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Mush Martin 08-18-08 10:40 AM

How Lame is This
So a week and half before it came out
I went into my local EB games and
confirmed that they would be getting
in copies of the new release of silent
hunter iv gold editions when It came
out. the dude says yeah we have a
half dozen on order and they should
be in around the 13th, naturally I assumed
with a release date of the 12th that
this kind of followed a certain sort of logic
in the universe. The kid says would you
like to pay the extra to reserve one.
:|\\ I said kid you have my number call
me if you want the sale when it comes in.
so release date came and went and no
phone call. but as it turned out maybe
he didnt call on purpose because he may
have realized what I just did this morning
and and wanted to save himself the embarrasement
of trying to explain it.

Today I went in and there on the
shelf sat six brand spanking new copies
of silent hunter iv original release just
like the two already on my shelf. nowhere
to be found is Gold edition w/ubm
:shifty: my wife says ask the guy
I says "I can read and these six werent
here last week were moving on.
screw em we will go
to the other one instead where hopefully
the manager/proprieter has evolved something
beyond a lizard brain. So we go to the other
EB games and there on the shelf sit six brand
spanky new copies of the previous not the
current edition of silent hunter iv and I come
to realize that somewhere either at the regional
or national level someone has a badly displaced
and extremely dyspeptic liver for a brain.

I have bought my last game at EB Games
after this and a few other previous impossibities
I find most of the time the service I get at EB games
is completely sub standard.

She says talk to the dood.
I says screw it we just became
bestbuy customers.

(just my rant)

AVGWarhawk 08-18-08 10:44 AM

Ah, just a bad experience. I like EB Games for my kids. They turn in console games for new ones all the time. Just a revolving account really. In that respect, they are great. As far as PC games, not so good anymore.

Mush Martin 08-18-08 12:16 PM

I just felt like whining I guess but they are pretty consistently poor down

Orion2012 08-18-08 01:35 PM

I get the same kind of thing at my local EB, granted it's better since they were taken over my Gamestop, but most of the kids that work in there only know what there precious sales terminal tells them.

pythos 08-18-08 02:19 PM

I am too lazy too look
What is the difference between standard, and gold edition?

What prompted ubi to make a gold edition.

Microsoft Flight simulator doesn't even have a "gold" edition.

Did SH3 get a "state color here" edition.

Perhaps GWX4 should be called sh3 black edition (a mickey off of black albums;)

Mush Martin 08-18-08 04:30 PM

the gold addition is shiv w ubm patched to 1.5 and sold as a single
package. Ive been waiting for it cause I couldnt get d2d working.


Madox58 08-18-08 06:10 PM


Originally Posted by Mush Martin
the gold addition is shiv w ubm patched to 1.5 and sold as a single
package. Ive been waiting for it cause I couldnt get d2d working.



Mush Martin 08-18-08 06:59 PM

aaah im discovered, gee ya think.:rotfl:

Madox58 08-18-08 08:13 PM

I was try to be discreet.
You think I failed?

SteamWake 08-19-08 10:17 AM

Frankly I dont know why EB's retail outlets even bother with PC games anymore.

Its as if their second rate citizens or something.

Mush Martin 08-19-08 10:43 AM

its like its a dying market but to me its a better format because
I can mod on PC,

so is PC gaming soon to be a thing of the past?

I cant imagine it.

How many pc gamers worldwide all stripes?
that buy discs etc as opposed to dl'ing a flash game
for breaks at work.

pythos 08-20-08 12:23 AM

I for one FAR prefer having the disk, than downloading.

Computers have a bad tendency to well, destroy themselves spontaniously and when that happens you lose all your downloaded stuff, including games. (unless you burned them to disk).

I like the idea of the gold edition, and will most likely get it, seeing that my version of UBM is downloaded.

LeeVanSpliff 08-20-08 04:12 AM


Originally Posted by Mush Martin
I come
to realize that somewhere either at the regional
or national level someone has a badly displaced
and extremely dyspeptic liver for a brain.

Hahahahah! :rotfl:

Torpedo your local game shop. That'll teach them.

Mush Martin 08-20-08 05:59 AM

Salt for the wound so with no copy available locally:stare:
I decided to buy flags of our fathers and letters from Iwo jima
I havent seen letters from Iwo yet, but as the english subtitles
arent working at all on the disc:damn: I have given up on media
and will go read a book like we used to in the olden days before

AVGWarhawk 08-20-08 08:23 AM

Letters from Iwo is great! I have an issue with the subtitle as well. Windows Media does not display them but I have another DVD program that does. My DVD player displays them also. You really miss the feeling with dubbed in English. Same with Das Boot.

Sailor Steve 08-20-08 10:02 AM

I just recently watched Flags for the first time. I thought it was much better than friends had described, but Letters is still by far the better movie.

AVGWarhawk 08-20-08 10:55 AM


Originally Posted by Sailor Steve
I just recently watched Flags for the first time. I thought it was much better than friends had described, but Letters is still by far the better movie.

The book for "Flag of Our Father's" is much much better than the movie. I often find this to be the case when movies are made from books. As far as Letters from Iwo, the movie really depicted the feeling at that particular moment in time. Clint Eastwood did a fantastic job and selected the right people to portray the characters in the movie. One of my favorites to watch.

FIREWALL 08-20-08 11:31 AM

I can only speak for my area. Gamestop\ EB Games are pro console and have a minimal selection of PC games.

Where as my local BestBuy and FRY'S Electronics has aisle's of PC games at same and sometimes better prices.

Wilcke 08-20-08 03:52 PM

I just cannot go to stores anymore. I try to buy as much as I can online. Like the other day I needed a new battery for my travel trailer. So the best deal was on Amazon, Optima Marine Type, Retail $230, they had it for $180 plus a $25 factory rebate. No sales tax and free shipping. I ordered it Monday morning and Tuesday afternoon its sitting on my doorstep when I got home. Its now charged and ready to go!

Amazing! I remember EB Games. They were pretty good.

AVGWarhawk 08-20-08 05:10 PM


Originally Posted by FIREWALL
I can only speak for my area. Gamestop\ EB Games are pro console and have a minimal selection of PC games.

Where as my local BestBuy and FRY'S Electronics has aisle's of PC games at same and sometimes better prices.

EB will tell you pretty much up front that console games are their bag now. I was able to sell my old PC games to them. They do not accept them anymore. If you use the store for what they are directing it to be, it is a great store. My kids turn in Nintendo Wii and Gameboy games all the time. They receive store credit and buy more console games. It is just a revolving account for me and my wallet. I.m at the point now were I spend no money. The store credit is enough to get the next game they want. Plus I get a discount card and Game Informer magazine(excellent toilet reading) as part of the discount card program. Using the store for this purpose is wonderful. However, EB will order a PC game for you. In fact, I got SH4 from them the day it was released because I pre-ordered with cash. As anything in life, cash talks. The rest is just idle banter to the sales industry. So, for PC games that are not extremely popular like Half Life for example, they will not stock them because they will not move off the shelves. SH4 has it's nitch and knowing that I specifically pre-orderd and plunked my cash down for the game. I did not think they would clear a shelf for SH4. IMO, it is a good store for certain things. For other games, yep, Bestbuy, Walmart or Target. Lately I order online because I do not feel like getting my dead butt out of my chair. :roll:

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