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Armistead 05-31-10 12:04 PM

Battle of Coral Sea
Thought I would try Coral Sea. I usually ambush them near San Cristobal, but out of range and chased them seemingly forever. They were making 20 kts. They finally made the turn south, coming faster at 27kts. The escorts somehow saw or heard me over 10 nms away and came at me fast, which was fine, I was in decent position. I dived flank and by the time they got there I was gone leaving them far behind out of the way for a perfect shot on the first carrier. You can see the escorts searching where I had dived long ago...out of the way.

All four sterns slammed home sinking him, so trying to set up on the next carrier coming.

He zigged towards me.. Now this was going to be a serious aob and bearing, but I let them go just in time. From the bow they had to turn all allowed, bearing was terrible, almost 80, just enough to allow a bow shot, but two hit.

If you can look you can see my sub almost in front of him as the torps gryo around.

Two hit, second torp, by this time I'm passed him going flank, but how many times do you get a torp hit when you're in front of the carrier.:D

He still making good speed as he list sideways.

FInally sinks.

I then went looking for the Moresby invasion group, large convoy, found a small TF first, sank the large minelayer.

Heading back to Brisbane with only a few torps but need fuel found the Moresby invasion force. Here is where it is if your interested, May 9

Here are the paths the groups take. The JP TF at Coral Sea to the right. They come in just below San Cristobal heading WNW, then turn south.
To the left the invasion force as it was heading north to Rabaul.

Armistead 05-31-10 12:38 PM

Exact positions..

clayp 05-31-10 01:56 PM

Hey dude what year and date is that? But I dint know how to do all that plotting etc..I havent seen one big battle since I started playing this game...:down:

Armistead 05-31-10 08:21 PM

Look on the last SS that shows ships sunk, shows date and location on the coords like 159.59E x 9.34 S on May 9...just be there the 8th to set up, they should come right by you using RSRD.

You can let them go and keep on tracking and eventually US planes will attack when they get more south. They basically take the same path home.

clayp 05-31-10 09:24 PM


Originally Posted by Armistead (Post 1408101)
Look on the last SS that shows ships sunk, shows date and location on the coords like 159.59E x 9.34 S on May 9...just be there the 8th to set up, they should come right by you using RSRD.

You can let them go and keep on tracking and eventually US planes will attack when they get more south. They basically take the same path home.

I'm really embrassed to say that I dont know how to find the cords and do all of that plotting.:oops:..Can you set the date for starting a cmpaign?..I've been trying to learn how to do all this stuff,just not having much luck....:oops:..Too dumb I guess...

I went and started a new campaign and its starting on June 11 1942....:( no coral sea for me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

magic452 06-01-10 02:15 AM

To find the coordinates I'll use the screen shots Armistead has posted.

Look on the clipboard and the first ship sunk is a Shokaku carrier.
Sunk at Long. 157° 58' E. Lat 9° 34' S.
That's 157 degrees 58 minutes. East Longitude. There are 60 minutes in a degree so that is almost 158° E. Look at the top of the map in the last SS.
The numbers across the top are degrees Longitude, find 158 and draw a line down the map. Next we have 9° 34' S lat. That is 9 degrees 34 minutes Latitude. 34 minutes is about a half a degree so fine the mid point between 9 and 10 ° on the right side of the map and draw a line across the map where the two lines cross are the coordinates for the sinking.

You can see the red ship sunk icon there just above the E in Solomon Sea.

Zero Degrees Latitude is the equator and the number goes up from there north and south. The poles are 180° north or south. He is just below the equator so the lat. is South 9 and a half degrees.

All the Xs on the map he put there to plot the course of the ships. He put an x every so many minutes, looks like once an hour or something like that.


clayp 06-01-10 02:57 AM

Well that explains it a bit bud but I cant get there on the date...:damn:

Chubster 06-01-10 08:01 AM

Start a new career....earlier and from Manilla :yeah:

Armistead 06-01-10 11:49 AM

The x's, yes tracking, it was going as fast as I could and I didn't have radar, so I stay out of visual range most the time. Still, you can see yourself even if your men can't. so I would mark the carrier.

I almost goofed, it turned day and a few planes drove me down, but thankfully they turned hard south. I almost missed the turn.

I almost lobbed some DG shells at them at night to slow them down, but last time I tried that the carriers kept going fast why the DD's came searching.

clayp 06-01-10 03:13 PM


Originally Posted by Chubster (Post 1408394)
Start a new career....earlier and from Manilla :yeah:

How do you get it to start earlier???

BillBam 06-01-10 03:33 PM


Originally Posted by clayp (Post 1408768)
How do you get it to start earlier???

Here Ya go!

clayp 06-01-10 03:45 PM


Originally Posted by BillBam (Post 1408785)

Thank you.It says it is set to start in Nov 1941 so I have to run around in circles until May 1942?....Everything I want to do is so much darn trouble...:damn:

Chubster 06-01-10 07:09 PM

Just start a new career at the beginning....Dec 7th i think...from Manilla. There is plenty to keep you occupied till Coral Sea.

Choose either the Sargo or Salmon and go see my contact at the ordinance depot, he will load you out with MK10's....just tell him I sent ya :DL

Start your mission and ignore where they send you for now....we are going on a recon of our own :03:

Find Vigan on the map, west side of Luzon. Zoom down till the black range bar reads 21.0nm. Enable tool helper and with your ruler put the start point on the dot for Vigan, draw a line 9nm long going West, (as you come out you will see the line go through 270 on the tool helper)

At the western end of this line draw another one going directly North 6750yds. Now set some waypoints so that your sub ends up at the top of the 6750 line facing NE.

All stop. Save.

Stay on the surface and use TC...say 512.....eventually you will get a contact. As soon as you do, dive below thermal layer (click on the depth gauge as we do no want the engines to come on), rig for silent running. Engines off.

Now just wait till the lead destroyers pass you by (Free cam too watch f12 if your using TMO) long as you are not moving and a re rigged for silent running they should not notice you. You should then see a line of 5 ships, the second one is a troop carrier....Come to periscope depth and take your pick

You may have to do a tiny bit of manoeuvring once you see them but that should get you close enough to sink a few...They head off in that direction and then loop back later.

That should keep you occupied for a while.

And if you get bored of that we can send you over to Camranh Bay....lots of fun over there

And then a bit later....Jan / Feb, there is loads to do in the Java Sea area on way to Coral sea...

See you there :up:

clayp 06-01-10 08:25 PM

I havent the foggist how to do this...
Find Vigan on the map, west side of Luzon. Zoom down till the black range bar reads 21.0nm. Enable tool helper and with your ruler put the start point on the dot for Vigan, draw a line 9nm long going West, (as you come out you will see the line go through 270 on the tool helper)

At the western end of this line draw another one going directly North 6750yds. Now set some waypoints so that your sub ends up at the top of the 6750 line facing NE.
I'll try to figure something out..I want to use my Gato..2 deck guns,2 AAA guns and 40 torps......:hmmm:

Armistead 06-01-10 09:07 PM

Not sure where he is sending you, long and lat would be easier. He may be sending you after the Lingayen gulf..think that's how it's spelled...invasion force, if you head N out of Manila you'll run into it or just sit in the gulf.

I use TMO RSRD, you do have the option with TMO to start in April, that gets you almost there, but really the Coral Sea JP TF isn't that big. However, if you're looking at all the action there, if you plan it right you can have all you want. You can go for the Shoho invasion force, then battle of Coral Sea, then hit the Port Moresby invasion force, each the day after the other.

Here is how I sort of do my battles.

Starting out of Manila I attack one of the Phillippines invasion forces, you can sit in Lingayen Gulf or go more north to Aparri where one lands. The one with all the Chitose carriers is lil north of the San Bern at 124.40E by
12.50 North. Just leave base and get there at normal speed to any and wait, they'll show up. Get time, dock or refit at Manila before it falls. When you lose Manila, you'll head to Surabaya. TMO RSRD gives you another base to refit on the way at Balicpapan, but it will fall soon. Beware, a large DD TF is usually in the area and a smaller invasion force

I then dock at Surabaya, usually early Feb, so don't wonder off. I usually go Balikpapan to attack that and hurry back to Surabaya about Feb 15 and refit. Then get ready for the large Java invasion force that shows up around Feb 27/28, but I attack it about 50 nm's NNW of Semarang. If you hurry up and attack it flank back to Sura to refit...not dock or you'll miss out. Careful, there is a rather large TF that you have to beat to Sura full of DD's and CA's and you'll usually run into them. A large allied TF will also be in the area and they'll bang heads with the Japs just north of Sura, but you can slip in. If you don't refit in time, well, do as you will.

Then head to Merak, look to the harbor right of the Merak label 106.10E by 6.0S, another very large invasion force.

Base will have been gone now so Fremantle is home

If you have torps left after the Merak attack, the Christmas Island invasion force will be coming through the Sundra Straits at Merak. I usually sit at the south end by March 6. It has many Kuma's and large Tankers, many small liners...

then it's Fremantle with a big score....

Then I prepare for the Solomons Campaign, these are the best battles.

Shoho invasion force
Battle of Coral
Attack the Port Moresby force
Lae invasion force
Battle of GC
Battle of Savo
Battle of Santa Cruz...biggy

clayp 06-01-10 09:52 PM

What year am I starting out in 41 or 42?

G2B 06-01-10 10:07 PM


Originally Posted by clayp (Post 1409122)
What year am I starting out in 41 or 42?

41 :up:

G2B 06-01-10 10:17 PM


Originally Posted by Chubster (Post 1408993)

Find Vigan on the map, west side of Luzon. Zoom down till the black range bar reads 21.0nm. Enable tool helper and with your ruler put the start point on the dot for Vigan, draw a line 9nm long going West, (as you come out you will see the line go through 270 on the tool helper)

rig for silent running. Engines off.

Now just wait till the lead destroyers pass you by (Free cam too watch f12 if your using TMO) long as you are not moving and a re rigged for silent running they should not notice you. You should then see a line of 5 ships, the second one is a troop carrier....Come to periscope depth and take your pick

You may have to do a tiny bit of manoeuvring once you see them but that should get you close enough to sink a few...They head off in that direction and then loop back later.

Just tangled with this one, found them coming straight at me in the middle of the night. Dove, rigged for silent running and waited, doggone subchaser was passing me to the port and must have detected me cause it changed course and started towards me. I managed to get the transport before having to duck below the thermal. Man did it rain D.C.'s we managed to slip away to the north but still had 2 chasers looking for us, sneaky sob's came up to pd cause it was nice and quite with chasers heading south, one chaser was sitting quiet 230 yards off the starboard bow. Had to sneek back down and creep away for a bit longer till he finally gave up :nope:

clayp 06-01-10 11:08 PM

Ok guys have started a new campaign out of Pearl on Dec 02 1941...Will actualy start tomorrow eyes are tired....:woot:

magic452 06-01-10 11:46 PM

Clay do not start in Pearl. You want to start in Manila Dec. 8 1941.
All the action everybody is talking about is near there.

Head north out of Manila and go to the Lingayen Gulf. Just park in front of the gulf about a half mile and a convoy will come to you. Get one or two ships there and than head more north stay about half a mile off the coast and you will come across another convoy.


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