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Ragnarokkr 04-23-19 03:48 AM

Should there be a new thread where possible suggestions and improvement ideas from the players would be gathered?
From there the developers could append some inspiration, consider new features and it also could function as an archive for suggestions already pitched.

Discord being more of a quick messaging application rather than a proper forum for discussion regarding things like this...
(also taking into account that this could direct more guys toward the forum, this could liven up the threads as well.)

Onkel Neal 04-26-19 10:33 AM

TDC label "Heading" has been fixed and now reads "Bearing".

Elphaba 04-26-19 12:51 PM


Originally Posted by Ragnarokkr (Post 2605143)
Should there be a new thread where possible suggestions and improvement ideas from the players would be gathered?
From there the developers could append some inspiration, consider new features and it also could function as an archive for suggestions already pitched.

Discord being more of a quick messaging application rather than a proper forum for discussion regarding things like this...
(also taking into account that this could direct more guys toward the forum, this could liven up the threads as well.)

The problem either way is that a thread of suggestions turns into discussions and off topic nonsense. Just look at the discord channels.

Short of having a JIRA type system offered by the devs for logging / tracking bugs and suggestions, then were left with very imperfect systems used by very imperfect people.


Ragnarokkr 04-27-19 06:05 AM

Good point. Though this could be solved to some degree by enforcing a "standard form" for the thread, new threads for specific topics/suggestions and get one or two moderators to keep things as they should be.

My main point of argument is not really going beyond utilizing the forum for players to pitch some ideas/suggestions to the developers (which, they will deem worthy of exploring themselves).
Discord is not really suited for that purpose, with all the messages being buried beneath the avalanche of unrelated comments.

Elphaba 04-27-19 06:12 AM

Well I for one ask people to delete their extraneous comments - some do.

I also make sure a suggestion or bug stars off with “SUGGESTION:“ or “BUG:” as a means to help the devs identify a real post rather than chat.

I think discord is still better than forums due to less chrome and ability to get people to remove posts.

It would help if they had a kid who did this for them, I’d volunteer.

Usurpator 05-08-19 05:11 PM

Weekly Updates
Hello everyone!

In an attempt to be more transparent with our work, weekly updates will be posted from now on. We want to keep you updated on what we are doing, so even small updates will be posted. This week I am working on the model of the HMS Royal Oak intended for the Scapa Flow mission, while Oscar is making a tutorial level.


Elphaba 05-08-19 05:18 PM

Thank you. That’s really appreciated.

Ragnarokkr 05-09-19 08:19 AM

Awesome and truly appreciated :Kaleun_Thumbs_Up:

Usurpator 05-13-19 11:14 AM

Weekly Update
This week Oscar is working on the bot system and bug fixes. I am working on the HMS Royal Oak model.


Pisces 05-21-19 05:13 PM

For those that haven't noticed yet, beta 0.16 is out on Steam.

Onkel Neal 05-21-19 05:54 PM

Usurpator 05-22-19 08:55 AM

Version 0.16
Version 0.16 is now available. The update features a training mission illustrating the in-game mechanics of the torpedo data computer.
The training mission gives you the option to observe the calculated torpedo trajectory, as well as the distance, speed and angle on bow of the target.

The targets are represented by blue triangles. The semi-transparent triangle in front of each target represent the targets position on the calculated impact.
Ship types are also represented, allowing you to practice identifying the ships using the recognition manual.

Usurpator 05-31-19 10:18 AM

Weekly update
This week Oscars been fixing bugs and adding features to the map and recognition manual. I've been working on assets for the Scapa flow-mission.

Pisces 05-31-19 11:07 AM

Einar, Oscar,

Steam still lacks a news page indicating 0.16 is released.

Usurpator 06-07-19 08:42 AM

Weekly update

This week Oscar made a terrain generator and map shaders. The depths are generated but will be replaced with proper barymetric data in the future. I'm still developing assets for the Scapa flow-mission.

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