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Skybird 01-22-13 10:58 AM

Turkish enrichment of Western culture beats the drums again
Turkish community in Austria threatens to sue Lego for the Star Wars set "Jabba's Palace" because - they say - the set if a miserable copy of the Hagia Sophia and Jabba obviously is a racist depiction of the oriental race with all kind of negative stereotypes attached to it. They accuse Lego of "Volksverhetzung" (incitement of the masses). Yes, you read that right.

So far I found the story in German only:

They want to take action in Germany and Switzerland as well, and then fired a barrage of pseudo-pedagogic bull to put some cream on top of the smelly brown heap they just have squeezed out.

So good to have them here. They really mean so much more life and activity in our boring inferior monoculture.

What I really take queer: that they - as Muslims and notorious troublemakers - dare to label the absolutely and totally unsuspicious toy as "Sprengstoff für Kinder" ("explosives for children"). That kind of cynism tops it for me.

STEED 01-22-13 11:55 AM

So Action Man would not go down well? ;)

BossMark 01-22-13 12:31 PM

Bloody Turks :nope:

ETR3(SS) 01-22-13 12:56 PM

Someone should point them towards George Lucas then, I hear he just made a quick $4 billion. I'm sure he'd share it.

Sarcasm aside, didn't Justinian order it built?

Betonov 01-22-13 01:10 PM


Originally Posted by ETR3(SS) (Post 1997263)

Sarcasm aside, didn't Justinian order it built?

Yep, I think it was a basilica, a big church at first before bysantium fell.

Plus, Jaba the hut reminds me more of the pope

Catfish 01-22-13 02:02 PM

Did anyone realize the storm troopers and bad Yedis are a cheap copy of the german WW2 uniforms, and helmets ?

SUE THEM ! :hmph:

ETR3(SS) 01-22-13 02:15 PM


Originally Posted by Betonov (Post 1997266)
Plus, Jaba the hut reminds me more of the pope

The Emperor reminds me more of the pope than Jabba.

Penguin 01-24-13 05:10 AM

Yes, clearly those Austrian simpletons speak for all the Turkish community, bloody Turks my arse. Just like the BNP represents all Brits, maybe the next time I read a report about thos muppets, I should write "bloody Brits"... :damn:

That being said, let's check out what those funny clowns from Austria have to offer, here is their statement (in German):
and a photo from their site:


You really have to have a religiously based mental disorder to see any damned tower as a minarett. And what part of 1:1 copy don't they understand when they write it looks exactly like the Hagia Sophia or Jami al-Kabir in Beirut. :rotfl2:
The best part yet to come:

The crimes associated with the figures, the statements adds, include terrorism, slavery, murder and human sacrifice.
(from the Daily Terrorgraph's translation:
Yeah, right, instead of opening their mouths against those real-life bastards, who do exactly this, or use mosques as weapon depots, it's is much more comfy to fire against a freaking toy manufacturer. :damn:

The best solution against this culture of offended pussies would be to tear down all damned sections in our Criminal Code that refers to insult, blasphemy, defamation and the like. Free Speech is a natural right, the right to be offended is not. Unfortunately I don't see any polititians in Germany, left or right, who would push for this.

Skybird 01-24-13 06:43 AM


the English edition of Hürryet, the biggest newspaper of Turkey, had a brief mentioning of it this morning (while the native Turkish edition has posted a whole series of articles about it in the past days which I just cannot understand, and thus I assume it is a very different kind of report: you do not make a series of articles about a no-news). While the article I refer to in the international edition, that is read internationally and not so much in Turkey, is relatively neutral and brief, interesting is a comment posted by one Turkish reader, who indicates that it is indeed silly - but who clearly does not make the Turks in Austria responsible for it, but says that it is funny that it is the Austrians again making a joke of themselves.

On the blasphemy laws and their abandoning, I of course agree. No special status for religions. - Hurryet on the other hand opened with a headline today: Isanoglu lambasting the West and Western policies to institutionalise "Islamophobia".

That is a nice illustration of how to turn things around by exactly 180°.

Penguin 01-24-13 07:09 AM

Yo Sky, I also read the English Hürriyet edition , loved the comment. However we don't even know if it is a legit one, I could call myself Püngüin, write a comment and everyone would assume I am a Turk. :) I was astonished that the English edition wrote this neutral, normally Hürriyet is comparible to the German "Bild", sensationalism and crappy journalism, sadly also Germany's biggest paper.

Other than that, I didn't notice anyone caring. This Austrian club, doesn't even state how many members they have, my guess would be hardly more than one per mill of the Turks living in Austria. Though they certainly claim to speak for all of them, just like - sorry for the swear word :03: - Germany's "Zentralrat der Muslime", a sad joke which unfortunately some polititians give more legitimation than they have.

Oh, and I didn't mean only to revoke blasphemy laws from the Criminal Code, also stuff like insult, defamaition (§185) yes also stuff like Agitation (§130) and one of my favorites: "Disparagement of the State and its Symbols" :D (§90).
With all this gone, we could really say: "Yes, we stand for freedom of speach, if this insults you: go and cry a river!"
This way the idiotic culture of being permanently offended, which becomes more and more prevalent in Germany, not only by Muslim circles, would at least have no legal backup.

Catfish 01-24-13 07:13 AM

Püngüin ..

'Schweinshaxe Division' .. what do they fight for ?

Penguin 01-24-13 07:18 AM


Originally Posted by Catfish (Post 1998196)
'Schweinshaxe Division' .. what do they fight for ?

To get out traditional Rhinish food back from the hands of the Bavarians, those buggers claim that Schweinshaxe is their meal. :stare:

(btw, I'm a vegetarian :DL)

Skybird 01-24-13 07:54 AM

Could not really oppose what you said, Püngüyn. :) And yes, Hürryet is a terrible newspaper indeed, that is why I underlined the suprising neutral comment of theirs in the English edition. But as I also said: the Turkish native edition seems to have choosen another tone, indicated by that they had made a series of articles in past days.

The comment I assume is authentic, because it reflects a pattern in attitude towards the West I am all to familiar with: self-victimization if one wants something from the West, and holding the West responsible if oneself had done something wrong. While this is present and widespread in all Muslim world that I have been in, I found it to be especially dominant in rural Turkey and amongst Palestinian Arabs in general, the latter being the true Muslim champions of this art. Its always the others, its always the Jews, its always the infidels.

Tribesman 01-24-13 08:08 AM


Yes, clearly those Austrian simpletons speak for all the Turkish community, bloody Turks my arse. Just like the BNP represents all Brits, maybe the next time I read a report about thos muppets, I should write "bloody Brits"... :damn:

That being said, let's check out what those funny clowns from Austria have to offer, here is their statement (in German):
Thats just a typical example of dhimmitude.
This is serious stuff, Erdogan himself probably orchestrated this anti LEGO jihad.
You must stand up againt the turkish muslamification of europe.


Originally Posted by Skybird (Post 1998183)

while the native Turkish edition has posted a whole series of articles about it in the past days which I just cannot understand, and thus I assume it is a very different kind of report: you do not make a series of articles about a no-news

Newspapers around the world do it every day.
In fact some newspapers appear to make it their primary function.

Idiots have complained about toys since idiots and toys were around.
This is one idiot making a complaint and some other irrelevant idiots echoing it.
I think this Austrian group of muppets is the equivalent of Choudray and his dozen fellow idiots from islam4UK who the newspapers described as "spokesmen for the Muslim community"

Penguin 01-24-13 10:01 AM


Originally Posted by Tribesman (Post 1998209)
This is serious stuff, Erdogan himself probably orchestrated this anti LEGO jihad.
You must stand up againt the turkish muslamification of europe.

Vi are prepared.

Hauptmann Buddha, Gefreiter Mohammed and Schütze Jehova standing by!
Ready to perforate any kid that wants to play with this nasty Lego stuff.

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