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Captain Mordon 03-18-08 05:19 AM

Officer Limit?
I just started playing SH4 about 2 months ago, really enjoying it, but I noticed a change in the American Career, I restarted my game, when the U-boat missions came out, started in 1941 have played up to Dec 1943 and have not been able to promote any of my crew since the start save for one when I attained the rank of Commander I think and most are maxed out on XP. Even ran into a problem replacing an officer for a better one says I have too many. I assume this is not a bug, so I guess my question is this, Is there a way to change the officer limit either by mod or editing a file? Thanks in advance for any help

LukeFF 03-18-08 05:46 PM

UPC files in /Data/Submarine.

Look for the lines MaxPettyOfficers and MaxOfficers.

Captain Mordon 03-18-08 06:57 PM

Was not at that location, but gave me a good starting point thanks, I was able to track down those values in the saved game folder in the ActivePlayerUnits UPC file. Same lines you said to look for, Thanks again for the help.:up:

rada660 06-03-10 02:17 PM

well i got this problem aswell with the north carolina mod, since i want to make them all officer for maximum efficienty ( especially gun :P ) i wanted to promote my gunner and bam too much officer, so ive check and seen this post here, i found in the north carolina stuff the max officer i could have, its was pretty low, so i changed for an higher number, yet when i try again, its still said too much officer, until i put maxx officer to 200 and still same thing too much officer, so i guess its dont work, where else or if there mod findable to fix that?

Detritus 10-06-10 02:27 PM

Not working for me, either. In Ubi forums someone suggested editing the lines like this: MaxPettyOfficers=40 ; max number of crewmembers over rank 4 MaxOfficers=20 ; max number of crewmembers over rank 7 Hasn't worked, not in saved games upc or data/submarine. Am I stuck with kicking people out of the boat or is there a really a way to edit this stupid feature?

Alky 10-08-10 10:49 AM

In my case I had to edit the MaxPettyOfficers and MaxOfficers in 3 places for it to work. I don't know which file has priority so I changed all of them. You have to be in port and out of the game or it will change back by itself.

I'm using Vista so your folder structure might be a little different.

C:\Users\<username>\Documents\SH4\data\cfg\SaveGam es\ActiveUserPlayerUnits.upc <-- edit this file

C:\Users\<username>\Documents\SH4\data\cfg\SaveGam es\game# folder\UPCInitial\ActiveUserPlayerUnits.upc <-- edit this file

C:\Users\<username>\Documents\SH4\data\cfg\UPCInit ial\ActiveUserPlayerUnits.upc <-- edit this file

Detritus 10-08-10 03:23 PM

No dice. I edited the files you recommended except the first one because it simply isn't there. Instead, I edited
\data\cfg\SaveGames\game#folder\ActiveUserPlayerUn its.upc
as well.
Didn't work. I hope it was the right folder:) I was at sea, deleted the couple of saves made there till I had an autosave from entering a port and had the highest numerical value as a folder, hope it's this one. There's got to be a way to do this, some small thing I'm missing.

Bubblehead1980 10-08-10 03:40 PM

The crews have been screwed up since V 1.5 anyway, I remember V 1.4 rosters were more realistic, except they promoted too fast.

Would have one Lt a few JG's and an ensign or two for officers, six chiefs, none of the special abilities crap etc i miss it.You always had plenty of men ready to join the crew.

Interpol 10-25-10 07:54 PM


Originally Posted by LukeFF (Post 811822)
UPC files in /Data/Submarine.

Look for the lines MaxPettyOfficers and MaxOfficers.

Im happy to report that this worked for me.

C:/Program Files/Ubisoft/Silent Hunter 4/Data/Submarines/(Your submarine type)/Submarinetype.upcge

Now at the top there should be a section of text with:

Just change these values to what you want, this worked for me.

I did also change the files that was mentioned before in Docs/SH4/CFG/ect.. ect.. just for frustrations sake. :rock:

Detritus 10-26-10 03:27 AM

To me at least that wasn't enough. I needed to edit
- C:/Program Files/Ubisoft/Silent Hunter 4/Data/Submarines/(Your submarine type)/Submarinetype.upcge
- /documents.../SH4/data/cfg/UPCinitial/ActiveUserPlayerUnits.upc and
- /documents.../SH4/data/cfg/SaveGames then find the latest patrol's save game folder (while in port) and edit ActiveUserPlayerUnits.upc and UPCInitial/ActiveUserPlayerUnits.upc. This was not fun since the save game folders aren't in fact in numerical order but had to check them all and found that there were actually two similar folders concerning the said save.Only now I can promote the crew to more real life configuration. Go figure.

littelmaster 08-04-15 08:41 AM

Hello Detritus thank you for the info.

For me also those files was the key…

Aktungbby 08-04-15 09:10 AM

welcome back!
littelmaster!:salute: after a considerable silent run! Detritus hasn't posted in four years though:hmmm:

Manfred Von Gosky 09-08-23 12:55 PM

I know the last reply is ancient, but...
Where in the file did you write those lines?

KaleunMarco 09-11-23 09:06 AM


Originally Posted by Manfred Von Gosky (Post 2884095)
Where in the file did you write those lines?

Manfred, go back to the very first post in this thread and there is a reply that answers your question. I am not at my SH4 pc otherwise I would send you a screen shot.

Manfred Von Gosky 09-12-23 04:54 PM


Originally Posted by KaleunMarco (Post 2884347)
Manfred, go back to the very first post in this thread and there is a reply that answers your question. I am not at my SH4 pc otherwise I would send you a screen shot.

I see the reply you're talking about, but their screenshot is dead. I'm stumped. Screenshot when you can.

KaleunMarco 09-13-23 11:25 AM


Originally Posted by Manfred Von Gosky (Post 2884483)
I see the reply you're talking about, but their screenshot is dead. I'm stumped. Screenshot when you can.

Won’t be until Friday, the earliest.

Aktungbby 09-13-23 12:37 PM


Originally Posted by Manfred Von Gosky (Post 2884483)
I see the reply you're talking about, but their screenshot is dead. I'm stumped. Screenshot when you can.

KaleunMarco 09-14-23 09:18 PM


Originally Posted by Manfred Von Gosky (Post 2884483)
I see the reply you're talking about, but their screenshot is dead. I'm stumped. Screenshot when you can.

ok, manfred, browse to your save folders. something close to this:


the TMO might be SH4 or, whatever you may have changed it to if you are using MultiSH.

under the SaveGames folder you will see one or more subfolders, named with eight alphanumeric characters. find the most recent of those as that will be your most recent save. it should be the save between missions, while you are in port.

look for this file ActiveUserPlayerUnits.UPC.

make a copy of it before going further. select the file name and then Ctrl+c, then Ctrl+v.

open it using a plain text editor such as Notepad or Notepad++.

15 or so lines from the top of the file you will see these two lines:


Maxofficers limits the number of crew at Rank 7 and above (CPO through LT).
the other parm limits the number of crew above Rank 3 (seaman 1/c).

close and save the file.

for the remainder of this career, you will have whatever limits you enter into those two lines.

if you want to change them again, start at the top of this post and re-do it.

good luck!


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