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Bubblehead1980 05-08-12 04:06 AM

Navy names a ship after Chazez...disgusting.
Noticed this story on on subsim, really is a shame our Navy is naming ships after left wing radicals now.How about naming support vessels such as this after people who died in service of our country, there are plenty of names we do not know.Not shocking given who the President is currently, no doubt he had a say in it, most likely pushed his SECNAV to do so.Suppose next there will be a push for the USS Eugene Debs lol Ah, digsusting.

Catfish 05-08-12 04:22 AM

"Navy names a ship after Chazez...disgusting. "

Right, the "USS Noriega" would fit much better :O:

kraznyi_oktjabr 05-08-12 04:31 AM

USNS Cesar Chavez (T-AKE-14)
- Named after civil right activist.
USS Gabrielle Giffords (LCS-10)
- Named after a politician who got shot by maniac and survived it.
USS Lyndon B. Johnson (DDG-1002)
- Named after politician who served 8 months in Navy during WWII mostly as bureaucrat. Was observer in aborted (mechanical problem) recon mission and got Silver Star for it. If that mission was so dangerous why nobody else got a medal?

Somebody should keelhaul Mr. Mabus ASAP!

EDIT: I know Mr. Johnson was a president but in my opinion that shouldn't automatically get ship named after you.

Penguin 05-08-12 05:10 AM

I wonder how many people read this news and go: "OMG, they named a ship of ours after a foreign president!" :rotfl2:

I do not see a problem with it. This guy served in the Navy and did more for the common man than Ronnie Reagan who basically kicked the working class into their teeth but got a carrier named after him.

So what is radical about Chavez? Did he want to overthrow the goverment, abolish the Constitution, built up a Communist state? Or did he just organize people and fight for fair labor conditions - by nonviolent means, btw.


Originally Posted by kraznyi_oktjabr (Post 1881044)
USS Lyndon B. Johnson (DDG-1002)

Named after someone who was responsible for escalating a war that took more lives in one week than all union strikes in the whole world combined since the beginning of history.

joegrundman 05-08-12 05:25 AM

well, i for one am with Bubblehead1880 and am so disgusted by this that the mere thought of it drives my body into reverse peristalsis

Catfish 05-08-12 06:48 AM

Well what do you have against that man ? He has nothing to do with Venezuela ..

"Many parks, cultural centers, libraries, schools, and streets have been named in his honor in cities across the United States."

Herr-Berbunch 05-08-12 06:50 AM

Be thankful you still have a navy, and ships to go in it! :yep:

Tribesman 05-08-12 09:31 AM


So what is radical about Chavez?
Be fair, he would be radical if you was living in the 1600s

nikimcbee 05-08-12 09:57 AM


Originally Posted by Herr-Berbunch (Post 1881072)
Be thankful you still have a navy, and ships to go in it! :yep:

Touche. It's just payback to some union contributor. At least Chavez served in the Navy. If they can name an attack sub after Carter, I guess anything is possible.:zzz:

mookiemookie 05-08-12 10:01 AM


Originally Posted by Penguin (Post 1881051)
I wonder how many people read this news and go: "OMG, they named a ship of ours after a foreign president!" :rotfl2:

I do not see a problem with it. This guy served in the Navy and did more for the common man than Ronnie Reagan who basically kicked the working class into their teeth but got a carrier named after him.

So what is radical about Chavez? Did he want to overthrow the goverment, abolish the Constitution, built up a Communist state? Or did he just organize people and fight for fair labor conditions - by nonviolent means, btw.

Named after someone who was responsible for escalating a war that took more lives in one week than all union strikes in the whole world combined since the beginning of history.

This is the correct answer. Winner of the thread right here.

You'd think Bubbles would have more respect for someone who was very anti-illegal immigration.

MH 05-08-12 10:09 AM

Wiki says the guy was tougher on emigration than Obama....:D
(know i know who Chazes was:yeah:)

Bilge_Rat 05-08-12 10:14 AM

I'm still waiting for the USS Richard Nixon...:D

Oberon 05-08-12 11:20 AM

It's a cargo-ammunition ship, not an aircraft carrier. They could call it the USS Billy Bob Thornton for all it would matter.

Personally, I'm still waiting for the Royal Navy to name a vessel HMS Thunder Child...but I think they're too scared of tempting a Martian invasion... :hmmm:

AVGWarhawk 05-08-12 11:50 AM

You would think Bubbles is entitled to his opinion, right or wrong. What were you thinking Bubbles?

Sailor Steve 05-08-12 11:52 AM


Originally Posted by AVGWarhawk (Post 1881188)
You would think Bubbles is entitled to his opinion, right or wrong. What were you thinking Bubbles?

Several people have also stated their opinions. Have any of them flamed him, or gotten personal?

Well, Tribesman maybe, but at least he was funny about it.

Jimbuna 05-08-12 12:52 PM


Originally Posted by Penguin (Post 1881051)
I wonder how many people read this news and go: "OMG, they named a ship of ours after a foreign president!" :rotfl2:

I do not see a problem with it. This guy served in the Navy and did more for the common man than Ronnie Reagan who basically kicked the working class into their teeth but got a carrier named after him.

So what is radical about Chavez? Did he want to overthrow the goverment, abolish the Constitution, built up a Communist state? Or did he just organize people and fight for fair labor conditions - by nonviolent means, btw.

Named after someone who was responsible for escalating a war that took more lives in one week than all union strikes in the whole world combined since the beginning of history.

^ :yep:

vienna 05-08-12 01:00 PM


Not shocking given who the President is currently, no doubt he had a say in it, most likely pushed his SECNAV to do so.
There has been a push to do the namimg almost from the day Chavez died; most of the groundwork and movement came under Dubbya's administration, not Obama's. I really think that even with a GOP in the White House, the naming would have gone forward just as a matter of politics, catering to the Latino electorate. I don't agree with the naming of a USN craft after Chavez at all, but, at least, it is not an active combat vessel. There was and is an outcry by some on the far left who feel that honoring Chavez by naming a "military" vessel after him flies in the face of his vaunted non-violent philosophies...


Wiki says the guy was tougher on emigration than Obama....:D

I always use that little factoid to drive the Chavezites nuts; Chavez did, in fact, very publicly and openly come out against illegal immigration because, while he and his group were trying to unionize farmworkers, farmowners would undercut his efforts to stage strikes against the farms by hiring other illegals not affiliated with his group as strikebusters. Chavez was extremely vexed by this tactic. He relented in his stance only when it was seen as counter-produtive to his alliance with other left-wing groups at the time and because it was, ironically, costing him support in the Latino community...


AVGWarhawk 05-08-12 01:26 PM

Great post Vienna. :up: Can you cite the start of naming a vessel after Chavez under Dubbya's administration?

Stealhead 05-08-12 01:34 PM

It was obviously done for political reasons should not be that much of a shocker plenty of vessels are so named I personally think that vessels only be named after cities,states,battles,and persons that did a great deed as a member of the Navy(or other branch of service: example USS The Sullivans been a few of those since WWII the Navy brothers that all died on the same ship) There are plenty of Congressional Medal of Honor winner names to go around.Naming ships after any political person I do not like unless it is from or historic past over 100 years or longer ago).

For AVG:

It does not say how far in advance they choose the names but I doubt it is done more than a year or so before the build gets contracted which would be some time in 2008 it says that the Secretary of the Navy picks the names which means that they would do so around the time they give out the contract to build the thing that would be my guess.I am guessing that it was during Obamas time also the many articles about the reaction to the naming date from 2011 which implies that the name must have been selected some time in 2011.If they named ships several years in advance there would have been reaction to the naming at that time and not in 2011.

AVGWarhawk 05-08-12 01:41 PM


Originally Posted by Stealhead (Post 1881237)
It was obviously done for political reasons should not be that much of a shocker plenty of vessels are so named I personally think that vessels only be named after cities,states,battles,and persons that did a great deed as a member of the Navy(or other branch of service: example USS The Sullivans been a few of those since WWII the Navy brothers that all died on the same ship) There are plenty of Congressional Medal of Honor winner names to go around.Naming ships after any political person I do not like unless it is from or historic past over 100 years or longer ago).

What political reason and under what administration? Vienna states Bush. I'm getting the idea you might believe it is under Obama?

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