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Onkel Neal 08-23-08 02:36 AM

Earliest Subsim forum member - you? Prove it!
The Subsim Radio Room forums began in ~1998-99, with a Matt's CGI script forum. Unfortunately, all those threads are gone. :dead:

Then we switched to a hosted forum, EZBoard. Sniff, them's all gone, too. :cry: Edit: the posts are gone but the Wayback Machine still lists the threads and forums here.

And around 2002 I got bold and setup a phpBB 1.4.4 forum, and we have most of the threads and discussions from then until now, progressing through phpBB 2.19 and the current vBulletin premier software.

Members come and go, but there are some who still post regularly here. Bill Nichols, John Channing, EAST, Deamon, XabbaRus, kilorocky, and others come to mind.

My challenge to you: if you have been posting here since way back, search the archives and post a link to your earliest post. If you want to claim time from the Matt's Script/EZBoard era. make a claim and post some recollections from that time, what you remember discussing, with whom, and what was the big deal at that time. :) Post your memories, claims, and flat out lies here.

The winner will receive a Subsim Ping Prize, which you can brag about or sell on ebay and then retire.

Good hunting!

Sailor Steve 08-23-08 07:23 AM


Originally Posted by Neal Stevens
Post your memories, claims, and flat out lies here.

I taught Neal everything he knows, and I helped set up the original forum. I also helped set up the Cavalla museum, where I was most useful because I actually served on that submarine during the First World War. I jumped ship in Vietnam to lead the first airborne in the attack on Suk Muk Dik, but was back on board in time to help negotiate the Paris peace talks. Most recently I helped put out the great Subsim fire, for which I was awarded the Blessed Ugly Lady's Loving Safety and Health In Texas medal.

When people talk about me, they talk about my way with women, my straight shootin', my scintillating conversation and rousing wit, not to mention my muscular body and heroic chiseled jaw; but mostly they speak of my overwhelming modesty.

As well they should.

Koondawg 08-23-08 07:33 AM

I drove the horse and buggy, which by a miracle, made it through the snow, uphill both ways, against the earths rotation, to deliver the coffee can and string internet to Neals shack...:lol:

PS: The date it shows me joining got FUBAR'd when the Subsim fire Steve so bravely fought to put out...

STEED 08-23-08 07:36 AM


Originally Posted by Sailor Steve
When people talk about me, they talk about my way with women

Whens the book coming out?

Koondawg 08-23-08 07:48 AM


Whens the book coming out?
short story....still in publication :rotfl:

Letum 08-23-08 09:01 AM

I remember when all this was just fields.


Platapus 08-23-08 09:19 AM

I remember my first post here

I was in a discussion with Cornelius Jacobszoon Drebbel. We used to call him CJ. His screen name was Cornyzoom. We were discussing the designs of Willy Bourne (screen name StrokerSub)

I remember it well as our discussion was derailed by John Wilkins who went by the screen name Bishop.

Gosh it seemed like only yesterday. :yep:

Biggles 08-23-08 10:18 AM

I'm a real greenhorn....

My very first post is on page three of that thread....

Chad 08-23-08 12:19 PM

I searched the archives for awhile, and I found the earliest post i could find, and it was on my old nickname U-421.. The nickname i used for the WPL also.

Obviously based on how i was talking, it seems like it goes further back. I was a member of WPL clear back around July 2001, a bit before SH2 was initially released.

Spoon 11th 08-23-08 12:51 PM

I'm not the oldest member, but here's my oldest post that is still available:

Anybody remember the gorilla picture I made? It had the 11th flotilla emblem tattooed to it's shoulder. EZBoard era I presume. Spring/summer 2001 while waiting for SH2.

AVGWarhawk 08-23-08 01:09 PM

I'm certainly not the oldest member as I joined in 2005. I did nothing but lurk or was busy playing IL2 and did not hang here much. Then, low and behold in 2006, I start a thread and poll that would probably get locked in a New York minute these days:


Syxx_Killer 08-23-08 01:18 PM

I guess when I look at my profile and view all my posts, they don't go as far back as when I joined. :oops: I joined back in 2003 (I can't believe it has been that long!). I had lurked around a bit before that when I got Jane's 688i Hunter-Killer. I remember downloading a patch for it off Subsim. Anywho, what got me to sign up and register was a contest for Dangerous Waters or SH3 I believe. I don't remember which sim it was (or maybe Sub Command). All I had to do was post in the thread to be entered for a chance to win the game and I think the devs would sign it. I probably got the contest bit all wrong by now, but that is the gist of it. :lol:

Sailor Steve 08-23-08 02:39 PM


Originally Posted by Koondawg

Whens the book coming out?
short story....still in publication :rotfl:


How well they know me. But the true, inspiring and and heavily edited version is set to be started as soon as my ghostwriter, the legendary novelist Johann Sebastian (Brag for short) Balz can find the time to get away from selling his equally legendary tea cozy collection on Ebay.

nikimcbee 08-23-08 03:22 PM

I found subsim pre- SH2 days, but under a different user name. I couldn't find myself in there.:cry: I was the first one to post about problems with the AI for the destroyers in SH2.

The old E:rt posts are funny to read. All of the promised features:roll: :nope: (flyable aircraft, land, etc; then there's multiplayer:nope: ) I think every 3 months there's a post that multiplayer is "almost" ready:rotfl: :roll: .

Blacklight 08-23-08 04:15 PM

I wasn't signed up back then so I didn't post, but I read the boards regularly. It's wierd because I remember reading a lot of those posts about 688i HK.

Another wonderful thing I discovered in that archive is links to two 688i HK sites that are actually still up and have downloads. I've been pretty much unable to find downloads for 688i anywhere !:up:

Here is a link for custom scenarios. There's a bunch there that aren't posted in the download area of Subsim:

Also, since 688i has a hard time running right with more than a certain ammount of scenarios in it's scenario folder, here's a link to a utility to manage them that is still up :

I'd love to get my hands on more of those old missions ! I recall Seawolves back then had hundreds (Which I had and then lost the floppies they were on) :nope:

I also remember reading this thread and having a bit of a laugh:

geetrue 08-23-08 04:47 PM

03-19-2007, 06:12 PM



Cold War Boomer

Join Date: Jan 2002

Location: Walla Walla
Posts: 1,547

Originally Posted by waste gate
To be fair this thread should be established. If you have anything to contribute this will be the place to place it. 'Code' may be usefull for the folks at UbiSoft.

To be fair you should purchase the game and then complain, wastegate ...

your just stirring things up for personal reasons that you evidently have left undisclosed ...

I've been a sub sim member since 1999 and never have I seen anyone start a thread like the one you just started about how everyone shouldn't purchase the game.

What's in it for you to make everyone angry ... you don't even come over here. You should go sit it out and think about it.

Watch out which side your own everyone ... his vanity is showing
(notice no smiley's)


03-19-2007, 09:00 PM


Cold War Boomer

Join Date: Jan 2002

Location: Walla Walla
Posts: 1,547

Originally Posted by Reece
Quote: Reece
Geetrue said: I've been a sub sim member since 1999
But under your avator it says: Join Date: Jan 2002.
Sorry Geetrue, just had to do it!

I can answer that question better than the attorney general can answer why he fired those eight attorney's ... lol
You see when I joined in 1999 ... Neal had a different server and as the forum kept growing he changed it like three times to what it is today. Which resets join date and number of post ...

I use to be
geetrue2 and enjoyed many good visits to to fellowship with like minded people in love with submarines and submarine sims ...

You should have seen the thread wars we had in the old days ... Those guys really knew how to fling it too, but SH2 came and went, SH3 is still hanging in there and SH4 will be top sub sim as soon as the modders get through.

If the good Lord be willing I'll still be here for SH5 ...

03-19-2007, 09:35 PM


Ocean Warrior

Join Date: Sep 2003

Location: Down Under
Posts: 3,237

@Geetrue: Well slap my mouth!!

I have more proof than my own witness a year and a half ago ... i have old sea stories on a back up hdd ... I'll go find them.

I've been onboard since 1999 ... started out as geetrue2.

Been through several server changes ... someone said those old sea stories were still floating around out there in the wheeo' wheeo' world.

Ask Torplexed or Takada ... I was here before they were ... I was here for 911 waiting for Destroyer Command to come out.

Plus I think I attended the first or second sub sim meeting in Los Angeles in the spring of 2002.

I've wandered around the web, but subsim's international community is the best for getting a good feeling for what other people in the world think ... sim wise and world news wise.

Onkel Neal 08-23-08 06:57 PM


Originally Posted by Sailor Steve

Originally Posted by Neal Stevens
Post your memories, claims, and flat out lies here.

I taught Neal everything he knows, and I helped set up the original forum. I also helped set up the Cavalla museum, where I was most useful because I actually served on that submarine during the First World War. I jumped ship in Vietnam to lead the first airborne in the attack on Suk Muk Dik, but was back on board in time to help negotiate the Paris peace talks. Most recently I helped put out the great Subsim fire, for which I was awarded the Blessed Ugly Lady's Loving Safety and Health In Texas medal.

When people talk about me, they talk about my way with women, my straight shootin', my scintillating conversation and rousing wit, not to mention my muscular body and heroic chiseled jaw; but mostly they speak of my overwhelming modesty.

As well they should.

Man, I think we've found our press agent! :rotfl:

StdDev 08-23-08 09:44 PM


Originally Posted by geetrue

Plus I think I attended the first or second sub sim meeting in Los Angeles in the spring of 2002.

I've wandered around the web, but subsim's international community is the best for getting a good feeling for what other people in the world think ... sim wise and world news wise.

Tis True!! I was there with ya G!

As I recall Neal was in LA at some game convention and several of us met him at his hotel and we went out to dinner.

Back in them thar days I spent my time on the Wolf Pack League board..
I remember makin plans on how we would decimate the Destroyer Command players when it finally released...
.. and then when DC was released I became one of the several *ahem* fairly adept Destroyer captains :p
In fact I was leader of First Fleet for quite a while when I succeeded Onager

I do miss those days............... ;)

Chad 08-24-08 01:08 AM

I remember ole Onager :up:

For awhile, I was Flotilla Commander of the 29th Flotilla, and was suceeded and given command of the 3rd Flotilla.

Those were the good days, I still look fondly back at WPL and the times we had :D

Fish 08-24-08 06:52 AM

My first post must be back in 1999, no proof of course.
I was one of the people on the 'Fix My 688(I) Campain?
With my real name that is.
Kurt Sailor
David Oliver
Gerald Lanier
Jacob A. Boswell
Mike Curtis
Christopher Flynn
Kelly Crowe
Nathan Crossno
Willem Peschier
Saint-Jean André
Jeff Hogueison

I found some older post with Fish, but thats not me, I remember I couldn't register back in with my nick (Fish) when the old forum didn't exist anylonger.
There are post from 2001.


I found a older post by Capt Fish (didn't remember that nick). :)


Capt Fish
Posts: 1
(1/28/01 9:05:58 am)

Re: Big big problems with 688(i)
Hi Horrgakx, did you try the SeaWolves message board?
I am sure you not alone with your system spec.

Personal info:
Age. 61

Location. The Netherlands

Occupation. Retired

Hobbies. Fishing, especialy Fly-fishing.

Personal Bio. today, fleet commander of the 10th fleet, SeaWolves.

This post is even 20 days older:

3/8/01 4:11:33 am
by: Capt Fish

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