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Archive1 12-12-21 01:30 AM

There is a message on 04/15/40 from BDU that " Improved Type VII C subs are ready for delivery...Please detach sub commanders..."
Have returned to Will-Ha-Vn on 10 June 40. with significant Renown to spend after Patrol 11. How do I upgrade to Type VII C from my Type VII B? Or must I transfer to Kiel to get one...and then fight that awful canal?

Anvar1061 12-12-21 05:13 AM

Can't you "buy" a new U-boat from the base?

d@rk51d3 12-12-21 05:16 AM


Originally Posted by Archive1 (Post 2782347)
There is a message on 04/15/40 from BDU that " Improved Type VII C subs are ready for delivery...Please detach sub commanders..."
Have returned to Will-Ha-Vn on 10 June 40. with significant Renown to spend after Patrol 11. How do I upgrade to Type VII C from my Type VII B? Or must I transfer to Kiel to get one...and then fight that awful canal?

You need to transfer to the training flotilla to pick up a new sub.

Archive1 12-12-21 04:58 PM

Ahhh. But...did I miss that fact somewhere? As I recall from before one merely was presented with the new model as one of the Submarine "upgrades"...Battery, Electronics, Torpedoes, Insignia, Weapons etc...and expended Renown to purchase the upgrade. Do I understand that is no longer true?

Archive1 12-13-21 11:01 PM

Ok, where does this leave us? Are you saying I abandon my prolonged career and go to the "Training" site to get a new sub after 11 missions? Does that make sense?
Or do I abandon my 11 patrol persona and start a whole new, virginal Kapitan to start all over at the training site to get a new sub?
Guys, this makes no sense whatsoever.
Whatever happened to the original upgrade to the next type of sub? Otherwise what exactly is 'renown' useful for? Just a new deck gun, or insignia?
Someone needs to explain this.

Archive1 12-14-21 12:20 AM

OK, I created a new Kapitan, went to the training base at Kaseburg (whatever), was assigned a Type VIIB (get that a B) for June 11, did the Patrol, found nothing returned to Kaseburg, ran aground in the Blue channel and ended the patrol with nothing,
So, going to the Training Flotilla does not get one a type VII C and the sub base at Kaseburg needs some serious work to better define clean channels.
Now, again: How does an experienced sub Kapitan upgrade to a Type VIIIC sub?

d@rk51d3 12-14-21 12:31 AM


Originally Posted by Archive1 (Post 2782757)
Ok, where does this leave us? Are you saying I abandon my prolonged career and go to the "Training" site to get a new sub after 11 missions? Does that make sense?
Or do I abandon my 11 patrol persona and start a whole new, virginal Kapitan to start all over at the training site to get a new sub?
Guys, this makes no sense whatsoever.
Whatever happened to the original upgrade to the next type of sub? Otherwise what exactly is 'renown' useful for? Just a new deck gun, or insignia?
Someone needs to explain this.

What Month/Year are you trying to get the VIIc

From my experience.........

I have never been able to change boats in the operational flotillas.
I can only get new subs when they become "historically" available, and only by transferring to the training flotilla. (starts off in Danzig from memory, changes to Kiel later on)
It doesn't abandon your career. You just transfer in, pick a new sub if there are any available, fit it out, then usually transfer straight away back to another flotilla again using the telephone. (occasionally I've had to run a patrol or 2 afterwards..... head east to Leningrad, and usually find a few cruisers in harbour.)

Boat upgrades can be done at your regular base, but new subs are only at Danzig or later at Kiel. Could be other bases earlier, but I didn't work it out untill about mid-war.

a-kermit 12-14-21 02:24 AM

Moin Archive1
In LSH 3, the receipt of a new boat became historically real.
So you have to change temporarily to the testing place or the training flotilla to get a new boat.
And the partly new crew first had to familiarize themselves with the boat, they did not immediately go with the new boat to the enemy, ... they probably would not have come far, with an untested / broken in boat + crew.
Not to forget is also the fact that again and again experienced crew members were assigned to new boats.

Greetings Kermit :Kaleun_Salute:

Archive1 12-14-21 06:56 PM

Thank you. All that makes historical sense.
I was just somewhat confused since it represents a change in what used to be done for sub upgrades in the original SH3 game. I presume one requests a transfer to the training flotilla (pick up the telephone)...and that the accumulated 'renown' etc accumulated in previous patrols is not lost since the sub commander remains the same.

Thanks - June 10th-11th. that is well after the announcement, that arrived on May 30, that the Type VIIC was available June 1. I looked in the data/Campaigns/campaign/messages file to certify the message - it's there re:"...please detach sub commanders..." I guess what that means is that sub commanders should transfer to the training flotilla to pick up a Type C, but that's a little unclear to the user.

I used a neophyte commander with a trip to the training base at Kaseburg on June 11 to see how it worked, but only a Type VIIB was assigned. Perhaps that is different with a veteran commander on temp duty assignment. Will see how it goes.

Archive1 12-14-21 07:09 PM

Worked like a charm. Now scheduled for Kaseburg with new Type VIIC and all other data seems intact. Now to not run aground returning to Kaseburg as I did last time. Cannot trust the white/blue edges on the nav map too much.
Thanks again. Archive1:Kaleun_Cheers:

d@rk51d3 12-15-21 06:10 AM

Glad you got it sorted. :up:
I always assumed it would be like stock Sh3 too.
Took me ages to work it out.

Sam.Willow 12-15-21 11:20 AM


Originally Posted by Archive1 (Post 2782483)
Ahhh. But...did I miss that fact somewhere? As I recall from before one merely was presented with the new model as one of the Submarine "upgrades"...Battery, Electronics, Torpedoes, Insignia, Weapons etc...and expended Renown to purchase the upgrade. Do I understand that is no longer true?

Renown is a useless and cumbersome part of these simulations. In the real world Kapitans did not need to buy anything for their submarines.

If you are using LSH3 you will also have LSH3-2020-Commander. You can edit nearly everything in the game including your renown to whatever value you want and the submarine availability dates. Enable the Tips to learn many interesting tweaks possible in game. [Want to use nuclear torpedos or enemy planes drop dud bombs and have no gun ammo?]

Just read the instructions at the top of the .cfg files then save your edited file(s) and restart your game. It should go without saying that for your edits to be used you must use Commander to start the game.

Always completely exit the game before starting a new mission. These are instructions from the LSH3 devs. Also I have found that is is VERY important to enable the "Rollback feature of LSH3-2020-Commander. Doing so has prevented many unusual bugs and events that I encountered while playing the game.

I do NOT recommend playing SH3 without do so using the LSH3 Super Mod.

Archive1 12-18-21 10:25 PM

Yep, I aways agreed with your comment that the 'renown' bit was rather foolish. Although I did know that as a developer, it would be good to insert something to delay sub upgrades dependent upon performance. Certainly that was true historically. One did not get an early delivery of a Type VIIC if you did not perform...the best guys went to the head of the line certainly. But, no, you did not buy upgrade stuff. Now I have to find out how to use any improved or available new electronics as they come on-line. Like that sharp spike thing poking up out of a depression in the rim of the turm. Hmmm.

I did always use Commander in GW SH3, but have had some trouble getting it to work in LSH3. Will take a look.

To all a pleasant Holiday Season free of Covid incursions. Fröhliche Weihnachten to the German folks. (We lived outside Bitburg for several years in the early '60s while I was a flight surgeon at Spangdahlem. Tense years then.)

blueduck 12-29-21 08:43 AM

Sad news at the end of the year
Dear friends,

I regret to inform you that Urmel passed away on 22.12.2021.
His sister informed me of this by telephone today.
On his last day of holiday he suffered a cardiac arrest and could not be resuscitated.

I am completely stunned at the moment and can hardly think about continuing his work on the new LSH3-FHD version.

With sad greetings into the New Year

propbeanie 12-29-21 08:53 AM


Originally Posted by blueduck (Post 2785221)
Dear friends,

I regret to inform you that Urmel passed away on 22.12.2021.
His sister informed me of this by telephone today.
On his last day of holiday he suffered a cardiac arrest and could not be resuscitated.

I am completely stunned at the moment and can hardly think about continuing his work on the new LSH3-FHD version.

With sad greetings into the New Year

We are so sorry to hear of this blueduck, and are likewise stunned. Thinking of you, the team and his family. We be praying for comfort for all you.

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