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Cpt. Stewker 12-20-06 11:02 AM

Anyone playing Falcon 4.0: Allied Force?
I've just recently gotten into this sim and it's AWESOME! I have the HiTiles and cockpit mods as well, which help with the graphics quite a bit.

I like how indepth and utterly complicated it is, lol (an 800 page manual). Been playing for a couple nights and the only thing I can reliably do so far is, start the jet from a cold start (I think starting from a ramp start is essential for the immersion factor, switching all the toggles and etc really helps you feel like you are in a F-16), taxi, takeoff, fly around for a bit (flying seems easy but I am sure I suck still) and then crash and burn as I can't land yet. But I like it like that, I like the challenge. I've set a goal to get into one of these hard-ass virtual fighter wings that have check flights and stuff before you can join, by the end of the month.

Also have to get myself a HOTAS setup by then too. Because, now don't laugh, I am using a gamepad for flight (hat switch, aielron control and rudder control), I know, it sucks. I would use my dinosaur joystick but it requires a joystick port, which my newest computer doesn't have. Besides even if I were able to use it, I probably would upgrade anyways.

What I have now:

What I plan on buying:

But anyways on to why I am posting this little blurb, I am looking for some guys to fly around with and help me learn the ropes of the sim. You all seem to be a fun lot, and it appears that some of you fly this sim a bit, so let's go flying!

Konovalov 12-20-06 11:58 AM


Originally Posted by Cpt. Stewker
Also have to get myself a HOTAS setup by then too. Because, now don't laugh, I am using a gamepad for flight (hat switch, aielron control and rudder control), I know, it sucks. I would use my dinosaur joystick but it requires a joystick port, which my newest computer doesn't have. Besides even if I were able to use it, I probably would upgrade anyways.

What I have now:

What I plan on buying:

But anyways on to why I am posting this little blurb, I am looking for some guys to fly around with and help me learn the ropes of the sim. You all seem to be a fun lot, and it appears that some of you fly this sim a bit, so let's go flying!

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: My god I used to have one of those old Logitech Wingman joysticks until it snapped in half. Seriously, that thing must be 10 years old. Does it still work?

Skybird is a big F4 guy but he doesn't visit these parts too often anymore.

Cpt. Stewker 12-20-06 12:09 PM

Heh, yeah it still works... I think... it's been awhile since I have used it though.

But that thing has gotten me through a lot of late nights. It's a miracle it has lasted this long, the amount of thrashing and abuse I put on it. I wasn't even a teenager when I got it so you can imagine. Jamming it forward, yanking it back, side to side, throttle shoved forward and back. I used it up till I got my first computer without a Joystick port, so around 2002 I guess. Been stickless since then besides a gamepad I spirited away from brother a couple years back.

Ah... good times those were with that wingman. :up:

Dagger U-539 12-20-06 12:33 PM

Theres several good tutrials at different web sites around,one on landing.The thing to remember is make sure your ILS is on and once you start your approach watch your speed and AoA as these are important.aim for the thresh hold of the run way as you approach move your aim point to the middle of the runway,then as you cross the end of the runway make sure your speed is down to 100-120 kts and then flare just before touchdown.Don't apply brakes until you've gotten your speed down.Also ride your main gear until you notice the nose dropping with a neutral stick.slow and then apply power as needed to run up taxi ramp to your parking spot and start shut down,also don't forget to open the canopy...

Cpt. Stewker 12-20-06 12:45 PM


Originally Posted by Dagger U-539
Theres several good tutrials at different web sites around,one on landing.The thing to remember is make sure your ILS is on and once you start your approach watch your speed and AoA as these are important.aim for the thresh hold of the run way as you approach move your aim point to the middle of the runway,then as you cross the end of the runway make sure your speed is down to 100-120 kts and then flare just before touchdown.Don't apply brakes until you've gotten your speed down.Also ride your main gear until you notice the nose dropping with a neutral stick.slow and then apply power as needed to run up taxi ramp to your parking spot and start shut down,also don't forget to open the canopy...

Thanks for the info and tip dagger, and I have checked out some of those tutorials (found an interactive start-up tutorial last night that I really liked), I'll look for a landing one though. The manual does an alright job of explaining it, but as is usually the case, the community can do one better.

EDIT: Been looking for some video tuts, but there ain't much out there that I can find. If you know of any good links let me know :)

Skybird 12-20-06 03:21 PM


Originally Posted by Konovalov
Skybird is a big F4 guy but he doesn't visit these parts too often anymore.

..... ;)

CCIP 12-20-06 03:25 PM

Why do you think they call me CCIP? :D

I don't play AF though. I currently have SP4.2 OCI with a few tweaks on my system. Still works great! (I'm sure Skybird would agree)

Cpt. Stewker 12-21-06 03:04 AM

After some diligent practice I think I have landings down pretty good! Well at least visual landings, now for instrument!

Hi-rez link:

EDIT: CCIP, got a couple questions for ya since you play the original F4 and I'm hungry for all info Falcon. With the SuperPak for F4, do you think that makes it a better of a sim than AF or on par with AF? Also what, if any, is the graphical difference between the two?

PeriscopeDepth 12-21-06 03:17 AM

I have been a Falcon player for years, and own AF also. I've never taken the dive into multiplayer (with Falcon or IL-2). Perhaps I'll have to invest in a headset in the near future. And yes, the modern versions of Falcon are some of the finest simulations ever made.


Cpt. Stewker 12-21-06 03:38 AM


Originally Posted by PeriscopeDepth
I have been a Falcon player for years, and own AF also. I've never taken the dive into multiplayer (with Falcon or IL-2). Perhaps I'll have to invest in a headset in the near future. And yes, the modern versions of Falcon are some of the finest simulations ever made.


You should definitly do that mate! :up:
I can't wait to start bombing Kim Jong Il's backyard (slowly making my way through the tuts and getting closer and closer to weapon systems) and it's always good to have a wingman (or two or three or four) in the sky with ya. Especially when those pesky MIGs show up!

Enigma 12-21-06 10:17 AM

Indeed, is a great sim. Although, ive remained partial to Lock On...I think im a graphics whore. :up:

Cpt. Stewker 12-21-06 11:26 AM

Instrument Landing Training: Check

The training mission does the Instrument landing in daylight so if you have to use visual cues you are able. IE you can see the runway. I want to try it at night or in heavy fog, to really see it work and if I can really do it. You have to really follow your instruments on this one. Watch your altitude gauge, airspeed, throttle, HSI, ADI, it's alot more heavy on the brain power than say a visual approach.

Flameout Landing Training: Check

They made this mission fairly difficult, mainly because the low cloud ceiling. You lose all your engines above the cloud layer at about 10,000 feet or so. The cloud deck is at 3,000 or something. You better be around the runway before you commit to getting below those clouds, because you are never going back up through them (least not on this flight and in this life). First time I did this I was succesful but landed like a ton of bricks onto the runway. Crushed all three landing gear struts and skidded down the runway in a shower of sparks. But none the worse for wear. Second time I got it perfect! :up:

Now onto "Navigation and Timing".

EDIT: oh and yeah speaking of LO:MAC. I have read that there are mods out for that sim that make the F-16 flyable... which is awesome, only thing is that it seems the modders cannot make a F-16 cockpit to go with it, which kinda sours the whole deal. Anyone know if someone has made a F-16 cockpit for LO:MAC?

CCIP 12-21-06 01:08 PM


Originally Posted by Cpt. Stewker
CCIP, got a couple questions for ya since you play the original F4 and I'm hungry for all info Falcon. With the SuperPak for F4, do you think that makes it a better of a sim than AF or on par with AF? Also what, if any, is the graphical difference between the two?

Well Skybird might be the one to ask on some of the technical details on this.

Graphically, it's below par with AF in MOST regards (high tiles are nice, some of the models are really good too). It is possibly better graphically than AF if you use the BMS patch for it, but according to reports there are some inconsistencies in BMS with detection and the RWR. Some say these have migrated into AF.

SuperPAK tends to be more stable and has the fewest bugs of any Falcon version, that's for sure. It also benefits from having been put together by a huge modding community rather than a smaller studio, so you have this sort of "best of the best" from all over, rather than only what the AF devs can offer.

SuperPAK is basically the purist's choice. Not as good-looking as the others (including AF and FreeFalcon), not as many new bells and whistles, but more reliable and bug-free. The differences are subtle, but I still prefer it to all the other varieties.

There's also always FreeFalcon which seems to be never finished but is graphically fancier than any other F4 version, with the most objects, campaigns, etc. included in it.

Cpt. Stewker 12-21-06 01:58 PM

And on that note I'm off to weapon training! A-A first!

Thanks much for the info CCIP! Appreciate it.

Enigma 12-21-06 04:42 PM

Per the Lock On Falcon question....

Theres alot of mods out there, and alot of flyable aircraft as a result, but if there is an F-16, that would be news to me.....

Cpt. Stewker 12-21-06 04:46 PM


Originally Posted by Enigma
Per the Lock On Falcon question....

Theres alot of mods out there, and alot of flyable aircraft as a result, but if there is an F-16, that would be news to me.....

Here's the original L0:MAC forum post of a flyable F-16. There may be more mods like this so I'll keep looking.

EDIT: AHHA!!! I found a whole slew of them. is where they are at. Register there (it's free) and search for F-16 if you're interested. An F-16 cockpit still evades me though.

Cpt. Stewker 12-22-06 01:46 AM

Lil update on flight training:

A-A radar modes and all that comes with them are very... oh how should I describe this... wordy? In other words it's slow going as I want to be able to understand what I am doing. I don't want to just memorize what buttons to press to do this or that so once I get up against real enemies I won't just freeze because the situation is different from training and I don't know what to do. I suppose from here on this is where the sim begins to raise its technical side!

[Dives back into the manual and tuts]

CCIP 12-22-06 02:33 AM

It's fun when you get it right though! :D

Falcon is great to learn, and better when it all comes together. I remember when I reached the point when I got that coveted SA (situational awareness), it's like a big 3D picture that builds in your head from all the information that gets thrown at you. Very satisfying!

Took me a good year to get there, though :doh:

The Noob 12-22-06 03:19 AM

I have it but i haven't played in a while. Mabye i should again... :hmm:

Cpt. Stewker 12-22-06 01:26 PM


Originally Posted by The Noob
I have it but i haven't played in a while. Mabye i should again... :hmm:

mmhmm :yep:

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