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Dowly 01-07-08 09:56 AM

"Angel of Malta" (Another AAR)
Valletta, Malta
July, 1940

Six weeks... six weeks since we got here.... God, why cant I remember anything off it?
I open my eyes, but only see black. What is happening? Am I blind? Dead maybe? I start to panic.
As I rise to sit, I feel a sting of pain in my forehead that quickly flushes down to the back of my head.
I groan audibly, the pain is overwhelming. THUNG THUNG THUNG! Like someone's pounding my skull with a sledgehammer
from inside. I lay back down.

"How are we doing today, flyboy?"

Her voice is soft and calm.

"Who are you? Am I dead? Are you an angel?"

I hear her giggle.

"Do we have to go through this everyday, flyboy? You've asked those exact same questions, everyday, for the past
two weeks. So, once again, I am a nurse, no you are not dead, yes, my name Aniela means angel."

"Nurse? So, I am in hospital? What has happened? Why cant I see? Am I blind? Please, tell me!"

I feel her hand on my arm.

"Now, calm down, flyboy. You were wounded two and half weeks ago. For what I overheard the other pilots talk,
you got hit to your canopy, which shattered glass all over your face. You bailed out and got picked up half an hour
later from the sea. You really were lucky there, it's a miracle your eyes were saved. So, now that we got that over
with, lets go back to my original question. How are you feeling today?"

Shot down!? It takes me few minutes to get my mouth open.

"M... My head is sore", I struggle to get the words out.

"Very well, that is expected. Doctor said he'll come to check your wounds later today and if everything looks fine,
we'll get rid of that bandage. Now, I must go attend to other patients. I'll come and check on you after the doctor's visit. Try to get some rest, flyboy."

I hear her steps fade away just before I pass out.

Kratos 01-07-08 10:34 AM

Dowly !!!! you been dreaming about Kiera again?. you wanna leave that acahol alone ;)

Dowly 01-07-08 10:43 AM


Originally Posted by Kratos
Dowly !!!! you been dreaming about Kiera again?. you wanna leave that acahol alone ;)

What ya mean dreaming of Keira!? She's on mi bed as I write this!
Ok ok, it's a big ass cardboard figure of her, but still. :yep:

Dowly 01-07-08 11:25 AM

I woke up to a chaos. I could hear people yell and run around in the room. From outside I heard low rumble, getting closer
and closer. Then the air raid siren went on. I barely got up, when someone grabbed me by hand and told we need to get away
from the room, away from the windows. What good is that for, if bomb hits the hospital?

We headed downstairs, I was struggling to keep on my feet, I was still blind. By the time we got to the, what I believe was a
cellar, the battle was already going on at full strenght. Bombs fell all around us and from time to time we could hear the
unique sound of the Bristol Mercury engine of our Gladiators pass by at low altitude. Flak, exploding bombs, the low rumble of
the bombers, collapsing buildings, the screams of the badly wounded still stranded upstairs, the noise was hellish.

20 minutes later it was all quiet again. The Gladiators had chased them back out to the sea and were now returning from their
hunt. I counted 4 planes in my mind, must have been a small raid.

A young sounding soldier came to the cellar, looking for anyone wounded. I couldnt help but laugh out loud. He soon realised
the stupidity of his question and left, would've wanted to see his face. We started to climb up, back to our rooms. From time
to time there still was explosions heard from the harbor area, time fused bombs I'd guess.

Later that day I heard that our Gladiators had shot down 6 Stukas during the raid, no own losses. Everyone in the room cheered.

Dowly 01-07-08 03:45 PM

Eventually, after taking care of the new wounded from the attack, the doctor removed the bandage covering my head and said
the wounds have healed enough for me to get back on duty. I still didnt get permission to go on combat duties, which was fine
for me. My memory had also started to come back, tho still cant recall the sortie I got peppered on. I remember Aniela, who
had started call me flyboy at some point, she said George is hard to pronounce due to his Italian origin. Her english isnt perfect,
but she sure is trying. She was a great nurse, always time to have a chat and always there when she was needed.

The next day when I got out, I had to go and report back to my HQ at Luga airfield, just short trip south of Valletta. As I entered the
the field, nothing seemed to have changed. Everything was as I remembered it, everything but the building where our HQ had been, it
had collapsed due to a near hit. I wanted to quickly get over with the whole hassle and get back to Valletta, I could use a good meal
and a cold one.

I heard from the commander that it had been quiet, the attack yesterday was only 2nd this week. To my surprise, he asked if I would
want to take a quick flight around Malta! How could I refuse! Any other commander would have kept me away from air for a week or two,
just to be sure I was in top condition. I knew I could fly, I dont feel dizzy anymore and the pain is starting to ease up. I saluted
and ran to get my gear.

10 minutes later I was in my Gladiator, waiting for takeoff clearance. God how I missed this plane! After getting the permission to
takeoff, the powerfull Mercury took my plane up in to the air. It was a great weather to fly, sun was shining and only few clouds up
in 2km. I took heading for Valletta, waving my wings to the soldiers I saw travelling on the ground.

All the fires had been put out in the city and it looked remarkable intact. I circled around the city at 1500 meters, just watching
the life below. Time literately flyes when you are up there, I had circled around for a good 20 minutes when I was radioed to bring
the bird back. I turned my nose down and dropped to the deck, before turning back to base. Back in the hospital I had heard few soldiers
talk about the Gladiators and how beautifull they are, so I decided to make a low pass over the hospital to cheer them up.

On my way to the hospital, I saw two submarines that had come to refuel, never seen these things from close, so I had to make a small
detour over the harbor. Fine looking beasts they are, I say that. But I've never liked the sea, my place is in the air. I banked
to right and left the harbor quickly behind me. Another 3 minutes of flight and I spotted the hospital building. I descended to 50 meters
and flew right by the building, quick look back and I saw people waving from the windows. Me and my bird saluted by rocking the wings
few times and headed for home.

Dowly 01-08-08 10:43 AM

Valletta, Malta
10th of July, 1940

It's two weeks since I got out of the hospital, a week from when I got my wings back. It has been quiet, not a single raid in 8 days.
I dont mind, and I'm sure nobody else does either. I've seen Aniela everynight this week. Oh, didnt I tell you? We are now seeing eachother.
I went to say thanks for all her care when I was recovering and somehow we ended up to a small restaurant on the outskirts of Valletta.
We both have had plenty of time to eachother, with no new wounded, she doesnt have to be at the hospital all the time and with no raids, we pilots
are allowed to leave the base after our duties. Little did I know, that all this would change in few hours.

I was again with Aniela tonight, we went out to eat, walked through the harbor when the sky was lit up by the stars, the usual stuff.
The first signs of danger ahead came at approximately 11:30PM, a lone plane flew over the island at 2500-3000 meters. Only seconds after
the signal was given throughout the island for all pilots to return to base. I looked at Anelia, who understood the situation and nodded slightly.
One last kiss and I jumped to a passing army truck headed for the field.

Dowly 01-08-08 02:07 PM

RAF Airfield, Luga, Malta
00:25 11th of July, 1940

I was one of the first to arrive to the airfield, which was buzzing with activity. Mechanics doing their last checks on the Gladiators,
flakcrew carrying the ammunition boxes to their flakguns, planes being fuelled and armed, the usual organized chaos that took
place when we were under threat.

I reported at HQ and was immediatly appointed as the leader of the first four Gladiators to take off and patrol the coast. The flight
was scheduled to start in 5 minutes, so I hurried back to the barracks and geared up.

The other pilots, whom I hadnt seen before, were already waiting for me in their Gladiators. I climbed to the cockpit and brought
the engine to life. The plane shook violently at first, but then eased up as the engine was running properly. I taxied to the runway,
followed by the others and stopped.

"This is tower, you are cleared for take off."

Kratos 01-08-08 02:35 PM

I hate these episodic story's. its a bit like the saturday matinees. ''not that you young-uns will remember them'' waiting like ages for the next installment:shifty:.christ i'm showing my age here.;)

Dowly 01-08-08 02:42 PM


Originally Posted by Kratos
I hate these episodic story's. its a bit like the saturday matinees. ''not that you young-uns will remember them'' waiting like ages for the next installment:shifty:.christ i'm showing my age here.;)

Well, this isnt easy for me either. I'm dying to get to the air, but nooooo, I had to start a story instead of a simple ******* AAR! :damn:

HunterICX 01-08-08 03:26 PM

do what I do, fly first then write a report :)


Dowly 01-08-08 03:29 PM


Originally Posted by HunterICX
do what I do, fly first then write a report :)


Yeh, that's what I do when I finally get to the ******* air. :damn:

XabbaRus 01-08-08 05:01 PM

Well apart from nursing my Mig I'm nursing my HD before it craps out. So nothing from me for a little while.

Stealth Hunter 01-08-08 10:24 PM


Originally Posted by Dowly

Originally Posted by Kratos
Dowly !!!! you been dreaming about Kiera again?. you wanna leave that acahol alone ;)

What ya mean dreaming of Keira!? She's on mi bed as I write this!
Ok ok, it's a big ass cardboard figure of her, but still. :yep:

OI! Kratos! Can't have too much alcohol... wel-well you can, but by that time you'll be in a coma and dying on your floor with drool coming out of your mouth, but that's not important.

Dowly 01-09-08 08:38 AM


Originally Posted by Stealth Hunter

Originally Posted by Dowly

Originally Posted by Kratos
Dowly !!!! you been dreaming about Kiera again?. you wanna leave that acahol alone ;)

What ya mean dreaming of Keira!? She's on mi bed as I write this!
Ok ok, it's a big ass cardboard figure of her, but still. :yep:

OI! Kratos! Can't have too much alcohol... wel-well you can, but by that time you'll be in a coma and dying on your floor with drool coming out of your mouth, but that's not important.


Kratos 01-09-08 07:05 PM

C'mon Dowly man. suspence is killing me ;). Does whats his name get it on with the lovely Aniela? :lol:

Dowly 01-09-08 07:57 PM

I'm still sitting on the runway. The looooong line of Gladiators behind me are getting abit impatient. :yep:

Kratos 01-10-08 07:01 AM

ROTFL !!!!!!!:rotfl::rotfl::rotfl:

NiclDoe 01-10-08 07:21 AM


Originally Posted by Dowly
I'm still sitting on the runway. The looooong line of Gladiators behind me are getting abit impatient. :yep:

Red 20 your cleared to take off. red 21 your cleared for take off. Dowly you are cleared for take offf happy hunting Dowly.:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

Dowly 01-11-08 08:52 AM

Patience, mi friends. I'm almost done reading the Gladiator flightmanual, I'm quite confident that the part that tells you how to take off is just few pages away! :up:

Dowly 01-13-08 11:27 AM

At the point when we were airborne, the flak had already opened up and only then I realises how late the air raid warning was given.
Four SM79 Sparviero twin-engine bombers were already flying over Valletta. There was no way we could have catched them if Valletta
would have been their target. Luckily, they were after an convoy, just north of Valletta.

As we were closing in on them, our flak scored direct hit to the rightmost Sparviero, which started to spin violently and few seconds
later crashed to the harbour area, no parachutes were spotted, poor bastards.

Slowly, we made our way to the firing distance and I gave the order over radio to attack freely. It seemed that they didnt see us at
first as I was allowed to close in from behind without any trouble. I sprayed a long burst to the leftmost bomber, hitting it on it's
right wing which started to leak fuel all over my canopy, I climbed, rolled to my right and dived to the #2 bomber. The crew on this
bomber was awake and started to pepper me with it's reargun, fortunately not hitting me and I sent away a string of bullets to it's
right wing, which caught on fire.

As I climbed away, I saw my mates pepper the lead bomber, with no significant results. I rolled my plane over to it's back and waited
for the last diving Gladiator to clear away from the leader and dived in from straight above, spraying the fuselage and cockpit.
The Sparviero banked slightly to it's left side and crashed to the sea.

Meanwhile, my wingman had scored hits to the #2 bomber, which was forced to ditch to the sea. One more to go and we're done here. The remaining
Sparviero had almost reached the convoy and was now flying at 200-250 meters, preparing to attack. I pushed my nose down to gather
speed and after under a minute I was on it's tail. I pushed the trigger and the recoild gently shook my plane as the plane infront of
me was filled with sparks as the bullets struck it. The Sparviero started to roll over, when suddenly I saw a flashing light and my
plane became sluggish to control - I was hit.

The last bomber crashed to the sea below me and as I was about to radio the RTB order, my engine went dead. Without any warning, it just
died. Must have been the last burst from that bomber. Yet again, I was forced to bail out.

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