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Jimbuna 02-11-10 04:01 AM


Originally Posted by Gilbou (Post 1263868)
Started a carreer with manual targetting.
Three patrols, no torpedo ever touched any ship.
Read again and again the GWX 3.0 part about manual targetting.
Going back to auto targetting.

I taught myself by firing from a range of 500 metres then gradually upped it to 800 then 1000 etc.

Obviously the further away you are from the target the error of margin becomes magnified but practice does/should eventually make you quite proficient.

BillCar 02-11-10 08:30 AM


Originally Posted by Gilbou (Post 1263868)
Started a carreer with manual targetting.
Three patrols, no torpedo ever touched any ship.
Read again and again the GWX 3.0 part about manual targetting.
Going back to auto targetting.

That's how it was for me at first, but a couple weeks after I started playing, I got really good at it. Now I never use manual targeting, and I think my record for distance is a single-torpedo kill on a passenger cargo at a distance of 4000m.

It's definitely worth sticking with it until you can do it – it's way more rewarding!

I strongly recommend using the fixed-wire method to get the target's speed for your solution, by the way. I only do the 3m15s plotting thing when overhauling now, but it's rarely necessary – I usually just sail towards my hydrophone contact, spot it, and overhaul outside their visual range). Using the fixed-wire method gives you a very, very accurate speed reading on your target, and most importantly, it gives it to you immediately before you maneuver to fire.

Gilbou 02-11-10 12:20 PM


Originally Posted by BillCar (Post 1264579)
That's how it was for me at first, but a couple weeks after I started playing, I got really good at it. Now I never use manual targeting, and I think my record for distance is a single-torpedo kill on a passenger cargo at a distance of 4000m.

It's definitely worth sticking with it until you can do it – it's way more rewarding!

I strongly recommend using the fixed-wire method to get the target's speed for your solution, by the way. I only do the 3m15s plotting thing when overhauling now, but it's rarely necessary – I usually just sail towards my hydrophone contact, spot it, and overhaul outside their visual range). Using the fixed-wire method gives you a very, very accurate speed reading on your target, and most importantly, it gives it to you immediately before you maneuver to fire.

Until now I have found ships. Sea is calm. I come from astern. I take a lot of time to identify ships. Sometimes I go around the book 4/5 times before I found the good ship. I pause the game so I can set the height using the mast, then speed. I see my depth to 3/4 of the ship's depth.

I try to get within 1 km or so. But then, the ship goes in front of the sub quite fast so I don't have much time. I calculate the distance again, the speed usually did not change so it's just distance and AoB. To calculate the AoB I go to the map, use the protactor so I can calculate the AoB. I set everything and when I check, the torpedo has the good settings.

I shoot, and all the time the torpedo either goes too much to the left and misses the ship or it goes too much in front. I have done 3 patrols, and spent my time shooting salvos of 2 torpedoes and seeing all of them miss.

And I got no clue in how you can make a torpedo hit anywhere but at the middle of the ship.

Obltn Strand 02-11-10 12:32 PM

Practice makes perfect. I did two careers with auto targetting. After a while there is no challenge anymore.

1000m or so are maximum firing distance for me although sometimes I have to try my luck at greater distances.

Your 4000m is admirable BillCar:salute: I shot Orecarrier at distance of 5000m. Scored a hit to Auxilary cruiser at full 100% realism and no map update. But it had more to do with luck than skill. Can't complain though.

BillCar 02-11-10 12:42 PM

If you're shooting from a gyro angle of roughly 000, the distance also doesn't matter (assuming that you're in range, and keeping in mind that closer is always better until you hit 300m). Just the speed and the AOB.

There are some tutorials on calculating the AOB by other means – I've gotten very good at determining it simply by looking at the ship.

What will help you very much is to "overhaul" the ship – this means passing it, getting in front of it, and then adjusting your angle so that you are lined up to shoot it before it arrives at the point where you will shoot – this will give you more time to check your calculations.

It is also very important to remember that, after you turn off the automatic TDC to put in the target information and AOB, you *MUST* turn auto TDC back on. The reason for this is that as you turn the periscope or UZO with the movement of the ship, this information is being fed to the TDC and will adjust it. For example: if you are stationary, and a ship doing seven knots comes at you with a 45º AOB, as you follow its progress closer to you with the periscope, the TDC will update itself based on your calculations – as the ship's AOB becomes larger relative to your boat, the TDC will reflect this.

This means that if you overhaul, arrive ahead of time, and establish the target speed is 6 and the AOB is 20º (for example), then you can put that information into the TDC, switch it back to automatic, and track the target with your scope until you hit a gyro angle of zero. Hopefully when you hit gyro angle zero, you're at roughly 90º AOB. If you're off to the point where it will be a problem, get your engines moving, and order rudder hard in the direction of the ship's movement. You may need to adjust the targeting computer again. Try and turn so that you wind up with a zero gyro angle coinciding with a roughly 90º AOB, and remember to switch your TDC back to automatic again once you've adjusted the AOB. I have yet to miss a ship while doing this, even making some snap shots while turning hard (just make sure your tube is open, and have your finger on that red button for the second you've got a good gyro angle and aimpoint coincidence).

You can choose your aimpoint with the periscope – it will send torpedoes where you aim it, basically. If you're only able to aim at the middle of the ship, it may be because you are locked onto it. If you want to aim at the stern or bow or other areas, disable the lock so that you can freely move your periscope.

Remember also to open your torpedo tubes BEFORE you fire. If you fire without doing this first, the tubes still have to open, so you may wind up losing critical seconds, between firing at your aimpoint and the torpedo actually leaving the tube, which can lead to misses.

Additionally, when selecting a salvo, make sure you don't set the angle too wide, since with two torpedoes, neither goes directly to your aimpoint – they go however many degrees on either side of it. I personally do not fire salvos – I fire one torpedo at a time, but quickly, so I can still get two torpedoes out about as fast as a salvo was. I don't have to worry about the salvo angle, though, since I am aiming each torpedo myself.

If I've given any wrong information here, hopefully someone more knowledgeable than myself will come along and correct it – but I can promise you that this all works for me, and I've gotten so that I very rarely miss now. Usually, if I shoot at a ship and it doesn't sink, it's because I sent the torpedo underneath it in rough seas, or it was a dud.

BillCar 02-11-10 12:45 PM


Originally Posted by Obltn Strand (Post 1264830)
Practice makes perfect. I did two careers with auto targetting. After a while there is no challenge anymore.

1000m or so are maximum firing distance for me although sometimes I have to try my luck at greater distances.

Your 4000m is admirable BillCar:salute: I shot Orecarrier at distance of 5000m. Scored a hit to Auxilary cruiser at full 100% realism and no map update. But it had more to do with luck than skill. Can't complain though.

Thanks! I only took that shot because it was my last stern torpedo, the ship was passing the optimal gyro angle, and I was getting frustrated with maneuvering around it. So I said "well, this looks right to me" and let her go. I was very thrilled when she went to the bottom!

Your 5000m beats my 4000m handily, though! :salute:

But yes, I agree, 1000m is a good distance. I sometimes go up to 2000 on larger targets when pressed for time in convoy attacks, but that's about it.

I also don't have map updates on. One simply has to get proficient at whatever method of plotting and firing solution one chooses to use!

Falkirion 02-11-10 05:57 PM

Continued first patrol of U-207, 1940.

The crew and I having transferred from our faithful boat U-47 to a new Type VIIC and making one successful convoy attack were ready for more of the same.

We tracked a convoy just north west of Rockall bank, they were headed to transit the area and I wanted to have depth on my side during the attack. We made contact visually in the middle of the night, luckily the lead escort had his back turned and we cut to starboard to avoid being spotted but it was a close call nonetheless. After making a quick rough estimate of their course we did an end around to get out bow tubes lined up. We centered our sights on a small tanker and a whaling ship. Small tanker was on the other side of HMS Rodney. Darn brits must have some kind of ressurection technology, because we sent her to the bottom two patrols ago (I know this is a game generated thing but it still ticks me off that ships wont stay gone, especially when I've sunk the 2 BBs that comprise the class) We fired off a spread of 3, then dove down to 200m and went straight to silent running.

End result, 1 whaling ship. Was really annoyed my tanker torp prematured on its way to target because I'm sure it would have sunk it too. We evaded for around an hour then the 2 Flowers that were hunting for me disengaged and returned to the convoy. We surfaced about 20 minutes after they'd left and continued south east to try and hunt up some shipping in the mid atlantic. We've got a total of 4 torpedos left.

krashkart 02-11-10 07:01 PM

^^ I have a feeling that the rest of my convoy intercepts will be in foul weather. :wah:

My boat collided with a KM destroyer and sank, shortly after setting out from Wilhelmshaven for her fifth patrol. January 3rd, 1940. So long, '47. :-?

Obltn Strand 02-11-10 07:51 PM


Originally Posted by BillCar (Post 1264844)
Thanks! I only took that shot because it was my last stern torpedo, the ship was passing the optimal gyro angle, and I was getting frustrated with maneuvering around it. So I said "well, this looks right to me" and let her go. I was very thrilled when she went to the bottom!

Your 5000m beats my 4000m handily, though! :salute:

But yes, I agree, 1000m is a good distance. I sometimes go up to 2000 on larger targets when pressed for time in convoy attacks, but that's about it.

I also don't have map updates on. One simply has to get proficient at whatever method of plotting and firing solution one chooses to use!

Rough estimate and didn't hit where it supposed to:oops:
It was my last bow torpedo against a convoy.

Chef 02-11-10 11:26 PM

Went out on patrol before the start of the war. The weather was horrific for weeks while I awaited the start of hostilities. Upon receipt of the war order authorizing hostile action against British shipping, the weather cleared up and a 10K ton tanker sailed into view. It's a good start for U-52. Aaarrrggg! :arrgh!:

krashkart 02-11-10 11:33 PM


Originally Posted by Chef (Post 1265401)
Went out on patrol before the start of the war. The weather was horrific for weeks while I awaited the start of hostilities. Upon receipt of the war order authorizing hostile action against British shipping, the weather cleared up and a 10K ton tanker sailed into view. It's a good start for U-52. Aaarrrggg! :arrgh!:

Take that sucker down, Chef. :up:

Dissaray 02-12-10 12:58 PM

I was hunting off the east coast of England in late september of '39 and saw a ship just pluging away at sevin knots and having a good old time. It was daylight and conditions were good so I thoght I would try some long range torpido work. I fired from just outside of 6.5k and waited. I had the speed set to medium speed so it would make it all the way to the target with steam left over but still make decent time to target. As the torpido tracked to target I was watching the attack map to see if it was lined up right for a hit. It was a beutiful shot, 000 gyroangle and 90 degree AOB at the point of impact give or take a few degrees. Five minits or so ticked by as my eel went out to meat my new friend and sure enuf it found him but to my shock and dissmay the damn thing didn't blow; it was a dud.

Well I wasn't having any of that went to full steam ahead and shelled that most offencive ship into oblivion.

krashkart 02-12-10 01:58 PM

^^ My favorite approach for merchant shipping. Shell 'em till they explode. I try to save my torpedoes in case I run afoul of a convoy or warship. I always seem to run out anyway. :DL

Currently, it is January 7th, 1940. Had to save the game and exit for a breather. We are at around 35 meters depth, somewhere in the Channel, trying to sneak away from a very ticked off English destroyer. Managed to put a TI aft under her props but she kept going. Didn't take them long to determine our whereabouts.

Put our tail-end towards her and went flank. Was hoping she would straighten out behind us, but the Brits are no fools. Was thoroughly bummed to see the destroyer jinking in. Now we hide and hope for the best.

BillCar 02-13-10 02:02 AM

U-53, Type VIIB, Oblt. z. S. Jochen Luebke

Departed Wilhelmshaven November 16th. Passed through Strait of Dover, sinking one large merchant and one ASW Trawler on the way. (ca. 12,500 GRT).

Sank another large merchant south of Portland.

Sank a small merchant south of Plymouth.

Sank a small coal tender.

Sank another large merchant.

Sank a coastal freighter.

Sank a medium cargo.

Sank a passenger cargo.

Sank a small merchant.

49,000 GRT. Docked Wilhelmshaven November 30th, hull integrity 100%.

Snestorm 02-13-10 03:04 AM

Patrol 3 U37 IX(A) 2. Flotilla
11.07. Underway. Assigned Patrol Grid BE94.

12.03. AF47. Alarm! Aircraft.

08.10. AM33. Heavy Fog. Proceeding submerged as much as possible.

16.20. BE32. Fog has finaly cleared.

14.20. BE94. Arrive on station.

14.00. BE94. Departing grid.
Will return on a track closer to the Southern, and Western Approaches.

08.02. Radio Report.
Enemy Large Convoy. AM01. East. 7 Knots.
Full Ahead.

16.14. Patroling Western AM01. (Hoping they didn't pass).
Sound Contact. Convoy. Begin information gathering.

18.27. Fire Tubes 5 & 6 on a T2 Tanker. Daylight Submerged Attack.

18.29. Sunk T2 Tanker. Course 093. Speed 7.
2 x T1 Torpedoes.
(Only 1 Torpedo struck the target. There was second impact one minute later.)
Lead Escort is a V Class DD.

20.30. Surface. Full Ahead.

22.44. Flower Class Corvette (Rear Escort) spotted and bypassed.

00.06. Night Surface Attack. (Followed by dive).
Target = C3 Cargo. Fire Tube 3.
Course 093. Speed 7 Knots. Range 3.000 Meters.
Torpedo Impact. No sinking. Unknown if it was targeted ship.

02.30. AM29. Surface. Full Ahead.

06.35. Night Surface Attack. (Followed by dive).
Course 103. Speed 7 Knots.
Tubes 1, 2, and 4 at T3 Tanker (T2 x 3)
Tube 3 at Coastal Merchant. (T1 x 1)

06.37. T3 Tanker (11.653 GRT) sunk.
Coastal Merchant (2.044 GRT) sunk.

07.22. Begin Torpedo Reload.

08.58. All Bow Tubes Loaded.
(No reloads for my external stern tubes).

09.20. AM29. Surface. Full Ahead.

11.27. Convoy sighted.

13.15. AM02. Daylight Submerged Attack.
Course 192. Speed 7 Knots.
Fire Tubes 1,2, & 4 at C2 Cargo. (T2 x 3).
Fire Tube 3 at Coastal Merchant. (T1 x 1).

13.16. C2 Cargo (6.451 GRT) sunk.
Separate impact heard.

13.38. Small Merchant (2.338 GRT) sunk.
(Not the intended victim, but no complaints here).

15.57. Last T2 Torpedo fired at Flower Class Corvette.
He had engine trouble and could only make 1 Knot.
Had the last G7E set to Magnetic and loaded while following in the Corvettes baffles.
Attempted to put it "up her stern".

20.40. Surface. Homeward bound.
All Torpedoes Expended (12 in all. No externals carried. No stern reloads.)

17.feb.40. 11.40. AM28. Alarm! Aircraft.

26.feb.40. 12.29. AF75.
Sound Contact. Multiple Warships. Long Range. Moving NNW.

03.mar.40. Docked at Wilhelmshaven.

Patrol Results: 5 Ships. 33.357 GRT. (All sailing in convoy).

U37 Totals: 3 Patrols. 77.741 GRT.

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