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ZeeWolf 11-21-09 01:56 PM


Originally Posted by Chucky (Post 1207134)
Zeewolf,this is looking so good :up:
I will certainly be adding this to my shopping list.

Thanks Chucky,
Here's my Wingman hitting a Anti-Tank land mine.:cry:


Monkwarrior 11-21-09 03:55 PM

Well Zeeman, I hope you can make some cash out of it.
Just don't expect thousands of customers in this niche-market ;)

We on the other hand will provide a MP-version of our mod.
It will be open source and free.
It will contain new vehicles too, adjusted particle effects and brand new voice acting and ingame sounds.
Besides MP we will add co-op too, but thats still to be investigated.

So there will be 2 projects for this engine.
A bright future for all ww2 tanklovers, thats for sure.


ZeeWolf 11-21-09 05:25 PM


Originally Posted by Monkwarrior (Post 1207220)
Well Zeeman, I hope you can make some cash out of it.
Just don't expect thousands of customers in this niche-market ;)

We on the other hand will provide a MP-version of our mod.
It will be open source and free.
It will contain new vehicles too, adjusted particle effects and brand new voice acting and ingame sounds.
Besides MP we will add co-op too, but thats still to be investigated.

So there will be 2 projects for this engine.
A bright future for all ww2 tanklovers, thats for sure.


I think so too Monk. Maybe one reason there aren't thousands more
now was the unbelievable way it was released. No support No beta
testing to speak of and no vision for the future like Ubsoft
has for example.
I what to totally change that by bring back guys as well as
interest new guys by backing up everything I do and giving my best
efforts on anything that I'm part of. Perhaps this way some of the
damage done can be reconciled. No matter how you look at it the task
for the vision I have (and you may have too) for this sim is huge.
Oh, forgot to mention the agony of the online play hassles just
about killed the sim completely. I want this WW2 tank sim to be the
tank sim that Silent Hunter is the sub sim.

That would be awesome man

122mm Mortar with 6Km range


morttheslayer 11-24-09 12:11 PM

T34 vs Tiger- New add on: PhaseOne 1943
Hi ZeeWolf and Monk, I recently joined due to your threads and the work you have carried out on T34vs Tiger. I have messed with the editor and messed is about the correct term, so you definately deserve a lot of respect for the undoubted time and dedication you have invested. I would prefer to play this offline and I think ZeeWolf's contribution would suit me best. The sim begs for more missions and expansion, so it was a joy to read someone had the knowledge to bring this to the attention of us all. I would be prepared to pay a reasonable sum for this work, (I have enough to do with designing my own IL2 missions) I'd love to get into Lua scripting and modding but I think I'd need the help of a bloody good doctor as I would probably need an additional 20 year life extension !!!! :yep:
One awful part of the original code (done better in Steel Fury) was the infantry behaviour (if that's the word). Could anything be improved in the way the soldiers behave ??- even diving for cover would be better than running about like load of headless chickens. Anyway power to your elbow/s and your scripting Best Regds Mort :up:

ZeeWolf 11-24-09 02:23 PM


Originally Posted by morttheslayer (Post 1208372)
Hi ZeeWolf and Monk, I recently joined due to your threads and the work you have carried out on T34vs Tiger. I have messed with the editor and messed is about the correct term, so you definately deserve a lot of respect for the undoubted time and dedication you have invested. I would prefer to play this offline and I think ZeeWolf's contribution would suit me best. The sim begs for more missions and expansion, so it was a joy to read someone had the knowledge to bring this to the attention of us all. I would be prepared to pay a reasonable sum for this work, (I have enough to do with designing my own IL2 missions) I'd love to get into Lua scripting and modding but I think I'd need the help of a bloody good doctor as I would probably need an additional 20 year life extension !!!! :yep:
One awful part of the original code (done better in Steel Fury) was the infantry behaviour (if that's the word). Could anything be improved in the way the soldiers behave ??- even diving for cover would be better than running about like load of headless chickens. Anyway power to your elbow/s and your scripting Best Regds Mort :up:

Hello Mort- the slayer,
Thank you very much for moral support and encouragement. I agree totally about
the Infantry animation, the good news is the animations can be expanded and greatly
improved upon (future plan already).:yep: New missions are definitely coming, replacing
existing ones and new custom ones too. stay in touch.

Best regards,

Here's a treat Mort:

German batteries take less than 4 minutes to silence this position.

Freiwillige 11-24-09 06:17 PM

Zee Wolf, Great news! I have always felt that this was the greatest tank sim covering WWII I had ever played. It is unfortunate that they did not fix it and expand upon it instead of abandoning it.

The Grass, The hills, the tree's always looked and felt better than its competition.

I am glad that thanks to your work this sim can become what it was meant to be......Epic!

Best of luck in your endeavor and ill be watching closely.

Godspeed friend.:salute:

Eugene 11-24-09 08:11 PM


Originally Posted by Monkwarrior (Post 1207220)
Besides MP we will add co-op too, but thats still to be investigated.

So there will be 2 projects for this engine.
A bright future for all ww2 tanklovers, thats for sure.


On the strength of these two projects, I ordered a coy of this sim. Both projects have a lot of promise, and co-op is almost the only simming I do these days.

Just one important question: will your two projects stay in touch and attempt to be compatible? Or do you already know that they will be mutually exclusive?

Best of luck to both of you and your projects.

tHeBaLrOgRoCkS 11-25-09 08:59 AM

Hello again,

I see you have the Nebelwerfer working and was wondering if you have managed to make them fire rockets on a parabolic trajectory or not?

By default the game doesn't even use them properly and I have got them working but only, so far, on a line of sight basis (eg they fire if they have a straight line of sight to the target)

Did you have to completely re-write the scripts to get them to fire at longer range targets that are not actually in sight or have you used a scripted zone and timed explosions to simulate their attacks?

Obviously that would extend to your Katushka rocket launchers also and I see you have modeled their ammunition.

The other thing is that when the Nebelwerfer fires there is no built in animation to show this (The grey bits at the back of the cylinder should dissappear when they fire ) I guess you are planning to add this ?



ZeeWolf 11-25-09 01:02 PM


Originally Posted by Freiwillige (Post 1208583)
Zee Wolf, Great news! I have always felt that this was the greatest tank sim covering WWII I had ever played. It is unfortunate that they did not fix it and expand upon it instead of abandoning it.

The Grass, The hills, the tree's always looked and felt better than its competition.

I am glad that thanks to your work this sim can become what it was meant to be......Epic!

Best of luck in your endeavor and ill be watching closely.

Godspeed friend.:salute:

Thank you Sir,


A little house stands:DL

ZeeWolf 11-25-09 01:05 PM


Originally Posted by Eugene (Post 1208633)
On the strength of these two projects, I ordered a coy of this sim. Both projects have a lot of promise, and co-op is almost the only simming I do these days.

Just one important question: will your two projects stay in touch and attempt to be compatible? Or do you already know that they will be mutually exclusive?

Best of luck to both of you and your projects.

It's can't promise at this point.

Little house falls:cry:

ZeeWolf 11-25-09 01:18 PM


Originally Posted by tHeBaLrOgRoCkS (Post 1208837)
Hello again,

I see you have the Nebelwerfer working and was wondering if you have managed to make them fire rockets on a parabolic trajectory or not?

By default the game doesn't even use them properly and I have got them working but only, so far, on a line of sight basis (eg they fire if they have a straight line of sight to the target)

Did you have to completely re-write the scripts to get them to fire at longer range targets that are not actually in sight or have you used a scripted zone and timed explosions to simulate their attacks?

Obviously that would extend to your Katushka rocket launchers also and I see you have modeled their ammunition.

The other thing is that when the Nebelwerfer fires there is no built in animation to show this (The grey bits at the back of the cylinder should dissappear when they fire ) I guess you are planning to add this ?



This work on the Nebelwerfer was a result of experimentation with the
katusha system in mind. I was kinda suppressed to see the excellent
model go to waste so I got it working to the point of satisfaction in gathering data. But, the ammo reloads every 90sec. after firing six HE
rounds. It fires using radar at targets you can not see for a historical
range of five miles (8km).


Poor Little House:D

Freiwillige 11-25-09 09:47 PM

Okay you have me drooling!:woot:

So now I have questions....Think of it as an interview.:03:

Did you have prior modeling experience or was this a crash course?

Do you have an expected completion date on your project?

Do you also plan on modeling other parts of the conflict such as the Kurland\Courland Pocket?

Do you have plans to model western tanks as well As some specialized German tank destroyers such as the Hetzer, Jagd panther etc?

If this sells well enough how far do you plan on taking this? Or What is your ideal long term goal?

Are you looking to find a publisher?

Can I have more pictures please!? Ehemmm Panther:arrgh!:

Thanks Again for your Vision.:salute:

ZeeWolf 11-25-09 11:28 PM


Originally Posted by Freiwillige (Post 1209244)
Okay you have me drooling!:woot:

So now I have questions....Think of it as an interview.:03:

Did you have prior modeling experience or was this a crash course?

Do you have an expected completion date on your project?

Do you also plan on modeling other parts of the conflict such as the Kurland\Courland Pocket?

Do you have plans to model western tanks as well As some specialized German tank destroyers such as the Hetzer, Jagd panther etc?

If this sells well enough how far do you plan on taking this? Or What is your ideal long term goal?

Are you looking to find a publisher?

Can I have more pictures please!? Ehemmm Panther:arrgh!:

Thanks Again for your Vision.:salute:

Torpedo Los baby, Topedo Los! You've sunk my heart baby, Danke schone you sea vixen! You make me have to dive deep darling, C.O. rig for silent loving.)

Drooling? That's great man! As for "crash course?" no such thing. I started in 97 with
my first seat of 3d Studio MAX then in 2000 I bought my first seat of Maya.

Expected date? Maybe something as soon as a month from now.

Planed conflicts for this phase of operation is July 1943, starting at Kursk and
covering the fierce and grueling, knock down drag out retreat to the Dneper River.
The battles unknown but to the most interested WWII students of the Eastern Front.

The models will be those generic in historical context. I have already the Panther tanks Ausf. D, A and will be working to get them completed after I finish my Panzer III Ausf. J and Sturm Haubitz 42. The Red Army vehicles I want finished prior to Panther completionare the SU-122 1943 and the Katusha on the U6 Studebaker. Then in parallel with my Panthers
I will be developing horse drawn equipment (preliminary work looks promising) as well as artillery tractors pulling artillery pieces.
Structures will be a constant need. The data gained over the first half of 09 convinced me that ordering vehicles over bridges is possible and definitely player tanks can. Obstacles and trench systems are a must, as too
are gun positions and bunkers, all in the works.:)

As for my plans (if this takes off) long term, is putting together a company dedicated to WWII tankers. Taking this as far as it possibly can go with programmers artists and modelers etc..:sunny:
And expanding in the direction of a platform where we can take advantage of the new innovations out there.

Publisher? we'll see.:ping:



torpedochief 11-26-09 01:05 AM

T34 Vs Tiger
Hey Zee!

Wow this is exciting stuff! Whne do you see a release date?


D. Clayton Meadows
Author of

Freiwillige 11-26-09 03:15 AM

I see you like my signature (Torpedo Los baby)

Its actually from a story I once created on the SHIII boards. "Fritz Von Titz" is the main man in my stories and he is the opposite of "Johan Sabastian Balz" of Brag fame....I am sure you are familiar?

If not Look up Fritz von Titz in the SHIII forum for a good laugh as I love to make people smile:03:

Anyways I will visit message boards far and wide and link them here because I honestly want you to succeed in your endeavors.

God Speed my friend!

May this shambles of a Sim be resurrected into what it was meant to be!

Freiwillige 11-26-09 03:26 AM

My work is done. I have sent word to every site I know including Subsim.

May this bring great new things herr kaleun!

Gott Mit du!:salute:

Hitman 11-26-09 03:37 AM

This project looks awesome, and really gets my attention to this sim :up:

But a very important question -which has been so far a very limiting factor in these sims- is: How many units at a time in the battlefield can the game engine cope with? Can we expect to be able to recreate the massive tank battles of that era if we have a good computer and videocard, or will it all be scaled down to a much smaller size? :wah:

Mikhayl 11-26-09 05:51 AM

Hi Zee, with all that good stuff you have there, do you have some insight, guidelines, pointers, anything, regarding import of new playable units?


FC 11-26-09 07:33 AM

First I want to just say Thank You, I bought the game as soon as it was released with very high hopes of a realistic tank Sim, I was soon very dissapointed with not only the game but lack of support from the developers. I stowed the game on the shelf and figured it was just wasted money. I was very Happy to see that you are bringing this back to life and from the posts so far this looks amazing.
Again Thank You for all the effort and hard work it must of taken to get to this point.

MajorMagee 11-26-09 09:18 AM

I was part of the original Beta Test team, and was rather disappointed that they ignored most of the help we offered to get this right the first time. If there is anything I can do to help either project, please just let me know. :cool:

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