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BulSoldier 05-14-09 04:16 PM

Here is early '40 and i along with me type VIIC was sent to patrol western aproaches.It is long way there traveling around britain so i decided to move closer to the shore to find some shipping.So far so good.

By the time i get around aberdeen i got report of a convoy traveling sound (small one). I managed to attack it twice in one night.I managed to sink 2 greinvile type freighers and 2 passanger cargos. Both times i managed to slip without even being DCed so it was quite a pleasent ride. The convoy was left few tramp steamesr and another greinvile fr.

At the time i was slowly sliping away i heard report of another, larger convoy just going north this time.I surfaced and try to intercept it however the by the next night at witch time i would interecept it theere were heavy clouds and it was pitch black, really.It was so dark i couldnt see anytging apart from the absolute black blanket that covered the night view.

Anyway i had few more contacts and now i have 5 torps left and i am not even on the west side of britain and with 20k tons under my belt for this patrol .

Paul Riley 05-14-09 04:33 PM

Well done mate :up:
Sounds like the ideal patrol to me

DaveU186 05-15-09 01:06 PM

On 2nd Patrol, left port January 5th 1940. It appears we are equipped with a XXI. Wonder how that happened? ;)

Just having a bit of fun alongside my other careers.

Anyway, first patrol I ran into a large convoy South of Ireland, went a bit mental and only sunk six ships with my large amount of torps. This time around had a pretty quiet patrol in a similar area so decided to sneak through the Irish Sea, and sat outside Blackpool/Liverpool for a while.

Good times have been had, with only a few determined fleets of torpedo boats providing any resistence, and as we now head North West back out into the open ocean, all torps are expended and a dozen victims ranging from ore carriers, to medium and large merchants lie on the bottom.

Poor show from the royal navy. All too easy. :up:

Leandros 05-15-09 04:30 PM

We missed the Norwegian campaign due to transfer to IXB. Now:

U-108 - Kaleu. Schulz - May 31, 1940 02:59 - 6th patrol

Was assigned kvadrant AN36 as patrol area but as soon as we had entered it a message was received from BDU informing of heavy naval traffic around Dunkirk. We set course immediately. Now approaching the French coast. Yes, there is heavy naval traffic......

Jimbuna 05-15-09 05:19 PM

Be advised there have been consistent numerous reports of a CTD when in this area.

I sincerely hope this is not your experience.

It would be helpful to all if you could update of further progress.

tomfon 05-15-09 05:29 PM


Originally Posted by jimbuna (Post 1101975)
Be advised there have been consistent numerous reports of a CTD when in this area.


Jail 05-15-09 05:34 PM

Patrol 15 in a IXb outside the coast of Irland I was on the way to my patrol grid.
I'm in pursuit of this task force but I think it's in vain. They are way ahead of me and I'm afraid im loosing them. :wah:

Leg 05-15-09 05:57 PM

Dunkirk is still my chimera:nope:

I'm on my way to AK23, still a couple of days to go and the hunt will start.

Shoopzee 05-15-09 07:28 PM

Jan 8, 1942- Nearing Long Island, IXc, beat the kettledrum!!

Leandros 05-16-09 08:22 AM


Originally Posted by jimbuna (Post 1101975)
Be advised there have been consistent numerous reports of a CTD when in this area.

I sincerely hope this is not your experience.

It would be helpful to all if you could update of further progress.

I experienced it! Has to start anew from Wilhelmshafen. Shall duplicate the route. Is it some sort of overload...?....a heck of a lot of echoes....

Edit: Strange - on restart the date was moved back from May to March. Had to skip a patrol to approach correct date but now it is early May. Guess I shall have to try Dunkirk another time. Now I am in the midst of Weserübung. Assigned AN21. Hopefully I shall find a large convoy, expend my torps and hurry bck for next patrol.

DaveU186 05-16-09 09:46 AM

3rd Patrol just out of Wilhelmshaven, passing East of Helgoland on the surface. At 128TC, then BANG. Numerous damage reports start flying in, and it seems I've got most of my systems destroyed, flooding in two compartments, and four of my crew dead.

Mine? :x

Paul Riley 05-16-09 10:00 AM

Maybe a terrorist or sabateur onboard? ;)

Leg 05-16-09 10:40 AM

28 January 1941; shadowing a convoy in AK52; sunk two whale factory ships and a flower class with the deck gun (self defence). Failed a second attack; i entered inside the convoy on surface, not seen; a ship, I dont know why, exploded and they spotted me; so I had to crash dive. Now I'm following the convoy waiting for the sunset.

lynard 05-17-09 12:40 AM

Just completed an eventful patrol in AM13. (first career at 100%)
Convoy report from bdu. Good thing I spent a bit of time reading "The Hunt".
10hrs later (1100) in position, where are they. PD, sonar picks them up behind me long range.
Starboard side of convoy just visible through light fog (shadowed til nightfall). Looks to be only 1 escort. Steam ahead and set up for attack. Position looks good just inside of line of small ships. T3 tanker spotted leading the second line and WooHoo a liner just behind. More tankers and large cargo on the other side. T3 looks good but that flag doesn't look right. Next minute a noise of grinding metal, boat tips over. Sh*t just been run over by a coastal steamer. Ok no damage, back to work. Bugger, T3 is US, as are the liner and large cargoes.
Pulled out and steamed ahead for an attack on the port side of the convoy. This time ended too far in and only managed to damage a C2 with the stern tube. He's burning fairly well foward so acts like a nice little beacon in the dark.
Ahead again and manage to down 2 british T3s. Down to 1 stern torp.
Getting light now but manage to get a head again without being spotted. Line up for shot on burning C2, impacts the hold just behind the burning one. Ok the bow is starting to get lower. Escort is on the way so we go deep and wait. Back up to PD in time to see the C2 going under.
But bugger of all buggers the kill was not recorded. This would have put me over 50,000 for the patrol.:wah:

kaptkirkU4467 05-17-09 07:04 AM

U 124 reporting in:
1 tanker and a merch sent to the locker by gun and G7e.
3/10/40 in BE86.

Ancient Mariner 05-17-09 07:22 AM

Mid '42

Second Patrol

Left from "milk cow" to the Carribean.Thought some tanker hunting,glassy ocean & sun was in order,made my way toward Curacao knowing that there would be a decent amount of tanker traffic there.

Having never been this far into the carribean I soon learnt it is a deepwater port,set my depth to 100m,silent running & straight into the middle of the port.

Now I'm not sure if this is the usual Ai,but the patrolling Asw Tug,ran into the anti sub net which i had dove under and the Destroyer had somehow gone mad and kept running back and forth along a pier(bernard @ the helm).

Upon getting a fix on the surroundings i torpedoed A small tanker,modern tanker & T2 tanker not a bad haul.

Before leaving i ended up torpedoing and sinking another 2 small tankers,the destroyer,a C2 cargo and had a raging gun battle with an elco & an asw Tug that had come to hunt me,took minor damage & lost 2 crew.

Cant remember exact tonnage but it was a good haul.

nikbear 05-17-09 09:56 AM


Originally Posted by DaveU186 (Post 1102284)
3rd Patrol just out of Wilhelmshaven, passing East of Helgoland on the surface. At 128TC, then BANG. Numerous damage reports start flying in, and it seems I've got most of my systems destroyed, flooding in two compartments, and four of my crew dead.

Mine? :x

Yep thats a mine alright,you do get a warning from Bdu in a radio message about it at some point If I remember correctly:hmmm:

kaptkirkU4467 05-17-09 12:22 PM

From:U 124

Grid AL37
19/10/40,13:25 local

Have tracked large convoy,many tankers..2 escorts East/SE at 6 knts.
Large merch:6,747
Large tanker:9,553
3 eels hit,2 miss...1 dud
At 100 meters,reloading..escorts are on me....

Fuel is 25%..batt is 75%

Kirk sends...

Paul Riley 05-17-09 04:28 PM


Originally Posted by lynard (Post 1102595)
Next minute a noise of grinding metal, boat tips over. Sh*t just been run over by a coastal steamer. Ok no damage, back to work

Dont worry,i'm not laughing at you,its just the way it all sounded as you wrote it.I love reading some of the accidents people find themselves in,and an unexpected 'bump :o (or tip in your case) in the dark' is one of the best ones

lynard 05-17-09 10:06 PM

You can picture this. Totally immersed in the game, the sound of screws all around, poping the scope up occasionally to check the target. Occasional look around then back trying to distinguish the flag on the target. Then the bang and the tilt.
Believe me, it was that big of a surprise I nearly fell off my bloody chair :)

Started new patrol. Heading through the channel, beautiful weather. So far have 40,000t mainly with the deck gun.
Last night we were sneaking up on a coastal with the intention of lobbing the last few shells into him when surprised on the surface by a TB.
Right you bastard bring it on. So there we were, round and round in circles shooting at each other. I managed to put 4 HEs into him but he still would not blow up. Only things left were 15 SS and a few AA which I wanted to hold onto.
Finally set him on fire with the SS. That was a very satisfying 10 minutes of gameplay.
Had to beat the feet real quick as a destroyer came flying up. Finally lost him. Onward to assigned patrol area.

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