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Commander Wallace 05-28-20 07:00 AM

Video emerges of Minneapolis police killing a citizen - - Riots
4 Minneapolis police officers have been fired after video emerged of the 4 responding to a police call and killing an already restrained man. Riots and protests have been ongoing for the last 2 days in the Minneapolis and Los Angeles area .

Murder charges are expected to be filed in the coming days against these 4 officers.

vienna 05-28-20 07:16 AM

Saw the above video on TV; the local Los Angeles stations have been showing other videos of the same incident taken by surveillance and security cameras in the area; from what I've seen, and heard, in those videos, those officers were way, way out of line and control...

BTW, there have been no riots over the killing here in LA like the ones in Minneapolis; the worst here was a brief blocking of a main freeway through the downtown area by about a hundred or so people and the worse damage was broken windows on a Highway Patrol cruiser that arrived at the scene; some of the protesters, a much smaller group, later showed up at the LAPD headquarters building and, again, briefly blocked part of the street in front of the HQ; LAPD broke up the demonstration with very little problem; in both cases, any possible impact of the demonstrations was muted due to the lockdown in place; its hard to really make a point of blocking a freeway or street when there is almost no traffic to speak of...

I was here in 1992 when the riots broke out then and our area was one of the hardest hit; believe me, what happened last night wasn't by any stretch of the term a riot; I've seen worse violence at a rock concert...


Platapus 05-28-20 08:13 AM

It did seem excessive. The man was handcuffed and laying on the ground. If anything needs to be knelt on, I would think that his legs would be a higher priority

Onkel Neal 05-28-20 08:47 AM

Good grief, you think a cop with any intelligence at all would know better than to kill someone this way.

Jimbuna 05-28-20 10:04 AM


Originally Posted by Onkel Neal (Post 2673479)
Good grief, you think a cop with any intelligence at all would know better than to kill someone this way.

Apparently not :nope:

Rockstar 05-28-20 11:13 AM

In an essay published in the Wall Street Journal, Radley Balko, author of “Rise of the Warrior Cop” presents chilling and convincing evidence of the blurring of the line between cop and soldier:
Driven by martial rhetoric and the availability of military-style equipment — from bayonets and M-16 rifles to armored personnel carriers — American police forces have often adopted a mind-set previously reserved for the battlefield. The war on drugs and, more recently, post-9/11 antiterrorism efforts have created a new figure on the U.S. scene: the warrior cop — armed to the teeth, ready to deal harshly with targeted wrongdoers, and a growing threat to familiar American liberties.

Catfish 05-28-20 11:21 AM

^ yes and how convenient the cops wear masks, so no one can be accused later, win-win. For them.

Police uses water, pepper spray and CS gas, not nice, but.. looks more like riot control than a normal police mission.

mapuc 05-28-20 11:39 AM

An outsider should not point fingers at another countries law and enforcement.

When it comes to give ideas then I think it may be ok.

The idea I give is from Sweden.

1. Since many, many years back and since some incident an upcoming police cadet have to go through a psychological test of some sort.
(from the Swedish news around 10 years after this had been implement, showed that 2-3 out of 20 interested have been classified as not suitable for the job)

2. Today a Swedish police has a number on his shirt/jacket.
In case a police should be to harsh and a civilian want to complain.
S/He can then use this number and the Internal affairs know who's the police office behind the mask.(The civilians don't)


Platapus 05-28-20 12:35 PM

I would like to see a reversal of the militarization of our police forces.

Commander Wallace 05-28-20 12:44 PM


Originally Posted by mapuc (Post 2673522)
An outsider should not point fingers at another countries law and enforcement.

When it comes to give ideas then I think it may be ok.

The idea I give is from Sweden.

1. Since many, many years back and since some incident an upcoming police cadet have to go through a psychological test of some sort.
(from the Swedish news around 10 years after this had been implement, showed that 2-3 out of 20 interested have been classified as not suitable for the job)

2. Today a Swedish police has a number on his shirt/jacket.
In case a police should be to harsh and a civilian want to complain.
S/He can then use this number and the Internal affairs know who's the police office behind the mask.(The civilians don't)


I'm not so sure on this Markus. Your being from a country other than the U.S may give you a unique perspective and allow you to do a comparison and contrast with law enforcement in your own country.

Derek Chauvin, Thomas Lane, Tou Thao and J. Alexander Kueng were fired while Chauvin was the one identified who for lack of a better word, executed an unarmed and restrained, George Floyd.

Chauvin has an extensive record of complaints against him in his role of a police officer. Chauvin was never disciplined which is indicative of the culture of the police department in Minneapolis. The Internal Affairs apparently never acted on the complaints inside it's own department or considered the complaints to have any merit.

It's been said that George Floyd may have tried to pass a counterfeit $ 20 dollar bill. This may be true but did Floyd print it ? Did Floyd unknowingly pass on a bill that he himself got and didn't know was counterfeit or is that a cover story that the Minneapolis Police used to cover their bases. If there was probable cause, then the proper remedial action would be to arrest and charge Floyd and allow Floyd his day in court to stand trial. The officers acted as judge, jury and executioner.

The official report is that Floyd died of a " medical condition ". I never heard of a videotaped execution called a " medical condition." I would say be being force-ably asphyxiated as shown in the video constitutes first degree murder and charges are warranted.

The lack of compassion shown by Chauvin and the time it took for him to die shows premeditation. This makes the job by decent law enforcement officers more difficult as there is a loss of trust. Further, This horrible incident subjects honest and decent Law enforcement officers to retaliation.

I just wonder how we manufacture people who have so little regard for life as to get a thrill from killing another person.

^ You hit the nail on the head, Platapus.

mapuc 05-28-20 02:21 PM


Originally Posted by Commander Wallace (Post 2673557)
I'm not so sure on this Markus. Your being from a country other than the U.S may give you a unique perspective and allow you to do a comparison and contrast with law enforcement in your own country.

Derek Chauvin, Thomas Lane, Tou Thao and J. Alexander Kueng were fired while Chauvin was the one identified who for lack of a better word, executed an unarmed and restrained, George Floyd.

Chauvin has an extensive record of complaints against him in his role of a police officer. Chauvin was never disciplined which is indicative of the culture of the police department in Minneapolis. The Internal Affairs apparently never acted on the complaints inside it's own department or considered the complaints without merit.

It's been said that George Floyd may have tried to pass a counterfeit $ 20 dollar bill. This may be true but did Floyd print it ? Did Floyd unknowingly pass on a bill that he himself got and didn't know was counterfeit or is that a cover story that the Minneapolis Police used to cover their bases. If Floyd was guilty, then the proper remedial action would be to arrest and charge Floyd and allow Floyd his day in court to stand trial. The officers acted as judge, jury and executioner.

The official report is that Floyd died of a " medical condition ". I never heard of a videotaped execution called a " medical condition." I would say be being force-ably asphyxiated as shown in the video constitutes first degree murder and charges are warranted.

The lack of compassion shown by Chauvin and the time it took for him to die shows premeditation. This makes the job by decent law enforcement officers more difficult as there is a loss of trust. Further, This horrible incident subjects honest and decent Law enforcement officers to retaliation.

I just wonder how we manufacture people who have so little regard for life as to get a thrill from killing another person.

^ You hit the nail on the head, Platapus.

A thought based on your reply.

If an American who wants to be a police officer had to go through some kind of psychological test. Would a person like Derek Chauvin passed this test ?

Because if you could remove those people before they take seat in the Police academy, it would be good thing.

As said in this Swedish news program some years ago.

From memory
Many want to be a police officer, but not everyone have the psychology to be a police officer.


Commander Wallace 05-28-20 04:08 PM


Originally Posted by mapuc (Post 2673583)
A thought based on your reply.

If an American who wants to be a police officer had to go through some kind of psychological test. Would a person like Derek Chauvin passed this test ?

Because if you could remove those people before they take seat in the Police academy, it would be good thing.

As said in this Swedish news program some years ago.

From memory
Many want to be a police officer, but not everyone have the psychology to be a police officer.


I'm really not sure Markus. From what I have heard, the lack of candidates has forced some police agencies I know of to lower the standards considerably to police cadets / recruits.

I remember going to college and one of my classmates aspired to be a police officer. As I understand it, he made it and quite frankly, he was dumber than a box of rocks and that's being kind.

There are good police officers, Markus and my comments are not an indictment of police officers, just the horribly bad ones. To Illustrate this point, I saw this video a few years ago and never forgot it. This is being a good law enforcement officer at it's best.

mapuc 05-28-20 04:36 PM

^Same here. 99-99.99 % is doing a fantastic job and I salute every police in the world.


Platapus 05-29-20 06:03 AM


Originally Posted by mapuc (Post 2673598)
^Same here. 99-99.99 % is doing a fantastic job and I salute every police in the world.


I agree. However, when good cops cover for bad cops, they are no longer good cops

Col7777 05-29-20 08:05 AM

I just watched the video, I've not seen the others that onlookers took.

I read the guy tried to pass a counterfeit $20 bill, if he knew it or not it's not like he was brandishing a gun or threatening anyone, in other word not a violent crime.
4 cops, one had him pinned down and handcuffed, I read there was one cop holding his legs yet I couldn't see that on this video, so if that is true he was well held down and not struggling.

I couldn't understand why they were holding him down for so long instead of putting him in the police car.

I once saw a police video where they stopped a guy and were holding him up at gun point, the guy had his arms raised.
One cop was yelling at him to lie down, as he went to move the other cop was also yelling at him not to move, in a way it was funny, neither of the cops were listening to what the other was yelling and the guy was nearly shot because of it.


vienna 05-29-20 09:04 AM

This TV news report has a snippet from a surveillance/security camera across the street from the scene where George Floyd died; at about :28 into the report, Floyd is shown being walked by two police officers across the street to a police vehicle as they get to the car, it appears Floyd trips or slips on the edge of the sidewalk next to the vehicle; up to that point, Floyd is not seen giving any resistance to the officers as they usher him to the vehicle:

Note that Floyd falls on the sidewalk side of the vehicle, but the death scene is on the opposite side of the vehicle; it would be interesting to see what happened during the move to the other side of the cruiser. Regardless of what transpired during those moments moving from one side of the vehicle to the other, there is no excuse for the actions of four officers leading a single non-resistant person to a car to use force way out of scale to not only the nature of the alleged crime Floyd was being accused of but, also, towards a compliant suspect. The knee to the neck is reminiscent of the choke/sleeper holds police officers used to use until they were banned in almost all police jurisdictions; the knee to the neck has the same potentially lethal effects of the banned holds: constriction of breathing airways, blockage of major arteries in the neck, the preventing of blood flow to the brain. There are other newly posted videos on YT of the incident, including some police body cam footage, and all, so far, shows a rather routine, non-threatening sort of encounter; officers seem to be almost casual about the whole encounter up until Floyd falls off the curb of the sidewalk. There were two other persons in Floyd's car at the time of his arrest and even they are not resisting and are shown as being rather casual about the situation...

I support the police departments, but I am not blind to the fact there are those who wear the badge who shouldn't. Even among the ranks of the officers, there is a disdain for the rouge or corrupt officers who make it all the more difficult for the vast majority of good officers to do their jobs and gain the trust of those they serve. There is a unit in the LAPD called the Metro Squad that had a very less then stellar reputation; they moved from area to area of the city and were tasked with 'cleaning up' crime rises as they occurred; their tactics, ethics, and morals were the subject of much criticism both inside and outside the force; for decades patrol officers dreaded the appearance of Metro in their areas because Metro would swoop in, indulge in their heavy handed brand of "justice" and leave, leaving the patrol officers to have to deal with the negative fallout from Metros actions. Metro, now, is a whole different team; the ineffectual Police Chief at the time of the 1992 riots was given the boot and subsequent chiefs, notably Bill Bratton, who did a through cleansing and reorganization/modernization of the LAPD, have made the force more acceptable to LA citizens; the level of respect shown to the LAPD officers now is remarkable in contrast with the former levels of distrust and fear...

The time is long overdue for police agencies to face the reality that coddling bad officers is a disservice to the fine work done by the larger majority of good officers; the same goes for the police unions: the automatic, knee-jerk, all-in backing a blatantly bad officers serves no purpose other than the harm of the good officers they are supposed to represent...


Platapus 05-29-20 12:22 PM

Jimbuna 05-29-20 01:36 PM

A police officer fired following the death of unarmed black man George Floyd in Minneapolis has been arrested and charged with murder and manslaughter.

Derek Chauvin is one of four police officers who were fired after Mr Floyd's death in custody on Monday.

Rockstar 05-29-20 02:14 PM


Originally Posted by Platapus (Post 2673762)

Ya know there could have been a chance at making some voices heard. But the corporate, political and media giants were quick to squash such ideas. The headlines made him out too unpatriotic or something wasn't it?

August 05-29-20 02:35 PM


Originally Posted by Rockstar (Post 2673802)
Ya know there could have been a chance at making some voices heard. But the corporate, political and media giants were quick to squash such ideas. The headlines made him out too unpatriotic or something wasn't it?

Kaperneck is just as wrong as the cop in my opinion and as they say two wrongs don't make a right.

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