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peabody 01-16-12 11:39 PM

[Rel] Takao Heavy Cruiser
By request: Released for testing:

IJN Takao Heavy Cruiser.

Works in Single missions and the Uboat Add on. Has two torpedo tubes, placed at the bow of the ship since they fire straight forward. So be careful when travelling at flank speed and firing a torpedo.

Changed the ordersbar.cfg some. Removed the periscope tabs. First tab with Captain's hat is the bridge.

1. Bridge view
2. Uzo
3. Stop watch
4. Battle Stations
5. Deckgun (main turret)
6. Flak guns
7. Damage control
8 Recognition manual
9. Select as target
10. Pick up survivors

I also added an Uzo button on the Deckgun group so you can get range to target.
removed Silent running button. :hmmm:

Equipment is still using German names, Medals are German except for the small version on the side of the screen.

Background music is Japanese.
Time was a problem with doing some stuff I wanted to.

Damage model will take damage, but not much from merchant ships unless they get a lucky hit.

Tried to upload to Subsim download section but had a problem with an error message. ???

Hope it works.


TBear 01-17-12 04:56 AM

you are a star...a rising sun....just a huge TX :salute:

Well time to try out my jap campaign light....and in my favorite class....aaawsooome..

Report back later with what i find :)

chrysanthos 01-17-12 07:35 AM

thank you so much:D...i have to tell you something...last night i crying because you were right....i learn from my mistakes....i promised not to be the same person again...can you forgive me?

chrysanthos 01-17-12 08:43 AM

peabody i have a question and maybe is a my first mission the deckgun gets too much damage to operate so its disable...but when i jump in the damage to fix it there is nothing on or red to indicate that has been its get useless during this mission...any ideas why? oh and the third turret too

TBear 01-17-12 09:09 AM

Might be because of mod soup.

I dont have sound when on AA station. I can hear the grenades explode, but the gun dont have sound.

So far it seems ok.

Cargo ships dont take to much to sink. Small vessels go down well kinda implode when broadsiding them.

Destroyers are stil a pain, but that is the wiedr problem when they charge headon, gunners cant compensate from that. The second they are at an angle, they blow up fine.

Had a duel against a Baltimore. I could manouver abit better than him and on med to long distance i could keep faily safe. Closing on him was a mistake and we ended up blowing one another up lol...

Battleships. Seems ok. Realy not a mach against them, but the long lances changed the tide. The second i had a texas cripled with torps i simply wacked hes guns and then gave him more torps. Advice, stay away from BB`s i sank on the return trip.

Damedge is interesting. For me it works, but holy cow you can blow up fast. It feels like the maya mad, just abit better. Main player gun seems easy to get out of order, but she can take abit beating.

Suply missions. I get a CTD when trying to launch boat

What i would like changed.

More crew. Would love to have crew like on the cleveland mod (or Karles ships). It is a fairly large ship, crew manegemant should resemple that. :up:

In all so far great fun, and there have been released ships that have been alot worse than this one :salute:

peabody 01-17-12 01:42 PM

@Tbear and Chrysanthos:

Thanks for trying it out.

Yes, you can NOT do supply or agent insertion missions, it CTDs. A couple yrs ago, someone gave me the solution, but it didn't work. The boat was launched ok but it CTD on returning to port. I don't know the problem, maybe one of the 'real' ship builders have an answer. It should work since this ship is basically converted to a sub.

Hmmmm :hmmm: You both stated you get damage to main guns. In all my testing I never had a main turret go down. I did not change the zones on them, they are stock, I will have to check that out.

As for damage it was a playability problem. The armor was so thick that merchants and DDs 5 inch guns could not penatrate it, so you never got damage. I set it to the high end of the ability of a 5 inch shell, and assumed you would not engage Heavy cruisers and BBs up close, so it would work. Maybe the wrong idea. I wanted to create some damage from convoys so you would have to rethink you strategy.

I also set the hull damage hitpoints way too high, just because I felt they were set for a single damage to a subs pressure hull was doom!! I didn't want that to happen every single mission you went on with a Heavy cruiser. Again just a playability decision not a realistic decision.

Tbear, I just checked since I never use them and the AA guns DO have sound, so other mod may be affecting that. I ran stock game, no mods.

I did not change the info given for the torpedo. I got conflicting info but used the Wiki speed and distance of 52 knots and 22,000m. But found firing a torpedo from the starboard side at a ship on the port side, it would turn before it passed the bow of the ship at high speed. And since they are fired forward and not at a 90 degree angle as in real life, I changed the speed to 62knots and it seems to get by the ship ok.

Tbear, for more crew do you mean in the crewmangement screen or walking around on deck? The ones walking on deck I didn't increase since you can't see most of them, and adding crew to the mangement screen was just a decision based on time (I have very little of it to spare)

TBear 01-17-12 04:28 PM

:) salute you great master of the Japanese surface force :)

1. Yes, mod soup wacked sound on AA :( working on that one my self

2. Ammo count seems ok since AI gunners cant hit a static ship above 10km without wasting 70% of the ammo lol

3. Damedge. Well how to test, go to midway and get shot up. Maby im a darn good cruiser pilot :) or just born lucky. I cruised around both Islands in cirkulare pattern 10 km to center and i only got 1% damedge, but sank 9 destroyers 4 cruisers and damedged 1 BB and one CV. Might need abit tweaking :)

4. Not more crew on deck, more crew in manegement :) Some other of the surface mods have enough so it feels bigger than a submarine :)

In all its great fun. Again ALOT better than many of the other surface ships that pops up, this one just need minot tweaking, and its a great ship you have provided us IJN bufs with :)

Let me know if you need something specific testet and i get right on it :)

:rock: Peabody and a :salute:

peabody 01-17-12 04:49 PM


Originally Posted by TBear (Post 1823041)
:) salute you great master of the Japanese surface force :)

1. Yes, mod soup wacked sound on AA :( working on that one my self

2. Ammo count seems ok since AI gunners cant hit a static ship above 10km without wasting 70% of the ammo lol

3. Damedge. Well how to test, go to midway and get shot up. Maby im a darn good cruiser pilot :) or just born lucky. I cruised around both Islands in cirkulare pattern 10 km to center and i only got 1% damedge, but sank 9 destroyers 4 cruisers and damedged 1 BB and one CV. Might need abit tweaking :)

4. Not more crew on deck, more crew in manegement :) Some other of the surface mods have enough so it feels bigger than a submarine :)

In all its great fun. Again ALOT better than many of the other surface ships that pops up, this one just need minot tweaking, and its a great ship you have provided us IJN bufs with :)

Let me know if you need something specific testet and i get right on it :)

:rock: Peabody and a :salute:

This is the first ship I did damage model on, so I know it won't be right. The superstructure is all stock, so you will have stuff getting blown up, but it won't end your mission.
I know the Hull damage is going to be low. The hitpoints are way too high, but I wanted to be able to test the other 'zones' without getting destroyed all the time from hull damage. The rest of the zones I think are set to 35 armor level if I remember right, which is high side of the 5 inch gun. You should get SOME damage but not a lot until you go against stronger guns.

I have also made ships that are a lot more accurate than this one is. I am going to have to look up those old files. But one thing to take into consideration is the speed of your ship. Sometimes it looks like they are shooting way off target but the shell actually hits. You can see the flash.

As for the crew that is easy, just takes some time.


osteo 01-18-12 11:10 AM

well done I salute you :salute::salute:

Chrisi078 01-18-12 11:58 AM

a video of the mod please, no Silent Hunter 4:wah:

TBear 01-18-12 03:52 PM


Originally Posted by Chrisi078 (Post 1823512)
a video of the mod please, no Silent Hunter 4:wah:

EEEEh i try to make something, but its going to be abit rough....gimme a day or 2 :)

TBear 01-18-12 05:27 PM

Here is a small movie. Its not good, but show the ship. Had to put in music since my soundcard kinda well...smells abit :)

TAKAO heavy cruiser

Captain_Rockwell_Torry 01-18-12 05:33 PM

Takao Heavy Cruiser
Just wanted to let you know, I played your new Takao last night. Seems to work great and I really liked the new music, really added some atmosphere to the game. I got a cargo mission in campaign, so it will probably crash when I get there, but so far its working real good. And I also like that you got the bridge in the right place.

Captain Rockwell Torry:up:

Kazuma 01-21-12 06:51 AM

Just registered to say how damn amazing this mod is. I never knew there was ship mods to SH4 since yesterday.


Edit: Just one quick question, how do I repair my ship? I can see that whole components have fallen off and turrets are not moving

peabody 01-21-12 12:40 PM


Originally Posted by Kazuma (Post 1825106)
Just registered to say how damn amazing this mod is. I never knew there was ship mods to SH4 since yesterday.


Edit: Just one quick question, how do I repair my ship? I can see that whole components have fallen off and turrets are not moving

When parts are falling off, that is from the stock damage model and you would need to return to base, same with hull damage.

As for the turrets not moving, I have others saying they have damaged guns, but I never had a turret stop working so when I have time I will have to check into that. Is a target selected for it to fire at when this happens?


Kazuma 01-21-12 03:22 PM


Originally Posted by peabody (Post 1825245)
Is a target selected for it to fire at when this happens?

Nope, I can't even make the enemy ship a target because the button is greyed out :06:

Captain_Rockwell_Torry 01-21-12 06:01 PM

TBear, Video
Tbear, loved your video. I thought it was very good!

Captain Rockwell Torry:up:

Admiral Von Gerlach 01-24-12 11:31 PM

She looks wonderful Peabody, thanks so much for the chance to give her sea trials, i will report. Beautiful ship class that, the Japanese designers made some of the finest ships of that era.

peabody 01-25-12 12:56 AM


Originally Posted by Kazuma (Post 1825106)
Just registered to say how damn amazing this mod is. I never knew there was ship mods to SH4 since yesterday.


Edit: Just one quick question, how do I repair my ship? I can see that whole components have fallen off and turrets are not moving

Hi Kazuma,

Did the turrets work before you took damage?

peabody 01-25-12 01:02 AM


Originally Posted by Admiral Von Gerlach (Post 1827170)
She looks wonderful Peabody, thanks so much for the chance to give her sea trials, i will report. Beautiful ship class that, the Japanese designers made some of the finest ships of that era.

Thanks Admiral, It is basically just the stock ship. I have had some ships hanging around that were not playable in career so I just fixed that and put in some damage (still don't know a lot about the damage stuff) I like the Takao and the Kongo BB the best as far as 'looks' go, but the bridge on the Kongo needs work, it is only one sided, the outside. Inside is transparent, so that will have to have some 3D work. I set the panels two-sided in Blender, but apparently Blender and SH4 don't agree on that point.
Worked a bit on the IJN Campaign but still at a loss for time.

Take care, nice to hear from you.

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