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sergei 10-24-09 07:12 AM


Originally Posted by Sil (Post 1193933)
External view is removed in TMO

11.) How do i get the next/ previous camera back?

The easiest way is to open the /data/cfg/commands.cfg in TMO. Search for " [Cmd50] " Your looking for these two blocks:



Simply remove the semicolon placed in front of the key assignment, and you have the next/previous cameras back. Note: this will restore hotkeys. It will not restore the buttons on the ordersbar.

From the readme that nobody reads :DL

cgjimeneza 10-24-09 07:43 AM

stay with TMO

Originally Posted by Sil (Post 1193933)
External view is removed in TMO. Some say that we can find free camera mod somewhere here, but I couldn't found one. (Webster's free camera mod didn't solve it)

Anyway, I'm totally new SH player, never seen this series before. I haven't even start any campaign, I've been testing mods and trying to learn manual targeting. And when I'm reading your posts I'm realizing that TMO is maybe a little bit too harsh for a newbie like me who don't have any experience even with stock game. Maybe I should start with GFO mod or something first? Get some practice, learn the game. What do you think, guys?

Be patient, as you say, you are still learning...

TMO changes the game in a big way, as the other two supermods do. (RFB and FOTRS), but you dont want to go back to stock, ever, this three super mods make SH4 a simulator and not a shooter...

have patience my friend, learn to do a manual targetting solution, print your circular tools (I have a lot ef them) and most important enjoy the inmersion in the pacific area

good luck

I'm goin' down 10-24-09 01:19 PM

Sil - My recommendation
I disagree with cgjmeneza (that is one tough name to spell!). TMO is a ball buster, as the dds are ferocious and tough to beat. I recommend you learn using an easier major mod.

First, one easier major mod that has terrific graphics is FOTRS. I have not used GFO, but Webster's mod fixes are usually well done (see below for my mod list).

If you don't like TOO MANY PLANES, use Webster's Better Air Patrols mod to reduce their number.

Second, and I have recommended this before, get manual targeting down cold. I would proceed with manual targeting in this order:

1. Download Hitman's PDF tutorial on Manual Targeting at 100 percent realism. Print it. Read it. To really understand it, you have to follow it line by line through several attacks. It is a brilliant explanation, and you will learn the theory behind manual targeting. Understanding aspect ratio is crucial.

2. After you have mastered Hitman's tutorial, you should understand the theory behind the Dick O'Kane attack (See Rockin Robbins and Werner Sobe's video tutorials under the Skipper's Bag of Tricks tutorial sticky) which is a basic attack (a broadside attack) using manual targeting. It should be the second item to master on manual targeting. The recommendations in paragraphs 1. and 2. are best applied on attacks at around 1,000 yds. when learning manual targeting.

Then you jump into the cool stuff.

3. Download and use Max Optics & SCAF fix mod if they are not already in use in the game, and do the same with the Easy AoB mod. Max Optics & SCAF will trump manual calculation of the aspect ratio described in Hitman's' tutorial. It will help you determine the target's range. (Important - Once you turn the PK on, you can confirm you torpedo angle calculated by the PK on the Attack Map.)

4. The Easy AoB mod will make working the TGT dials (on the upper right of the periscope screen) much easier. It is an indispensable aid. It is located in the mod forum in Neal Steven's mod link. Using the mods in nos. 3 and 4, you can attack at long range, over 3,000 yds., and hit moving targets at angled shots. If the target is stationary, you can attack at really long range (in excess of 5,000 yds.) with careful planning and good visibility.

5. At this point, you can throw in the Cromwell Attack technique which is a variation of the O'Kane attack, except that it is at an angle and can be at long range, and the Sonar only attacks. See Rockin Robbins and Werner Sobe's videos under Skipper's Bag of Tricks sticky.

You should be sinking some ships by now.

Three things left, and you are ready for graduation.

6. Master turning your boat and hitting the target with the aft torpedoes once you have locked the PK on the target.

7. Download and try to figure out the Solution Solver by gutted, which was recently developed. Use it.

8. Review the tutorials on attacking multiple targets (I have sunk three ships in one attack on a few occasions, but never four.) See the sticky described above for a tutorial.

Where will you end up? Not that long ago, I used all kinds of mods. Now I use only a few. I play TMO 1.7 to 1.8 Beta. It is the toughest of the big campaign mods, but the beta version is the most sophisticated. Ducimus, its main creator, outdid himself.

Here is a list of the mods and programs I use with TMO 1.7 to 1.8 beta.

1. Easy AoB by Nicolas and ddgrn. It took the forum by storm and was a major advancement in manual targeting which I describe as the first of a new generation of attack tools.

2. EZPlot V1.0, because Rockin Robbins suggested it when I inquired the regarding the function of plot mods.

3. Optics2 over TM created by Werner Sobe (in place of Max Optics & SCAF). Werner Sobe is a SH4 legend, and some of his tutorials can be found in the Skipper's Bag of Tricks sticky.

4. Webster's Better Air Patrols (I cannot stand da planes, da planes!!). Webster's tweaks to the game are great!

5. Webster's Faster TC Near Land (not sure if it works in TMO).

6. Webster's Reduced Radio Traffic.

7. & 8. deck gun and ship paint mods which are two TMO 1.7 - 1.8 beta mod options found in the download of the program.

The following are not mods but are programs easily accessible on my desktop. I also rely on them.

9. Gutted's Solution Solver program (Solution Solver_v.1.3.2), which you have to visualize and understand to appreciate his mastery of the manual attack. It can be found in an active thread in the SH4 Forum. It is am excellent tool to plan for almost any attack, and in many cases it will used exclusively in executing it. (It gives you a periscope view of the battlefield in real time.) It is the most recent of the next generation of attack mods. Study the tutorials that are automatically downloaded with the program. What is really interesting about his program is that gutted applies the same principles used by Hitman in his tutorial, so I feel like I have come full circle in my understanding of manual targeting. Now we have an arsenal of tools to use with the TDC.

10. Aaronblood's Electronic Maneuvering Board and Dead Reckoning Tracker program, It is an incredible piece of work. It is located in the MoBo forum. The professionally presented MoBo tutorial is 40 pages.

Each program (nos. 9 and 10) takes a lot of time to master. Both are designed for the sophisticated user, and are seminal works.

Subtract the three mods by Webster, the two mod options downloaded as part of the TMO download package, and the EZ Plot mod, none of which make a big difference in the game play, and I am using 2 attack mods with TMO 1.7 to 1.8 beta, along with the Solution Solver Program, to launch torpedo attacks.

Extra. Peabody showed me how to adjust the rate of fire on the deck guns, so the delay between shell reloading is reduced from 5 seconds to 1 second. This may not be realistic use of the deck guns, but I don't care.

If you want to get crazy, locate the torpdeo angle mod by Nisgeis, so you can angle the torpedoes to run the length of the target, which you can do on 90 degree AoB shots using the Solution Solver Program.

By the way, Rockin Robbins got me started back in the day, a long time ago, when I was trying to sink ships using the auto targeting method. I moved up (graduated ?) to manual targeting when I fired six torpedoes and all hit their target. That was the moment I started on the first rung on latter re manual targeting. Rockin Robbins seems like he reads every post, and before long I suspect he will read this one and toss in his comments.

Incidentally, I also use Fred's Radio Mod. My emblem (the best in the forum, not that I am a braggart, are by the world famous GUNFIGHTER. My dogs names are .... (just kidding.)

Watch out for Rockin Robbins. Sometimes he goes off the deep end and goes gunning for our own carriers!


I'm goin' down 10-24-09 02:32 PM

sergei - the Duck of Death
Don't tell me! The "D" is for "Dive"! I thought it was for "DUCK OF DEATH." I guess you weren't "winging" it. Send me your "bill".:D

Sil 10-25-09 08:52 AM

Wow, thanks for the commitment, I'm goin' down. :)

I red FOTRS topic and now I cannot decide - GFO or FOTRS. ;) More excatly between GFO + RSRD + Operation Monsun or just FOTRS. ANy solutions anyone? :) (I know this is wrong topic, so can I ask you to write new posts here

BTW, Environment and effects in FOTRS are better than in Real Environment mod? Which one looks better?

I'm goin' down 10-26-09 11:05 PM

cannot see
It is dark out. I raise periscope. I cannot see a damn thing. Worse still, when I can see, I usually cannot make out the perpendiclar line on th periscope. In the rare event I need to aim at a lead angle to fire a torpedo, I cannot set the periscope to the bearing because I cannot see the perpendicular periscope line. Is their a fix?

rosentorf 10-27-09 05:39 AM


Originally Posted by I'm goin' down (Post 1195074)
It is dark out. I raise periscope. I cannot see a damn thing. Worse still, when I can see, I usually cannot make out the perpendiclar line on th periscope. In the rare event I need to aim at a lead angle to fire a torpedo, I cannot set the periscope to the bearing because I cannot see the perpendicular periscope line. Is their a fix?

how about using the night view scope (key: o)? It has grey rather than black lines.

Ducimus 10-27-09 11:59 AM


Originally Posted by I'm goin' down (Post 1195074)
It is dark out. I raise periscope. I cannot see a damn thing.

Stop using the attack periscope, and use the night periscope. That's what its there for. As to making the line glow green like in Sh3, i never did figure that out.


I just looked at a night scope texture Captain America sent me the other day. You'll have green lines at night with it. Its a great improvement. Be sure to thank CA for it, my gimp fu is weak!

I'm goin' down 10-27-09 12:11 PM

night periscope
The "o" key does not solve the problem.

Ducimus, I am using the Attack periscope. When I last tried to line up the shadow and target ship's they were illuninated. However, when I haven't located the target, nothing is illuminated and I cannot see the perpendicular line. Maybe I need to reinstall TMO because I cannot see much, hardly anything. Advice is requested.

I'm goin' down 10-27-09 12:43 PM


Originally Posted by Ducimus (Post 1195301)
Stop using the attack periscope, and use the night periscope. That's what its there for. As to making the line glow green like in Sh3, i never did figure that out.


I just looked at a night scope texture Captain America sent me the other day. You'll have green lines at night with it. Its a great improvement. Be sure to thank CA for it, my gimp fu is weak!

Will try to find it.

I'm goin' down 10-27-09 12:56 PM

where is the captain America download link
green lamp mod by Jammindrid cannot be downloaded because the link does not work. Assuming it is the right thread.

Where can I download the mod?

Ducimus 10-27-09 10:59 PM

The texture CA sent me was via a PM. I'll be posting an update to the beta with this texture sometime soon. Trying to fix a couple odds and ends first. There is, however, a visible difference in which periscope you use at night. The texture i used for the attack and night (observation) periscopes was very deliberate.

I'm goin' down 10-27-09 11:43 PM

my version
my version has a cloaking device to shield the targets. Either that or i have night blindness.

I'm goin' down 10-28-09 01:08 AM

I downloaded the most recent fixes to 1.7 to 1.8 and now I see a red red ring, a perpendicular line on my periscope, and a change in ocean when I switch from attack to night periscope. Before I could not make out anything. I was once blind and now can see! I think they fixed my problem. During my years of blindness I got damn good at estimating the firing point for 0 angle shots. Problem solved for now.:DL

Ducimus 10-28-09 10:10 PM

1.8 Beta update:

Since it just occured to me that ive had this puppy in beta for over 3 months now, i might as well post some kind of an update here.

As usual, if your looking for the latest info or file links, you can find them at the TMO 1.8 beta thread here:

The newest updates, which i hope to post sometime tonight will include:

- Nigesis fix for all the problems with crew eyes. Zombie eyes, creepy stares, and my latest introduction of "werewolf eyes" in the late beta update should all be fixed. There is however a hitch. US crew skins will render a little funky. This is a SH4 1.5 issue that ive never been able to resolve. Up tell now, ive been using a 1.4 version of the crew since they rendered correctly. Unfortunatly, in order to fix all the problems with the eyes, im going to have to drop the 1.4 file.

- Captain America sent me a pretty kick ass texture for the night periscope, with green illuminated cross hairs.

- Going to yank out the large convoy layers i added in patch 1.

Reason is, i think, no matter how much i loath the idea, it's time i did something with the campaign files. It's not that i don't know how to do campaign work (see "new construction"), i just HATE doing it. :damn: Now the one in TMO is "ok", but from a historical standpoint, and for variaty's sake, they'll probably have to go. Given this neat little map,

I should probably get off my ass and do it already. Rewriting the campaign is something ive loathed to do, and have been putting off, infact ill use any excuse to NOT have to do campaign work. :rotfl2: But with the above mentioned updates, they're wont be any more until i rewrite the merchant, and convoy layers. For now i think the new troop convoy layers i might leave in for now, as well as the task forces layers (not sure), but the merchant and convoy layers need to be redone i think. Happy happy joy joy, did i mention how much i "love" campaign work? I think id rather gargle on gasoline, or chew on aluminium foil. :88)

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