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Usurpator 02-10-23 08:25 PM

Weekly update
Hello everyone!

This week Oscar has been adding sound effects and particle effects to the diesel engines and ventilation system. Einar is done updating the conning tower and is now adding missing voice tubes and air vents to the other compartments.

Axel has started work on version 3 of the UI preview, which includes integrating the new UI into the existing game - so far the main menu and options have been completed, as well as some necessary foundational work in the UI code/structure. Koji is working on materials for the radio equipment.

Here is a short video showing the updated conning tower:

Usurpator 02-17-23 04:50 PM

Weekly update
Hello everyone!

This week Oscar has worked on the voice system for the new voice tubes. The tubes are equipped with a lid which can be opened and closed. Closing the lid will block the sound from the tube. Each tube is fitted with an alert whistle that will sound by the receiving voice tube in the other compartment.

Einar is working on adding missing voice tubes to the control room and the E-motor room. Voice tubes will also be fitted to the radio and sonar rooms. He is also adding additional light sources to the control room and the E-motor room.

Axel has continued work on the menu integration, as well as fundamental localization components. This will allow easy modification of the in-game language in the UI. Koji is creating new assets for the sonar room.

AllegPeet 02-24-23 08:26 AM

On the subject of adding more light bulbs, may I suggest a repositioning or adding a red lightbulb near the TDC? In some situations the 2 right knobs are impossible to read during red light, while perfectly readable with whithe light.

Usurpator 02-24-23 01:49 PM

Weekly update
Hello everyone!

This week Oscar has been working on new shaders and materials for the Radio room. Right now the voice system is slightly broken, due to adding more doors to the game. Oscar will spend next week fixing this, and when that is done we will release a new version of the game to the testers. Koji is working on new assets for the sonar room.

Einar has been adding additional vents, voice tubes and light sources, as well as other details. The lighting of the control room has been altered slightly, taking new light sources into account. A speed chart and a interior pressure gauge has been added to the helm station.

Axel's made progress in the menu integration. The options menu has been fully integrated with the new UI and underlying functionality, and work has started on the game setup menu. Localisation components have been completed and are functioning in the game - with the new UI there will be official language packs from the Wolfpack team (currently only english) as well as the ability to add your own custom ones (something we want to use the Steam workshop for). Support for non-latin alphabets will be looked at a later date but are currently at a very low priority.

Usurpator 03-03-23 11:22 AM

Hello everyone! This week Oscar has been working on the voice over IP and adding a few new models and textures to the game. A patch has been released to the testers.

Axel has continued work on the play menu, where players can create and/or join lobbies, the largest feature this week has been work on improved sorting options for server listings, and the ability to filter search results depending on parameters such as password/bots/full/distance/etc.

Huge thanks to TheEngineerGuy for providing the images for the new dials!

Usurpator 03-10-23 01:10 PM

Weekly update
Hello everyone!

This week we have received a lot of feedback and bug reports from our testers, and we have been working on fixing the reported issues. A new test patch will be released next week.
Axel has continued work on the play menu, and the menu itself has been completed. Work on the Steam integration for the underlying server listings and lobby creation is about halfway done and should be completed next week - at that point work will start on the next menu (game setup/submarine config). Koji is modeling new assets for the sonar room.

Usurpator 03-17-23 04:22 PM

Weekly update
Hello everyone!

Yesterday a new version hit the testing branch - we've included a lot of bugfixes found during the last test. We are super excited to share the new engine mechanics with you, we've found them to be super fun and engaging in our internal testing.

There are still some bugs in the VOIP system, some SFX and VFX work remaining and hooking up the resources so batteries/bilge and similar have a proper gameplay impact - but we're getting close to a new update!

Axel has continued work on the play menu, the last finishing touches are being wrapped up this weekend, and work on the submarine selection/in-game start menu will begin next week.

Currently, you can sort lobbies by title, description, year, location, time of day, player count and elapsed game time (how long the match has been running) as well as filter out password-protected lobbies, lobbies with bots enabled/disabled and full lobbies - do you have any other sorting/filtering options you'd like to see? Please let us know in the suggestions channel in our Discord:

Usurpator 03-24-23 11:50 AM

Weekly update
Hello everyone!

This week Oscar has added a new radio to the radio room, worked on the voice over IP system, added working voice tube whistles, updated the engine clutch, and started working on water leaks from the air vents. Einar has modeled a measuring device for CO2-levels and is now modeling equipment for the sound room. Koji is working on a new detailed version of the U-boat bunker/sub pen.

Axel has wrapped up the play menu, and work has now started on the submarine/lobby menu.

The second screenshot features one of our special cases, where we want to provide a real time preview to related graphic settings in the options menu - in this case, the Water tab features a background where you can inspect your water settings in real time for better configuration.

kateSZ 03-30-23 04:56 AM

Thanks for the update, Einar! It's great to hear that the game is now greenlit and that you're working on integrating it with Steam's services. I understand that rewriting the net code can be time-consuming, but the benefits of having automatic updating, bug reporting, and matchmaking features will be worth it in the long run.

It's also exciting to hear that you're working on creating player avatars. Having avatars can add a lot of personality and immersion to the game, so I'm looking forward to seeing them in action. Keep up the good work!

Usurpator 03-31-23 04:25 PM

Weekly update
Hello everyone!

This week Oscar has added flooding effects for the air vents. Diving with the vents open will cause flooding and increase the bilge levels rapidly. He's also made adjustments improving the voice tubes. Einar has been working on an underwater telegraph unit for the sonar room.

Axel has been designing another menu, the game setup/lobby menu - most of the menu has been completed, some work remains on chat functionality/player lists. He's also adding some quality of life features related to user VOIP volume levels and microphone control. Koji is working on the new U-boat bunker.

Usurpator 04-07-23 07:23 AM

Weekly updates
Hello everyone!

This week Oscar has finished work on the voice tubes (including the radio and sonar rooms), and added sound to the flooding effect.
Einar has finished modeling and texturing the underwater telegraph. He's now working on updating the hydrophone model to a historically accurate version. He is also adding miscellaneous detail assets for the radio and sonar rooms.

Axel has continued work on the game setup menu. Work has wrapped up on the chat and player list functionalities, as well as integrating the Steam Workshop for custom mission types. A push-to-talk hint has been added (with quick settings for mute/unmute) which will be featured in all menues where voip is enabled.
Koji is working on the U-boat bunker, initially creating a rough outline of the facility.

Usurpator 04-14-23 08:59 AM

Weekly update
Hello everyone!

This week Oscar and Einar has been working on the new sonar room. Oscar has implemented the new hydrophone and Einar has added a lot of new models. A new test build has been released to the testers.
Axel has started working on the submarine selection and loadout menu, while here, we are adding some minor quality of life features such as tags for playstyle/preferred languages/crew description - and some minor customization options such as a submarine "nickname" that can be displayed in tandem with the submarine identification number ("U-96, and so on...) in applicable game menues. Koji is working on the new U-boat bunker.

KapitanShad 04-15-23 10:14 AM

I fire up wolfpack everyday in anticipation and hope of seeing an update dialog appear ... 0.26R downloading! looking great. :Kaleun_Applaud:

Usurpator 04-21-23 01:00 PM

Weekly update
Hello everyone!

This week Oscar has added two more player slots to the U-boat, making it possible to play with up to 7 people in the same boat. Einar has been modeling and texturing more assets for the radio and sonar rooms. Axel has continued work on the submarine pen-menu, as well as some minor icon work for rank insignias. Koji is working on the new U-boat bunker.

Usurpator 04-28-23 08:47 AM

Weekly update
Hello everyone!

This week Oscar has started building the bot routines for the diesel engine and electric motor, he has also been fixing bugs in the voice system. Axel has been working on various menues, such as loading screens, message boxes, popups, and rank icons. He is currently working on Subpen back-end parts. Einar is adding more detail to the radio and sonar room and Koji is working on the U-boat bunker.

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