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iambecomelife 02-07-21 02:55 PM

The waves look much improved. :up:

Was going to say that the scale looked a bit off but the latest images are excellent. They have a realistic, "ripply" look that truly imitates actual wave structure - instead of the basic ripples in older games like Silent Hunter 3.

A few flecks of foam maybe would be icing on the cake! I've noticed that you can get whitecaps/foam on the water even in relatively light winds, IMO it would be a nice touch.

It would be interesting if sea-state played a role in ship damage; in WWII when a ship was hit, high seas would often progressively worsen damage. Bulkheads would collapse and damage control was more difficult ... I read of one case where a tanker (MV Sitala) snapped completely in half when she got caught in a gale after being torpedoed.

Lost At Sea 02-08-21 08:21 AM

Looks glorious !
Will the sea state have an impact on the sub's visibility -- as seen from a convoy / DD perspective ?
The heavy seas are clearly going to bring realism to the hunt. Tracking and ID'ing a target will be much more of a challenge but can we expect the enemy to also "suffer" in rough seas ?


iambecomelife 02-11-21 10:40 PM

Tell Koji thank you for his comments and that I have submitted replies, including another batch of merchant pictures! Sorry for not noticing he had responded. Fascinating to see this project take shape. :up:

Usurpator 02-12-21 02:12 PM

Weekly update
Hello everyone!
This week I've continued modeling the U-boat's new compartments.
Koji is working on the new merchant ships.
Axel is working on expanding the net code.
Oscar upgraded the game engine to the latest version of Unity,
and is continuing work on integrating the new water asset.

blackswan40 02-12-21 03:16 PM

Wow I need my topp man Eric fix right now

Keep up the Great work guys :Kaleun_Salute:

bracer 02-12-21 03:19 PM

It's looking very nice!!

PL_Andrev 02-13-21 04:00 AM

Looks gorgeous... but expected a little foam about ship.

esben 02-14-21 04:25 AM

So, it does look pretty good but it also looks positively impossible to gauge the height and distance to ships with these waves. Im sure it looks better, but do the waves actually make it a better game ?

Captain_AJ 02-14-21 04:54 PM


Originally Posted by Usurpator (Post 2729580)
Hello everyone!
This week I've continued modeling the U-boat's new compartments.
Koji is working on the new merchant ships.
Axel is working on expanding the net code.
Oscar upgraded the game engine to the latest version of Unity,
and is continuing work on integrating the new water asset.

this kind of sea is the very reason i joined the us navy

reedca82 02-15-21 06:58 PM


Originally Posted by esben (Post 2729917)
So, it does look pretty good but it also looks positively impossible to gauge the height and distance to ships with these waves. Im sure it looks better, but do the waves actually make it a better game ?

Hey now, don't ask if these kind of seas would be either a) engageable in, or b) enjoyable for the player. I haven't played this game in 7 months.

Fanders 02-16-21 02:57 AM


for those who doesnt want the challenge the high seas has to offer, I bet they will be able to choose the weather conditions in the game lobby.

Keept up the good work! The water looks amazing! :up:

Usurpator 02-19-21 03:04 PM

Weekly update
Hello everyone!
This week I've continued modeling the U-boat's new compartments.
Koji is working on the new merchant ships.
Axel is working on expanding the net code.
Oscar is working on the new water asset.
Here are some screenshots of the work in progress galley.

PL_Andrev 02-19-21 03:13 PM


I hope this "feature" well known form DN will be implemented.

Konrad Friedrich 02-19-21 03:40 PM

Removed my last comment because it doesn't really fit the topic of updates.

PickRelated 02-20-21 05:13 PM

If I turn TDC tracking off - it still changes AOB when I change my course. Is that how it's supposed to work?

Usurpator 02-26-21 12:49 PM

Weekly update
Hello everyone!
This week I've continued modeling the U-boat's new compartments.
Koji is working on the new merchant ships.
Oscar is working on the new water asset.
Axel is working on the netcode. Underlying netcode functionality is complete and internal testing will begin as soon as crew (names, roles) and server functionality (browsing, hosting, etc) is ready.

jgsky 02-27-21 03:24 AM

Navigation Chart and Recg M. Lights at night - Suggestion
Hi all,
A update suggestion very important to hunt at night

Playing at night with the red lights on, we get our eyes used to the low light. so when we need to open the map screen or see the distance table we have our pupils contracted quickly and when we return the view to the periscope (at night) .... we can barely see the details and shadows.
Would an update be possible by changing the color of these screens to red light also when we are in a dark environment?
Congratulations for the excellent work. Thank you very much.:Kaleun_Salute:

Aktungbby 02-27-21 03:31 AM

welcome aboard!

Konrad Friedrich 02-27-21 06:13 AM


Originally Posted by jgsky (Post 2732843)
Hi all,
A update suggestion very important to hunt at night

Playing at night with the red lights on, we get our eyes used to the low light. so when we need to open the map screen or see the distance table we have our pupils contracted quickly and when we return the view to the periscope (at night) .... we can barely see the details and shadows.
Would an update be possible by changing the color of these screens to red light also when we are in a dark environment?
Congratulations for the excellent work. Thank you very much.:Kaleun_Salute:

As a workaround, I recommend matching the colors of the map.

To do this, start Wolfpack and go to Options/Game.

Under "Map foreground color" and "Map background color" you can adjust the RGB color sliders.

Simply move them all to the left by roughly the same amount, depending on the foreground or background.

The map is always darker now, but at least you don't have this alternating effect from light to dark.
In daylight it doesn't matter that much if the nautical map is a little darker.

jgsky 02-27-21 11:19 AM


Originally Posted by Konrad Friedrich (Post 2732854)
As a workaround, I recommend matching the colors of the map.

To do this, start Wolfpack and go to Options/Game.

Under "Map foreground color" and "Map background color" you can adjust the RGB color sliders.

Simply move them all to the left by roughly the same amount, depending on the foreground or background.

The map is always darker now, but at least you don't have this alternating effect from light to dark.
In daylight it doesn't matter that much if the nautical map is a little darker. well. :03:

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