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JCWolf 07-12-18 10:43 AM

Enemy detection
Guys I have this mods installed

Accurate German Flags
DynEnv v2.9 - 1. Main Mod
DynEnv v2.9 - 10.I Seafloor (high resolution)
DynEnv v2.9 - 11.a.I Sea Plants - Atlantic Kelp Forests (high resolution)
DynEnv v2.9 - 4.a Camera Filters - Realistic Colors
DynEnv v2.9 - 5.d Ambient Settings - Brighter Nights
DynEnv v2.9 - 8.b Wave Mechanics - Gale
DynEnv v2.9 - No U-Mark
DynEnv v2.9 - No Underwater Impurity Patch
MightyFine Crew Mod 1.2.1 Alt w beards
sobers mega mod fog V9 SH5
Shadow Improvement Mod
SteelViking's Interior Mod V1.2
SteelViking's Interior Mod V1.2.2 Patch
TDC Graphics by Naights v1.0
FX_Update_0_0_22_Torpedoes (modified for torpedoes failure patches)
Fuel Gauge WoGaDi_SteelViking's Interior
NOZAURIO'S SKIN (Standar No Emblem) v-1.1.0
MadMaxs_SH5_Subdiesel (mono) v2
TDW_Mines_Subnets_Detectable_in_hydro (OH II )
AilClouds 3.0
Reboot's Water Drips 1.1
sobers darker harbor walls
No Damn Bubbles, No Damn Halo Mod
MightyFine Less Annoying Footsteps 1.0
Drifter's Damage Control Screen v1.02
German U-Boat Internal Routine SFX
Equipment_Upgrades_Fix_v1_4_Patch_1 (available by date) V9 by sober
Large Optics for TDW UI
Large Optics for TDW UI 8 by 5
German U-Boat Crew Language Pack
OH II v2.5 Grid Request fix Patch SH5
nVidia missing lights
Church's SHV 1.01 Keyboard Commands v1.1

Now I am having an issue that is in fact very unrealistic and annoying at the same time, For same reason My Boat is detected at 1000 meters of any target and if at periscope depth the same, now its very hard to find and get closer to targets this way since the distance to increase % for our Torpedoes to hit effectively is better the closer you are ....even if I menage to get closer then 2000 meters submerged at PD most of the times I have to run the electric engine at speed 1 and around 1000 meters I have to get silent run on, now this gets crazy in the moment I raise the periscope to get my fire solution in the moment my Periscope is out it doesn't matter how out in the water I tried to the point that I could not even see the ship or warship , in that moment I get detected...what I find very unrealistic and even game braking...This means I can not get closer any ship and just target him the normal way..tried the lower difficulty the same...

Is there any Mod that fixes this ...: Kaleun_Salute:

XenonSurf 07-12-18 11:06 AM

I would be VERY astonished if with such a modsoup you are out of trouble for a lot of things not working, and not only what you mention.
How can you be sure that all what's in this soup is compatible each other ?! You must be God to know...

Here some ideas (with no guarantee label of course...):

For the torpedos, you must carefully read what to install in the following mods, not everything goes.

FX_Update_0_0_22_Torpedoes (modified for torpedoes failure patches)
Why do you install the first or the second one?

Installing OHII at last will throw out most of the mods you did install first (and mess up everything) IMO, check the readmes and OHII thread.

JCWolf 07-12-18 11:16 AM


Originally Posted by XenonSurf (Post 2560969)
I would be VERY astonished if with such a modsoup you are out of trouble for a lot of things not working, and not only what you mention.
How can you be sure that all this soup is compatible each other ?! You must be God to know...

For the torpedos, you must carefully read what to install in the following mods, not everything goes.

FX_Update_0_0_22_Torpedoes (modified for torpedoes failure patches)
Why do you install the second one?

Installing OHII at last will throw out most of the mods you did install first (and mess up everything) IMO, check the readmes and OHII thread.

First thank you for the reply..

Mod Soup...????

I don't get why you say this , but if you watch carefully its not a bad soup...
Installed Open Horizons at last cause it seemed logical since its a Campaign Mod...Now the torpedoes second Mod can not recall but someone told me or saw in a video that fixes some issues with the torpedoes..

If you can take a moment and post here the correct load order for this mod list of mine I would appreciate...:Kaleun_Applaud:

XenonSurf 07-12-18 11:22 AM

OH2 is not only a campaign mod, please read its thread, it should contain pre-requisites and incompatibility notes for known mods, but be aware that a mod author CANNOT foresee and predict all compatibility between mods!

Here a 'Feature' extrac from the thread:
  • Mines, nets, icebergs, dolphins, buoys, whales. *
  • Improved port defense in enemy harbor, Scapa Flow will get special attention.
  • New (imported) ships. ** + Cerberus ship mods
  • Reworked (and new) missions
    - All missions requiring to hunt escorts and capital ships are modified or removed.
  • A lot of important convoys will be added into the campaigns at their exact historical date.
  • SH5 campaign extended up to 1945.
  • New campaign covering the 43-44 timeframe.
  • Reworked port traffic with buoys.
  • Improved convoy traffic with ships from all nations, neutral ships.
  • Better wolfpacks
  • More varied secondary missions
  • New terrain around Kiel and the canal ***
  • Campaign radio messages (requires TDWs Ui or his Radio mod)
  • New planes ****
  • New Campaign "Monsun Gruppe"
  • Japanese Ships, Villages, Planes, Church and Fishing Village#
  • Over 30 new ports and 2 new U-boat bases
  • Whales (There she blows)#
  • Barrage Balloons
  • New boat type IX (stats only) for use with Monsun Gruppe##


Also TheDarkWraith's NewUIs (7_5_0...) add a lot of stuff, not just things for the GUI, read carefully also there. I don't understand why you use this mod at all. As good as it is, it's OLD STUFF not updated anymore. It changes so much from the stock game that instead you should simply install the TWoS mod, TWoS is an ALL-IN-ONE which does EVERYTHING possible - it does it without errors and it's UPDATED in regular fashion.

XenonSurf 07-12-18 11:34 AM

If I play the stock game, here is my - humble - modlist:

Torpedo Circle FIX (my mod; taken from TWoS and will replace files from the 1st mod above whith better results)
DeckGun Friendly Waves
No_Damn_Bubbles_No_Damn_Halo_Mod_ADJUSTED (my mod)
Accurate German Flags
Shooting Range - Single mission (my mod, optional; a single mission for training purpose)
OHII (optional, why not play TWoS instead...)

For everything else: install TWoS.

JCWolf 07-12-18 11:41 AM


Originally Posted by XenonSurf (Post 2560974)
OH2 is not only a campaign mod, please read its thread, it should contain pre-requisites and incompatibility notes for known mods, but be aware that a mod author CANNOT foresee and predict all compatibility between mods!

Also TheDarkWraith's NewUIs (7_5_0...) add a lot of stuff, not just things for the GUI, read carefully also there. I don't understand why you use this mod at all. As good as it is, it's OLD STUFF not updated anymore. It changes so much from the stock game that instead you should simply install TWoS mod, it's an ALL-IN-ONE which does EVERYTHING possible AFAIK - it does it without errors and it's UPDATED in regular fashion.

Ok ...Obviously you do not know me...

Man I am asking for help , but I am not a moron that doesn't read things before installing them, Its ok if you give me ideas and say install this after or don't install this, but it seems that you are just either making fun of me, or just assuming that I do not know what is SH games and installation of Mods... ...

My game doesn't have CTD of any kind, the only bug I have I also looked for info and so many people with this detection bug... If you say TDW its not compatible I know it is cause its in the OH II mod page description, that is why I installed TDW Gui and not any other...The interiors and other stuff most of them are FX and texture mods, I see no problem in those, , now ....

...if you say install the DynEnv v2.9 - 1. Main Mod on top after TDW GUI and after OH II mod and after all the rest I would say great now this is the kind of help I was looking for when I posted the Mod list and load order...

If this is your help great..thank you , cause you are assuming I am an expert with SH5 Mods and I just installed it 2 days ago and downloaded what I saw was better for me and what I wanted to improve in my game...This does not mean I do not read stuff or follow install instructions before installing mods...

As I said I have no CTD, and for sure only this detection problem that I know other people have ...

So maybe you can use your time here to say to me how to fix my load order and what mods should I take out...cause I have no conflicts between them just maybe the way they are installed...

So thank you for your help and this was it thank you for nothing..:Kaleun_Salute:

XenonSurf 07-12-18 11:50 AM

Ok, knowing who you are (I wish you can take out possible Mouseclick problems for your SH3 Widescreen...and also get a larger map), I guess it's not help what you want but a wire link to God... So I'll stop to respond here.

Good luck,

JCWolf 07-12-18 12:00 PM


Originally Posted by XenonSurf (Post 2560982)
Ok, knowing who you are (I wish you can take out possible Mouseclick problems for your SH3 Widescreen...), I guess it's not help what you want but a wire link to God... So I'll stop to respond here.

Good luck,

Yes its better for you to just shut up and its thank you for nothing, You mention God 3 times and still i think that either you are in a bad mood or you are just like that, but for sure when I say who I am, I was not presuming of nothing just saying that I am not an ignorant...And all this talk just to find out that you really didn't wanted to help but came here to just troll my post then...

My SHIII wide screen Mod was not even released pall...

so what problems are you talking about cause I have no idea...You could however take a moment to just think why you came here just to insult and troll my post in every reply???!!!

But I do not have time for people like you for sure...Never in the time I have been here saw some one with that large ego just trolling posts cause they want...And I am in this place (community site) for quite a wile...

That attitude is just great for you...

Do me a favor don't wast my time anymore...

XenonSurf 07-12-18 12:05 PM

Sorry for the misunderstanding: In my last reply I meant: I hope you will be able to avoid the problems I relate, I've read your widescreen thread and looked at your images, great stuff.

No, rest assured, I'm not in bad mood, it's only that I could give you only sub-standard quality replies if I go on, I should more be looking in the Pictures on the left which I only do for the Name, sorry...
Best Greetings,

JCWolf 07-12-18 12:09 PM


Originally Posted by XenonSurf (Post 2560986)
No, rest assured, I'm not in bad mood, it's only that I could give you only sub-standard replies if I go on, I should more be looking in the Pictures on the left which I only do for the Name, sorry...
Best Greetings,

Man you have a huge problem with that hate for every thing....

I just don't get why bother cumming here just to behave like this...But that is your problem not mine..

Thanks again for nothing...:Kaleun_Salute:

XenonSurf 07-12-18 12:13 PM

You are too fast replying. Please read again my last responses above, you will realize that I have *edited* my posts. It takes some time to get all right...

JCWolf 07-12-18 12:35 PM


Originally Posted by XenonSurf (Post 2560988)
You are too fast replying. Please read again my last responses above, you will realize that I have *edited* my posts. It takes some time to get all right...

I am installing TWOS as we speak...:Kaleun_Salute:

PS: add to uninstall the game and reinstall it again...cause I had it patched with Generic patcher...

JCWolf 07-12-18 04:14 PM

Done it ...and playing it, apart from Menu screens it looks fine...its ok I think...

Maybe I do this all menus screens one I did it for GWX in SH III...LOL

added only Mods that came with it, and some interior boat sounds from crew from Venatore...

We will see now...Thanks for the suggestion, the truth is that I add the Mod already but didn't had tried it yet...:Kaleun_Salute:

XenonSurf 07-12-18 04:24 PM

Nice that you tried it. I bet you'll get more satisfied with it - and you won't miss most of your mod list above because included.

And...I mentioned 'God' only 2 times, not 3 times...:)

JCWolf 07-12-18 05:55 PM


Originally Posted by XenonSurf (Post 2561024)
Nice that you tried it. I bet you'll get more satisfied with it - and you won't miss most of your mod list above because included.

And...I mentioned 'God' only 2 times, not 3 times...:)

It doesn't matter , I think we add a normal misunderstanding due to Forum posting cruelty, cause really any post can be misunderstood and fast...

I am looking for some graphic changes , Binoculars don't please me in this Mod... and diesel engines are way to low and not very realistic..

Do you know any good substitutes for this 2 ???::Kaleun_Cheers:

XenonSurf 07-12-18 08:32 PM

For the Binoculars I don't know, but 'low' for the diesel engines, do you mean the sound?

I have loaded Stormy's DBSM which will make further changes to the crew appearance, crew voices inside subs, and...other sound effects. But I cannot say if the diesel engines will be different. It for sure makes the game more immersive.

Problem with this is: all mods that you install additionally over TWoS must be compatible with it, the problem is not that you may get CTDs (this would be easy to sort out), but something may not work anymore as it should and you may take long to realize it, and then always catch some errors...Not a pleasant idea, don't you think?

In the case of Stormy's DBSM I have ripped-out what could cause problems to make it compatible, call it an ADJUSTED mod. And of course it's not in any download list.
If you are interested I can PM you the 'readme' of this adjustment so you will know what to do to install it based on the original Stormy's mod.
(I think if you browse the mod thread you will find the procedure, because I did post it there and did the changes after that.)

JCWolf 07-12-18 10:12 PM


Originally Posted by XenonSurf (Post 2561036)
For the Binoculars I don't know, but 'low' for the diesel engines, do you mean the sound?

I have loaded Stormy's DBSM which will make further changes to the crew appearance, crew voices inside subs, and...other sound effects. But I cannot say if the diesel engines will be different. It for sure makes the game more immersive.

Problem with this is: all mods that you install additionally over TWoS must be compatible with it, the problem is not that you may get CTDs (this would be easy to sort out), but something may not work anymore as it should and you may take long to realize it, and then always catch some errors...Not a pleasant idea, don't you think?

In the case of Stormy's DBSM I have ripped-out what could cause problems to make it compatible, call it an ADJUSTED mod. And of course it's not in any download list.
If you are interested I can PM you the 'readme' of this adjustment so you will know what to do to install it based on the original Stormy's mod.
(I think if you browse the mod thread you will find the procedure, because I did post it there and did the changes after that.)

Well if you can the read me will be useful, but I do not intend to install the all Stormy Mod , I am in fact planing in using just the sound files...But yes the readme will help on this Thanks.:Kaleun_Thumbs_Up:

XenonSurf 07-31-18 06:57 PM

I just want to make corrections about my responses above.
Now that I know a bit more about modlists and correct mod order, my first replies are totally...false.
Yep, your modlist in your first post is ok. Also yes, OH2 is only a campaign mod with some extra units and not the culprit of your initial problem.

My current testings however with a setup like

FX_Update_0_0_22_Torpedoes (modified for torpedoes failure patches)
TDW NewUIs 7_5_0


such a setting does have problems with OH2 in that campaign transfers may not work correctly. My testing continues.
Alas this doesn't answer your initial question why you get detected at any distance of 1000m , this must lie in sea objects and their config files, try to look out for mods that make such changes and watch which files JSGME does overwrite.


Captain_AJ 08-01-18 10:11 AM


Originally Posted by JCWolf (Post 2560965)
Guys I have this mods installed

Accurate German Flags
DynEnv v2.9 - 1. Main Mod
DynEnv v2.9 - 10.I Seafloor (high resolution)
DynEnv v2.9 - 11.a.I Sea Plants - Atlantic Kelp Forests (high resolution)
DynEnv v2.9 - 4.a Camera Filters - Realistic Colors
DynEnv v2.9 - 5.d Ambient Settings - Brighter Nights
DynEnv v2.9 - 8.b Wave Mechanics - Gale
DynEnv v2.9 - No U-Mark
DynEnv v2.9 - No Underwater Impurity Patch
MightyFine Crew Mod 1.2.1 Alt w beards
sobers mega mod fog V9 SH5
Shadow Improvement Mod
SteelViking's Interior Mod V1.2
SteelViking's Interior Mod V1.2.2 Patch
TDC Graphics by Naights v1.0
FX_Update_0_0_22_Torpedoes (modified for torpedoes failure patches)
Fuel Gauge WoGaDi_SteelViking's Interior
NOZAURIO'S SKIN (Standar No Emblem) v-1.1.0
MadMaxs_SH5_Subdiesel (mono) v2
TDW_Mines_Subnets_Detectable_in_hydro (OH II )
AilClouds 3.0
Reboot's Water Drips 1.1
sobers darker harbor walls
No Damn Bubbles, No Damn Halo Mod
MightyFine Less Annoying Footsteps 1.0
Drifter's Damage Control Screen v1.02
German U-Boat Internal Routine SFX
Equipment_Upgrades_Fix_v1_4_Patch_1 (available by date) V9 by sober
Large Optics for TDW UI
Large Optics for TDW UI 8 by 5
German U-Boat Crew Language Pack
OH II v2.5 Grid Request fix Patch SH5
nVidia missing lights
Church's SHV 1.01 Keyboard Commands v1.1

Now I am having an issue that is in fact very unrealistic and annoying at the same time, For same reason My Boat is detected at 1000 meters of any target and if at periscope depth the same, now its very hard to find and get closer to targets this way since the distance to increase % for our Torpedoes to hit effectively is better the closer you are ....even if I manage to get closer then 2000 meters submerged at PD most of the times I have to run the electric engine at speed 1 and around 1000 meters I have to get silent run on, now this gets crazy in the moment I raise the periscope to get my fire solution in the moment my Periscope is out it doesn't matter how out in the water I tried to the point that I could not even see the ship or warship, in that moment I get detected...what I find very unrealistic and even game breaking...This means I can not get closer any ship and just target him the normal way..tried the lower difficulty the same...

Is there any Mod that fixes this ...: Kaleun_Salute:

Absolutely that is unrealistic -- Something is allowing your subs signature for the destroyers is causing them to ping you early. I know for certain that other campaigns that I have done using TWOS unless I raised my scope or was loud or shot off a torpedo I will get pinged but that was only after I showed my self in some way, And.. comparing English destroyers too American destroyers, English destroyers are more aggressive.(Operation Drumbeat), Case in point. I was hydro hunting and figured out a course of a Clemson US destroyer. I was 20 meters below surface shot of a torpedo and it was tracking inconducive to the destroyers chug-chug of the engines and prop. I miscalculated the AOB and range, as I am thinking, but the destroyer ran away -- TWOS for me JC has made a lot of difference in gameplay -- something could be possible in your mod soup that may be causing your signature to be detected early. I don't have that issue using TWOS I can be 1000 meters away and not be detected unless I do something to become detected,

NIDGE2112 08-02-18 01:13 PM


Try these, I use them


More powerfull engine sounds

Happy hunting

NIDGE :Kaleun_Salute:

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