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Mad Mardigan 02-07-21 02:13 AM


Originally Posted by Fifi (Post 2728113)
Gates are automatic process, you have to wait some time (don’t recall how much minutes) all stopped in front of them, and they will open.
Then once inside the lock, they will close and you have to wait again for external to open.
SH3 has always been a game of patience! :D

Dock lock open/close time... roughly 2 minutes to 2 minutes 20 seconds.... roughly...

Leaving, the 1st set opens, give or take that time frame length, then those close... interval until the outer set opens is again same amount of time, then the outer set uses same time frame to open. Then that set closes, for the same time frame until the 1st set reopens, repeating in a continuous cycle.

1 set: opens & stays open for 2-2:20, then closes... interval time until the outer set opens 2-2:20 minutes, then outer set opens & stays open: 2-2:20 minutes then closes, interval time until the 1st set then reopens 2-2:20 minutes.

dampen, lather, rinse, repeat... as the ol' sayin' goes... :yep:

Hope this info helps... :up:

M. M.


Mad Mardigan 02-07-21 02:15 AM


Originally Posted by Archive1 (Post 2728111)
OK Finished the training program successfully.
First patrol out of Kiel and was blocked by the locks. I have no idea how to open them to permit passage. Have I missed something somewhere that tells me how to proceed?
I do have the way to get a rapid trip through the canal via the Nav Officer...somewhere...
Otherwise things are looking good.

Lock controls are NOT controlled by you, the skipper... they are on the set on a timed open/close cycle, see My previous post about the time/cycle rate on them above...

M. M.


Archive1 02-07-21 03:20 PM

Mad Mar...:
Thank you. Did I miss that information already presented somewhere in the LSH3 literature? Try to avoid bothering development folks by reviewing the data provided, but may have missed that somewhere. If so, my apologies.

Mad Mardigan 02-07-21 03:45 PM

Re: Locks & timing of them...

Originally Posted by Archive1 (Post 2728350)
Mad Mar...:
Thank you. Did I miss that information already presented somewhere in the LSH3 literature? Try to avoid bothering development folks by reviewing the data provided, but may have missed that somewhere. If so, my apologies.

If so, then I must have also missed that memo... :haha: :D

But, in all seriousness... from what I do recall, that bit of info, was gleaned from another... who posted it. As for who, or much less the exact location of the posting of that info.. I can't say... as it was a bit of time, back. My mentioning it, is just in passing it along, so that others know of it. :yep:

I can NOT in good conscience, take any credit for the info... nor, shall I.

M. M.


Archive1 02-07-21 11:41 PM

You've relieved my guilt.
Stay healthy and submerged!

Archive1 02-08-21 12:50 AM

Ah well, I am sure I saved the directions for setting up an 'auto' drive for that irritating trip through the Kiel Kanal ("...get to the green spot after the locks...and then...something with the Nav Officer.) Got there (the green spot) click on Nav Officer, but do not get a choice for autorouting thru the Kanal...I know I read the 'secret' somewhere but cannot find where it was. Help from somewhere?

I'm in process of putting together a printable Word copy of the F1 Commands so the player can have a cheat sheet in front of them as the stress level builds.

Archive1 02-09-21 12:09 AM

Meine Herren:
I have found the Nav Officer auto route through the Kiel Kanal, but the route that is laid out is cross country over land. I deleted all the waypoints and did my usual routing (having done this multiple times in the old SH3 (why cannot the 'sub commander' save his designated route through the Kanal for the next transit?)
However, at the end of the Kanal while entering the locks the gates close and sink my sub. C'mon. There would be personnel there to ensure the passage of a Kriegsmarine sub. On a second attempt, the gated entering remained open, but the farther gates closed and crushed my sub halfway through. And I had to start all over. Again, this is nonsense.
I'm a long time user of SH3 from the beginning. So I am not a newbie. I understand that this is a complex program with lots of code (I code and know), but there does need to be some realistic clean up done if the goal is to encourage people to use, be attracted to LHS3 and keep the idea alive. You cannot make the start too difficult or obscure for beginning users to become immersed.
Cordially, Archive1

Archive1 02-11-21 01:34 AM

Now after 7, maybe 8 attempts at beginning a career:
1. This should be 1938 or 1939 after I finish the "training" program and start a career, right.
2. But I am assigned a Type 7B in Kiel...huh. Really? Out of the box in 1938-1939 - I get a 7B that has not yet been built?
3. I then tried to get thru the locks (both pair). There is no green light that tells me the gate is open - as a result I was sunk twice by the gates closing too fast.
3. At gate two in the locks - again there is not a green light (in both cases they are white as are all the other distractions) - again the gates crushed my aft area and I sank.
4. Three attempts to use the automatic navigation through the Kiel Kanal using the Green spot after the second gate: Settled precisely on the spot, was at no image enlargement, did the Navigator search pattern and selected Kiel to Brunsbuettel - both times it took me way across country to somewhere into the Atlantic. Had to delete all the waypoints. And enter my own track which worked just fine.
4. The last attempt in my 1938 Type 7B (!?) I was assigned a patrol area of CG - now I doubt very much that Unterseeboote were placed off the coast of Spain in 1938. I would expect area AN.

Now I am an old hand at SH - having started using it when it first appeared and was involved with all the mods through GWX - not as a designer but as a user with comments. I do not understand how this obviously big project with many hours of work has evolved this way. I would very much like it to succeed, pull in more users and more modders, but this has not been a good return to the SH world for me . I've had some exchanges with some folks via PMs about this.

Let's work it up to a better standard. I do appreciate the hours invested and the desire for a good product. Really I do. But...

derstosstrupp 02-11-21 07:32 AM

Fwiw the VIIB boats began rolling off the lines in 1936.

blueduck 02-11-21 09:04 AM


Originally Posted by Archive1 (Post 2728350)
Mad Mar...:
Thank you. Did I miss that information already presented somewhere in the LSH3 literature? Try to avoid bothering development folks by reviewing the data provided, but may have missed that somewhere. If so, my apologies.

Mein Herr:
you missed the info in _LSH3-2020-MANUALS\LSH3-2010-MiniManual_EN.pdf at page 34 "Additions in the Harbor_kit.dat" you can read about the sluices and their timing interval. The ones at Holtenau and Brunsbüttel use flags to Signal their next state (opening - open - closing...).


Originally Posted by Archive1 (Post 2728475)
Ah well, I am sure I saved the directions for setting up an 'auto' drive for that irritating trip through the Kiel Kanal ("...get to the green spot after the locks...and then...something with the Nav Officer.) Got there (the green spot) click on Nav Officer, but do not get a choice for autorouting thru the Kanal...I know I read the 'secret' somewhere but cannot find where it was. Help from somewhere?

I'm in process of putting together a printable Word copy of the F1 Commands so the player can have a cheat sheet in front of them as the stress level builds.

You will find the information you are looking for at _LSH3-2020-MANUALS\LSH3-2020_Autoplot-KWK_EN.pdf.


Originally Posted by Archive1 (Post 2728727)
Meine Herren:
However, at the end of the Kanal while entering the locks the gates close and sink my sub. C'mon. There would be personnel there to ensure the passage of a Kriegsmarine sub. On a second attempt, the gated entering remained open, but the farther gates closed and crushed my sub halfway through. ...

As mentioned first there ist NO GATEKEEPER to let you pass undamaged, because it is a fixed Routine for the doors to open and close - no chance to change this. Just stop in front of the gates even if they are open and wait for the next interval. Keep in mind to start your engines early enough because there is a known SH3-issue that they will not start immediately if they have been off for a while.


Originally Posted by Archive1 (Post 2729164)
Now after 7, maybe 8 attempts at beginning a career:
1. This should be 1938 or 1939 after I finish the "training" program and start a career, right.
2. But I am assigned a Type 7B in Kiel...huh. Really? Out of the box in 1938-1939 - I get a 7B that has not yet been built?

As an old Hand at SH you will surely know war started in 1939. First type VIIB was commissioned on 06-25-1938 so more than a year before war started.


John Pancoast 02-11-21 09:07 AM


Originally Posted by derstosstrupp (Post 2729201)
Fwiw the VIIB boats began rolling off the lines in 1936.

One could almost say they did such in 1914. :)

Archive1 02-12-21 11:53 PM

I appreciate all of your comments, but there are so many more problems that have come up since I loaded the last message (the one you are commenting upon)...that I have decided to log off and return to my hi density scenery and aircraft in the flight simulator program I have been in since leaving SH3.
I wish you all the best (I mean that) but at present I find just too many problems to cope with. Including last night a message upon surfacing that LSH3 had a fatal error and would close...sending me back to Kiel to start (once again) all over.
OK maybe the 7b was available in 1939, but as I recall most (most) graduates of the basic opening training bit are assigned to type IIa or IIb subs and sent to the AN sector to get the basics down. I was not. Furthermore in my type 7b I was sent forth with no (repeat no) crew since I was not directed to the Barracks to select crewmen - as I recall doing in SH3 GWX.
The F2 and F4 commands do not get me to the proper command and radio room.
The opening screen for the first sortie shows: Kiel as - Long 0 00' W, Lat 0 00' S, with a sub at heading 0 degrees. Have we no idea where Kiel is re: lat/long? No, not important but sloppy.
Yes I am an old hand from the beginning of SH, and I was critical then too.
I may come back later to see what's transpired.
My best of luck,

Lucky_Phil 02-13-21 04:28 AM

Love the LSH3 2020 update
I really love the LSH 2020 update, it has so many improvements and runs much more smoothly than the older versions. :Kaleun_Cheers:

I am up to patrol 36 now.

Just wondering ... ???

In the early missions I came across an instance at Wilhelmshaven where one of the locks became blocked by a small cargo ship which crashed itself into the dock in front of lock gates! :o

This was quite unexpected and a bit of fun. :)

Was this programmed into the game or a bug?

It was no real issue - I just had to reverse the sub, turn around and try a different lock to get out of the base.

One other small issue I had which I was wondering if it was a bug affecting others was in one mission from Lorient - I was sent to patrol grid location AL49 ...

No such grid exists on my game map as it looks like a number of grids in the AL area are missing?

The AL grid looks like it has a slight offset to the left - resulting in a whole column of grid numbers missing in that AL sector?

Again, not much of an issue because I just patrolled around the general area instead of making it to an assigned grid and returned to base after a while.

Thanks again for the amazing work that has gone into this latest version. The increased detail around the docks and the better ship explosions etc are really excellent.

Best wishes from down-under. :Kaleun_Salute:

Lucky_Phil from Melbourne Australia.

Anvar1061 02-13-21 05:37 AM


Originally Posted by Archive1 (Post 2729669)
The opening screen for the first sortie shows: Kiel as - Long 0 00' W, Lat 0 00' S, with a sub at heading 0 degrees. Have we no idea where Kiel is re: lat/long? No, not important but sloppy.

The question arises: "What could be the reasons for this (start at "Zero" coordinate), apart from a fault in the writing of the base?"

Fifi 02-13-21 05:48 AM

Nice air raids in Brest while back from patrol.
Had to enter submerged...
They got some targets:

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