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ZeeWolf 11-26-09 12:09 PM


Originally Posted by torpedochief (Post 1209293)
Hey Zee!

Wow this is exciting stuff! Whne do you see a release date?


D. Clayton Meadows
Author of

Thanks Mr. Meadows
I want to release something for Christmas as an appreciation for the
support. As for the add-ons it may be a at best few months away. I was
thinking at first I would release some freebies along with a few models
(for a reasonable price) as a stop gap between (for me) a major release.
I've become convinced, that would prepare and initialize the beginnings of
an efficient support foundation, something I am determined must be a
crucial part of any release. Please stay in touch.

Happy Thanksgiving,



ZeeWolf 11-26-09 12:15 PM


Originally Posted by Freiwillige (Post 1209346)
My work is done. I have sent word to every site I know including Subsim.

May this bring great new things herr kaleun!

Gott Mit du!:salute:

Danke schone Kamaraden! I believe He is.

Panzer IIIs I call them Tiger Cubs

Dowly 11-26-09 12:24 PM

Awesome stuff! :rock:

Will you be keeping those SS camo uniforms on the soldiers? Would be nice to see normal tunics aswell. :hmmm:

ZeeWolf 11-26-09 12:29 PM


Originally Posted by Hitman (Post 1209349)
This project looks awesome, and really gets my attention to this sim :up:

But a very important question -which has been so far a very limiting factor in these sims- is: How many units at a time in the battlefield can the game engine cope with? Can we expect to be able to recreate the massive tank battles of that era if we have a good computer and videocard, or will it all be scaled down to a much smaller size? :wah:

Thanks Hitman,

I've fought in a battle of sixty (60) T-34 and Su-85s. Of course I died :cry:
but I think I've learned my lesson.

The massive tank battle is a major goal. I have yet to experiment more
on the game engine maximum, but I will do my best to make sure that I
can do all I can to enhance that maximize that number.

Happy Thanksgiving,

Note: that the explosion effect has been tweeked.

ZeeWolf 11-26-09 12:48 PM


Originally Posted by Mikhayl (Post 1209375)
Hi Zee, with all that good stuff you have there, do you have some insight, guidelines, pointers, anything, regarding import of new playable units?


Hi Mikhay,
Yes as a matter of fact I do- here's a peak :03:
Best Regards

ZeeWolf 11-26-09 12:54 PM


Originally Posted by FC (Post 1209410)
First I want to just say Thank You, I bought the game as soon as it was released with very high hopes of a realistic tank Sim, I was soon very dissapointed with not only the game but lack of support from the developers. I stowed the game on the shelf and figured it was just wasted money. I was very Happy to see that you are bringing this back to life and from the posts so far this looks amazing.
Again Thank You for all the effort and hard work it must of taken to get to this point.

Thank you FC,
I promise you I'll put "Fighten Commies" in your FC.:salute:

Happy Thanksgiving!

ZeeWolf 11-26-09 01:17 PM


Originally Posted by MajorMagee (Post 1209443)
I was part of the original Beta Test team, and was rather disappointed that they ignored most of the help we offered to get this right the first time. If there is anything I can do to help either project, please just let me know. :cool:

That is awesome MajorMagee, I don't even know where to begin.
Maybe if you tell me some of the things that where ignored that
you could give me a heads-up on. That would be a good start.

Your Help Wanted!

PS: If you can't help me with that, well maybe :DL

ZeeWolf 11-26-09 01:26 PM


Originally Posted by Dowly (Post 1209516)
Awesome stuff! :rock:

Will you be keeping those SS camo uniforms on the soldiers? Would be nice to see normal tunics aswell. :hmmm:

Thanks Dowly,
Yes, they will be there, I will put up some stuff for the stock guys too.

Best Regards

Mikhayl 11-26-09 01:27 PM

Well I figured you did, I hoped for some specifics :) I read that the export plugin is designed for Maya 5, is this correct? If it is it's kind of a problem, as Maya 5 was released in 2003 I think, I have no idea where to find that thing nowadays.

tHeBaLrOgRoCkS 11-26-09 02:15 PM

So I guess the real questions to ask you, Zee, are

Is there a point of anyone else doing any kind of mod work on T-34 until you finish?

If yes what would you like to see?

As you are aware the game is highly sensitive about scripts and any other mods could well cause a clash with your own, although multiple installs are possible but become tiresome.

Do you need modelers?

If so I am sure there are plenty of folk out there with models we would all like to see in game. I myself am anxious for a universal carrier :rock: with mortar or of course possibly the flame throwing version. :salute:

With the above in mind would take submissions of models you have not already started on to increase the catalog of Armour in game?

Of course I assume these would be released in the pending or future mission packs and I guess you would be willing to reimburse any modelers that were deemed by yourself as suitable suppliers.

I assume you are aware that as soon as your models are released it is a simple matter to incorporate them into the multiplayer game aspect of T34 and how do you feel about this?

Currently the only hindrance I have been able to discern to using non playable models in multiplayer is a script based one. But I think with enough understanding of the scripting syntax it is not impossible to have co-op based multiplayer games in fact that is a goal that I have been working towards in my own small way and I know it was a goal of others also.

Your obvious skills with regard to the rigging and importing of models into the game engine has pretty much removed the necessity for me to learn maya. But have you made any attempts to use your models in multiplayer? If so is there any point in me continuing to work on making non player models work in multiplayer? Do you have any insights in that direction that you would be willing to share?

Finally have you managed to resolve the issue of ambient sound effects such as wind in trees rivers running and the deathly silence that occurs when you switch of your engine?

Many thanks for all your prompt responses and I look forward to seeing more of your work and if possible some in cockpit shots of some of your planned new additions to the playable lists.

All the best Balrog

ZeeWolf 11-26-09 02:34 PM


Originally Posted by Mikhayl (Post 1209556)
Well I figured you did, I hoped for some specifics :) I read that the export plugin is designed for Maya 5, is this correct? If it is it's kind of a problem, as Maya 5 was released in 2003 I think, I have no idea where to find that thing nowadays.

I would wright a letter to Alias or Wavefront and or checkout the collages
and trade schools that teach the 3d stuff if they could dig up a copy and
set you up. Then once you get setup learn the program, then let me know.
By that time I probably won't consider the TvT stuff I learned a trade secret :03:

Best Regards,

Freiwillige 11-26-09 02:42 PM

The original developers went the road of game balance Vs. historical accuracy. Monstrous Tigers were no more a threat than the t-34-85 and often even in head on duels at 2,000 yards they would often crack your armor. There seemed to be no reason to drive the Tiger at all when they could just charge head on and knock you out without having to flank your position.

Thankfully some modders changed that and put it closer to historical spec

Mikhayl 11-26-09 03:00 PM


Originally Posted by ZeeWolf (Post 1209576)
I would wright a letter to Alias or Wavefront and or checkout the collages
and trade schools that teach the 3d stuff if they could dig up a copy and
set you up. Then once you get setup learn the program, then let me know.
By that time I probably won't consider the TvT stuff I learned a trade secret :03:

Best Regards,

Well I don't need to learn Maya, I'd just keep using 3dsmax and use Maya only to export the final product. But if the exporter is indeed limited to Maya 5 it sure is going to be a long time before I get a copy so I guess I'll have to stick to SF.

Freiwillige 11-26-09 03:22 PM

And can I have an elephant?

Used in Kursk!

VAseMkIII 11-26-09 03:27 PM


PM'd ya

Lieste 11-26-09 04:00 PM


Originally Posted by Freiwillige (Post 1209592)
And can I have an elephant?

Used in Kursk!

The Elephant was not used at Kursk. Although the same vehicles did see service as the Ferdinand there.

There are numerous minor improvements made to the vehicles during the rebuilds, and the handful of Elephants were more useful than the original Ferdinands, even if only available in even more limited numbers.

Total production was around 90 Ferdinands, and only those that survived Kursk were rebuilt into the later Elephant.

ZeeWolf 11-26-09 04:47 PM


Originally Posted by tHeBaLrOgRoCkS (Post 1209569)
So I guess the real questions to ask you, Zee, are

Is there a point of anyone else doing any kind of mod work on T-34 until you finish?

If yes what would you like to see?

1. In Editor a fix for the roads tool.

2. A separate layer and content file for default structures, cites, towns and bridges
rail stations and airfields etc..

3. Winter and fall season change ability.

4. Progressive time change. Day and night with weather conditions.

that's a few off the top of my head.


Originally Posted by tHeBaLrOgRoCkS (Post 1209569)
As you are aware the game is highly sensitive about scripts and any other mods could well cause a clash with your own, although multiple installs are possible but become tiresome.

I'm not knowledgeable in Multi or co-op.

Do you need modelers?


Originally Posted by tHeBaLrOgRoCkS (Post 1209569)
If so I am sure there are plenty of folk out there with models we would all like to see in game. I myself am anxious for a universal carrier with mortar or of course possibly the flame throwing version.

If modelers have stuff they want in the game I'm willing to work with them. The more good stuff
the better at this point. But to talk about compensating at this time would be premature because there is no money coming in. But that is certainly a possibility though.


Originally Posted by tHeBaLrOgRoCkS (Post 1209569)
With the above in mind would take submissions of models you have not already started on to increase the catalog of Armour in game?

Yes! with the condition I could add it to the Add-on with the free right to copy.


Originally Posted by tHeBaLrOgRoCkS (Post 1209569)
Of course I assume these would be released in the pending or future mission packs and I guess you would be willing to reimburse any modelers that were deemed by yourself as suitable suppliers.

Yes, absolutely.


Originally Posted by tHeBaLrOgRoCkS (Post 1209569)
I assume you are aware that as soon as your models are released it is a simple matter to incorporate them into the multi player game aspect of T34 and how do you feel about this?

Well, I bought T34 vs Tiger because of the ability to mod. However, with my models I feel like the
father who will not allow his daughter to be with any man until they are married. Meaning: I
would like to be paid before you play. Although I think we can work together on these things.


Originally Posted by tHeBaLrOgRoCkS (Post 1209569)
Currently the only hindrance I have been able to discern to using non playable models in multi player is a script based one. But I think with enough understanding of the scripting syntax it is not impossible to have co-op based multi player games in fact that is a goal that I have been working towards in my own small way and I know it was a goal of others also.

That's great, I wasn't sure on that yet.


Originally Posted by tHeBaLrOgRoCkS (Post 1209569)
Your obvious skills with regard to the rigging and importing of models into the game engine has pretty much removed the necessity for me to learn Maya. But have you made any attempts to use your models in multi player? If so is there any point in me continuing to work on making non player models work in multi player? Do you have any insights in that direction that you would be willing to share?

The models that are intended for AI use have a new damage model. No longer will yo see a 30 ton tank traveling at 12 miles an hour stop dead in it's tracks when hit. And a knocked out turret will no
longer mean a dead tank. It will continue to maneuver a slower speed for awhile before it dies.


Originally Posted by tHeBaLrOgRoCkS (Post 1209569)
Finally have you managed to resolve the issue of ambient sound effects such as wind in trees rivers running and the deathly silence that occurs when you switch of your engine?

I was unaware this problem. Maybe I could fix it.


Originally Posted by tHeBaLrOgRoCkS (Post 1209569)
Many thanks for all your prompt responses and I look forward to seeing more of your work and if possible some in cockpit shots of some of your planned new additions to the playable lists.

All the best Balrog

Thanks Balrog, I'll post them when I have anything for you.

Best Regards

ZeeWolf 11-26-09 04:53 PM


Originally Posted by Freiwillige (Post 1209579)
The original developers went the road of game balance Vs. historical accuracy. Monstrous Tigers were no more a threat than the t-34-85 and often even in head on duels at 2,000 yards they would often crack your armor. There seemed to be no reason to drive the Tiger at all when they could just charge head on and knock you out without having to flank your position.

Thankfully some modders changed that and put it closer to historical spec

Well, I changed that. The Tiger will be deadly from greater than 2 miles
away (3200 meters +). With the extended maps there is plenty of open


ZeeWolf 11-26-09 05:00 PM


Originally Posted by Freiwillige (Post 1209592)
And can I have an elephant?

Used in Kursk!

The PaK 43 L/71 is done and I have a tamiya 35th scale model and some
worthy drawings so your answer is "Hell Ya!".
But it's on the list the list as Ferdinand.


Freiwillige 11-26-09 05:50 PM


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