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Subnuts 04-03-13 09:05 PM

Das Boot Is NOT a Chick Flick
Something I just learned from reading this review on Amazon today:


Red October1984 04-03-13 09:24 PM

:rotfl2: That''s pretty funny.

Amazon has some great reviews....Haha. :har:

Sailor Steve 04-03-13 09:29 PM

Lucky for her she only saw the 3-hour version.

Kapt Z 04-03-13 09:31 PM

That was a hilarious review!:har:

Mork_417 04-04-13 05:18 AM


Herr-Berbunch 04-04-13 07:38 AM

I suggest we all respond to her review, and also click 'no - it's not helpful'. :woot:

Dowly 04-04-13 07:43 AM


Originally Posted by Herr-Berbunch (Post 2036118)
and also click 'no - it's not helpful'. :woot:

The first thing I did after I read through it. :yep:

mookiemookie 04-04-13 07:56 AM

How dare those icky U-boat sailors not clean themselves up and act like gentlemen! :rotfl2:

What a buffoon.

AVGWarhawk 04-04-13 08:12 AM

I'm making an educated guess here that she does not like this movie. :hmmm:

Herr-Berbunch 04-04-13 08:23 AM


Originally Posted by AVGWarhawk (Post 2036127)
I'm making an educated guess here that she does not like this movie. :hmmm:

Well done, collect a prize from Johann on the way out. :woot:

AVGWarhawk 04-04-13 08:48 AM


Originally Posted by Herr-Berbunch (Post 2036131)
Well done, collect a prize from Johann on the way out. :woot:

It better not stink and have bodily fluids dripping off it. Not to mention oily feet and poo. :stare:

Herr-Berbunch 04-04-13 08:52 AM


Originally Posted by AVGWarhawk (Post 2036141)
It better not stink and have bodily fluids dripping off it. Not to mention oily feet and poo. :stare:

Only if you're a female reviewer from Texas. :D

frau kaleun 04-04-13 08:57 AM

Read some of her other reviews, she comes off as an ignorant, entitled moron.

She gives the Bette Davis classic Jezebel a high rating but then spends her entire review complaining about the fact that it hasn't been colorized and berating the people responsible, because clearly she deserves to watch it in color the way God intended. She was born with eyes that see in color, dammit, not just black and white, and the injustice of forcing her to watch otherwise good movies in something less than glorious digital technicolor must be stopped.

She gives the Ultimate Edition of the last Harry Potter movie (part 2) 1 star but apparently that's only because it was released exclusively on Blu-Ray and not on DVD, thus making it impossible for her to complete her Ultimate HP collection in her preferred format. She will never, ever, EVER buy a Blu-Ray, and wants everyone to boycott those dirty scheming bastids at Warner Brothers as punishment for the OUTRAGE of trying to force her to do so. She does basically the same thing regarding part 1 of the movie, accusing WB of blatant discrimination against those who still prefer DVDs. I guess it's a good thing she doesn't prefer VHS or she'd bring the entire movie industry to a standstill with her righteous indignation.

She also mentions the unfairness of having to "dump" all her DVDs in order to switch over to Blu-Ray because WB is not releasing her preferred version of the movie on DVD... which makes it sound very much like she has yet to figure out that DVDs can still be played on a Blu-Ray player. So, yeah, I'm gonna have to go with "moron" on this one. Possibly one with WAY too much time on her hands.

Sailor Steve 04-04-13 11:11 AM


Originally Posted by Herr-Berbunch (Post 2036118)
I suggest we all respond to her review, and also click 'no - it's not helpful'. :woot:

Didn't think of that. Went back and did as suggested. Also added a "No" to her additional comment and a "Yes" to the guy who attempted to straighten her out.

Kptlt. Neuerburg 04-04-13 11:56 AM

Wow just wow. On the other hand I think most of us here could write an equally long review on how Pearl Harbour is a chick flick, and not at all factual and how its the worst war movie in the history of war movies.

frau kaleun 04-04-13 12:14 PM


Originally Posted by Kptlt. Hellmut Neuerburg (Post 2036206)
Wow just wow. On the other hand I think most of us here could write an equally long review on how Pearl Harbour is a chick flick, and not at all factual and how its the worst war movie in the history of war movies.

True, but this woman also wrote a review of a fur coat she *didn't* buy because despite her giving it (or rather it's picture and description) four stars, it still doesn't live up to her rigorous and exacting standards of design, by which I mean it doesn't look like some coat she says Sue Ellen once wore on Dallas. Then she points that it shouldn't be *that* hard to "correct" the design, in which case it would definitely be something she'd consider buying, as though she expects the manufacturer to do that just to please her and get her money. Oh and then she instructs any furriers out there who DO have the kind of coat she wants to contact her.

She also spends several paragraphs complaining that an item she bought is an Audio CD and not a DVD, despite that fact that the item's page clearly says "Format: Audio CD" right underneath the title. Based on the fact that when she's buying "50 DVDs at a time" she can't be bothered to make sure everything that came up in whatever search she did is actually a DVD and not something else. Then goes on to say that this is clearly part of some nefarious plot on the part of Amazon and/or its sellers to trick her and other people into buying things they don't want.

As I said: ignorant, entitled, moron with way too much time on her hands. :O:

Kptlt. Neuerburg 04-04-13 12:24 PM


Originally Posted by frau kaleun (Post 2036220)
True, but this woman also wrote a review of a fur coat she *didn't* buy because despite her giving it (or rather it's picture and description) four stars, it still doesn't live up to her rigorous and exacting standards of design, by which I mean it doesn't look like some coat she says Sue Ellen once wore on Dallas. Then she points that it shouldn't be *that* hard to "correct" the design, in which case it would definitely be something she'd consider buying, as though she expects the manufacturer to do that just to please her and get her money. Oh and then she instructs any furriers out there who DO have the kind of coat she wants to contact her.

She also spends several paragraphs complaining that an item she bought is an Audio CD and not a DVD, despite that fact that the item's page clearly says "Format: Audio CD" right underneath the title. Based on the fact that when she's buying "50 DVDs at a time" she can't be bothered to make sure everything that came up in whatever search she did is actually a DVD and not something else. Then goes on to say that this is clearly part of some nefarious plot on the part of Amazon and/or its sellers to trick her and other people into buying things they don't want.

As I said: ignorant, entitled, moron with way too much time on her hands. :O:

Indeed I will whole heartedly agree with the fact that she is a moron with too much time. Also having read your previous post that this woman despises the classic black and white films, Lord help us if she happens to stumble upon the early works of Charlie Chaplin!

frau kaleun 04-04-13 12:51 PM


Originally Posted by Kptlt. Hellmut Neuerburg (Post 2036226)
Indeed I will whole heartedly agree with the fact that she is a moron with too much time. Also having read your previous post that this woman despises the classic black and white films, Lord help us if she happens to stumble upon the early works of Charlie Chaplin!

"I was born with ears that hear, not with two lumps of flesh on my head that serve no useful purpose.* Since the technology exists I simply cannot understand why the people who own the rights to City Lights have not made use of it by recording and dubbing in the dialogue for this movie.

"Don't they realize how many millions of people would be willing to pay to own a 'classic' like this if it weren't for the fact that watching it in its original form forces them to read title cards explaining what's going on, and pay attention to the facial expressions and body language of the actors? How am I supposed to type out ten paragraph diatribes on my laptop about how I would have bought something if only the manufacturer had been considerate enough to consult me before producing it, if I have to look at the TV to keep track of where the story is going?

"Honestly, the people who make these decisions must be idiots, they are losing millions of dollars they could make from people like me who are far better qualified to decide what they should and shouldn't do with their own intellectual and artistic property. Either that or they are a bunch of dirty filthy scumbags who think they can discriminate against people with ears and get away with it. And Amazon is no doubt getting a sizable kickback for helping them do it by continuing to peddle their substandard low-tech wares on this web site."

*Clearly it's the interior of the head in question that does this.

Herr-Berbunch 04-04-13 01:28 PM

^ :har:

Hang on, Frau - you're not Midge from Texas are you? That was a little too convincing.

@Steve - that was me, I did correct the timing. :oops:

Kptlt. Neuerburg 04-04-13 01:49 PM


Originally Posted by Herr-Berbunch (Post 2036265)
^ :har:

Hang on, Frau - you're not Midge from Texas are you? That was a little too convincing.

If it was that would be the worlds best April Fools Joke ever:woot:

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