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Conveen 04-21-19 05:09 AM

49" Monitor 3840x1080 Problem 32:9
Hey everyone, I change it in the cfg to 3840x1080 but in the game the pic is freeze, not the game. But I can use the binoculars and look around. Outside view F2 dont work also. Any idea? :hmmm:

THEBERBSTER 04-21-19 05:34 AM

You will have a problem with any SH version as 3840x1080 is not a standard recognized resolution.


Conveen 04-21-19 12:02 PM

I know but it can be fix it. Dont know why. First I know to know how I can change the FOV.

XenonSurf 04-21-19 12:58 PM

In TWoS there are different 'ratio fixes' you can additionally load as optional mod. Try out the different ones, maybe one will fix your situation. As default, TWoS runs in 16:9 ratio. And additionally try:

Go in your grafic card setup (NVidia Control Panel for Nvidia cards), and set the scaling to Fullscreen (or Fullscreen with GPU), this could work for you.

Except your native resolution (which you mention) your monitor and GPU should also support other resolutions. In this case you must first switch your desktop to that resolution before applying the ratio fixes in TWoS (and the GPU scaling settings above).

Another alternative is: Try Windowed mode with D3DWindower or DXWind.

Conveen 04-22-19 03:16 AM

__________________________________________________ ___________________________

On this screen I cant move the view with the mouse.

__________________________________________________ ___________________________

When I use Fullscreen on NV control panel it just stretch the pic, here it will be nice set the FOV a bit lower to compensate that you know. Dont know how change FOV.

THEBERBSTER 04-22-19 05:01 AM

Hi C
The pictures you are showing is because 3840 resolution is the same as having 2 1920 monitors.
You may need to look at your display options.
This has its own problems as it makes text in the game more difficult to see.

How is your monitor connected, HDMI, DVI or a combination of both?
I cannot see how you are going to overcome this problem.
This is an option:
Override High DPI Scaling Behavior > Pictorial

XenonSurf 04-22-19 08:22 AM

Try to plug a DVI or SUB cable instead of HDMI cable from monitor/GPU. That may be the reason.
Also if you monitor is the latest in technology, I would switch-off 4K and HDR, the game is far from supporting this tech (game is from 2009).

I have a DVI-D cable plugged with my GTX 960 4GB VRAM.

XenonSurf 04-22-19 10:14 AM

And ... important: your 1st screenshot tells me that you have not installed TWoS (this bunker picture should not show-up). The stock game 1.2 is NOT playable, install TWoS. Do that and come back here...

Conveen 04-24-19 06:29 AM

So I test all. TWos. DVI, HDMI and both. DPI scaling. HDR on/off. Nothing help.
To clear that up: Outside view camera works, binoculars works.
When I start the game the screen is black. Than I switch to the binoculars and I can look around. I switch back without binoculars and it looks like on pic 3. Mouse works but I cant look around, the screen frizzing. Game still work. Also I cant click on crew members.
Dont know what I can do more. I think I have to live with that :) anyway thanks for help guys... :)

XenonSurf 04-24-19 10:16 AM

You are not playing on a laptop, do you? Because then, there could be problems with the system recognizing your main grafic card. With Win10 you would need to launch the game by right-clicking and chosing the right GPU which is: your main dedicated one.

If you are not using a laptop, right-click on your Win desktop > Monitor Resolution.
In the picture above ONLY 1 monitor should be listed with a big number 1. You would need to disable any number 2 or 3 etc.

Same in your GPU settings (NVidia Conrol Panel, AMD Command Center), only 1 and the right monitor should be set.

Does your monitor come with special DRIVERS? They need installation in this case. Refer to your manual.

If not for multiple monitors I cannot explain your screenshots, I have seen grafic distortions because of bad setup, but not yours which are far different and must have to do with the game or your system not being correctly set for your monitor. To test this, change monitor if you can.

In your SH5 savegame folder, located in [DOCUMENTS]\SH5\data\Cfg there is a file main.cfg. You should see this inside:

AntialiasingLevel=0; 0=none, 1=non-maskable, 2=2x, 4=4x, ...
;Resolution=1024,768,60,22; commented so, at first, it starts with the desktop resolution (on release version)

If you are using a single monitor only which supports this resolution (even if your native res. is different), then you should not experience your grafic glitches. Try to change the last line to one which your monitor supports, but still in 16:9 ratio.
Also try the setting


You would play in Window mode if it works.

And lastely, I come back to my suggestion above: Try the external programs D3DWindower, or DXWind to play SH5 in a window with your chosen resolution size. These programs are expressly made for such games or apps that cannot be switched to windowed mode in their options. With one of these programs, you would chose a resolution that almost fills your entire screen, but a 16:9 ratio which the game does support.

Xall 10-24-20 06:17 AM

Would interest me as well, I get the same issues as Conveen,
everything works fine except when trying to walk around, any view that is from the Captains View just freezes the screen but the game continues as normal.

It seems to only happen when running aspect ratios that the game does not offer by default, for instance, 3440 x 1440 (43∶18) works perfectly.

I also tried your recommendation of trying D3DWindower or DXWind and running it windowed, unfortunately the problem still remains, was worth a shot though.

I'd really love to know if this can be solved as, it almost works, and it looks really amazing otherwise.

I also found more information on this site:

Not sure if the 3ditor can help, any takes on it?

Aktungbby 10-24-20 10:59 PM

Welcome back!

Xall 10-26-20 07:14 AM


Originally Posted by Aktungbby (Post 2702665)

Thank you Aktungbby, its certainly been a while, unfortunately I cannot seem to get the game running on 5120 x 1440 :S

rfxcasey 11-13-20 01:19 PM

There is a way, but it's a bit complicated. I'm trying to get it working right now using a program called Cheat Engine. I have successfully used this program in the past to get Metal Gear V running in ultrawide. There is someone working on this but I don't think their native language is English so the translation is a bit hard to follow. I'll point you to the thread, the more people attempting this the better.

The process is a bit complicated however, you have to use Cheat Engine to actively intercept the games memory addresses and change the data for the specific parameter on the fly from what I understand. I'm no programmer, I know just enough to get myself in trouble. Still, these guys seem to have gotten it to work in SH5.

On a side note, just from experience with Metal Gear, once you get it working the clicking for the buttons might be off a little bit or the filter overlays for the graphics might not extend all way to the left and right edges of the screen, in other words, the might be in a different aspect ratio then what you're trying to run. I don't think this will be a problem in SH5 because my resolution, 2560x1080 actually shows up in the graphics settings, though I think it's kind of crappy that while the game recognizes my systems current resolution it doesn't allow for FOV adjustment, which would have been super easy for the devs to include. The one problem we might encounter is the buttons being off graphically from where you actually have to click them. Both of the aforementioned problems were present in Metal Gear V but, if I remember correctly, Metal Gear V did not recognize the systems current resolution or support running in an ultrawide resolution, so that's probably why it exhibited the problems mentioned above. SH5 might not have those issues, but if it does there are fixes, though once again, a bit complicated.

Sorry to be long winded, I really want to get this working on my system. Here's a link to the discussion I mentioned. Use Google Translate if you need to.

rfxcasey 11-13-20 03:37 PM

YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I GOT IT WORKING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Though it's not working in automated script for me yet but I'll get that sorted, for now I have to do it manually. BUT IT WORKS! You need to download a program called Cheat Engine and then follow this procedure.

This is copied from the other thread I'll link to.

"Well, good news and bad news. Overall good news though, I got the FOV working but not through the script. I started Silent Hunter 5 and loaded my save game so I'm standing on the bridge of the sub. Then I alt tab out of the game and I loaded Cheat Engine with no script. I clicked on 'select process to open', found SH5.exe, selected it and then clicked open. Next under the scan settings on the right I set the 'value type' to 'Array of byte'. Then under 'value' I ticked the 'Hex' checkbox and pasted in under 'value' '5C420000AA420000003F0000C03F00'. Next I clicked 'New Scan' and 2 results came up on the left, address '30034C3E' and address '3048BCB6' both of which had values of '5C420000AA420000003F0000C03F00'. So I right clicked on them, one at a time, and changed the first 2 bytes of both to '40 43' from their original value of '5C 42'."

Alt tabbed back into the game and like magic, the FOV is perfect, no stretching at all and all the button clicks line up with the buttons. It's BEAUTIFUL! Ah, I'm so happy I could kiss you guys.
Something that might be of interest to the guys having the black screen problem. I noticed when I was playing with those 2 values located at those memory addresses, if I went too high or too low on the numbers the screen would go black. It appears that if FOV is set beyond a certain range it causes the screen to go black. I'm not 100 percent sure what the first and second numbers do exactly, the first number appears to be the FOV but the second seem like a zoom level or possibly....... aspect ratio??? I can't say 100 percent, maybe the guy from the other thread knows.

Only remaining issue is why the script isn't working. I'm no programmer so I'll need some help probably. I don't understand the code enough to know how to fix it. I can play now with the proper FOV but a automating everything, the script launching and the game starting, under one icon would be really great.:subsim:

EDIT: I think once you make the changes in Cheat Engine you can have Cheat Engine generate a 'Trainer' file that you would then just double click on to start Cheat Engine with the setting that worked. This is very off the cuff right now, I don't have a lot of experience with Cheat Engine and I'm just making these posts as I go. I'm looking for the option now.

P.S. Depending on what resolution ultrawide you're running those first two values of those addresses are going to be different, the default actual FOV of the game is 55 Float according to this guy from the other post, so you have to figure out what FOV you want, like mine is actually 48 degrees now down from 55 degrees (it's a float value in the program) so you have to do some number conversion, from float to hex I guess and that will give you the proper numbers to change the address values to. Once I get mine working in script form I'll post, then as we come up with scripts for everyone's resolutions we can just post them all so the next guy won't have to deal with all this.

rfxcasey 11-13-20 04:09 PM

ALMOST FORGOT...........SCREENSHOTS!:k_confused:
Original FOV on 2560x1080


Xall 11-19-20 04:19 AM

4 Attachment(s)

Excellent stuff!
I actually managed to get it work now as well with a Resolution of 5120x1440

What I did is...
1. Get Cheat Engine
2. Open Silent Hunter 5 with Cheat Engine
3. Press "Memory View"
4. In the Memory Viewer Window Click Search & then "Find Memory"

5. Search For: 5C420000AA420000003F0000C03F00 & Tick (Array of) byte ON
6. Right Click on the First Value Top Left, by me it was 5C
7. After Right Clicking, Click "Add this address to the list"
8. Confirm the Pop Up Menu

9. Go Back to Cheat Engine, and Right Click the newly Added Address seen below & Click "Browse this memory region"
10. Repeat Step 5.
11. Now Right Click and "Add this address to the list" on the first two Values.
12. Go back to Cheat Engine and Edit the Values in the last two added memories.

For me the first one I set to 85
The Second one to 95.
FOV and Zoom seems fine but new problems arise, not game breaking though.

Would be good to know why the Map turns so dark.

rfxcasey 11-19-20 04:55 AM

As for the map turning dark, I cannot say, but, I have a working script now from the nice gentlemen in another thread that basically makes it a one click operation. I'll post it if you want it. I'll even modify it for your resolution for you. It's working great for me and the game looks great in ultra wide.

I noticed yours look bit zoomed out while mine is more zoomed in. I had to do that to get rid of the edge distortion but I like it cause it makes the sub feel more, confined and well, sub like. That said, man those screenshots look great, how'd you get them to post like that, mine are crap in comparison. And the map thing, hum, are you running any mods in JSGME like the aspect ratio 'fix' or anything like that? I think I read somewhere that someone had a similar issue, might want to do a deep dive for it. Also, take note, if you haven't already figured out, those memory addresses will change with every new load of the game or save file. You either need to search for the array value each time manually or create an automated search in Cheat Engine. The script this guy made will do that, I tried to make my own, but I'm no Cheat Engine pro so you know how that goes. No use in reinventing the wheel anyways when I have a working script. Still, I'd like to learn how it was generated.

Xall 11-19-20 05:18 AM

Certainly rfxcasey, I'd really appreciate that.

The way I did mine so that its not so zoomed in is that I just messed around with it until I found a FOV that I liked,

I just went over it again not long ago and your solution was more elegant than what I posted just a moment ago, less steps involved.
Using this site I just type in the Decimals and convert it to Hex.

As you suspected the second Value seems to be the Zoom, while the First is the FOV.

Oh and the screenshots, as I am a hobby Artist, I made screenshots using Steam and modified the image size and quality to get the file size acceptable for Subsim using Photoshop and then posted it like that.

I might have a look at the mod list, although it be really impossible to tell really as I play with the Wolves of Steel Mega Mod and that really has allot of mods in there... So not sure how or what I can do about it, probably have a view at the documentations.

Xall 11-19-20 05:21 AM

I'll just post this what I written as a personal reminder here with your method so that it may help others as well in the future perhaps.

Run Silent Hunter

Open Silent Hunter 5 (With Cheat Engine)

Change Value Type to: Array Of Byte
Search for

Right Click Results and:
Add Selected Addresses to the Address List

Original Values:
5C 42 00 00 AA 42 00 00 00 3F 00 00 C0 3F 00
Edit Value:
5C 42 (First Value is FOV Second Maybe Zoom)

Edited Example:

55 5F 00 00 AA 42 00 00 00 3F 00 00 C0 3F 00

Decimal to Hex Converter:

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