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nikimcbee 03-14-19 10:11 PM

I predict Neal's productivity drops tomorrow.:Kaleun_Cheers:
Game looks amazing:Kaleun_Salute:

bstanko6 03-15-19 01:30 AM

Did it come out? Still dont see it for sale!

THE_MASK 03-15-19 01:50 AM


Originally Posted by bstanko6 (Post 2597093)
Did it come out? Still dont see it for sale!

Game will unlock in 8 hours .

bstanko6 03-15-19 01:56 AM

Oh come on!

dangrey 03-15-19 07:36 AM

Is it possible to play/ launch this game alone? I know there aren't bots yet, but I just wonder if it's possible to start the game, or if there is only "start multiplayer game" or "join multiplayer game".

If I can play the game and run around myself, and control things in the sub, it's an early access buy for me, or else I will wait for the bots.


Usurpator 03-15-19 07:50 AM


Originally Posted by dangrey (Post 2597162)
Is it possible to play/ launch this game alone? I know there aren't bots yet, but I just wonder if it's possible to start the game, or if there is only "start multiplayer game" or "join multiplayer game".

If I can play the game and run around myself, and control things in the sub, it's an early access buy for me, or else I will wait for the bots.


It is possible to launch the game alone :)

Usurpator 03-15-19 07:52 AM


Originally Posted by bstanko6 (Post 2597064)

The game will cost:

A: $ 34.99 (USD)
£ 27.79 (GBP)
€ 29.99 (EUR)
₽ 619 (RUB)
¥ 3600 (YEN)

redcoat22 03-15-19 09:57 AM

Good luck guys, this is very exciting.

von faust 03-15-19 10:05 AM

I've got it !!!!!!!!!!!!! :Kaleun_Salute:

brian4s 03-15-19 10:48 AM

Someone needs to record their experience and post it up! Will be buying tonight. Will there be enough players?

derstosstrupp 03-15-19 01:47 PM

Just read the manual - I’m incredibly impressed. The level of detail shows dedicated research on the part of the devs.

For example, we now have the first true-to-life simulation of the German TDC in a subsim- the feature always left out was that the TDC would update AOB for changes in the u-boat’s course. This feature is a game-changer if wanting to use realistic tactics such as shooting while turning (Schuß im Abdrehen), and now we have it.

Also looking at the range chart in the manual I can tell it is based on a Kriegsmarine table I have seen in my own research. Great stuff.

Well well well done here, can’t say it enough!:Kaleun_Thumbs_Up:

Gewehr98 03-15-19 03:36 PM

Does almost every mission start at night? any daytime scenarios available yet?

RoloIrrompible 03-15-19 04:30 PM


Originally Posted by Gewehr98 (Post 2597266)
Does almost every mission start at night? any daytime scenarios available yet?

I play only two mission, but both were during the day...

jimmie 03-17-19 03:03 AM

Incredible! Congraturations!

Berlichingens 03-18-19 12:27 AM


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