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Skybird 09-21-19 01:03 PM

The Revelation of Greta: no heavens behind the heavens

Although we are all guilty, there are major culprits. The environmental crisis appears in the perspective of climate savers as a crisis of market-driven economics, suggesting an anti-capitalist thrust, because it is the industrial societies of the North, so the certainty, which are largely responsible for the destruction of nature. While environmental problems can be easily reduced to the friend-to-foe ratio, the treatment - better: non-treatment - of population growth by the „rebel camp“ shows that no opponent can be fixed here to whom one can base his moral appeals.
In the notion of climate saviors, „nature“ somehow replaces the proletariat: it is suppressed, exploited, destroyed. Since the Western market economy is considered to be a major cause, we find here the break-in point for a centralist, quasi-socialist policy, for example about environmental norms and their monitoring (which makes sense at first), could install a kind of ecodicture, planning and planning requires a controlling state. To save humanity, totalitarian visions are uttered without any shame. Thus, Fridays for Future calls for a global, total mobilization of resources to rescue, to an extent „similar to wartime“.
It is striking that the intersection between the climate hysterics and the no-border fraction is practically 100 percent. Characteristic of these movements are their maximum demands, which do not reveal an empirical limitation or any reference to reality. This is the motto of the „Extinction Rebellion“ because also succinctly: „Riot or extinction.“ That these movements as well as the demands for an unlimited immigration, especially in Germany so many believing followers, is no coincidence (see mine Essay „German Hysteria“ on the Axis). Idealism, hypermorality, perfection, exaggeration and adherence to principles are downright striking unique selling points, even to their own self-destruction. So what could be more appropriate than to raise the issue of universal human rights or „climate rescue“ to a principle that must be applied in any case, whatever the cost? In this respect, the „climate refugee“ is the ideal synthesis of two self-convergent discourses.

Skybird 09-21-19 02:01 PM

Somewhat complementing the above.

Catfish 09-21-19 04:44 PM

Who could ever blame good old capitalism for raping the world?

u crank 09-21-19 05:02 PM


Originally Posted by Catfish (Post 2628376)
Who could ever blame good old capitalism for raping the world?

Kinda rich, a song about the evils of capitalism from a guy who's entire success and subsequent wealth come from said capitalism.

JU_88 09-21-19 05:23 PM

Yes global living conditions were so much better before capitalism, right? :hmmm:
Capitalism indeed has its flaws (as does everything else.)
It is by its nature more wasteful and destructive compared to alternatives. That said we have had the biggest era of overall peace and prosperity the world has ever seen and that is down to capitalism also, so some credit where its due.
Nothing is so black and white.

Mr Quatro 09-21-19 05:23 PM

Capitalism explained:

There once was a Vietnam refugee who got a job as a janitor in a shopping mall ... He noticed three stores had closed in the mall. He asked permission to open one on his limited credit. The store did so well that he was able to obtain the other two stores (fast food I believe, but not certain).

Vietnam refugee janitor makes all three stores successful becomes a millionaire and returns to Vietnam for a visit bringing artificial limbs with him for his handicap countrymen.

True story :yep:

mapuc 09-21-19 05:39 PM

It's nothing wrong with a person who start his or her life as poor and become rich as old-it is how they became rich..did they hurt other people in the effort to become rich then its not ok(not by me it ain't)

Environment and the climate thing.

The only thing I can say is the biggest looser is us the ordinary people or the voters who fall for all those fairy tales the politicians tell the climate-worried people or voters.


JU_88 09-21-19 06:40 PM

I freely admit I'm quite ignorant on the subject of man made climate change, what the exact science is, and where peoples motivations lie on both sides of that debate is sketchy at best.
but simply - to go with the hippy activists and Gretas who later then turn out to be wrong- nothing really bad happens. To go with the neocon denier types who then later turn out to be wrong, well then we are royally screwed.
So id be inclined go with the hippies on that one :P just to err on the side of caution. but i'm not about to superglue my self to a road in protest or start foaming at the mouth when people merely suggest my instincts are wrong.

Chances are we screwed anyway later by a comet or something but at least we can say that was beyond our control.

Reece 09-21-19 07:03 PM


Originally Posted by JU_88 (Post 2628386)
Chances are we screwed anyway later by a comet or something but at least we can say that was beyond our control.

Not if we're all dead!! :oops::yep:

Rockstar 09-21-19 10:26 PM


Originally Posted by Reece (Post 2628390)
Not if we're all dead!! :oops::yep:

Catfish 09-22-19 05:38 AM

^:rotfl2::rotfl2: :up:


Originally Posted by JU_88 (Post 2628379)
Yes global living conditions were so much better before capitalism, right? :hmmm:

Did i say that all capitalism or the idea behind it is bad? Has there really ever been a time without 'capitalism' if you define the latter as giving and receiving something for it, from exchanging goods to using money to ease it up? I know capitalism is defined by owning money, but if you have goods, like shells or wood or bread or whatever to trade to exchange it for something, there is not such a big difference? Is there any country in the world that does not run on capitalistic basics?
What i do not like is that it is used as excuse (people are so much better off with it) for justifying pure relentless greed.
What exactly is the reason for burning down rain forest to have more cattle, if not for making more money and fk the consequences for the rest of the world? Who do you want to make responsible?

I am just not buying Skybirds absolutist opinion that any try to improve general living conditions with focus on nature and environment is "bad" just because it is so cool of him to despise dumb Greta.
Wait until companies discover how much money can be made with environmental technology or 'saving the world' :03:

Skybird 09-22-19 05:42 AM

What really is behind it all is a deep-rooting desire for destroying market economy and capitalism, and the burgoise society anyway.

Skybird 09-22-19 05:50 AM

Opinion piece on the expensive german climate package just deciced by the government gangsters for 53 bn - money that they themselves do nto have to pay, but want to blackmail from the working people.

And the Greens in Germany? They just announced they want to battle against the climate package in the Bundesrat, because they want it uch, much worse, and push expropriation and totalitarianism to a new climax unseen since the GDR and the Third Reich. As some Green sympathiser last year said on some demonstration: if somebody owns more than he wears in clothing and carries with his both hands this is evidence that the state needs to take control of his belongings so to fight greed and social injustice. When I red that last year, I had to swallow and for a moment I feared for my own wellbeing and life.

Jimbuna 09-22-19 06:07 AM


Originally Posted by Rockstar (Post 2628403)


Catfish 09-22-19 06:24 AM


Originally Posted by Skybird (Post 2628440)
Opinion piece on the expensive german climate package [...] .

ikalugin 09-22-19 08:12 AM

Considering how the modern western middle class (especially on the internet) revolves around virtue (and virtue signalling) it is not surprising that they would support an extremist (due to her psycological condition she sees the world as black and white) child fighting the original sin (that noone can atone for fully) of man made global warming.

JU_88 09-23-19 03:32 AM

Greta is 16, she like most 16 year old knows very little, she is just a tool or poster child. (literally)

The trouble is while I do care about environmental causes, I'm not so prepared to back activism like extinction rebellion and green new deal, when it quickly becomes apparent they have laced their environmental demands with many other unrelated political demands -usually related to 'social justice' some of it copy and pasted straight out of the communist manifesto.

its then quickly clear that the welfare of the planet is only half of what motivates them. the other half being, they just want power, and environmental activism is the tool in which to get it .

Its a shame, If it was sincerely about the environment, id support them. but that's not the entirety of what I'm being sold. Most of those who support these activist groups around the world are genuinely good/concerned people who maybe didn't read the small print.

Same with any political movement i guess, while the intentions of most are 'good' in some perceived way. Those leading the charge almost always have ulterior motives and some less palatable ideas on the back burner.
And what easier way for an extremist to climb the ladder than to hijack or leach off other popular pre-existing groups.

Skybird 09-23-19 04:09 AM

All true, and I add to it this: any environment protection claim I cannot take serious anymore if no attention at all gets paid to where most of it takes place, and how isnaenly high the population level of mankind on this planet is. China emissions are higher than that of the uS and Europe together, and tiny Germany plans to flagellate itself to compensate? India openly threatens to boycott any climate protection efforts if the West resists to its blackmail for getting billions and billiosn transferred?

Its about destroying the buregoise society model, and to destroy market economy and capitalism, the latter notoriouly confused with monopolism.

What it should be about, is how to adapt to life in a warmer world. becasue we cnanot prevent the globe from heating up anymore. We stupidly and headlessly waste our finajcial ressourvces for a battle already lost, and then will lack these ressources when it is about adapting to the new world global wamring is creatign right now, all around us, everywhere.

Hysterical actionism. Collective brainwashing. Creating a new, a socialist man. Parasitism, at both directions. Thats what its all about.

Children in the streets? For them its a Riesengaudi. And they arwe tolerated to not attend school lessons, what child does not like that? What child says no to soft drinks, sweets and fast food? Some of the child "leaders" will enter politics as soon as they have left school. No need for them to learn a job or profession anymore. The crowd is applauding the tics of tomorrow here.

JU_88 09-23-19 05:23 AM

Its about destroying the bourgeois up to a point, they want to tear down the mega rich and upper classes a peg or three, and redistribute their wealth and resources to the marginalized and down trodden.

but - not so much tear down the middle classes, because that means most of them - they are rather bourgeois themselves in the eyes of the working class, who tend to support capitalism and meritocracy despite being on a lower rung.

Because of this we have middle class who simultaneously punches both up and down, but they either cannot recognize it when they do the latter. or They justify it by shifting the focus on to someone even lower down, such as a refugee or another marginalized group they want to protect/uplift.

So we get the curious situation where white collars, Academics and journalists can now tell manual laborers and blue collars to 'check their privilege'. (and my god - its getting old)
This works in metropolitan / diverse cities, but it alienates the more homogeneous towns and rural areas. because there, you have a very different demographic at the bottom of the pile.

As soon as the left introduced Intersectionality, they abandoned those people, and the right was quick to scoop them up. And where else could they go?

Jimbuna 09-23-19 05:36 AM

^On that we can both most definitely agree :yep:

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