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Xaron 01-10-11 09:28 AM

Tank Battles
Dear all!

sung and I did start with some kind of a tank battle game using BB3D. As we'd like to get some feedback from the beginning (and we haven't got far yet ;) ) we appreciate any comments, what you'd like to see, what you like and don't like:

Download link:
Tank Battles V1.0.0.2 from 10-Jan-2011


Castout 01-10-11 08:14 PM

Very interesting. Could you give us more detail about this?

The graphics reminds me of the original Steel Beasts.

Haven't tried the game though.

frinik 01-11-11 07:45 AM

Indie Tanksim?
Xaron are you and Sung the same guys who posted this last year?

BattleCommand (Indie Tanksim)
Hi there,

i'm working on a own tanksim. It has not professional graphics like TvT and the physics are not very accurate at the moment (but it works).
You see in the picture only a old dummy model of a leopard 1a5. The reason is the game models are not ready textured.

The game will be play during the WW II in the operation "Barbarossa". I would like to make scenries in Poland, Bulgaria, Rumania etc.. You can play old models like Panzer III.
Anyway just downloaded your sim and eager to try it out and let you know my impressions.:yeah:


Xaron 01-11-11 08:04 AM

@frinik, true that was sung who is responsible for all 3d stuff (art, models, etc), while I'm the programmer. Actually I was not involved in the former project. ;)

@Castout: Thanks. We'll give more details later but want to collect as much feedback as possible and would like to know what you all would like to see in such a game.

frinik 01-11-11 08:06 AM

First impressions
Xaron I installed your sim but what is not clear is what are we expected to do with it? There are only 2 tanks and all you can do is move one of them around????

1) the gunsight is too arcade type with those red crosses above the gun.They remind me too much of Panzer Elite Action , a mediocre arcade type shooter disguised as a sim.In order to have a SIM you need to have a real gunsight activated from inside the tank.In fact you need inside views so it feels like a real simulation and you feel like you're sitting inside a real tank.

2) Some kind of text/instructiosn would be appreciated so testers know what your tank can do.I had to find the controls by myself. I couldn't shoot not sure if its even possible????

3) You landscapes need detailling and more variety and so do your tanks.I am sure you still at the early stages but you've got lots of work ahead of you to make it into a sim.

Otherwise the tank moves fine although I couldn't find the reverse speed.It's a good beginning but it's hard to say much given the embryonic state of your game.

Hope I didn't discourage you but you are embarking on a tough journey as sims have become so much realistic and fans ever so demanding.:salute:

Xaron 01-11-11 08:13 AM

Thanks frinik, you're right about the embryonic state. :D

Actually we just started and you just can drive around at the moment.

Skybird 01-11-11 08:31 AM

I would recommend to ask for feedback in some months or a year, once there actually is something one can give feedback about. ;) This state ^ is way too early.


Xaron 01-13-11 08:13 AM

Yes you're right. We will keep you up to date though. ;)

We've made the turret a bit slower and added cannon fire. Collisions and explosions are next on my list.

If you look at it carefully you can see that there is a kickback for both cannon and tank when the cannon is fired. ;)

Download link: Tank Battles V1.0.0.3 from 13-Jan-2011

I've made a small video which shows more than a simple screenshot:

Sung 01-14-11 06:47 PM

Xaron has uploaded a new version for testing.

There is now smoke after fireing and a explosion. :D

Sung 01-17-11 11:25 AM

little update..

2 new tanks



Xaron 01-21-11 04:36 AM

Some screenshots from firing the cannon:

At the moment I work on the target scope view. We removed the arcade like cross hair from the outside camera view. Targeting will be done now with the scope. Bullets have a ballistic curve now as well.

Still a long way to go though...

frinik 01-21-11 11:45 PM

Tank Battles
Hi Xarun and Sung! I see that you have made headways!:up:

I have a couple of questions for you.

What kind of simulator do you have in mind? One with tanks from the 50s and 60s exclusively? Will you model/create maps of various places( Europe, Middle East, Africa etc)?

How do you plan to deal with the tough part:

Damage effects
Rate of fire and the various type of ammo
AI( any infantry planned ?Will the crews be able to leave the vehicle etc?

Good start I'll try your firing demo

Cheers and best of luck!

Xaron 01-24-11 04:30 AM

@frinik: Thanks for your posting! :)

We want to cover more modern tanks, so no WW2 scenario. Regarding the scenarios at all we still want to do the technical part first.

Ballistics are integrated now even though it's not ready yet.
What do you mean with damage effects?
Rate of fire and various types of ammo are planned, yes.
AI will come of course and other targets beside tanks as well. We do not plan any crew yet.

New screenshot from the targeting scope:

Here targeting an Abrams M1A1, you see the scope of a T-62. Not that the russian tank would have a big chance against a M1A1 but anyway, that's another story. ;)


A short video showing the attack:

frinik 01-24-11 09:01 AM

Xaron by damage effect I mean every time a shell hits either the target or the ground you need to reflect whatever damge the impact has produced on the target, hole in the armour, tracks disabled, twisted metal, turret flying due to internal explosion or simply a hole in the ground etc.

Anyway it´s a good and promising beginning!Don't give up!
BTW Graviteram is developing a new tank sim based on the T62 and the M60.It's called Steel Armour Blaze of War. You should propose your talents tpo them or consider modding that game once it comes out sometimes this year.Check it out on the Graviteam website.


Sung 01-27-11 11:59 AM

test it
v1008 test it :DL
3,5 MB (Download)


Tank stearing:

throttle = w/s
left/right = a/d

tower = mouse

fire = left mouse
sight = right mouse

foward/ back = cursor up/down
F2 free camera
F1 tanksight

What you think :salute:

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