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Woolfman 10-29-21 07:23 PM

Where exactly is this MOD located?

Dieselglock 10-29-21 07:58 PM


Originally Posted by Woolfman (Post 2776419)
Where exactly is this MOD located?

The latest version is always available from Alex's You tube channel.

kyle9154 10-29-21 08:23 PM


Originally Posted by Mad Mardigan (Post 2776411)
What I am about to say, is NOT, I repeat, NOT to be construed, as to knocking your work here... BUT... you do realize that you are not alone in liking to take screenshots.... I trust.?

Know that some feel that the use of ext. cam's, is in effect.. cheating.. but, it is also a "tool" to get some great snaps of a players/simmer's fantastic action, as well, OneAlex.

A small suggestion... perhaps invest a bit of time to look at making the blurred out, ext. cam view... an optional mod, so that those who "chose" NOT to activate it where the ext. cam is able to be used, may chose to do so... & those that decide to have it available.. may also do so..

Just a.. suggestion.


M. M.

As Onealex said the blur is tied to periscope vibration so all you have to do is go into .hsie ini file and edit this, make it a value of 7 or something and it will stop it when you crash dive as its tied to your speed.

Mad Mardigan 10-29-21 09:39 PM


Originally Posted by kyle9154 (Post 2776428)
As Onealex said the blur is tied to periscope vibration so all you have to do is go into .hsie ini file and edit this, make it a value of 7 or something and it will stop it when you crash dive as its tied to your speed.

That refers to the blur being assigned to the periscope view cam... the free cam view... never had that blur attached to that view... This, is the view that is being referred to by the originator of asking about that view... & what led to, My "suggestion" of maybe see of taking that & making it into an... optional mod to either having it be there... or NOT, dependent on the player's choice... :hmmm:

I, for 1... enjoy having the capability, of having that view... "blur free" in order to take snap shots.. as I know, others do as well. That, also is applicable, to the "next/previous" views, as well. :yep:
I don't always make use of it.. but when the targets a notable one... I do rather like having the option to be able to capture a screen shot/s of the.. event.

Hopefully this helps clear up the misconception of what is being... discussed here. :shucks:


M. M.

ivanov.ruslan 10-29-21 11:24 PM


Originally Posted by Ghost Dog (Post 2776408)
When submerged and switching to external camera, the screen is blurry. Like the ‘wet’ effect isn’t washing off. If I move the camera underwater it clears up, but if I move back above the surface it goes back to wet/blurry again.

Try with this fix

Unfortunately, this is not the case, i tried it

ivanov.ruslan 10-30-21 02:40 AM

It turned out that at a value of 18 = 15, the blurred effect in the external camera disappears, apparently in crash dive, when the u-boot is almost submerged, a speed of 10-11 knots is reached, which automatically triggers the blurred effect, at a value of 18 <15, or 13-15

Apparently there is some connection between the periscope camera and the external camera

Onealex 10-30-21 04:42 AM

On players request blur effect has been removed from external camera settings. The main link has been updated.

ivanov.ruslan 10-30-21 08:10 AM

Is this camera correction for both resolutions?

One more question, is it possible to play with 2048 compression?

Onealex 10-30-21 08:47 AM


Originally Posted by ivanov.ruslan (Post 2776474)
Is this camera correction for both resolutions?

One more question, is it possible to play with 2048 compression?

1 1920*1080
2 Yes

ivanov.ruslan 10-30-21 08:53 AM


Onealex 10-30-21 09:32 AM


Originally Posted by ivanov.ruslan (Post 2776474)
Is this camera correction for both resolutions?

Now for both )

ivanov.ruslan 10-30-21 09:59 AM

Many thanks!

Woolfman 10-30-21 10:02 AM

found it

Originally Posted by Dieselglock (Post 2776424)
The latest version is always available from Alex's You tube channel.

:Kaleun_Salute:Ahhhh...thank you for the reply. I'll check it out once I return to base.

ivanov.ruslan 10-30-21 12:38 PM

With the cameras ok, but it's time to hunt :yeah:

ivanov.ruslan 10-30-21 12:56 PM

dex 10-31-21 03:40 PM

about French navy
Greetings Onealex...Is it posible maybe in future update to put some French navy ships in action

Onealex 10-31-21 04:35 PM


Originally Posted by dex (Post 2776652)
Greetings Onealex...Is it posible maybe in future update to put some French navy ships in action

No. French ships will not be added

Onealex 11-02-21 12:41 PM

Fix for GWX Onealex Edition 1.51. The main link has been updated.
1 Correction of hotkeys.
2 The manual has been updated. Added a detailed description of the hotkeys.

Randomizer 11-02-21 01:49 PM

Thanks! I actually failed to notice a problem.


Lugermann 11-05-21 12:26 AM


This mod is excellent!

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