdly aggressive person who decides to mock someone instead of offering assistance.

Thankfully, I have other versions of SH3 (normal GWX and LSH3) that work just fine, likely showing that the problem isn't with my machine but this mod. I guess I'll just go back to playing those.

Oh, and one last thing, when you are part of a niche community playing a niche set of archaic games kept alive purely by the community - how about turning down the hostility to those trying to join the community and play said games but are encountering issues. If you really want to ensure that anyone wanting to experience SH3 and these modpacks runs for the hills instead then keep up your attitude.

What a joke.

Kal_Maximus_U669 10-10-22 03:23 PM

Ecoute mon amie tu a eu plusieurs indications.. si tu ne sais lire entre les lignes..est blaguer ..c est ton affaire je ne voulais pas t offenser...
puisque ce je jeux est archaïque que fait tu ici...??? qui est la blague ici...retoune a ta console..
maintenant je clos ce sujet stérile..:har::har:

Tonci87 10-10-22 03:33 PM

Humor is sometimes very difficult to convey through written text. I think you two guys just misunderstood each other and no disrespect was intended.

@Deadmode. Nobody can know if you are an experienced user or just a random person who didn´t bother to read the instructions. Believe me, the second category can be observed very often and is usually quite annoying.

Why don´t you try again by explaining you issue with a detailed report.
Version of the mod used? Do you use other mods? When does the game crash? Does it crash on a fresh career?

@Kal_Maximus_U669 Don´t just assume that somebody didn´t read the instructions (although I´ll admit you would be right most of the time). Try to help.

kyle9154 10-10-22 04:11 PM


Originally Posted by Deadmode (Post 2831919)
I wish I could thank you for your help but instead you chose to be a weirdly aggressive person who decides to mock someone instead of offering assistance.

Thankfully, I have other versions of SH3 (normal GWX and LSH3) that work just fine, likely showing that the problem isn't with my machine but this mod. I guess I'll just go back to playing those.

Oh, and one last thing, when you are part of a niche community playing a niche set of archaic games kept alive purely by the community - how about turning down the hostility to those trying to join the community and play said games but are encountering issues. If you really want to ensure that anyone wanting to experience SH3 and these modpacks runs for the hills instead then keep up your attitude.

What a joke.

I responded to you on Onealex discord but if you follow these saves games rules then you should have less issues.

Good practices to ensure a stable save:
1. Never save while submerged.
2. Never save around any ship/airplane within 20-50 km.
3. Never save within 50 km of a sunken ship.
4. Never save while gramophone music is playing.
5. Never save during torpedo loading or repairs.
6. Never use Alt + TAB during a patrol.
7. Never scroll to far east into Russia in NAV map or will cause CTD.
8. Only save/exit game in NAV map or command room view.
9. Have multiple saves per patrol incase last one is corrupt so you can revert to a previous point in your patrol

If you keep crashing then it leads me to believe something interfering like old files from previous install or something of the sort.

Deadmode 10-10-22 08:56 PM


Originally Posted by Kal_Maximus_U669 (Post 2831923)
Ecoute mon amie tu a eu plusieurs indications.. si tu ne sais lire entre les lignes..est blaguer ..c est ton affaire je ne voulais pas t offenser...
puisque ce je jeux est archaïque que fait tu ici...??? qui est la blague ici...retoune a ta console..
maintenant je clos ce sujet stérile..:har::har:

Interesting. You blame me for not being able to tell from your poor attempt at humour that you were joking and didn't mean to offend.
Then you fixate on the use of the word 'archaic', jump to conclusions about why I used that word and then proceed to use that to try and offend me again. You go from apologetic (but not really) to defensive and abrasive at the flick of a switch. Maybe this is this another 'joke' or rather you do mean to offend and are just someone who likes to gatekeep and belittle those he thinks are below him because he has a working version of a modpack.

About you noticing the word 'archaic'. You noticed that detail but failed to notice that I play other modpacks of SH3 and that I have been a lurking member here since 2019. Stop kneejerking and pay attention to what people are writing and you'll tell I'm no 'console' user who happened to take a wrong turn and finds himself in a strange forum, out of his depth. Hmm, paying attention to what people have written - wasn't that your own advice?


Originally Posted by Tonci87 (Post 2831924)
Humor is sometimes very difficult to convey through written text. I think you two guys just misunderstood each other and no disrespect was intended.

No, I think he just likes to attack people and then call it humour, judging by the bait-and-switch of his last comment.


Originally Posted by Tonci87 (Post 2831924)
@Deadmode. Nobody can know if you are an experienced user or just a random person who didn´t bother to read the instructions. Believe me, the second category can be observed very often and is usually quite annoying.

Random people or not, this type of warm welcome can only hurt the community. I would recommend that Kal_Maximus_U669 is encouraged not to be the first point-of-contact for newcomers to your forums and have someone with a little more tact be responsible for sounding out their issues and directing them accordingly.

I'm sure you're aware of this, but modding modern games is a breeze compared to getting these old, fragile and fussy games to work reliably. The process is actually very alien to many who only have experience in games from the last decade and the documentation is not as well written as is being touted here, especially when language limitations are also present.
Showing a little more patience to those struggling but showing interest in your games and modpacks would go a long way.


Originally Posted by kyle9154 (Post 2831930)
|I responded to you on Onealex discord

Thanks mate. I'll respond to you there. I appreciate the help without the pre-judgment and conclusion-jumping that sounds like the normal precedent here these days.

Kal_Maximus_U669 10-11-22 08:11 AM

The hidden member
It seems to me that this gentleman tells us that he knows what he is talking about...
I quote
Originally posted by Deadmode View Post
If you're trying to imply that the reason my game isn't loading is that I didn't install the mod correctly, I'm afraid you're wrong. I followed the instructions to the letter as I know from experience with SH3 and modpacks that being jaded is not advisable. 'affirmation'

So since that's how these backups don't work... I recommended you it seems to me to be careful with "Hsie" watch your anti virus... etc... that's the experience...

I quote
Also, with such a weak search function, it's almost impossible to easily find the answer I need, so I have to read the entire thread. If you're expecting me to manually scan 101 pages of this thread spanning the last 15 months of discussion for a solution, then again, you're wrong. 'affirmation'

how can you help yourself if this gentleman does not want to read...?

But, I must offer my congratulations that your game works. This makes it clear that anyone having trouble getting this mod to work must be at fault. Thank you for your help. /s

keep your congratulations...yes this mod works. When you take the time to read...
But sir remains camped in "affirmations" says to have experience... that the problem does not come from his assembly...

I quote you
No, I think he just likes to attack people and then call it humor, judging by the bait and switch of his last comment.

you make me laugh with your counter-psychology...
Really, you tell me that it's an archaic niche game.... Why this archaic game doesn't work and resists you...!!! for a man of experience it is astonishing...!!! that's not how we support the community..
since it seems we can't teach you anything.... what do you want..

I quote you
Random people or not, this kind of warm welcome can only hurt the community. I would recommend that Kal_Maximus_U669 be encouraged not to be the first point of contact for newcomers to your forums and that someone with a little more tact be tasked with probing their issues and directing them accordingly.

Now who are you to recommend me here..?
Personally I don't judge you and don't give instructions to others here about a little respect please my gas...(I didn't herd the cows with you)
Know my dear friend that I have already helped more than once here and elsewhere...
People who want to find the problems in their installation in order to play the mod.. because they watch.. read. Execute the explanations provided...
Now I support Onealex mods since the beginning of its implementation here...I exchange with Alex...because even I am here for information in order to understand what I am doing..

“Being a little more patient with those who are struggling, but caring about your games and modpacks would go a long way”

I do it willingly with people who read and understand..
Listen you're tiring me out.. I've had enough...
I quote:
"Interesting. You blame me for not being able to infer from your poor attempt at humor that you were joking and did not intend to offend.
Then you focus on using the word "archaic", jump to conclusions about why I used that word, and then keep using it to try to offend me again. You go from apologetic (but not really) to defensive and abrasive in a jiffy. Maybe this is another "joke" or rather you want to offend and are just someone who likes to watch and drop those he thinks are below him because he has a working version of a modpack .

About you noticing the word "archaic". You noticed this detail, but you didn't notice that I'm playing other SH3 modpacks and I've been a hidden member here since 2019. Stop rushing and watch what people write and you'll say I don't am not a "console" user. who has taken the wrong way and finds himself in a strange stand, out of his reach. Hmm, be careful what people wrote - wasn't that your own advice?"

With your hasty conclusions, to "The cookie cutter" especially the last part... you're still Psy maybe...?
I like the story of the masked member... then when you tell me to be careful what people write then.... it's the height for someone who doesn't like to read...
I won't continue this useless stupid gossip debate...
you can thank kyle9154 for helping you...

Deadmode 10-11-22 09:40 AM

You're unbelievable.

Not only can you not comprehend anything I'm saying at all but you also have such a poor grasp of english that your replies are bonderline incomprehensible.

I'll assume that everything that has occurred here is due to the language barrier and not you being a complete arsehole. That's called 'giving you the benefit of the doubt', even though I fear that it's misplaced.

Although you feel confident that what you are doing is 'helping', I assure you it's not. It's the complete opposite, in fact. For a great example of how to be helpful, see 'kyle9154's approach - he supplies potential solutions to my issue without any of the attitude, judgement, assumptions or mockery you used.

Regarding any further issues with this mod, I will be using the discord so that hopefully I don't come across you again in the future, because you are incredibly insufferable - language barrier or not.

FUBAR295 10-11-22 09:50 AM

You both need to stop, step back and take a deep breath. :yep:

kyle9154 10-11-22 10:09 AM


Originally Posted by FUBAR295 (Post 2832045)
You both need to stop, step back and take a deep breath. :yep:

Yeah agreed, starting to get out of hand and it's true Kal is hard to understand at the best of times. As for his attitude what do you expect...he's french Mon Ami lol....just kidding Kal but to be serious let's focus on the mod here and not personal arguments. It never helps where there's drama, gets you no where.

Jimbuna 10-11-22 10:17 AM

That's quite enough thank you. Take it to PM's and refrain from posting your disagreements in public.

I thank you both in advance for your cooperation.

propbeanie 10-11-22 11:47 AM


Originally Posted by Ardaeshir (Post 2826841)
... when I launch the SH3.exe file (the one in the onealex path at C:\SH3 - NOT the steam version) both intro movies play fine, but after the 2nd intro movie the following prompt appears:

Two ways that can happen (that I can remember). Number one is that you do not have the DirectX v9.0c library installed. You could try that from the Microsoft Download Center. It has the parts which SH3 needs. I have my doubts though, that it is at issue here, since you have the Steam version installed, which should have put the proper files in Windows system... Another possible fix is by noodling with the Properties settings on the SH3.exe file. Some experimentation might be required here, since no two computers are alike. Navigate into your SH3 game install folder that you modded, and select the SH3.exe file. Right-click on the file, and choose "Properties" at the bottom of the resultant context menu. That will open the Properties dialog to the General tab. Click on the "Compatibility" tab, and change the "Compatibility Mode". On one computer, I am set to WinXP SP2, on another, only Win7 works. YMMV.

In that picture above, it is an SH4 install in Win10, but the same applies for SH3 and / or Win11. On all of my Silent Hunter installs, I have "Disable fullscreen optimizations" ticked. On most machines, I have "Run this program as administrator". On all machine, I had to click on the "Change high DPI settings" button, which then opens that 'top' window you see there, and I clicked on "Override high DPI scaling..." and chose "Application".

You also should match the display settings in the mod with your computer. If a mod is using a 1920x1080 widescreen utility, your computer must be capable of that. If you try to run on a 1372x768 or similar laptop, it will usually fail. On some computers, you can get by with "Windowed mode", but I cannot get that to fly for SH3 on my computers. I end up with a re-sized screen that only shows maybe a third of what the game is trying to run...

As for another user unable to get a good "Search" on the site, use an external Search engine, and plug-in " SearchTerm SearchTerm" and see if you don't get more appropriate hits. One also cannot forget that there are multiple native languages for members on the site, and "Translate" does not always do a good job translating the idiosyncrasies of the written language. The main thing, as always, is PAY ATTENTION TO THE MODERATORS!!!

Originally Posted by Jimbuna (Post 2832050)
That's quite enough thank you. Take it to PM's and refrain from posting your disagreements in public.

I thank you both in advance for your cooperation.

Halogen 10-18-22 10:20 PM

Random CTD again
Lately in this mod the game just wont let me start a new career without crashing to desktop.
The part that confuses me is I didnt change anything from the last time it didnt cash, so Im lost as to what the problem could be :k_confused:

JerseySeven 10-27-22 05:07 PM


Originally Posted by Halogen (Post 2829604)
Yeah same I think it has to do with this version of the mod, since it never did that before

Do you mean v1.52? I've been playing v1.48 with no problems but have been thinking of doing a new install with 1.52. Is v1.51 OK?


Doolar 10-27-22 11:45 PM

1.52 works great, no issues here

CapZap1970 10-28-22 10:04 AM


Originally Posted by Doolar (Post 2834768)
1.52 works great, no issues here

Same here... :yep:

FUBAR295 10-28-22 11:21 AM

Worked right out of the box and no issues using 1.52. For GWX, it is about the best mod you can utilize.

JerseySeven 10-29-22 12:09 PM

Thanks captains! I decided to give 1.52 a try, and am enjoying it. It definitely is one of the best super mods.

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