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pythos 03-24-08 02:33 PM

I just had a go with the Walter boat
and all I can say is, thank god the war in europe ended when it did.

I looked up the info on this proposed boat, that was on the building ways when Germany surendered, granted in pieces, and the drive wasn't complete.

From the research about the walter drive I did, this simulation is pretty much on the money, maybe even inaccurate with the underwater speed, which is a tad bit slow.

If these boats had come out earlier, perhaps during the happy times, this would have single handedly brought the allied shipping to a stop.

This boat is quite something to witness on the surface with exterior view. Have the engines set at flank, get a good view of the boat crawling along on the surface at 14 kts or more, then engage the drive. The effect is astounding.

I like this little what if, boat. Just how close the allies were to losing is terrifying when you see the things the Germans were coming up with.

ATR-42 03-24-08 02:47 PM

Its amazing isnt it? no one knows for sure how it would have changed the war but im sure it would have had a strong impact. When i saw my boat hit 30 knots on the surface i about fell over, thats when i started looking at the data online about these boats. Its amazing.

Its hard to believe underwater speeds like ones modeled in the game but when you read about what the Germans had in the works its crazy!

Raptor1 03-24-08 03:02 PM

It is generally said about several Axis weapons that if they had come earlier, it would've had a signifcant effect on the war, specifically the XXI U-Boat, the Me-262, and the StG44, the XVIII got very little credit because it was never completed, but with the Walther drive it could've been a very decisive strategic weapon, capable of outrunning ships like the US Destroyer Escorts, the Flower class Corvettes, River class Frigates...

Dowly 03-24-08 03:21 PM

If you ask me, the Walther boat wouldnt have changed the outcome of Battle of Atlantic. More losses for the Allies in terms of shipping, that's for sure but there was just too many ships to be sunk for it to cripple the allies. And let's not forget that the Allies could build ships very fast.

Raptor1 03-24-08 03:24 PM

We're not talking about a few ships sunk, we're talking about thousands of ASW ships rendered obsolete because they can't catch up to the U-Boats

Ducimus 03-24-08 03:26 PM

Personnaly, i dont think id want to be onboard whats tantamount to a submerged bomb. :o Them boats were Dangerous to be on! As i recall, its one of the reasons the design was abandoned, aside from costs and logisitcs.

Dowly 03-24-08 03:27 PM


Originally Posted by Raptor1
We're not talking about a few ships sunk, we're talking about thousands of ASW ships rendered obsolete because they can't catch up to the U-Boats

You can have a sub that goes the speed of light, but if the enemy can build ships faster than it's possible to sink them, you've lost the battle.

Rockin Robbins 03-24-08 04:28 PM

And don't forget
It was the advent of the American hunter-killer jeep carrier groups that spelled doom for the U-Boat. Thirty knots is nowhere near fast enough to outrun a PBY. The Walthers were doomed, launched or not. They just would have provided a more exciting death. And the Germans couldn't build them half as fast as we would sink them.

I'll not go into the years of training necessary before the first one would have seen battle. It would have been 1948 before a single type XVIII could have been deployed as a military asset.

I still look forward to playing with it!

Zantham 03-24-08 04:46 PM

Yes as Ducimus said they were underwater bombs... H2O2 is very unstable and explosive.

However the Walther boat didn't have to outrun the escorts or HK groups, they just had to go fast enough that the destroyers couldn't use their sonars to track them. Imagine chasing one of these things that had gone deep (possibly 900 feet deep?). Now its moving away from you at over 20kts. You can hear it, but when you try to catch up to it your sonar guy goes deaf. So you have to slow down again to get a bearing in case the wily uboat captain changed course, dropped a decoy, or whatever. Remember he can go 200kms at 24kts. And at any time he thinks he lost the escorts go back to regular battery propulsion to go silent. By the time he has to surface (or snorkel?) hes over 300kms away!

So it would not have been quite so easy to catch as the regular uboats. It would have brought another happy time in 1943 maybe, but its very likely the Allies would have adapted their tactics and eventually started sinking them again, tho maybe not as easily as they caught the regular uboats.

I remember reading somewhere of an XXI captain doing an attack on an escorted group. As he closed he dropped some decoys that the destroyers picked up, and they could hear the XXI going, but they had no idea what they were dealing with, and because of the speeds the uboat was making they dismissed it as an unexplained phenomenon. The XXI did get into position, and would have fired, except the war was just over at this point. He then broke off and continued to wherever, never having come under attack.

Rockin Robbins 03-24-08 07:13 PM

But a deep diving submarine is harmless
And when it pops its ugly head up there's a PBY waiting to tag it. The very act of firing a torpedo would be death to the Type XXI or Type XVIII. The PBYs had air dropped sonarbuoys and Fidos. I'm sure other weapons would have been quickly developed as well.

The only hope for the Germans would be the old strategy of overwhelming the defenses, and that just wasn't in the cards with their inability to produce these boats in hiding. Production facilities would have been wiped out as quickly as they were built.

I'm afraid the Type XVIII and Type XXI were just a lost hope before they could even be put into service.

DS 03-24-08 07:49 PM

U-Boats can't win if their bases are radioactive wastelands under a mushroom cloud. The Allies got the bomb first, and were willing to use it. Strategically, U-Boats were irrelevant after that. Submarines would not become strategic weapons platforms again until the advent of the SSBN.

pythos 03-24-08 08:07 PM

The atom bomb was not available when the first research on the walter drive was going on (1939). The type XXI would have been quite devistating, but one with the sprint ability the walter had, would be much more of an advesary.

Remember, the PBYs could not hear under water, they were in the air. They could not see down more than 100 meters, if that. The Walter boat would have dissapeared for the airborne scout.

It takes a long time for a deph charge to drop to 400 ft, which the type XXI was found to exceed with not so much a creak while under tests by the allies following the war. By the time the bomb got to the deph, the walter would have been long away from the area.

Why do you all think the type XXI, became the basis for early american cold war subs, and most if not all soviet subs until the second generation nuclear subs? Because it was way ahead of its time, and would have been a very scary advesary for the allies to deal with.

Rockin Robbins 03-24-08 08:30 PM

Topp does not agree
In a famous interview where he said the Type XXI and Type XVIII would not have turned the tide of war. I agree. They would have been sitting ducks just waiting for someone to say goodbye. Training was impossible. Achieving numbers was impossible. US planes had droppable sonobuoys, which took DDs right out of the picture. The slave labor necessary to build anything was beginning to feel bold enough to engage in meaningful sabotage. The war was over. The vast majority of good U-Boat crews were dead. Isolated success would have had the same effect as the ME-262: nothing.

And like Ducimus said. The Walther was a bomb. All that would have been necessary was a near miss, the likes of which would merely have shaken other subs to make the sub itself into a very effective depth charge. The Walther design was as flawed as the ME-163 Komet. Kaboom! They were nice looking toys with more bark than bite.

Schnee 03-24-08 11:27 PM

Its an interesting toy with the added speed. It certainly massacres lightly escorted convoys.

But it seems to be sort of a hit an run weapon. Doesn't have the regular fule "legs" of the D-2 . You are tied more closely to your bases it seems

AkbarGulag 03-24-08 11:45 PM

A small amount of H202 sunk the Kursk. Despite my love of submarines, Fleet or U, the boat would have failed.

For example, the walther boat becomes active and is deemed a serious threat, America and England decide that NZ and Australia are expendable (England more or less did), then the Americans take all the hardware from the PTO to the Atlantic. All those man hours of work on things for the pacific theatre poured into the euopean theatre spells instant doom for any 'super' sub the Germans could have built. Add to that the dangerous soup those submariners are floating on and the job gets even easier for the allies.

Even having a working verison in the German armoury 12 months earlier would have changed nothing for the axis... some small territorial gains in the east for a briefer european theatre IMO.

Rockin Robbins 03-25-08 05:18 AM

If we're talking grand stragedy (sic) here....
Imagine the returns if Germany would have taken 250 U-Boats from the fruitless Atlantic campaign and transfered them to the Pacific, along with crack crews and production facilities for torpedoes and more U-Boats to Japan and Rabaul. Imagine if these 250 subs had the job of controling the choke points with the goal of hunting US subs and supply ships. The 20 knot acoustic homing torpedoes would be the star of the show. US warships would be bonus prizes in this interesting little adventure.

Suppose the Germans had had a little wider vision? I think they could have made trouble for quite awhile longer than they actually did.

AkbarGulag 03-25-08 06:06 AM

Hyperthetical... surely won't get us flamed :p

Interesting proposition. Lets say that the loss of sunk tonnage of England doesn't excel the start of the western front (that 250 boats will no longer contribute to), then it could be argued that the pacific is a hell of a place to combat a determined and trained submarine force. After all, the Japanese failed at it, whats to say the Americans wouldn't have had the same difficulty when faced with 250 U-boats. The Americans certainly didn't have vital supply lines throughout the pacific till much later in the war, but Australasia would certainly be a target for isolation. American expansion could have been hindered if they tried to 'hold' any significant number of bases in the pacific :hmm: Considering Japan was an Island nation, and their main strategic interests were in China, it may have held off the Americans from closing in on Japans home islands. If that was the case, it's safe to say India could have been seriously threatened in that scenario also.

Takao 03-28-08 09:51 AM

Problems abound with this scenario Rockin Robbins and AkbarGulag,

Throughout the entire war Germany only produced 193 Type IXs of all types. The Type VII could not make the long trip "round the Horn" without tankers for refueling. Even the Type IXs needed a "drink" to make it. Then you had the Allies sinking the U-boats on the way to Japan. While pre-1943 the few U-boats that were sailing to patrol around Capetown encountered few troubles, U-boats sailing after mid-1943 ran a 50-50 chance of being sunk.

Moving on to logistics. How in the world could Germany provide an adequate supply of fuel and torpedoes for 250 U-boats half-a-world-away? Even constructing a production facility for torpedoes is of little use. To be of any use, all the parts of the torpedoes would have to be produced locally; and that means the gears, tubing engines, batteries, ets. Even then, the facility might reach 100-200 torpedoes a month. And thats provided an adequate supply of raw materials. During WW2 the all German torpedo production varied between 1,000 and 1,700 a month. Although, it would probably be easier to adapt(if possible) the German tubes to fire Japanese torpedoes(given that Japanese torps were roughly 2 meters longer).

Then, you have to fuel all those U-boats. Germany had a few tankers to supply the U-boats based in the Far-East, but even those were inadequate to supply the U-boats that operated there historically. The Japanese would be of little help, since their fuel supply problems are well known.

Another thing, Germany would derive no "benefit" from sending 250 U-boats to the Pacific. The only one gaining anything is Japan, as it would help her to cut-off and possibly conquer the Aussies. I don't see Germany doing this without getting something major in return. And Japan had nothing of immediate vital importance to offer.

For such a scenario to work, it had to be started well before the onset of WW2. With everything in place(the factories, fuel, munitions, and U-boats), it is a much more plausible scenario. But that means tipping of the Allies(especially the US), who would start re-armament policies much earlier in our time-line. This in turn means many more ships and planes when the US enters the war, not to mention the fact that with Germany moving into the Pacific. The US is more likely to enter the war on Great Britain's side, instead of waiting for an "overt act" by Japan.

Food for though.

I feel this strang need to play the old boardgame "Axis and Allies" or run "Hearts of Iron II" for some reason.

Sailor Steve 03-28-08 12:39 PM


Originally Posted by pythos
Remember, the PBYs could not hear under water, they were in the air. They could not see down more than 100 meters, if that. The Walter boat would have dissapeared for the airborne scout.

But the sub has to come to periscope depth to shoot, and there were more and more blimps helping with the escort, not to mention the hunter-killer groups' fighters. Yes, if they could have had all that wonderful technology up-and-running in 1939 they would have made a huge difference.

But they couldn't.

The Fishlord 03-28-08 09:07 PM


Originally Posted by Takao
Another thing, Germany would derive no "benefit" from sending 250 U-boats to the Pacific. The only one gaining anything is Japan, as it would help her to cut-off and possibly conquer the Aussies. I don't see Germany doing this without getting something major in return. And Japan had nothing of immediate vital importance to offer.

Well Germany did some strange things during the war. At the end of 1944 or so they apparently sent a U-boat load of bomb-grade U235 (uranium) to Japan. No benefit there, or maybe German and Japanese secret-weapon projects were a little closer-tied than anybody suspects even today.

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