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Rosco74 12-13-17 01:18 PM

WoS : Deck Awash problems
I used to play a lot the Wolves of Steel mod, everything is perfect except the deck’ awash condition. Maybe someone found a solution and I just post this concern on the forum to find a solution.

When at deck awash depth, even if the kiosk is of course above the sea level, the game consider the submarine as below the water line.... so he is a list of annoyances that alter my game experience :

- you cannot use the binoculars at all
- you cannot ask your kiosk crew about any visual contact, as the icon are greyed like if you were underwater.
- you cannot request a celestial fix, as before the guy consider the sub underwater.
- you cannot request the weather outside, same as above.

The binocular is the main problem, as I love to use them because of their better zoom level.
If anyone have a solution around thank you very much

THEBERBSTER 12-13-17 03:58 PM

Hi Rosco

When at deck awash depth, even if the kiosk is of course above the sea level, the game consider the submarine as below the water line.... so he is a list of annoyances that alter my game experience :
Use TDW's Options File Editor Viewer and go to the Patches Tab and set your depth to how you want to play your game.


- you cannot use the binoculars at all
- you cannot ask your kiosk crew about any visual contact, as the icon are greyed like if you were underwater.
- you cannot request a celestial fix, as before the guy consider the sub underwater.
- you cannot request the weather outside, same as above.
The binocular is the main problem, as I love to use them because of their better zoom level.
This has been done purposely to stop you over using the Decks Awash option.

Rosco74 12-13-17 08:14 PM

Ok thanks for the info, I leave it like that then, the basic setting 7.2 meters depth sounds good, this was just strange I couldn't use the binoculars.

Bernardi 04-19-23 03:07 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Sorry for reviving this.

I believe this is the option THEBERBSTER is referring but unfortunately that actually only changes the depth in which the u-boat dives when you press the deck awash button.

Attachment 5702

while i look for it myself if anyone can shed a light on what the correct option is i would really appreciate it. :up:

Just to make it clear what im looking for is the option that changes the depth that the game considers the u-boat to be under water so i can increase it. That way when using the deck awash command or even in rough seas i don't keep losing the binoculars and other things.

Dönitz78 04-24-23 08:32 AM

It would be great to fix that! I'm also looking to create a hotkey to request submerged bridge so I can remove the in-game depth bar for more immersion. If anyone has any ideas please let me know.

OLZS 03-02-24 12:14 PM

I think it can be fixed. Today I will test on all boats and let you know.

OLZS 03-02-24 03:37 PM

Kal_Maximus_U669 03-02-24 06:45 PM

Good evening everyone, the “flood bridge” technique...
It seems to me that this technique can be used to reduce the silhouette of the Uboat... it can also facilitate a rapid dive.. it can also increase the autonomy of the action radius... I think that is the first idea.. our sailor friends on deck have difficulty seeing, except of course in really calm seas 0 m/s see 2 to 3m/s..but maybe someone more seasoned like John Pancoast.. derstosstrupp.. sheds more light on the subject I'm going to investigate myself...:03:

Kal_Maximus_U669 03-02-24 06:53 PM

un premier article ici de notre amie bstanko6 chapter 13

Particularly interesting

Kal_Maximus_U669 03-02-24 08:26 PM

Now I don't see where the problem I am in the "flood deck" position my crew is on deck without problem my instruments work...all work...the weather plays a crucial factor in my opinion...As I imagined above...... According to my initial research, the technique was used for nocturnal attacks.
even during the bad weather to stabilize the boat..this technique is used to hide the boat from what I understood the engineering had to be top notch because there were risks..besides it is not easy to find things about internet... but let's wait for feedback from other Subsimmers..
In Action.. Screens..
I'm even going to try to gain a few centimeters..

Kal_Maximus_U669 03-02-24 10:40 PM


Originally Posted by OLZS (Post 2904607)

But we go down to 6m.20... I went down to 7m.40 but I actually lose the binoculars... that doesn't bother me.!! Uzo works for the attack... the binoculars are secondary... they are more used for observations from very far away... Maybe Vecko knows the problem... and can tell us more...:yep:

OLZS 03-02-24 11:56 PM

Thanks for your answers! :up:

Kal_Maximus_U669 03-03-24 12:29 PM

Deck wash fix ...totally useless ..
To modify your appointment in your general TWoS - OptionsFileEditorViewer
then save and it's good there is no need to fix's illusory..:har:

derstosstrupp 03-04-24 07:11 PM

This is almost entirely a game functionality. Decks awash is extremely dangerous in real life, the center of gravity shifts, and the boat can easily capsize due to waves. When diving and surfacing, this point is crossed quickly, but to travel this way is dangerous, and was forbidden by the diving regulations. There were exceptions, U-995 flooded down to the point where her decks were awash to enter a Norwegian fjord. And there are a few other instances I have seen, so it’s a matter of weighing the relative risks. There is also the issue of the boat undercutting in this situation, without warning, especially at night, without ample time for the bridge watch to notice. So the risks are many. And in most situations, it was moot - the profile of a surfaced submarine was incredibly difficult to spot at night anyway in a normal swim condition A or B situation.

The game gives you none of the associated risks. I don’t use it, except for simulating exhaust blowing when surfacing. I will go decks awash, come topside, check the horizon to make sure all clear, and only then order a full surface, to simulate the standard surfacing procedure of blowing only a little high-pressure air into the ballast tanks, and then emptying them using diesel exhaust.

OLZS 03-05-24 06:16 AM


Originally Posted by derstosstrupp (Post 2904919)
This is almost entirely a game functionality. Decks awash is extremely dangerous in real life, the center of gravity shifts, and the boat can easily capsize due to waves. When diving and surfacing, this point is crossed quickly, but to travel this way is dangerous, and was forbidden by the diving regulations. There were exceptions, U-995 flooded down to the point where her decks were awash to enter a Norwegian fjord. And there are a few other instances I have seen, so it’s a matter of weighing the relative risks. There is also the issue of the boat undercutting in this situation, without warning, especially at night, without ample time for the bridge watch to notice. So the risks are many. And in most situations, it was moot - the profile of a surfaced submarine was incredibly difficult to spot at night anyway in a normal swim condition A or B situation.

The game gives you none of the associated risks. I don’t use it, except for simulating exhaust blowing when surfacing. I will go decks awash, come topside, check the horizon to make sure all clear, and only then order a full surface, to simulate the standard surfacing procedure of blowing only a little high-pressure air into the ballast tanks, and then emptying them using diesel exhaust.


Kal_Maximus_U669 03-05-24 11:22 AM

Deck wash..
I would like to warmly thank @Derstosstrupp ... Peter in @THEBERBSTER..whom I contacted by PM
For their spontaneity.. they kindly provided me with this information.. and other information that I needed

I remind you of the very useful links of @derstosstrupp which are a mine of information...for lovers of authentic

Unique Targeting Shop:
Ma chaîne YouTube :

as well as @THEBERBSTER for beginners with learning difficulties


Bernardi 04-04-24 02:58 PM

i have spend the whole day today looking inside the game files for a place i could change at what depth the game considers the submarine surfaced or submerged without success.

The closest option i found was called "BelowThisDepthDontReceiveRadio" currently set to "14" i cant believe we woudnt have a similar option for visual contacts for exemple or binoculars use.

I did manage to increase the deck awash depth and increase the time necessary in rough seas for the game to detect the sub as submerged, there must be a option somewhere to increase the depth you need to be to have it consider you underwater... Someone like TheDarkWraith would absolutely know something like this but im afraid this guy doesnt come here anymore. :hmmm:

Bernardi 04-04-24 03:09 PM


Originally Posted by Kal_Maximus_U669 (Post 2904726)
To modify your appointment in your general TWoS - OptionsFileEditorViewer
then save and it's good there is no need to fix's illusory..:har:

Sorry but you probably didnt read the entire thread before posting this, i have already pointed out that is not the option we are looking for.

That option you mention only changes the pre-defined deck awash depth and not at which depth the game considers when the sub is underwater which again, im supposing is the value the game uses to determine if you can use certain things as for example: visual contact reports, binos, weather report, sextant, etc...

Also to the people debating the realism of peforming such tactic im thankfull for your input as it is always interesting to learn about these things but this type of debate only really serves to derail the thread from its original mission which is "Finding the value that decides when the sub is considered submerged in game".

Hope we can get back on topic.

Kal_Maximus_U669 04-04-24 04:28 PM


Originally Posted by Bernardi (Post 2908079)
Sorry but you probably didnt read the entire thread before posting this, i have already pointed out that is not the option we are looking for.

That option you mention only changes the pre-defined deck awash depth and not at which depth the game considers when the sub is underwater which again, im supposing is the value the game uses to determine if you can use certain things as for example: visual contact reports, binos, weather report, sextant, etc...

Also to the people debating the realism of peforming such tactic im thankfull for your input as it is always interesting to learn about these things but this type of debate only really serves to derail the thread from its original mission which is "Finding the value that decides when the sub is considered submerged in game".

Hope we can get back on topic.

Hey Bernardi..

First thing I make no claims...I apply the modifications I want in the game...unlike you who don't understand anything..!!
I don't really like your assessments of my discussion...I have in no way derailed the son on the contrary...did you rework the entire discussion...?? I doubt it... otherwise you would know how to make the "deck wash" option work
in TWoS - OptionsFileEditorViewer..
I operate at 7.50 meters without problems..
do you understand what you are reading? I don't think otherwise you would know how to implement it correctly in the mods..
Peter clarified that the binoculars don't (this is intentional) for someone who claims to have read the file it's not great..
I have no problem understanding...Realism I play without help..Realism here is "relative" it is a simulator game which tries to approach realism...
Our "modder" friends have done fantastic work..which makes the game much more enjoyable, believe!!
I never play without mods..
Now I do not allow you to judge the discussions to know who understands what here.. I am here to help if necessary.. if I can... then it would be good for you to do the same.. thank you:yep:
I repeat it for the last time, everything works except the binoculars..
Ah yes this guy as you call he is a great modder "TheDarkWraith" and not a guy..
have you tried to contact him via PM I think not!!..stop your judgments and assumptions I will stop there with you and I will return to what animates me here..

Bernardi 04-04-24 05:15 PM


Originally Posted by Kal_Maximus_U669 (Post 2908086)
Hey Bernardi..

First thing I make no claims...I apply the modifications I want in the game...unlike you who don't understand anything..!!
I don't really like your assessments of my discussion...I have in no way derailed the son on the contrary...did you rework the entire discussion...?? I doubt it... otherwise you would know how to make the "deck wash" option work
in TWoS - OptionsFileEditorViewer..
I operate at 7.50 meters without problems..
do you understand what you are reading? I don't think otherwise you would know how to implement it correctly in the mods..
Peter clarified that the binoculars don't (this is intentional) for someone who claims to have read the file it's not great..
I have no problem understanding...Realism I play without help..Realism here is "relative" it is a simulator game which tries to approach realism...
Our "modder" friends have done fantastic work..which makes the game much more enjoyable, believe!!
I never play without mods..
Now I do not allow you to judge the discussions to know who understands what here.. I am here to help if necessary.. if I can... then it would be good for you to do the same.. thank you:yep:
I repeat it for the last time, everything works except the binoculars..
Ah yes this guy as you call he is a great modder "TheDarkWraith" and not a guy..
have you tried to contact him via PM I think not!!..stop your judgments and assumptions I will stop there with you and I will return to what animates me here..

I dont know why you got so agressive but that is fine, based on your response i can only assume you completely misread what i wrote as im left screatching my head to what you actually mean, im sorry if i offended you in any way. Hopefully other people can chip in about what the OP wanted to fix.

And no, all of the rest doesnt work as i have tested it today extencively. I might have something wrong so if you could please demonstrate your sub at a depth of 7.5 and still being able to for exemple, ask the watch officer for a contact report, that wwould be highly appreciated! ;)

see the image below to understand what i want you to use, try to click on that option on the bottom while you at 7.5 meters

Im trying my best to keep this discussion on topic as much as possible, the binoculars are only but ONE of the things OP has mentioned, (other things that dont work at a depth of 6m include: "Head to View, Sending radio reports, maximum range at current speed report, etc.." we are trying to fix a much bigger problem here, realism is irrelevant in this discussion as much as i like some realism! :)

I would like to remind people that we are in the MODS section for SH5, people can make mods that give you GODMODE and NOCLIP for all i care, we are not discussing realism.

Cheers :Kaleun_Cheers:

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