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Herman 05-20-06 05:35 AM

Harpoon 3 scenarios for the PlayersDB
Battle of Britain II

The 26th new scenario of the year!

Matchplay #4 - Battle of Britain II

The purpose of this scenario is to investigate war between pretty much the entire military forces of two modern countries.

Holland has moved ground forces into Belgium and defeated French attempts to interfere. The Charles de Gaulle has been sunk and the French air force is licking its wounds.

The UN has authorised all members to take steps to reverse this situation and the UK has taken up the call of duty.

Author: Freek Schepers

This scenario requires the latest release of the PlayersDB v6.4.9

Get it via: StrategyZoneOnline, HarpGamer, SimHQ, PlayersDB Depot, SubSim, CombatAce, or Frugal's World of Simulation. file archives - Home of the Harpoon3 PlayersDB - Home of the HCDB.

Herman 06-09-06 01:23 AM

New Harpoon 3 Scenario: Remain Calm - Sandstorm

The 28th new scenario of the year!

New World Order battleset #3 - The Algerian Conflict - #1 SANDSTORM

In July 1994, the unrest in Algeria that had been simmering for years finally exploded into a major armed conflict. The terror campaign that had been carried out by Islamic extremists since the early 1990s, reached an awful crescendo when they finally seized power in the country. Algerian government forces, demoralized and fearful of repercussions against their families, lay down their arms and capitulated to the rebel army by August 1994. It did not take long for the new Islamic government to gain support from Iran and Libya for its anti-Western stance. A major program to build a powerful Algerian military was funded by trading oil to Russia for arms. In March 1995, Algerian forces began harassing Western ship traffic in the Western Mediterranean. On 27 August, 1995, a civilian airliner was hijacked by Islamic extremists. The hijackers were given sanctuary in Algeria and the passengers were held for ransom. A Coalition of Western nations responded.

This is a clandestine mission to rescue the hostages being held at Laghouat air base. Six CH-53 Sea Stallions, carrying a special operations team and flying from a Wasp-class LHD in the Western Mediterranean, will undertake the operation. French and Italian assets will attempt to keep Algerian and Libyan air forces pre-occupied.

The airliner has landed at Laghouat air base and the passengers have disembarked into the base barracks. Negotiations are underway, but expectations are not high.

Author: Herman Hum, Brad Leyte

This scenario requires the latest release of the PlayersDB v6.4.9

Get it via: StrategyZoneOnline, HarpGamer, SimHQ, PlayersDB Depot, SubSim, CombatAce, or Frugal's World of Simulation. SZO file archives - Home of the Harpoon3 PlayersDB - Home of the HCDB.

Herman 07-27-06 03:16 AM

New Harpoon 3 Scenario: Nordkapp

The 31st new scenario of the year!

The tenth installment of the "21st CENTURY OCEAN WARS BATTLESET" battleset has been released.

When President Gorbachev was notified in 1989 of a plot to bring down the Berlin Wall later that year, he made several crucial strategic decisions. The Russian president decided to suppress the East-German revolt, speed up the privatisation and efficiency focus in the Russian state industries, and invest in maintenance, spare parts, and training for the military.

For President Bush and his successors, the emergence of an Eastern European market and the stabilisation of the Middle East meant they could peacefully cooperate with, though quitely dislike, Russia. However, Europe found itself more and more at odds with President Gorbachev and his direct successor Putin.

At the end of 2004 NATO, found itself opposing a high quality Russian military. Early in November, Putin started moving 25 divisions towards the border with Germany. Icelandic politicians had ended the defence pact with the US and closed Kevlavik air force base under pretense of noise pollution. The GIUK gap was now wide open.

On the 21st of November, US and UK subs reported SSBNs withdrawing towards their ports on the Kola peninsula, but also reported many modern SSNs surging towards the GIUK Gap. They were ordered to tail these subs and NATO started to organise a convoy system on cross-Atlantic routes. By November 26th, the United Nations and back-channel diplomacy had reached a crucial stage. A war, for which there is no clear reason, may still be averted but is looming. NATO orders its forces to be vigilant but to keep Weapons Tight in this crucial phase of diplomacy.


Prior to war breaking out, a small Dutch Task force of frigates delivered the Dutch Marines to Finnmark. Having trained there for years, several companies of Marines have joined their Norwegian and British counterparts to await the expected Russian attack into Finnmark.

Author: Freek Schepers

This scenario requires the latest release of the PlayersDB v6.4.9

Get it via: StrategyZoneOnline, HarpGamer, SimHQ, PlayersDB Depot, Matrix, SubSim, CombatAce, or Frugal's World of Simulation. file archives - Home of the Harpoon3 PlayersDB - Home of the HCDB.

Herman 08-17-06 02:24 AM

New Harpoon3 scenario: Katyusha
The 33rd new scenario of the year! Another scenario straight from the headlines!


Syrian-backed Hezbollah is raining Katyusha rockets on Northern Israel. Israeli intelligence suggests that Hezbollah has over 10,000 such rockets flown in daily through Damascus from Tehran. Iran has an advanced missile program building anti-ship missiles and ground-attack missiles of various ranges and with ever-increasing accuracy. Katyusha is a terror weapon, but if Iran decides to supply Hezbollah with modern missiles and advanced guidance packages, then Israel is really in trouble. The Israeli government has decided that this threat warrants a pre-emptive strike on the missile manufacturing plants in Iran.

Author: Freek Schepers

This scenario requires the latest release of the PlayersDB v6.4.9

Get it via: StrategyZoneOnline, HarpGamer, SimHQ, PlayersDB Depot, SubSim, CombatAce, or Frugal's World of Simulation.

Herman 10-21-06 03:44 AM

New Harpoon3 Scenario
The 34th new scenario of the year! Another scenario straight from the headlines!


After a month-long war in Southern Lebanon which saw thousands dead and thousands of Katyusha rockets landing in Israel, the UN Security Council has accepted resolution 1702.

Israel's deep strike on Iranian WMD sites has done nothing to reduce the threat from Hezbollah. It's all up to UNIFIL, now.

The UN mandate is to:

1. Enforce a cease-fire in Lebanon

2. Disarm/destroy Hezbollah in Lebanon

3. Implement an arms embargo against Israel and Hezbollah

4. Prevent IDF missions into Lebanon

France and Italy (both with long heritage in the Middle East) are leading the coalition which, for the first time ever, contains Army, Navy, and Air Force elements.

Author: Freek Schepers

This scenario requires the latest release of the PlayersDB v6.4.9

Get it via: StrategyZoneOnline, HarpGamer, SimHQ, PlayersDB Depot, SubSim, CombatAce, or Frugal's World of Simulation.

Herman 11-06-06 06:14 PM

New Harpoon3 Scenario
The 35th new scenario of the year! Another scenario straight from the headlines!


This scenario follows UNIFIL.

After a month-long war in Southern Lebanon which saw thousands of Katyusha rockets landing in Israel, the UN Security Council has enforced resolution 1702.

Israel's deep strike on Iranian WMD sites has done nothing to reduce the threat from Hezbollah.

UNIFIL is fully deployed with France and Italy providing ground forces, and Germany, Denmark and Greece providing Navy ships to prevent weapon resupply to Hezbollah.

Author: Freek Schepers

This scenario requires the latest release of the PlayersDB v6.4.9

Get it via: Xtreme-Gamer, HarpGamer, SimHQ, PlayersDB Depot, Matrix, SubSim, CombatAce, or Frugal's World of Simulation.

Herman 12-11-06 07:19 AM

New Harpoon3 Scenario
The 39th new scenario of the year!


New World Order Battleset #3: Algerian Conflict

In July 1994, the unrest in Algeria that had been simmering for years finally exploded into a major armed conflict. The terror campaign that had been carried out by Islamic extremists since the early 1990s, reached an awful crescendo when they finally seized power in the country. Algerian government forces, demoralized and fearful of repercussions against their families, lay down their arms and capitulated to the rebel army by August 1994. It did not take long for the new Islamic government to gain support from Iran and Libya for its anti-Western stance. A major program to build a powerful Algerian military was funded by trading oil to Russia for arms. In March 1995, Algerian forces began harassing Western ship traffic in the Western Mediterranean. On 27 August, 1995, a civilian airliner was hijacked by Islamic extremists. The hijackers were given sanctuary in Algeria and the passengers were held for ransom. A Coalition of Western nations responded.


The rescue attempt was successful. The hostages were freed, but not without cost. Four troopers were killed and 27 more were wounded in the operation. To make matters worse, two of the Sea Stallions were damaged by ground fire and crashed on final approach to the Kearsarge! Helicopters are currently busy pulling survivors from the water.

Author: Brad Leyte, Herman Hum

These two scenarios have also been tested for compatibility with Harpoon3 v3.6.3


This scenario follows Katyusha.

After a month-long war in Southern Lebanon which saw thousands of Katyusha rockets landing in Israel, the UN Security Council has enforced resolution 1702.

With Lebanon weakened and unstable, Syria felt it was in her best interests to occupy the country. Beirut has come under attack and Western nations are coordinating a massive effort to repatriate their citizens.

This scenario is a re-make of a Harpoon Classic scenario written by Mark Gellis and has been re-made for Harpoon 3 with the author's permission.

Author: Mark Gellis, Freek Schepers, Herman Hum


For reasons which are not entirely clear, Indonesia has invaded and occupied part of the Nicobar Islands.

Normally, the United States would leave the matter to India, but, by unhappy coincidence, the Indonesians chose to invade while an American film company was on Car Nicobar shooting scenes for a movie. In the confusion of battle, there were a number of American casualties, including two popular young American starlets (one of them a friend of the President's own children and a frequent visitor to the White House). A few days later, an amateur video showing the bodies of Americans killed in the attack surfaced on the internet.

To make matters worse, the Indonesians have refused to release those Americans who survived the attack; the Indonesians are holding them as hostages to prevent American involvement in the conflict.

With American public opinion inflamed, the President has little choice but to act. Whether the Indians like it or not, America will be taking the Nicobar Islands back for them.

This scenario is a re-make of a Harpoon Classice scenario written by Mark Gellis. It has been re-made into Harpoon3 with permission from the author.

Author: Mark Gellis, Herman Hum

These scenarios require the latest release of the PlayersDB v6.4.9

Get it via: HarPlonkHQ, Xtreme-Gamer, HarpGamer, SimHQ, PlayersDB Depot, Matrix, SubSim, CombatAce, or Frugal's World of Simulation. file archives - Home of the Harpoon3 PlayersDB - Home of the HCDB.

Herman 12-22-06 05:51 AM

New Harpoon3 Scenario
The 41st new scenario of the year!


Stornoway stands isolated in her defence of the GIUK Gap.

*** FLASH Traffic *** 174030Z17APR97
To: Cmdr NATO 3rd TFW, Stornoway
Cmdr NATO 5th TFW Rhein-Main
Cmdr NATO 552nd AW&CW Rhein-Main

Fr: CinCNATOAir Ref: 3rd TFW
Urgent traffic 041800Z17APR97

1. Acknowledge the loss of 3rd TFW last remaining Sentry. All theatre reserves of same are depleted. I concur with your analysis of the threat from MiG-31 equipped with new AA HARM.
2. 552nd AW&CW is directed to extend coverage to 3rd TFW Area of Operations in as much as is practical consistent with protection of CentAF air space.
3. 5th TFW is directed to provide BarCAP protection.
4. Offensive counter-air missions from 5th TFW Area of Operations are discouraged but not prohibited.
5. Offensive counter-air missions from 3rd TFW Area of Operations are encouraged so long as they are consistent with preservation of last northern NATO base in UK.
6. It is imperative that CAP protecting airfields is not breached.

Author: Herman Hum

This scenario requires the latest release of the PlayersDB v6.4.9

Get it via: HarPlonkHQ, Xtreme-Gamer, HarpGamer, SimHQ, PlayersDB Depot, Matrix, SubSim, CombatAce, or Frugal's World of Simulation. file archives - Home of the Harpoon3 PlayersDB

Herman 12-29-06 12:26 AM

Harpoon3 Scenarios

The 42nd new scenario of the year!

New World Order Battleset #3: Algerian Conflict

In July 1994, the unrest in Algeria that had been simmering for years finally exploded into a major armed conflict. The terror campaign that had been carried out by Islamic extremists since the early 1990s, reached an awful crescendo when they finally seized power in the country. Algerian government forces, demoralized and fearful of repercussions against their families, lay down their arms and capitulated to the rebel army by August 1994. It did not take long for the new Islamic government to gain support from Iran and Libya for its anti-Western stance. A major program to build a powerful Algerian military was funded by trading oil to Russia for arms. In March 1995, Algerian forces began harassing Western ship traffic in the Western Mediterranean. On 27 August, 1995, a civilian airliner was hijacked by Islamic extremists. The hijackers were given sanctuary in Algeria and the passengers were held for ransom. A Coalition of Western nations responded.


Cities in Sicily have been struck by theatre ballistic missiles carrying chemical warheads and launched from sites in Algeria and Libya. Coalition forces must destroy the missile production facilities before there is further loss of life.

Author: Brad Leyte, Herman Hum

This scenario requires the latest release of the PlayersDB v6.4.9

Get it via: HarPlonkHQ, Xtreme-Gamer, HarpGamer, SimHQ, PlayersDB Depot, Matrix, SubSim, CombatAce, or Frugal's World of Simulation. file archives - Home of the Harpoon3 PlayersDB

Herman 01-06-07 03:56 AM

New Harpoon3 Scenario
The 1st new scenario of the year!


New World Order battleset #4 - Part 1 - The War with UBAN - Indian Ocean Persian Gulf - #1 SUNDOWN

In September 1995, one of the West's not-so-secret desires was fulfilled. Saddam Hussein, the mother-of-all dictators, was assassinated. However, this apparent good fortune has also kindled one of the Western world's darkest fears. In the chaos following Hussein's demise, the "rogue nation" of Iran has taken political control of Iraq. This new nation has further amalgamated with Yemen, Syria, Egypt, and Libya in a new military and economic confederation known as the United Brotherhood of Arab-Persian Nations (UBAN). Led by Tehran, UBAN is, of course, staunchly anti-American. It is also the largest oil producer and the largest market for military arms in the world. These factors have combined to bring in the cash-hungry NSC as a powerful ally of the new Arab alliance. In a third, infinitely more terrifying re-play of the 1980-1988 and 1990-1991 Persian Gulf conflicts, UBAN has threatened to cut off the flow of oil in the Gulf and to invade both Kuwait and Saudi Arabia if the latter nations do not join UBAN.

The loss of these friendly partners would be a tremendous blow. Bolstered by its alliance with the NSC (New Soviet Confederation), UBAN is determined to make good on its promise to drive out the Great Satan.

Secret - Flash Message - 0600Z951023

Fr: CinCPac HQ - Pearl Harbour

To: CentCom HQ - Riyadh
Strike Comd HQ - Diego Garcia
Strike Comd HQ - Bangkok
Strike Comd HQ - Kuwait City
TF 26.2 - Flag Vella Gulf

Subj: UBAN Aggression

UBAN has openly threatened war with Kuwait and Saudi Arabia unless they eject American forces from their territory and join the UBAN alliance. J-STAR flights show UBAN armoured formations massing on the Kuwaiti and Saudi borders. Satellite reconnaissance indicates increasing levels of activity at UBAN airbases, ports, and other military facilities over the past 72 hours. The best estimate of UBAN intentions is that they are mobilizing for war and hostilities are expected to commence very soon.


All commands are to maintain the defence of Kuwait and Saudi Arabia. Reinforcements are enroute via Bangkok and Diego Garcia. Move these assets to protected Saudi bases at your earliest opportunity.

TF 26.2 - Flag Vella Gulf is to proceed at best speed to Bahrain. Prepare for AAW defence of Gulf ports and possible OpOrd for offensive strike operations against UBAN targets. Warning - it is probable that UBAN surface and subsurface combatants have sailed.

You may use no more than 16 TLAM available to you. The balance will be used in future offensive strike operations against UBAN.

Author: Herman Hum, Brad Leyte

This scenario requires the latest release of the PlayersDB v6.4.9

Get it via: HarPlonkHQ, Xtreme-Gamer, HarpGamer, SimHQ, PlayersDB Depot, Matrix, SubSim, CombatAce, or Frugal's World of Simulation. file archives - Home of the Harpoon3 PlayersDB

Herman 01-13-07 02:08 AM

New Harpoon3 Scenario
The 3rd new scenario of the year!


New World Order battleset #4 - Part 1 - The War with UBAN - Indian Ocean Persian Gulf - #2 DIABLO

In September 1995, one of the West's not-so-secret desires was fulfilled. Saddam Hussein, the mother-of-all dictators, was assassinated. However, this apparent good fortune has also kindled one of the Western world's darkest fears. In the chaos following Hussein's demise, the "rogue nation" of Iran has taken political control of Iraq. This new nation has further amalgamated with Yemen, Syria, Egypt, and Libya in a new military and economic confederation known as the United Brotherhood of Arab-Persian Nations (UBAN). Led by Tehran, UBAN is, of course, staunchly anti-American. It is also the largest oil producer and the largest market for military arms in the world. These factors have combined to bring in the cash-hungry NSC as a powerful ally of the new Arab alliance. In a third, infinitely more terrifying re-play of the 1980-1988 and 1990-1991 Persian Gulf conflicts, UBAN has threatened to cut off the flow of oil in the Gulf and to invade both Kuwait and Saudi Arabia if the latter nations do not join UBAN.

The loss of these friendly partners would be a tremendous blow. Bolstered by its alliance with the NSC (New Soviet Confederation), UBAN is determined to make good on its promise to drive out the Great Satan.

As expected, UBAN forces have already overrun Kuwait and are now preparing to break through the Saudi border. Heavy air attacks have begun against Saudi bases and UBAN naval forces are in control throughout most of the Persian Gulf. We are continuing to suttle aircraft into Saudi Arabia. A US CVBG is entering the Indian Ocean and is enroute to the Arabian Gulf to provide support.

The NSC is threatening to become involved if we interfere "too heavily in Persian Gulf affairs." Although this veiled threat is worrisome, we cannot affort to hold back our efforts to defend Saudi Arabia and liberate Kuwait.


Secret - Flash Message - 1302Z951124

Fr: CinCPac HQ - Pearl Harbour

To: CentCom HQ - Riyadh
Strike Comd HQ - Diego Garcia
Strike Comd HQ - Bangkok

Subj: UBAN Attack on Kuwait and Saudi Arabia

1. SitRep

UBAN has unleashed a major attack vs. Kuwait and Saudi Arabia. Kuwait has been overrun. The Saudi border has been breached in some sectors. Saudi airbases are under heavy air attack. UBAN naval forces control most of the Gulf. CVBG 44.1 is now entering the Indian Ocean enroute to the Arabian Gulf. NSC has openly criticized our intervention and is threatening to become involved.

2. Orders

CVBG 44.1 - Flag Eisenhower - Proceed at best speed to the Arabian Gulf. Establish AEW and AAW defence in Strait of Hormuz sector.

Strike ComDs HQ Diego Garcia and Bangkok - Continue deployment of reinforcements into secure Saudi bases.

Strike ComD HQ Riyadh - Execute immediate strike operations against UBAN targets in Iran and the former Iraq. Primary targets are airfields and fuel facilities. Maintain the defence of Saudi and GCC bases.

Author: Herman Hum, Brad Leyte

This scenario requires the latest release of the PlayersDB v6.4.9

Get it via: HarPlonkHQ, Xtreme-Gamer, HarpGamer, SimHQ, PlayersDB Depot, Matrix, SubSim, CombatAce, or Frugal's World of Simulation. file archives - Home of the Harpoon3 PlayersDB

Herman 01-20-07 03:24 AM

Harpoon3 Scenarios
The 4th new scenario of the year!

Cold Front

New World Order battleset #4 - Part 1 - The War with UBAN - Indian Ocean Persian Gulf - #3 COLD FRONT

In September 1995, one of the West's not-so-secret desires was fulfilled. Saddam Hussein, the mother-of-all dictators, was assassinated. However, this apparent good fortune has also kindled one of the Western world's darkest fears. In the chaos following Hussein's demise, the "rogue nation" of Iran has taken political control of Iraq. This new nation has further amalgamated with Yemen, Syria, Egypt, and Libya in a new military and economic confederation known as the United Brotherhood of Arab-Persian Nations (UBAN). Led by Tehran, UBAN is, of course, staunchly anti-American. It is also the largest oil producer and the largest market for military arms in the world. These factors have combined to bring in the cash-hungry NSC as a powerful ally of the new Arab alliance. In a third, infinitely more terrifying re-play of the 1980-1988 and 1990-1991 Persian Gulf conflicts, UBAN has threatened to cut off the flow of oil in the Gulf and to invade both Kuwait and Saudi Arabia if the latter nations do not join UBAN.

The loss of these friendly partners would be a tremendous blow. Bolstered by its alliance with the NSC (New Soviet Confederation), UBAN is determined to make good on its promise to drive out the Great Satan.

Things just got much worse, which is hard to believe, since Kuwait and much of Saudi Arabia has already fallen to advancing UBAN forces. The NSC has carried out air strikes against our key bases in Turkey thereby shutting down NATO operations there. The Turks have refused to permit our aircraft sanctuary for fear that NSC will renew its attacks. There are also indications that the NSC will assist UBAN in repelling the American CVBG now entering the battle zone.

Secret - Flash Message - 1504Z951025
Fr: CinCPac HQ - Pearl Harbour
To: CentCom HQ - Riyadh Strike Comd HQ - Diego Garcia CVBG 44.1 Flag Eisenhower

Subj: NSC Intervention

1. SitRep
NSC attacks on Turkish bases have prevented us from using Turkey as a base for future operations. Turkey has refused access to US forces due to the threat of further NSC attack. Dhahran and Manama have been overrun by UBAN ground forces late last night. The situation at FEBA in Saudi Arabia is grim.

2. Orders

CVBG 44.1 - Flag Eisenhower - Proceed at best speed to the NW end of the Arabian Gulf. Upon arrival, begin strike operations against targets in Iran, Iraq, and Yemen. Attack by NSC aerial assets is considered a definite possibility. Engage NSC forces only in self-defence.

From within your Patrol Zone, conduct TLAM strike against facilities at Bandar-e-Abbas, Kish Island, and Bushehr. At your discretion, you may allocate a maximum of 8 TLAM against Jask and Chah Bahr targets.

CentCom HQ Riyadh - Begin withdrawal of aircraft and personnel from Saudi Arabia to Diego Garcia. Combat-capable aircraft should continue to suppress UBAN targets for as long as possible.

Report Codename - Cold Front

Author: Herman Hum, Brad Leyte

This scenario requires the latest release of the PlayersDB v6.4.9

Get it via: HarPlonkHQ, Xtreme-Gamer, HarpGamer, SimHQ, PlayersDB Depot, Matrix, SubSim, CombatAce, or Frugal's World of Simulation. file archives - Home of the Harpoon3 PlayersDB

Herman 01-27-07 03:47 AM

Harpoon3 Scenarios
The 5th new scenario of the year!

Slam Dance

New World Order battleset #4 - Part 1 - The War with UBAN - Indian Ocean Persian Gulf - #4 SLAM DANCE

In September 1995, one of the West's not-so-secret desires was fulfilled. Saddam Hussein, the mother-of-all dictators, was assassinated. However, this apparent good fortune has also kindled one of the Western world's darkest fears. In the chaos following Hussein's demise, the "rogue nation" of Iran has taken political control of Iraq. This new nation has further amalgamated with Yemen, Syria, Egypt, and Libya in a new military and economic confederation known as the United Brotherhood of Arab-Persian Nations (UBAN). Led by Tehran, UBAN is, of course, staunchly anti-American. It is also the largest oil producer and the largest market for military arms in the world. These factors have combined to bring in the cash-hungry NSC as a powerful ally of the new Arab alliance. In a third, infinitely more terrifying re-play of the 1980-1988 and 1990-1991 Persian Gulf conflicts, UBAN has threatened to cut off the flow of oil in the Gulf and to invade both Kuwait and Saudi Arabia if the latter nations do not join UBAN.

The loss of these friendly partners would be a tremendous blow. Bolstered by its alliance with the NSC (New Soviet Confederation), UBAN is determined to make good on its promise to drive out the Great Satan.


The US CVBG is now in position to strike UBAN-occupied territory at the highest operational tempo after surviving combined UBAN - NSC attacks. Your mission is two-pronged: to suppress UBAN military forces in the region in preparation for amphibious penetration of the Gulf, and, secondly, to create a safe corridor through Yemen for airborne assault forces flying from Diego Garcia to Saudi Arabia.

Slam Dance

Secret - Flash Message - 0800Z951031
Fr: CinCPac HQ - Pearl Harbour
To: CentCom HQ - Diego Garcia

Strike Comd HQ - Diego Garcia
CVBG 44.1 Flag Eisenhower
PhibGru 64 Flag Boxer

Subj: Re-entry of forces into Saudi Arabia1.


Riyadh has been overrun with the last transports escaping just before the arrival of UBAN ground forces. Several aircraft were caught and destroyed on the tarmac by their crews to prevent their capture.Satellite reconnaissance indicates our efforts to destroy logistical support for UBAN invasion are beginning to show results. UBAN advance into Saudi Arabia has slowed considerably in the past 24 hours. CVBG 44.1 is continuing to suppress UBAN military facilities.

2. Orders

CVBG 44.1 - Flag Eisenhower - Maintain suppression of UBAN military forces and facilities, particularly destruction of UBAN forces near the intended port of entry at Beachhead Door Stop. Support airborne assault operations as requested. Proceed to RefPt Ike.

CentCom [Temp] HQ Riyadh - Establish and maintain air bridge into Saudi Arabia. Begin airborne assault operations as soon as a safe corridor is established. Warning - Yemen is a known UBAN partner.

CVBG 44.1 will provide force protection.PhibGru 64 - Flag Boxer - Enter Strait of Hormuz via point Boxer and prepare beachhead at objective Door Stop. Co-ordinate with airborne assault forces. CVBG 44.1 will provide force protection.

3. Rules of EngagementWarning level Red. Weapons Free. Engage and destroy hostile contacts at will.Special weapons release NOT << Repeat >> NOT anticipated.

Report Codename - Slam Dance

Author: Herman Hum, Brad Leyte

This scenario requires the latest release of the PlayersDB v6.4.9

Get it via: HarPlonkHQ, Xtreme-Gamer, HarpGamer, SimHQ, PlayersDB Depot, Matrix, SubSim, CombatAce, or Frugal's World of Simulation. file archives - Home of the Harpoon3 PlayersDB

Herman 01-27-07 08:01 AM

Harpoon3 Scenarios
The 6th new scenario of the year!

Flaming Datum

This is the eleventh scenario of the Battleset "21st CENTURY OCEAN WAR" - Flaming Datum

When President Gorbachev was notified in 1989 of a plot to bring down the Berlin Wall later that year, he made several crucial strategic decisions. The Russian President decided to suppress the East-German Revolt, speed up the privatisation and efficiency-focus in the Russian state industries, and invest in maintenance, spare parts, and training for the military.

For President Bush and his successors, the emergence of an Eastern European market and the stabilisation of the Middle East meant they could peacefully cooperate with, though quietly dislike, Russia. However, Europe found itself more and more at odds with President Gorbachev and his direct successor, Putin. At the end of 2003, NATO found itself opposing a high quality Russian military.

Russia has sunk numerous tankers in the Battle for Atlantic convoys. Russian penetration bombers were repulsed over Canada and Alaskan air space remains in US hands.

US has withdrawn DDGs from Pacific Fleet to serve in the Atlantic and to defend CVBGs now heading for the Barentz sea and Japan.

The vital oil terminals in Alaska are defended by the USCG, USAF, and some Canadian ships under US command.

Author: Freek Schepers

This scenario requires the latest release of the PlayersDB v6.4.9

Get it via: HarPlonkHQ, Xtreme-Gamer, HarpGamer, SimHQ, PlayersDB Depot, Matrix, SubSim, CombatAce, or Frugal's World of Simulation. file archives - Home of the Harpoon3 PlayersDB

Herman 02-10-07 01:12 PM

New Harpoon3 Scenario
The 124th NEW Harpoon scenario of the year!


The Malakka strait, Sunda Strait, and Java Sea are notorious Pirate waters. Attacks have increased to over 200 per year. Often crews of attacked vessels are put overboard, the ship is quickly searched for valuables, and then sunk. Many pirates are individual criminals, but organised gangs have emerged who have excellent Intell, and have purchased some of the hundreds of obsolete Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese, and Australian 1960s and 1970s gunboats.

While Pirates have no chance against modern naval ships, the Navies in the region have other priorities; and rumour has it that some Pirate gangs are headed by ex-navy personnel. With over 50.000 ships passing the Malakka Strait annually of which 2000 are Ultra Large Crude Carriers, private enterprise has stepped in with the creation of the United Escort Service.

Author: Freek Schepers

This scenario requires the latest release of the PlayersDB v6.4.9

Get it via: HarPlonkHQ, Gamersquad, HarpGamer, SimHQ, PlayersDB Depot, Matrix, SubSim, CombatAce, or Frugal's World of Simulation. of the Harpoon3 PlayersDB

Herman 02-19-07 06:23 PM

Harpoon 3 scenarios for the PlayersDB
The 125th NEW Harpoon scenario of the year!

Clearing House

New World Order battleset #4 - Part 1 - The War with UBAN - Indian Ocean Persian Gulf - #5 CLEARING HOUSE

In September 1995, one of the West's not-so-secret desires was fulfilled. Saddam Hussein, the mother-of-all dictators, was assassinated. However, this apparent good fortune has also kindled one of the Western world's darkest fears. In the chaos following Hussein's demise, the "rogue nation" of Iran has taken political control of Iraq. This new nation has further amalgamated with Yemen, Syria, Egypt, and Libya in a new military and economic confederation known as the United Brotherhood of Arab-Persian Nations (UBAN). Led by Tehran, UBAN is, of course, staunchly anti-American. It is also the largest oil producer and the largest market for military arms in the world. These factors have combined to bring in the cash-hungry NSC as a powerful ally of the new Arab alliance. In a third, infinitely more terrifying re-play of the 1980-1988 and 1990-1991 Persian Gulf conflicts, UBAN has threatened to cut off the flow of oil in the Gulf and to invade both Kuwait and Saudi Arabia if the latter nations do not join UBAN.

The loss of these friendly partners would be a tremendous blow. Bolstered by its alliance with the NSC (New Soviet Confederation), UBAN is determined to make good on its promise to drive out the Great Satan.


Your objective is to land amphibious forces at Beachhead Doorstop. UBAN forces are in disarray and the counter-attack has begun in earnest. The primary obstacle to landing in Kuwait will be substantial air assets, including front-line NSC units held at air bases deep inside Iran and the former Iraq.

Clearing House

Secret - Flash Message - 1320Z951102

Fr: CinCPac HQ - Pearl Harbour
To: CentCom HQ - Diego Garcia
Strike Comd HQ - Diego Garcia
CVBG 44.1 Flag Eisenhower
PhibGru 64 Flag Boxer

Subj: Amphibious Landing at Beachhead Doorstop

1. SitRep

UBAN forces are on the run. US troops are continuing to land in force via the air bridge into Saudi Arabia. GCC troops are advancing along the coast. Some hours ago, Dhahran International Airport was re-taken and is now being repaired for use by our forces.

2. Orders

CVBG 44.1 - Flag Eisenhower - Continue the suppression of UBAN forces and facilities. The primary targets are airfields in Iran and the former Iraq. Provide force protection to PhibGru 64 and the amphibious landing as requested.

PhibGru 64 - Flag Boxer - Launch the amphibious landing at Beachhead Doorstop. CVBG 44.1 will provide force protection. Dhahran is available to helicopters and VTOL aircraft.

3. Rules of Engagement

Warning level Red. Weapons Free. Engage and destroy hostile contacts at will.

Special weapons release NOT << Repeat >> NOT anticipated.

Report Codename - Clearing House

Scenario Duration: 36 hours

Victory Conditions clarification:

1) Get 10 ships to the Beachhead for 5 hours.
2) Destroy 125 aircraft
3) Do not lose more than three ships
4) Do not lose more than 48 aircraft
5) Destroy UBAN ground forces at the beachhead

Author: Herman Hum, Brad Leyte

This scenario requires the latest release of the PlayersDB v6.4.9

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Herman 02-24-07 11:57 AM

New Harpoon3 Scenario
The 126th NEW Harpoon scenario of the year!

Steel Broom

In response to requests from KlubMarcus and Sharker2003, this scenario has been written with plenty of contacts to give it that additional realistic feeling of maritime situational awareness. Keep up the excellent feedback and the designers will try to accommodate as many requests as possible.

New World Order battleset #4 - Part 1 - The War with UBAN - Indian Ocean Persian Gulf - #6 STEEL BROOM

In September 1995, one of the West's not-so-secret desires was fulfilled. Saddam Hussein, the mother-of-all dictators, was assassinated. However, this apparent good fortune has also kindled one of the Western world's darkest fears. In the chaos following Hussein's demise, the "rogue nation" of Iran has taken political control of Iraq. This new nation has further amalgamated with Yemen, Syria, Egypt, and Libya in a new military and economic confederation known as the United Brotherhood of Arab-Persian Nations (UBAN). Led by Tehran, UBAN is, of course, staunchly anti-American. It is also the largest oil producer and the largest market for military arms in the world. These factors have combined to bring in the cash-hungry NSC as a powerful ally of the new Arab alliance. In a third, infinitely more terrifying re-play of the 1980-1988 and 1990-1991 Persian Gulf conflicts, UBAN has threatened to cut off the flow of oil in the Gulf and to invade both Kuwait and Saudi Arabia if the latter nations do not join UBAN.

The loss of these friendly partners would be a tremendous blow. Bolstered by its alliance with the NSC (New Soviet Confederation), UBAN is determined to make good on its promise to drive out the Great Satan.


UBAN forces are nearly defeated, but their ruling council has called for the Hand of Allah to strike down the Dragon in a great ball of fire. There are indications that UBAN has built several nuclear weapons, possibly using technology purchased from the NSC, and is now preparing to use them. The weapons are being held in bunkers deep inside Iran and the former Iraq. Your mission is to launch pre-emptive nuclear strikes on these sites. It is important that you time the strikes so that all three targets are destroyed as close to simultaneously as possible or the nukes may be moved to safety elsewhere. Or worse, they might be launched...

Secret - Flash Message - 0105Z951104

Fr: CinCPac HQ - Pearl Harbour

To: CentCom HQ - Diego Garcia
Strike Comd HQ - Diego Garcia
CVBG 44.1 Flag Eisenhower
PhibGru 64 Flag Boxer
Subj: UBAN Nuclear capability

1. SitRep

UBAN forces are believed to be preparing to use nuclear weapons from three sites - two in Iran and one in the former Iraq. These sites must be destroyed immediately. It has been decided that the only way to be certain of the neutralization of these weapons of mass destruction is to launch a pre-emptive strike with special weapons. Launch authentication codes follow.

2. Orders

Initiate SIOP contingency warplan Operation Steel Broom. Attack and destroy all three UBAN nuclear sites at Balad, Kas Han, and Jandaq. Near simultaneous destruction is the preferred means of achieving success.

PhibRon Box is to remain on station and support amphibious landing.

Author: Herman Hum, Brad Leyte

This scenario requires the latest release of the PlayersDB v6.4.9

Get it via: HarPlonkHQ, GameSquad, HarpGamer, SimHQ, PlayersDB Depot, Matrix, SubSim, CombatAce, or Frugal's World of Simulation. of the Harpoon3 PlayersDB

Herman 03-03-07 03:13 AM

Harpoon 3 scenarios for the PlayersDB
The 127th NEW Harpoon scenario of the year!


As the Serbian Civil War reached its fifth anniversary, the UN's decision to withhold ground troops continued to be widely debated. Although the addition of US air power was welcomed, alone, it was insufficient to turn the tide. The ground-pounder's axiom that "Air power alone cannot win a war. No airedale ever has or ever will be capable of taking and holding an acre of dirt," continued to stand the test of battle.

As a result, the Serbian Civil War was not so much a civil war as it was a thresher of human bodies and spirits. Small battles ignited and then smouldered throughout the area. There simply was no "forward edge of the battle area". For each individual, the FEBA was where he or she stood confronting the enemy at one particular tick of the clock. Humans were fed into one end of the thresher and the chaff of broken bodies, broken minds, and human souls was discharged from the other.

Of the US military services with aviation capability, the Air Force had no interest in the kind of missions required here. None were high, fast, or stealthy. The A-10 Warthogs would have been ideal had any remained in service. The confining waters and the mission profile of close air support turned the Navy off almost as fast. For a dirty knife fight in the close confines of a dark alley, only the Marines had the know-how, the equipment, and the enthusiasm for the job. "Aye-aye, sir. Semper Fi!" was their response.

Author: Herman Hum
Original designer: Delwin Hinkle

This scenario is a re-make of a Harpoon Classic scenario from the Harpoon Designers Series II and has been re-made for Harpoon 3 with the consent of AGSI.

This scenario requires the latest release of the PlayersDB v6.4.9

Get it via: HarPlonkHQ, GameSquad, HarpGamer, SimHQ, PlayersDB Depot, Matrix, SubSim, CombatAce, or Frugal's World of Simulation. of the Harpoon3 PlayersDB

Herman 03-10-07 02:16 AM

Harpoon 3 scenarios for the PlayersDB
The 128th NEW Harpoon scenario of the year!


Baltic Sea game of cat and mouse.
The GIUK Gap is THE single most significant choke point for Russian merchant and naval shipping. These waters are also rich with abundant fishing areas and valuable mineral deposits and disputes regarding them are common. The resources that Russian once counted on are no longer guaranteed and a hungry Bear is a dangerous thing, indeed. At the same time, the Western Democracies are scrapping their naval assets faster than they built them in the 1980s.

From: Fleet HQ, Musko, Stockholm
To: Cmdr, K21, Goteborg
Capt, Kaszub
Info: Naval Attache, Moscow
Subj: Operation Matrix Shield

1. CIS Naval and government confirmation. A Kilo-class submarine is in your vicinity. It has been confirmed as a renegade and a contraband trader. CIS government requested assistance in his capture. Operation is designated Matrix Shield.

2. Objective: Locate and detain CIS Kilo-class submarine in your immediate vicinity. Use all means necessary.

Author: Herman Hum

This scenario requires the latest release of the PlayersDB v6.4.9

Get it via: HarPlonkHQ, GameSquad, HarpGamer, SimHQ, PlayersDB Depot, Matrix, SubSim, CombatAce, or Frugal's World of Simulation. of the Harpoon3 PlayersDB

Herman 03-17-07 04:15 AM

Harpoon 3 scenarios for the PlayersDB
The 129th NEW Harpoon scenario of the year!


At first, the world considered the declaration of war nothing more than a formality -- a joke. How could Russia successfully stage a war against Spain? Sure, the Spanish had vetoed the EC trade agreement with their large eastern neighbour, but they had their reasons. The problems could be evaluated and resolved. The declaration of war, though unnecessary, was somewhat understandable. In any case, the two nations were so far removed that nothing would come of the "war" -- right?

The EC was completely shocked by the blitz the Russians conducted against the Spanish fleet. In only a few hours, the Iberian fleet ceased to exist, aside from a few patrol boats and one or two frigates. Did the remainder of the EC assist in the battle? Wasn't there a defensive agreement in the EC treaty? When Russia began assuring the EC that only the Balearic Islands would be the subject of the war, many European nations hesitated in joining the fray. The Russians were obviously angry and may actually invade the little-defended eastern borders of the Community.

Britain, however, did not hesitate. Within an hour of the initial hostilities against Spain, Britain warned the Russians to back off. Then, a Russian amphibious formation was spotted moving towards Gibraltar. With no other nations assisting, Britain ordered what few subs it had in the Western Med to battle stations. Had the British not been conducting ASW and bottom-contour mapping of the Gibraltar region, Spain would have lost the Balearic Islands. They still might.

Duration: 60 hours
Original designer: Cass M. Johnson
Author: Herman Hum

This scenario requires the latest release of the PlayersDB v6.4.9

Get it via: HarPlonkHQ, GameSquad, HarpGamer, SimHQ, PlayersDB Depot, Matrix, SubSim, CombatAce, or Frugal's World of Simulation. of the Harpoon3 PlayersDB

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