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Fidd 04-29-23 03:23 PM


Originally Posted by Usurpator (Post 2865126)
Hello everyone!

This week Oscar has started building the bot routines for the diesel engine and electric motor, he has also been fixing bugs in the voice system. Axel has been working on various menues, such as loading screens, message boxes, popups, and rank icons. He is currently working on Subpen back-end parts. Einar is adding more detail to the radio and sonar room and Koji is working on the U-boat bunker.

Great to hear, but living in hope of player-escorts so the potential PVP aspect of the game can be explored. The battle of wits, possibility of decoying the hunting destroyer, damage to the u-boat, evasions, teamwork with other surface ships... there's a lot there to be mined. So to speak!

Usurpator 05-05-23 09:57 AM

Weekly update
Hello everyone!

This week Oscar has finished work on the voice system. All of the doors now block sound properly, and all voice tubes and telephones work as intended. Oscar will spend the next week fixing other known bugs. Einar has been working on textures and optimizing assets.
Axel has continued work on miscellaneous menues, and the subpen menu is pretty much done - the menues remaining are the in-game menu and post-game debriefing menues. Koji is working on the new U-boat bunker.

Usurpator 05-12-23 03:09 PM

Weekly update
Hello everyone!

This week Oscar has been fixing bugs, and has added some more effects to the diesel engine. The batteries can now be charged and discharged correctly. Einar has been working on equipment and detail for the radio and sonar rooms. Axel is working on finishing the new menues. Koji is working on the new U-boat bunker.

Usurpator 05-19-23 12:32 PM

Hello everyone! This week Oscar has been fixing bugs and working on the electric motor system. The battery voltage is now correctly affected by load. A new patch will be made available to the testers some time next week. Axel has been working on the UI of the post match screen. Einar has been AFK this week, but will be back next week to polish up the sonar room. Koji is still working on the bunker.

Usurpator 05-26-23 02:34 PM

Weekly update
Hello everyone!

This week Oscar has been refining the electric motor system. A new patch has been released to our testers, this will be used to get feedback on the e-motor system. Einar is modeling the remaining units for the radio and sonar rooms. Axel is currently working on the last legs of the integration of the menues into the main build of the game, with some functionality in the subpen menu currently yet to be implemented. He is confident that the menues will make it into the next testing build on time.

Fidd 05-27-23 06:05 PM

I'm hearing some very disturbing rumours that the latest testers patch involves simplification of the e-motor controls.

It seems to me that if players want simple, it ought to be possible to have the bots accomplish the task, however, have them makes operations of the engine controls SLOWER than a competent player can, so that there's a valid role for players to operate as chief. Removing the complexity of said controls just means more down time staring at bloody gauges (usually play as dive officer) with very prolonged periods of doing sod all. I for one am very much looking forward to having more to do as "chief" and am very cross if indeed that e-motor is being simplified from the tutorials.

By all means simplify it via the Bot use, but leave it complex for the players, and faster than bot use relative to a well versed player!:Kaleun_Mad:

Usurpator 06-02-23 11:19 AM


Originally Posted by Fidd (Post 2869427)
I'm hearing some very disturbing rumours that the latest testers patch involves simplification of the e-motor controls.

It seems to me that if players want simple, it ought to be possible to have the bots accomplish the task, however, have them makes operations of the engine controls SLOWER than a competent player can, so that there's a valid role for players to operate as chief. Removing the complexity of said controls just means more down time staring at bloody gauges (usually play as dive officer) with very prolonged periods of doing sod all. I for one am very much looking forward to having more to do as "chief" and am very cross if indeed that e-motor is being simplified from the tutorials.

By all means simplify it via the Bot use, but leave it complex for the players, and faster than bot use relative to a well versed player!:Kaleun_Mad:

The E-motors are still under development. We strive to find a good balance :yeah:

Usurpator 06-02-23 11:19 AM

Weekly update
Hello everyone!

This week Oscar has been iterating on the electric motor system with feedback from our testers. We have reached some good results thanks to the feedback, and we are working on another test patch right now. Einar is adding labels and other details to the radio and sonar rooms. He also finished modeling and texturing another radio unit.

Axel has continued work on the final integration of the new menues. There are still some issues remaining before the new UI is fully integrated. Additional localization options has been added for keybindings, as well as new features for the subpen. These will be described in further detail when the integration is complete.

Usurpator 06-09-23 09:38 AM

Weekly update
Hello everyone!

This week Oscar has been working on refining the electric motor system with the help of feedback from our testers. A new test build has been uploaded and will be tested during the weekend. All electrical systems should now be affected when the battery is completely drained. Einar has been working on various detail assets for the radio and sonar rooms as well as the E-motor room.

Work on the UI is wrapping up, some stubborn bugs remain but should be fixed without major delays - afterwards the testers will hopefully get their hands on the build asap to clear out any remaining issues.

Usurpator 06-16-23 11:32 AM

Hello everyone!

This week Oscar has added interactivity to the auxiliary voltage regulator. The regulator can be found to the right of the starboard side motor, and provides regulated power to the TDC, Gyrocompass, and all of the equipment in the radio and sonar rooms. Einar has been working on assets for the radio and sonar rooms.
Axel has been working on tooltips and selector markers, as well as adding corresponding localisation keys to the two aforementioned items. UI sounds has been added to all interactive UI elements as well as options for UI audio levels.

Usurpator 06-23-23 05:40 AM

Weekly updates
Hello everyone!

This week Oscar has been working on the electric motor and bots for the new diesel and e-motor systems. The motor is now feature complete, and a new patch will be sent to the testers soon. Einar has resumed work on the new U-boat bunker.
Axel has wrapped up development of UI, and is now finalizing the integration in preparation for the first test build with the new UI/feature set, planning to enter a polish/bug-testing phase in cooperation with our testers some time next week.

Usurpator 06-30-23 11:51 AM

Hello everyone! This week Oscar has reworked the diesel engine. The new version of the engine is easy to control at lower speeds, but becomes unstable and requires more maintenance when pushing it to its limits. It is now possible to break the engine if it is overheated.

Axel has wrapped up work on integration, and is now in a testing and polishing phase in terms of the new UI - unfortunately we did not have time to release a UI test build this week due to some minor bugs, mostly related to situations where the online connectivity could cause sync issues with the UI that needs to be fixed before testing, and some minor fixes made to in-game popups and error handling.

Einar has been working on the U-boat bunker.

Usurpator 07-07-23 01:29 PM

Weekly update
Hello everyone!

This week we have started merging the new UI branch and the engine branch. The new bots are almost completed and a new test patch should come out next week.

rik007 07-09-23 12:34 PM

Looking forward to it!

Usurpator 07-14-23 12:53 PM

Weeklu update
Hello everyone!

This week we have been working on integrating the new UI and fixing bugs. Einar has added some more details to the radio room.
We are still preparing for the next test build, sadly, we did not have time this week to deploy a test build due to some integration and game-breaking bugs requiring more substantial refactors than previously expected.
We have made a priority list regarding these bugs and will start processing them as of tonight and next week, and hopefully we will be able to deploy the next test build as soon as possible.

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