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Oberon 02-03-10 06:07 PM

Fall Gelb
10th May 1940

On the morning of 10 May 1940 the Dutch awoke to the sound of aircraft engines roaring in the sky. Nazi Germany had commenced operation Fall Gelb and attacked the Netherlands, Belgium, France and Luxembourg; in the case of the Low Countries without a declaration of war given before hostilities; France already was at war.

Task Force 02-03-10 06:18 PM
formation flying.
more formation.

Oberon 02-03-10 06:23 PM

First mission.
Patrol above airfield and defend against enemy fighters. A group of Me110s attacked and a few were shot down. Task Force forgot he was flying a gravity pump carburetter aircraft and pushed forward hard and had to bail out.

Second mission.
Escort bombers and suppress enemy air defences. All pilots received a sprinkling of AAA, Oberon and Hunter in particular. Hunter crashed at high speed but his plane proved to be a real tough Fokker and he survived. Oberon waited until getting back to base to smash his undercarriage off. Schroeder and Task Force displayed Luftwaffe-esque precision formation flying whilst two AI nosedived into the end of the runway.
This war should go well...
Oberon's sieve
Luftwaffe spies?
Seconds before nosedive

Raptor1 02-04-10 12:15 AM

Oh no...

Oberon 02-04-10 03:41 AM

Oh yes.

The Fokker is actually quite a nice little aircraft. Slow, lightly armed but fairly rugged. I love the sliding window on the left hand side, like I said last night, you could stick your elbow out of the window trucker style :rock:

Raptor1 02-04-10 09:41 AM

Since the real battle lasted only 4 days (8 if one includes the Zeeland campaign), I would assume this would be a rather short campaign.

What map does it use?

Oberon 02-04-10 10:38 AM

Memel, IIRC.

There's about fifteen missions in total I think, so I should imagine that we'll wind up withdrawing to Zeeland and ending the campaign there on the 17th.

Raptor1 02-04-10 11:58 AM

Ah, apparently even if I would've shown up yesterday, I couldn't play. My video card sabotage was more serious than I thought and now I have to completely reformat my computer (Not that it wasn't way overdue for that anyway).

Oberon 02-04-10 12:12 PM

Ouch!! :o

Schroeder 02-04-10 01:15 PM

Cheese in the pixel pipelines?:o

Task Force 02-04-10 07:19 PM

lol! raptors gpu was a spy all along...:stare:

anyway... I gotta get use to this new Fokker... negative Gs.:doh: heres a nice problem for you.

TF+Fokker+Negative Gs-engine= OAH CRAP!!! lol

Schroeder 02-05-10 07:16 AM

You can do negative Gs but you have to go to idle throttle before you do it.

I already fear the day they are sending some 109s our way.:dead:

Oberon 02-05-10 06:38 PM

Sorry I wasn't there tonight guys, I was watching Lost and getting very. ;) Might be there next Friday, might not, probably not if that's when they're going to start showing it. Will be back Monday though. Been looking through campaigns to go to after Holland, there was one good looking Defence of the Reich one but it was a no-way points one sadly :damn:
Got a nice looking single player campaign for the 110 though, Murmansk to Morocco so we'll see how that goes.
I think we definitely need to consider the Moving Dogfight idea for perhaps one of the three days we fly. Perhaps Campaign one day, Moving DF the next and Standard DF the other, that way it makes campaigns last a bit longer whilst still giving us a laugh. :hmmm:

Task Force 02-05-10 06:42 PM

Today we did a dogfight thingy... ended im me crashing into there carrier alot. lol

Oberon 02-05-10 06:48 PM

Oh, and one other thing I noticed.

Task Force, you might want to look at your bombing, I noticed in our last dogfights that you were dropping fine but the bombs were bouncing along the ground for about fifty meters or so before exploding. Skip bombing I think it's called when its done deliberately and at sea, however you were missing your target of the parked planes. You might want to drop at a lower speed or at a steeper angle. Skip bombing is fine if you're going to hit a building or a wall (I think that's what they did to hit the outer walls during Operation Jericho) however for something like a plane or tank it won't work unless the bomb makes direct impact with the target. I probably do it myself without realising it, in fact I didn't even know IL2 modeled such things until I saw it during the replay! :haha: I think the fuses also matter, perhaps lowering the time delay on them depending on what target you're going to hit, perhaps a steep dive attack with a zero fuse might work better, just not a low altitude level attack with a zero fuse like the one I pulled with my first airborne F-86! :har:

Peace! :salute:

Task Force 02-05-10 06:53 PM

lol, yea... I skip bomb everything... lol I need to stop it.:rotfl2:

Task Force 02-06-10 12:25 AM


Originally Posted by Schroeder (Post 1259144)
You can do negative Gs but you have to go to idle throttle before you do it.

I already fear the day they are sending some 109s our way.:dead:

yea, but I keep forgetting im in a early war plane till I start doing negative G manuvers and the motor dies. (or I look at my air

Gotta put some pratice in on these things. lol

Schroeder 02-06-10 07:13 AM

I'm using a zero second fuse now. Makes it more realistic. If every bomb in WWII had had a timeable (is that a word?) fuse they would not have invented things like retarded bombs. It makes the entire bombing stuff even a bit more interesting because now you can't fly the bomb "into" the target anymore but have to drop from a much higher altitude.Compared to the accuracy of WWII dive bombings I'm still too good but at least not every single bomb is a direct hit anymore.

Oberon 02-06-10 10:01 AM

Yeah, although there are some incidences on special missions when a timed fuse is preferable, Operation Jericho for example used an eleven second fuse, but for your standard bombing run it's explode on impact. :yep:

Raptor1 02-06-10 11:12 AM


Originally Posted by Schroeder (Post 1259778)
I'm using a zero second fuse now. Makes it more realistic. If every bomb in WWII had had a timeable (is that a word?) fuse they would not have invented things like retarded bombs. It makes the entire bombing stuff even a bit more interesting because now you can't fly the bomb "into" the target anymore but have to drop from a much higher altitude.Compared to the accuracy of WWII dive bombings I'm still too good but at least not every single bomb is a direct hit anymore.

Delay fuse, I believe.

Actually, I think most bombs could be fitted with one in special cases, at least the American ones could. For example, the bombs used at the Battle of the Bismarck Sea were normal anti-shipping bombs bundled together and fitted with delay fuses.

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