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Archive1 10-23-21 12:44 AM

A couple of observations following the last patrol (#4) - Have 103,675 tons sunk. These are the easy times remember, I know what's coming as we progress into the war.

1. In a raining environment the crew on the bridge has rain gear but the watch officer does not.
2. Qualifications at the end of a patrol: - get the message, "You must complete a patrol.", but all the crew has completed 4 patrols. This occurs with the war badge and...whoops, don't remember which one...maybe the clasp?
Not huge problems, but if you are upgrading, someone might look into the code for these two things.

Archive1 11-04-21 10:34 PM

One small additional observation that might be corrected in any programming upgrade:
When waiting for the 90 degree locks to open at Wil-h'vn, I glanced around and above the left (port) dock surface, against the wall of the background building, but about 3 to 4 meters above the walking surface, there is a walking figure, black, making no progress but definitely walking. Again, if you are working on changes to the program it may be another small clean-up.

Archive1 11-06-21 10:24 PM

Well!~ After 4 plus patrols and after saving patrol 5 last night, clicking on the silent Hunter LSH3 icon, either the one on the opening screen or the established icon, does nothing. The program will not open. Now what? I'm deep into the game and it will not start.

Archive1 11-07-21 05:39 PM

Now it opens with the desktop icon. Huh.
1. Is there a way to print out the F1 pages?
2. there are two icons next to the Sonar/"Report nearest vessel." icon that I do not know the use for. Has there been a FAQ or other info post regarding these that I cannot find?
3. Can one delete all missions between the "In base before mission" and the "In base after mission" statement so the user can clean up the lengthening list of old missions?
Thank you,

VONHARRIS 11-08-21 09:29 AM


Originally Posted by Archive1 (Post 2777702)
Now it opens with the desktop icon. Huh.
1. Is there a way to print out the F1 pages?
2. there are two icons next to the Sonar/"Report nearest vessel." icon that I do not know the use for. Has there been a FAQ or other info post regarding these that I cannot find?
3. Can one delete all missions between the "In base before mission" and the "In base after mission" statement so the user can clean up the lengthening list of old missions?
Thank you,

For No3 , I think there is no way to that since deleting a previous save will delete everything after it.

Sam.Willow 11-08-21 09:33 AM

Regarding,,, "Well after 4" = Take your pick.

Regarding Editing your campaign or history... Not a wise thing to do. You could introduce bugs and create situations that would cause the game to crash.

Someone on the development team of the actual original game might be able to accomplish this but I doubt the Mod developer would want to tackle this.

I am not aware that anyone on the original game development team is still involved in Silent Hunter 3. I do know that it is no longer under any kind of development by Ubisoft.

Only our great mod developers continue to keep SH3 alive and I for one want to thank them for their efforts. They do it for free but I have donated to thank them for their efforts.

FUBAR295 11-08-21 09:58 AM

For number 1 ...

You could try taking screen shot and then, printing that out.

This is from the en_menu.ini file, I think this provides all of the commands used in LSH3.

;Ingame 3D(camera) station names
3700=COMMAND ROOM; CommandRoomFree
3701=EXTERNAL VIEW - F12; Free
3702=ATTACK PERISCOPE - F3; Periscope

3703=COMMAND ROOM front - F2 `C0x595959FF`Help F1`C0x0`; InteriorFore
3704=COMMAND ROOM back - F2; InteriorAft

3705=BRIDGE - F4; ConningDeck
3706=BINOCULARS - B (F4); Binocular
3707=DECK GUN - F10; DeckGun
3708=RADIO ROOM - F9; RadioSonarRoom

3709=HEAVY FLAK GUN - F11 (F); FlakGun
3710=LIGHT FLAK GUN - F11 (T); A01Gun
3711=LIGHT FLAK GUN - F11 (G); A02Gun

3712=NAVIGATION MAP - F5; NavigatorView
3713=ATTACK MAP - F6; WeaponsOffView

3714=SHIP CAMERA - , or .; ObjectView
3715=CONNING TOWER; ConningTower
3716=ATTACK PERISCOPE - F3; ConningPeriscope
3717=DECK GUN - F10; DeckGunZoom
3718=UZO - U; UZO
3719=RADIO ROOM - F9; RadioRoomFree
3720=CONNING TOWER; ConningTowerFree
3721=UBOAT CONTROLS; HelmsmanView
3722=HYDROPHONE - H; HydrophoneView
3723=RADIO (RADAR) - R; RadioView
3724=CAPTAINS ROOM; CaptainsBed

3725=WATCH (F4); WatchView
3726=; Museum


;Ingame 2D station names
3741=ATTACK MAP - F6
3744=KRIEGSTAGBUCH - K on/off
3745=RADIO MESSAGES - M on/off

You will need to clean it up a bit to make it usable but gives all of the commands.

Good hunting,

Mad Mardigan 11-08-21 11:52 AM


Originally Posted by Archive1 (Post 2777702)
Now it opens with the desktop icon. Huh.
1. Is there a way to print out the F1 pages?
2. there are two icons next to the Sonar/"Report nearest vessel." icon that I do not know the use for. Has there been a FAQ or other info post regarding these that I cannot find?
3. Can one delete all missions between the "In base before mission" and the "In base after mission" statement so the user can clean up the lengthening list of old missions?
Thank you,

With regards # 3....

LSH3-20/21... is NOT SH4. Sh4, allows for.. selective... house cleaning, of game saves... SH3... doesn't.

SH4, after a certain... point, or # of games saves, will start dropping or deleting on its own, older game saves... just how many game saves, am not certain. I do recall counting how many save points there was but, that was some time back & didn't really think much on it.. to remember just how many there were.

SH3, on the other hand, is like the energizer bunny... it just keeps going (adding to the list) & going.. & going...

Hope this info helps... :shucks: :yep:


M. M.

Archive1 11-08-21 11:16 PM

Thanks - will copy the list you provide and create a printed list. It that works I'll upload the edited download to this link so others may benefit. If I can make it work. Thanks.
Just tried to 'copy' your message and paste it into a text document to print, but got nothing. Any better way to send this> PM ?

Got it...not in SH3 or SH4 so fuddigaboutit for LSH3. No problem.

All: answer regarding those two icons next to the Sonar one. There must be some reason they are there, no? But why? How do they modify the sonar reports regarding closest vessel or closest warship...or do they? I presume any Kaleun will want continuous reports from sonar re: closest whatever. Do these influence that?

FUBAR295 11-08-21 11:59 PM


Originally Posted by Archive1 (Post 2777859)
Thanks - will copy the list you provide and create a printed list. It that works I'll upload the edited download to this link so others may benefit. If I can make it work. Thanks.
Just tried to 'copy' your message and paste it into a text document to print, but got nothing. Any better way to send this> PM ?


You can get the very same from your own en_menu.ini file. Go to data/Menu and you'll see the en_menu.ini file. You can open it with any text document editor like notepad or Textpad. Just scroll down to section 3700 and there you go. Copy and paste away.

But if you have a problem I will get you something over PM.

Good hunting,

Archive1 11-13-21 11:34 PM

Have downloaded it - the F1 list - and am cleaning it up and putting it into a file for uploading.
Still no word, however, regarding those two sonar icons for which I have no idea of the function. If you click on the sonar station, ask for a reading of the nearest contact, you get a reply. But there are two, small icons sitting there on the right that seem to be for some additional request/info/whatever. But nowhere does anything tell the user what they do or for what reason one should select them. Maybe not important for functional use, but then why are they present? Anyone know?
Appreciate the contact.

FUBAR295 11-13-21 11:45 PM


Originally Posted by Archive1 (Post 2778546)
Have downloaded it - the F1 list - and am cleaning it up and putting it into a file for uploading.
Still no word, however, regarding those two sonar icons for which I have no idea of the function. If you click on the sonar station, ask for a reading of the nearest contact, you get a reply. But there are two, small icons sitting there on the right that seem to be for some additional request/info/whatever. But nowhere does anything tell the user what they do or for what reason one should select them. Maybe not important for functional use, but then why are they present? Anyone know?
Appreciate the contact.

Glad you were able to obtain the copy of the F1 listing. :yeah:

The icons on the sonar station are jumbled up of sorts, but if I remember correctly, if you hover the cursor over the icons, you do get a description label as to what icon function is. That is what I rely on when using this mod. I also remember the navigator has jumbled up icons also. I'll take a look to confirm. I know this is probably not the answer you are looking for.

Archive1 11-19-21 12:07 AM

Appreciate it. I wish I could draw here the two icons I am referring to. They are black and white, have an expanding 'sound-like' image...but there is no 'label' when one hovers the curser over them. And nothing seems to change when they are 'tweaked' with the cursor or 'selected' with the mouse.
Am starting to feel like a nuisance about these things. But if, as I understand it, there is work being done on a new update, now is the time to identify even small things that might need addressing to improve an already fine program.

Archive1 11-19-21 06:48 PM

Just had a thought re: unknown icons.
When you click on the Sonar icon is when they appear. I bet they have something to do with future sonar/radar activation - which is not yet available in the Type VII B model I am now using (late 1939), but which will become active when the Type VII C comes along in Dec of 1940. You think?

FUBAR295 11-19-21 08:35 PM


Originally Posted by Archive1 (Post 2779414)
Just had a thought re: unknown icons.
When you click on the Sonar icon is when they appear. I bet they have something to do with future sonar/radar activation - which is not yet available in the Type VII B model I am now using (late 1939), but which will become active when the Type VII C comes along in Dec of 1940. You think?

Hmmm... not sure.

Let me fire up LSH3 and look at the icons you speak of. Will be back.

FUBAR295 11-19-21 10:30 PM

Now what I see is ;

Hydrophones you have "Normal Sweep", then "Follow Nearest Contact" and finally "Follow Nearest Warship".

Sonar you have "Estimate Range to Contact" and "Precise Range to Contact".

It looks like the Hydrophones are active on my type VIIB if I use the "Report" section, but the sonar does not function.

aloe1 11-21-21 06:07 AM

2560 x 1440 resolution
I would love to play this mod :( but my screen is 2560 x 1440 and even when I use the MOD for 1920x1080 its still really bad looking.

Has anyone by any chance got any work arounds please on this?

Am I meant to use this Custome Resolution Utility to run LSH3? If so can anyone explain how to use it please?


Archive1 11-21-21 11:42 PM

You are correct. Clicking the "Sonar" icon results in two icons that seem to do nothing, Actually I don't know how you even got the..."Estimate Range to Contact" and "Precise Range to Contact" messages. I don't get any Tip when the cursor' selects' the Sonar icon. I'll look again later, maybe tonight.

Not much help from me. I run the sub program from my standard monitor resolution. That is, I have not changed anything although there is advice to change the screen/video settings. And my program looks just great. Maybe someone more advance in tech than I can help you. Hang in there, I suspect someone will log on and give you some assistance.

Archive1 11-22-21 01:10 AM

Ok more detail -
Click on Sonarman >>get 3 icons (Report/Hydroplane/Sonar)
Click on Report . three icons (Last/Nearest/Warship) ...great, works just fine
Click on Hydroplane, three icons...none of which is labelled with no pop up as to what they do or represent.
Click on Sonar, two icons...none of which is labelled and no pop up - again no label to tell the user what they do

A new problem:
On mission, get Message, "Return to base for special mission." OK did that and sailed back to Wil..haven.
Then...hit Esc to end the patrol, now what? Save/Exit? did that and now the program loads but crashes to desktop. Should one now select just Exit or what? No instruction or guidance when one gets the "Return to base...") message.
These kind of loose ends drive the user crazy and leave him hanging with no direction as to how to correct or avoid a crash.But require him to start the mission over from the beginning.

Please keep in mind I'm an Old Timer at SH3 and GreyWolves. And trying to actually help solve stuff, not just complain.

FUBAR295 11-22-21 09:22 AM

In referring to a equipment calendar, radar, sonar and bold are not available till early 1942, that may explain the non function of those buttons.

The radio signal is for immersion purposes, you can follow the orders and return to base or simply ignore them. Since you did follow the orders and returned to base, that ends your current undertaking, so you would want to Save and Exit, and start a new patrol.

Hope this helps.

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