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Schwieger 01-13-11 04:06 PM

Destroyed by allied warplanes. Not even enough time to crash dive.

Gargamel 01-13-11 04:12 PM

Back in my bunk, changing my under wear.

Attempting a night surface attack on a Convoy got a sonar bearing on the mass of ships, fired a spread of eels, blindly. Then I saw this. Black swan, about 300-400m away. Nobody saw anything, and we ran away, on the surface.

I had ot lighten up the photo, you could barely see your hand. I couldn't even see anybody else on deck.

nikbear 01-13-11 04:32 PM

Oh I like those nights,bad weather,pitch black,creeping about knowing the enemy is there,...somewhere:timeout: can really get the heart racing!! :up:

Gargamel 01-13-11 05:19 PM


Originally Posted by nikbear (Post 1573724)
Oh I like those nights,bad weather,pitch black,creeping about knowing the enemy is there,...somewhere:timeout: can really get the heart racing!! :up:

Yeah, especially when you think you have about 1500m more space than you actually have!

VONHARRIS 01-14-11 12:52 AM

U 46 first patrol
U 46 VIIB type u boat

Kaleun : Leutnant z. S. Von Harris

Left Wilhemshaven at : August 29 1939
Returned at : September 24 1939
Days at sea : 27
Ships sunk : 7 cargo ships (including 3 Q ships)
Tonnage sunk : 36108
Torpedoes used : All
Dud torpedoes : 4
8,8 cm shells : 82
20mm shells : none
Damage to hull : 2,53%
Crew losses : none
Medals : Iron cross second class

The outbreak of the war found us sailing west at grid BF19

Current status : Refiting for next patrol grid AM32

Missing Name 01-14-11 12:04 PM

Unluckiest patrol I've had in a while. Fired all six torps at a convoy, all failed. Depth charged down to 30% hull integrity. Evaded escorts, stalked a second convoy. CTD.

Victor Schutze 01-14-11 01:07 PM


Originally Posted by Gargamel (Post 1573702)
Back in my bunk, changing my under wear.

Attempting a night surface attack on a Convoy got a sonar bearing on the mass of ships, fired a spread of eels, blindly. Then I saw this. Black swan, about 300-400m away. Nobody saw anything, and we ran away, on the surface.

I had ot lighten up the photo, you could barely see your hand. I couldn't even see anybody else on deck.

:o you were very close to the DD, how fast were you going? 0 or 4 knots?

VONHARRIS 01-14-11 02:17 PM

U-46 2nd war patrol
Left Wilhemshaven : October 14 1939
Returned at : November 3 1939
Days at sea : 21
Cargo ships sunk : 10 (1 Q ship)
Tonnage : 36117
Warships : 1 HMS Hood
Tonnage: 48360
Torpedoes used : 13/14
Duds: 2
8,8 cm shells : 110/110
20mm shells: 120/2000
Damage : Destoyed periscopes + radio antenna
Crew losses : none
Promotions : Kapitanleutnant
Medals : Iron cross 1st class
Badges : U boat badge ---- U boat front clasp

picture of HMS hood sinking

Damaged HMS Nelson with one eel in the same TF.

Current status : Refiting for 3rd war patrol grid AM52

Gargamel 01-14-11 08:28 PM


Originally Posted by Victor Schutze (Post 1574148)
:o you were very close to the DD, how fast were you going? 0 or 4 knots?

Err... maybe 10? I was on the surface! Visibility was just that bad. Deck crew didnt even see it! If I hadnt looked around fromt eh bridge, never would have seen it.

Laufen zum Ziel 01-14-11 08:28 PM

U-Boot Location & tracking map
For all to use if you want.

We have an interactive map that will allow you to post your location and tracks from grid to grid. The Devils of the Deep Flotilla uses it to track their U-Boots on patrol. You can also post patrol notes to the map.

All subsim forum members can use it if they want.

Click the link under my signatore to go to the Devils HQ and then to U-Boot Tracking. :salute:

VONHARRIS 01-15-11 12:44 PM

New career
SH3 crashed on me completely. I had to reinstall.
Now I am back in business.

Oberleutnant von Harris
U - 46 VIIB type U boat
2nd flotilla

Patrol 1 shakedown + drills
Left port : August 1 1939
Returned : August 5 1939
Days at sea : 5

Patrol 2 combat patrol
Left port : August 25 1939
Returned : September 29 1939
Days at sea : 36
Merchant ships sunk : 8 (1 Q ship + 1 large troop ship)
Tonnage : 52368
Warships sunk : 1
Tonnage : 1398
Torpedoes used : 13/14 TI
Duds: 3
8,8 cm shells : 0/110
20mm shells : 400/1000
Planes shot down : 1 (RAF Anson)
Damages : Periscopes
Damage to hull : 6%
Medals : Iron cross second class

Current status : Refiting for next patrol - Grid AN13

Missing Name 01-15-11 01:16 PM

Patrol 8, ended in July 1940. An outstanding success.

Spotted a convoy, sank an Empire and an ore carrier.

Some other random merchants ~350 km west of Gibraltar. Ran out of shells. After some more patrolling, I decided to slip into the port itself.

HMS Hood, HMS Nelson and 2 Southamptons sunk.

The trip back was uneventful.

VONHARRIS 01-16-11 10:58 AM

U-46 3rd patrol
Patrol 3 combat patrol
Left port : October 19 1939
Returned : November 5 1939
Days at sea : 18
Merchant ships sunk : 6 (1 Q ship )
Tonnage : 29754
Warships sunk : -
Tonnage : ----
Torpedoes used : 14/14 TI
Duds: 3
8,8 cm shells : 0/110
20mm shells : 0/1000
Planes shot down : ----
Damages : ------
Damage to hull : ----
Medals :
Promotions : Oberleutnant z. S.

Current status : At sea during patrol 4

STEED 01-16-11 01:19 PM

Feb 43 and still alive in the Med!

Had a good last patrol, shot down a couple of planes and speaking of planes, our guys saved me from a couple of escorts coming at me soon had a good number of our JU 88's all over them and sent them swine to the bottom. :DL

As for my last patrol sunk a liberty ship and a couple of medium merchants.

frau kaleun 01-18-11 05:46 PM

Just getting ready to head on my 1st post-shakedown patrol, which should take us into the Western Approaches just as war is declared. So I pull up my crew list to see what kind of adjustments need to be made and...

We're doomed!

Gryffon300 01-18-11 06:35 PM

Unofficial World's Toughest Sub found!
OK. So here it is. I'm claiming, on behalf of my 12 year old son, the record for the toughest sub in the Seven Seas.
Picture this. Its a moonlit night with reasonable visibility (not like those pitch black horrors mid winter in the far north), on his 3rd patrol out of St Naziaire (7th/13th Flotilla) in a VIIC. Its 11-06-'42 in BF55.

Heading south when he shouts, "Hey Dad, another sub!" Great - I pull up a chair to see what he does. Its North and West of him, heading East. He dives, goes silent, heads North, ups scope and does his calculations. The sub is about 7km WNW, and "we" (by now, I'm hooked) are about 4.5km South of his course line.

The boy locates the sub in the scope at 10x and discovers that it is an S-class on the surface doing 9-10 knots. A target! Yeh! He ups our speed to 3 knots and waits. He asks what we do if the sub hears our launch and dives. We decide to set the second tube to 5m deeper and set the speed to 6 knots, hoping that the second fish may tag him if he does go down. We get a green triangle at about 2.2kms and launch both tubes.

Of course, I half expected to see him respond - but NO, he just sails merrily along ! (Keel-haul their sonar operator! Hah!) Bang! First fish hits, then the second! What the?! Expecting the music to start and for us to be able to watch him go under, was I surprised to see him drop to 8Knots and start zig-zagging!

Long story short. Out of sheer bloody-mindednes, it took another fish and 27 rounds from the deck gun to register the kill and it was still floating!

Now. I want to know just what the Brits were using in their super-sub. If anyone thinks they've met a tougher opponent, my boy would sure like to read about it!

Keep you popinty sides up.:arrgh!:

gi_dan2987 01-20-11 01:35 AM

In port after 9th patrol
So far I'm up to about 35,000 tons, and I've used more eels than I've cared to. No shells used from the guns because of the damned weather in the North Atlantic :damn: I've attempted using Nefelodamon's version of the 4 bearings method, and it worked nicely against the ships that didn't change speed or heading. I would like to know if there's any other methods to make night attacks and actually put the TBT to good use. If anyone has any ideas, let me know.

Lord_magerius 01-20-11 02:07 AM


Originally Posted by Gryffon300 (Post 1577356)

Now. I want to know just what the Brits were using in their super-sub. If anyone thinks they've met a tougher opponent, my boy would sure like to read about it!

Keep you popinty sides up.:arrgh!:

We just used to pad the sides out with beefy Scotsmen. :O:

VONHARRIS 01-20-11 03:21 AM


Originally Posted by frau kaleun (Post 1577332)
Just getting ready to head on my 1st post-shakedown patrol, which should take us into the Western Approaches just as war is declared. So I pull up my crew list to see what kind of adjustments need to be made and...

We're doomed!

Frau , did you sail with THAT officer on board?

VONHARRIS 01-20-11 03:27 AM

Last career ended in a disaster.
December 10 1939
A reckless night intercept on the surface of a TF leaving Loch Ewe
I was spotted and attacked by 4 DDs which knew exactly where to drop their DCs. We died of implosion.

New career
U-34 November 3 1939 2nd flottila in home port refitting.
3 patrols (1 shakedown)
14 merchants sunk -- 50994 tons
2 warships sunk --- 16975 tons (1 CL + 1 small depot ship)
100% realism DiD

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