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Paul Riley 05-12-09 04:16 PM


Originally Posted by Leandros (Post 1100224)
U-99 Obl.z.S Schulz Oct. 9th 1939 01:27 - 2nd mission.

Back in Wilhelmshafen. Generated in all 74.000 tons mostly from convoy in BE32. Had to sink all 3 escort vessels to get working peace. 4 LM's. Missed a large one on the way back through the Channel. F....d up the mission by trying to sneak up on an ASW trawler from behind in the dark to waste him with the deck gun as no torps left. Was detected and lost 6 artillery crew. Went below and got off the hook. Sneaked through the Dover Straits back home.

How does one get back with 6% HI....?

Thats what happens when you try and take on the Royal Navy with just one U-Boat.They were designed to sink commercial shipping,not get blown to bits by attacking warships at every turn ;) , leave that to the big guns of the Battleships,thats their job did well with your tonnage score :salute:

finchOU 05-12-09 04:18 PM

300 km off of Gibraltar following a west bound sound contact for three days in the same crappy weather conditions....wondering why the weather has not changed in three days :nope: Especially since I have covered so much should be at least a little different...same wind and direction...same vis. What to do? Cant attack because I might not get credit for sinking her in poor vis..... but not giving up yet.

Leg 05-12-09 06:25 PM

Closing to Freetown, I hope to find some traffic in this zone... the convoy line passing near Cape Verde and Canary Islands was empty.. I've lost more than a week patrolling an empty area.

Leandros 05-13-09 03:32 AM

U-99 - Obl.z.S. Schulz - Jan. 28th, 1940 23:25 - 3rd patrol

Have patrolled AM11 as ordered - no luck. Went back eastwards to lurk around Scapa for some heavies. A westbound convoy is now approaching through the straits. Little sign of escorts so far......

Synthfg 05-13-09 05:57 AM

Summer 42 Patroling off new york in fog and high seas,
Pick up a blip on radar, close to 350m and find the rear of a Ceramic Type Liner emerging from the gloop,

Fire off 3 eels on magnetic and dive to PD turning to pass behind her. All 3 eels explode underneath her, She's going down but as the crew stop chearing the sonar operator pipes up, Warship appraoching close, fast, dead ahead,

I grap the scope and turn it just in time to see a destroyer pulling 25kts+ at 350m emerge from the gloom heading straight for me, he's too close for an eel and before I have time to do any more than utter ohh shii, bang his bow ploughs straight into my submerged conning tower my periscope is ripped from my hand and the sub is shaken with water pouring into the control room and radio shack,

looking at the damage report it appears that the tower has all but been ripped clean off the boat (red everything destroyed including flack guns)

Fortunatly my well trained repair crew is on the case, even more fortunatly the destroyers repair crew is not so on the ball, tho we barly avoid her sinking ontop of us.

With no way of aiming the eels or repairing the damage it's going to be a long cruise back to lorient:salute:

Leandros 05-13-09 07:15 AM

U-99 - Obl.z.S. Schulz - Jan. 29th, 1940 03:27 - 3rd patrol

No heavies but here is the harvest of the convoy South of Scapa - 3 torps left - pushing homeward:

Leg 05-13-09 09:19 AM

I've sunk 57000 tons near Freetown. And a dido class approaching to defend the convoy; now I'm heading home.

Paul Riley 05-13-09 09:45 AM


Originally Posted by Synthfg (Post 1100416)
Summer 42 Patroling off new york in fog and high seas,
Pick up a blip on radar, close to 350m and find the rear of a Ceramic Type Liner emerging from the gloop,

Fire off 3 eels on magnetic and dive to PD turning to pass behind her. All 3 eels explode underneath her, She's going down but as the crew stop chearing the sonar operator pipes up, Warship appraoching close, fast, dead ahead,

I grap the scope and turn it just in time to see a destroyer pulling 25kts+ at 350m emerge from the gloom heading straight for me, he's too close for an eel and before I have time to do any more than utter ohh shii, bang his bow ploughs straight into my submerged conning tower my periscope is ripped from my hand and the sub is shaken with water pouring into the control room and radio shack,

looking at the damage report it appears that the tower has all but been ripped clean off the boat (red everything destroyed including flack guns)

Fortunatly my well trained repair crew is on the case, even more fortunatly the destroyers repair crew is not so on the ball, tho we barly avoid her sinking ontop of us.

With no way of aiming the eels or repairing the damage it's going to be a long cruise back to lorient:salute:

That sounded great :arrgh!:
Too bloody close for my liking,but thrilling nonetheless

Sgtmonkeynads 05-14-09 02:20 AM

Oh man!!!

The last two days have been the best I have ever had playng this game in years.

Mission 5: Patrol seemed pointles. Was not much going on when convoy was sighted. In the convoy was the HMS Rodney!! So after pauseing the game to jump up and down, I sank it with its one DD escort that was with it. All other ammo was put to use while surfaced agianst the convoy.

Altogether little less than 76,000 tons. Iron cross awarded to me and crew.:woot:

Mission 6: Not much at all. 20,000 tons worth of small ships and a schooner. I got the second iron cross for the Rodney though.

Mission 7: Sank a fishing boat after about a week of being skunked by weather and just lack of anything to shoot at. Neutral Convoy was spotted and it being reported as neutral almost made me skip over it.
Went to check it out and what did I see.

After an hour of getting into position I fired 4 in to her side and she went down. After that a Black Swan sang her last song. Then it was nothing but happy times on the surface. 5 large merchants, 2 modern tankers, 1 small merchant, and ohers.

15 ships sank for 105,465 tons.:rock:
I recieved the Knights Cross
My crew got so many I should have wrote them all down. It seriousley took me longer to hand out all the medals than it did the Nelson to go down.

I have had the best two days ever!!!!!
Sister ships sank by the same U-boat with in two days of each other, take that Tommy.

Leandros 05-14-09 02:42 AM

Naughty boy.....:rock:

Jimbuna 05-14-09 03:13 AM

Congratulations monkeynads.


Leg 05-14-09 04:42 AM

Back at Lorient after 150000 tons sunk (there was the resupply at the Corrientes though).

nikbear 05-14-09 05:24 AM

Congrats to you both :yeah: At the moment my sinkings book looks like a hermits address book :nope: Damn weather:wah:

Leandros 05-14-09 06:39 AM

U-99 - Obl.z.S. Schulz - Feb. 14th, 1940 13:59 - 4th patrol

Patrolling off Lerwick sub base. Plan to down a few unfriendly hunters.....:yeah:


U-99 - Obl.z.S. Schulz - Feb. 16th, 1940 23:51 - 4th patrol

After - all destroyers:

Now back to base - big things are brewing in the North.....:cool:.....Karl shall be mad at me.....

U-99 - Obl.z.S. Schulz - Feb. 19th, 1940 08:18 - 4th patrol

Entering the Wilhelmshafen approaches....

And - KM Tirpitz salutes us.......

Taking a few days break now. Hope to be in on the Weserübung show....:woot:

Paul Riley 05-14-09 03:53 PM


Originally Posted by Paul Riley (Post 1100220)
.................................................. .................................................

Latest report

After an hour chasing the contact we seem to be falling behind,sound strength fading slightly,clear the target is faster than us,leaving us unsure of target type as we have not experienced any merchants faster than our U-Boats yet.
attack aborted,proceeding back to original course
dawn dive
dist sfd - 240km
ST - 08:30
dist smd - 16km
finally left British air coverage zone (BACZ) (2000km radius) without incident.will radio base of our position just before upcoming dusk dive.will then shortly be entering Icelandic air coverage zone (IACZ) after a brief spell in the BE55 air gap
approx 4.5 days to reach current position,leaving us still on a good schedule to reach our patrol zone (PZ) in good time.

total air attacks - 6
total dist sfd - 1451km
total dist smd - 133km

end of report
.................................................. ................................................


Tonight's events

12th Nov
After 3 days of pretty much the same as before,diving at dawn,dusk,working out how much distance we made surfaced etc we bumped into a small merchant in AL55 heading east,possibly from Halifax.The night was dark and very calm.We decided to give him a warm welcome on his peaceful little voyage.I swung the boat round north in order to put him just on the border of extreme visibility,about 3km.I then straddled him at 90 degrees,monitoring his position in the scope.After about 30mins he was confirmed at doing 92 degrees at 7kts.
We raced ahead of him for our first attack,which was set for a submerged attack at 500m.Approx 1 hour later he came into view,and I made all the neccessary preparations for the electric torpedo.Depth was set to 3m with an impact pistol.Fire angle set for 10 degrees to target.
fired 1,torpedo passed across his stern by about 0.5m.Was sure all settings were correct,leading me to conclude that my fire angle was wrong,and should have released the torp sooner.This was our first proper test with the electrics in the fore tubes,being so used to the faster steam torps.
Immediately swung north again and put about 2km between us.I then blew tanks at full speed and decided to engage the target in a broadside gun duel.Target managed to fire only 2 rounds in entire engagement which fell well short of us.
merchant finally sunk bow first
rds fired in engagement - 34 (unskilled gunners)
tonnage - 2.618 (a bloody waste of time in my opinion)

.................................................. .................................................

Not the best start on our maiden voyage :nope:
Hope we can ammend our poor start with sinking a huge load of Russian supplies and vodka further north in our patrol zone.

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