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mapuc 06-28-20 02:25 PM

They do not know what they are talking about
Been thinking on posting this a while ago(keep on forgetting it)

Some minutes ago I saw a comment in one of my friends posting, where this person wrote

We need a world war.

This person is absolutely not the only one who have aired such a thought

"We need a war/world war"

I shake my head, thou they do not know what they are talking about.
I wouldn't be surprised if the historical knowledge about our wars the last 3-4 century is non existent

Yes we do have some smaller and bigger problems in our society-but wish for a war/world war :nope:


captainadccdacaptain 06-28-20 02:45 PM

Some children in my town are in middle school and think our small town is a US state. Its unfortunate How uneducated People are, and how hateful they are for wantIng another horrible world war

Platapus 06-28-20 06:03 PM

Despite all the money we spend on education, almost half of students are still below average

August 06-28-20 09:07 PM


Originally Posted by Platapus (Post 2680448)
Despite all the money we spend on education, almost half of students are still below average


Pisces 06-29-20 03:04 AM


Originally Posted by mapuc (Post 2680424)
Been thinking on posting this a while ago(keep on forgetting it)

Some minutes ago I saw a comment in one of my friends posting, where this person wrote

We need a world war.

This person is absolutely not the only one who have aired such a thought

"We need a war/world war"

I shake my head, thou they do not know what they are talking about.
I wouldn't be surprised if the historical knowledge about our wars the last 3-4 century is non existent

Yes we do have some smaller and bigger problems in our society-but wish for a war/world war :nope:


And what problem would a world war solve according to these friends of yours? Is this related to the racism revolt, or Corona related, or something else in Denmark going on? Just asking out of curiosity. There has got to be a reason for it. (to them)

Or [sarcasm mode on] ... Isn't Greenland enough extra real estate for you guys? [/sarcasm off] ;)

Jimbuna 06-29-20 12:49 PM

The next world war should it happen could well be the last one.

Platapus 06-29-20 01:14 PM


Originally Posted by Jimbuna (Post 2680539)
The next world war should it happen could well be the last one.

A war to end all wars?

We tried that... did not work out so swell

mapuc 06-29-20 01:27 PM


Originally Posted by Pisces (Post 2680477)
And what problem would a world war solve according to these friends of yours? Is this related to the racism revolt, or Corona related, or something else in Denmark going on? Just asking out of curiosity. There has got to be a reason for it. (to them)

Or [sarcasm mode on] ... Isn't Greenland enough extra real estate for you guys? [/sarcasm off] ;)

I haven't asked those who have aired those thoughts or wishes.

I think the main issue is frustrations-Frustration over their trusted and beloved politicians have dragged them around by not promising what they had promised, during the election campaign.
And the problem we have in our Danish, Swedish and German society

It's not only my Danish friends who have written things like that, even my Swedish and a few of my German friends have written stuff like.

We need a War/World war /

There are also those who wish for a Civil war(They are not so eager to take part if this should happen, due to their age and other medical issues) All this due to the incompetent politicians


Jimbuna 06-29-20 01:44 PM


Originally Posted by Platapus (Post 2680549)
A war to end all wars?

We tried that... did not work out so swell

I'm not so sure we'll have any choice or say in the matter though.

Skybird 06-29-20 04:57 PM

I don'T think we will ever be without wars. Fighting is part of life and practically all living nature is steeped in it. Trees for light, germs versus cells, carnivore predator versus prey, mating rivals amongst each others - the list is endless. Us humans seem to have kind of perfected both the drive for competition, and the drive to wage war for motives that are unique for us and are not shared by any animal species. We are super-predators, and we are super-competitors, and we are warriors.

Thats no praise and no glorification by me, just a sober realization. And much of what defines our technical/technological superiority, comes from our endless drive to fight, to wage war. Hardly any other cultural influence roots this deep in us. A German phrase says that war is the creator of all things, and it is not meant as glorification, but just a description of how so very many later achievements that define our civilizational advance were founded on mere martial needs in times before.

All this is the reason why I am pessimistic about a world peace breaking out all of a sudden. People will always find excuses for trying to subjugate others to their will by force. And it is absolutely possible that this way we one day reduce ourselves to ashes. If we do not meet a hostile challenge form beyond our planet before that.

We usually always want to assume that if life exists out there and it is intelligent and superior in its evolutionary state, it will be peaceful and caring for us, reasonable by our definition of "reasonable". Well. I leave it to that I do not belong to this church. I expect to see many demons amongst the angels. Or beings that simply do not mind for us and our wishes, and maybe snip us out of their way just because we happened to be that mosquito landing on somebody else'S arm. Because the point is - an alien life form, if it has not seeded us, will have no causal linkup to us, our culture, our history, our religions, our morals and values, our emotions, our ethics. Its bigoted to conclude from ourselves on alien civilisations. Or alien predatory herds.

Platapus 06-29-20 05:03 PM


Originally Posted by Jimbuna (Post 2680558)
I'm not so sure we'll have any choice or say in the matter though.

As long as there is greed, religion, finite resources, fear and other human foibles, we will have wars. The only way we won't have wars is if there is only one human on the earth.

We are a violent species.

vienna 06-29-20 08:26 PM

Them's fightin' words!!...


Catfish 06-30-20 02:11 AM

re the above texts, it is also a competition between humans who have the power and money, and the 99 percent that have not. As long as this percent manages to keep a majority dumb and poor to keep up the status quo, the pig system keeps working. I hope the fallback to nationalism and jingoism is a last rear up, to be finished and gone, otherwise humanity will.

In the last decade there has been a shift to problem-solving and co-work instead of working against each other, at least within certain associations and alliances, away from unneccessary competition. If some of the CEOs and military leaders still need to compare the size of their reproductory organs for their own ego and let other people suffer for that, they should be locked away or shot, it will not be a loss for mankind.
You need intelligence and wit at the helm (if you so need a helm), but not dumbness and willy-weaving, even or especially if some still fall for that. Manipulation and lying have never beens as big as now, and it seems humanity is overwhelmed with the technology it itself created.

In the long run there is thorough education needed over generations, this is especially mandatory and should be a test especially for any humans who decide the fate and conditions of other humans and all that lives on earth.
It is unbelievable to watch, with which some of those few deciding get through in your so-called enlightened times. Humans live too short to learn.

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