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max-peck 08-17-16 02:01 PM

Just seen some oddities whilst going through the Lifeguarding and Insertion patrol orders

A few had no briefing or description at all - have fixed these

One made me really chuckle - I think this is a case of Google Translate giving us a very literal translation

This is from a spy insertion mission

Betake yourself to Hokkaido island, where the agent will be inserted into the enemy's area.

What the hell is that agent doing?
That will sure put the fear of God into the Japs :D

propbeanie 08-17-16 02:07 PM


Originally Posted by max-peck (Post 2427307)
I exaggerate a touch
Have just taken a look at the patrol folder

There is only 257

Be done by teatime :D

Do you have any apricot jam and crumpets to go with that tea ole boy?

It would be nice to round that figure up...:har:, throw in some of those cdrsubron7 missions in a patrol, disguised as normal missions... "Some enemy activity has been observed in the area. Investigate and report." and you come upon the whole fleet, including airplanes and destroyers :o...

Don't be shy about sending a group of 'em over here. I'd just need an example file of what you're after.

max-peck 08-17-16 02:14 PM


Originally Posted by propbeanie (Post 2427325)
Don't be shy about sending a group of 'em over here. I'd just need an example file of what you're after.

No worries Props

I will shout if I need help :up:

propbeanie 08-17-16 02:23 PM


Originally Posted by max-peck (Post 2427316)
Just seen some oddities whilst going through the Lifeguarding and Insertion patrol orders

A few had no briefing or description at all - have fixed these

One made me really chuckle - I think this is a case of Google Translate giving us a very literal translation

This is from a spy insertion mission

Betake yourself to Hokkaido island, where the agent will be inserted into the enemy's area.

What the hell is that agent doing?
That will sure put the fear of God into the Japs :D

Betake - Old English, 14th Century.
They probably meant to say "Betake thyself, thy vessel and thy crew henceforth and forthwith, hastily minded thee, and insert an aegent into the hinter parts of thine enemy's a-rears..." "Hast thou perchance, seen a man with six digits upon his left hand?"...

I'm sorry, won't happen again...

max-peck 08-17-16 02:26 PM


Originally Posted by propbeanie (Post 2427332)
They probably meant to say "Betake thyself, thy vessel and thy crew henceforth and forthwith, hastily minded thee, and insert an agent into the hinter parts of thine enemy's a-rears..." "Hast thou perchance, seen a man with six digits upon his left hand?"...



cdrsubron7 08-17-16 02:34 PM


Originally Posted by propbeanie (Post 2427300)
If you want to cdrsubron7, put your "change list" up there with it, and I'll go through the other countries' offerings, and make sure there's no "Maru" names there, while max-peck goes through the "newbies"...

I had planned on doing that very thing. Ya know it's kinda scary thinking the exact same thing. :o

max-peck 08-17-16 02:57 PM


Originally Posted by propbeanie (Post 2427332)
"Betake thyself, thy vessel and thy crew henceforth and forthwith, hastily minded thee, and insert an aegent into the hinter parts of thine enemy's a-rears..."

Hey - maybe I should make all the mission orders read like this?

It does have a certain Olde Worlde charm :03:

propbeanie 08-17-16 03:16 PM


Originally Posted by cdrsubron7 (Post 2427336)
I had planned on doing that very thing. Ya know it's kinda scary thinking the exact same thing. :o

Especially scary, when you evidentiarily consider:


Originally Posted by propbeanie (Post 2427332)
... "Betake thyself, thy vessel and thy crew henceforth and forthwith, hastily minded thee, and insert an aegent into the hinter parts of thine enemy's a-rears..."

... then it's *really* scary! :o

As I read other posts, and as I remember my past experiences with v1.3 then to 1.4 and finally to v1.5 of Silent Hunter, and what happened with a lot of the mods, I almost cringe... I don't think we have to worry about Ubisoft doing anymore updates and ruining any mods, but I wanna make sure this thing plays correctly...

@ max-peck, some might argue with that "olde world charm" of an "a-rears" word... :lol: :D

max-peck 08-17-16 03:20 PM


Originally Posted by propbeanie (Post 2426657)
I've got some questions for all you fellow crash-test-dummies... How many of you have had a corrupted save for a campaign? That's all I can figure happened during my third patrol from Pearl. I cannot get it to open.

Sorry Props - I think this post got lost in all the recent activity - so I will BUMP it up here for any of our team to look at

I have not experienced the above myself

Then again - my testing consists of loading a single mission or war patrol, and then going looking for trouble

I have not had the time to try playtesting an actual career

At our fellow FOTRSU Devs - it might be worth us keeping an eye on this in case it is an issue :up:

cdrsubron7 08-17-16 03:35 PM

Do any of you recognize this ocean liner below? If you don't, you should. This is the big girl from FOTRSU. All 42,000+ tons of her. I'm almost positive that the "Big Old Liner" in real life was called the "Empress of Britain". max gave her a nice new paintjob and now she gets a new name. Will post screen shot later tonight.

Empress of Britain

cdrsubron7 08-17-16 03:39 PM


I've got some questions for all you fellow crash-test-dummies... How many of you have had a corrupted save for a campaign? That's all I can figure happened during my third patrol from Pearl. I cannot get it to open.

I've had this happen to me on a very rare occasion. Don't know why it happens, it just does. I always try to save when there is nothing around, but still get this problem every once in awhile. :yep:

propbeanie 08-17-16 04:02 PM


Originally Posted by cdrsubron7 (Post 2427361)
Do any of you recognize this ocean liner below? ...

Oooh - nice find sir... Too many holes up high though, and not enough down low...

@ max-peck: that particular corrupted save I had, had not happened to me since the v1.3 or .4 days... can't remember which... used to be an all-too familiar occurrence. Might have just been a fluke this time, but when I saw granite00 posting in the GFO thread about a large save, my curiosity was piqued. So I experimented over there for a while, and we found you can relatively easily make a large "Save" file, just by choosing a Gar boat and "Normal" (or higher) difficulty at the start of a career. Makes no sense. But also seems harmless. I'm now experimenting similarly in FotRS UE, and getting similar results thus far... AND!:

Look what my first mission of my first patrol of my new career is (should have taken me a screenie):


Operational Order

  Your submarine will take on board an agent of

 an Allied secret service. Grant every support
 necessary for the preparation of this request.
 Betake yourself to Honshu Island. There, the
 agent will be inserted in the enemy area. With
 reference to this mission, secrecy is the most
 important point.

  Insertion of agent in Katsuura

I found that very interesting... and then I started laughing :har:

... just realized, I blew the top-secret-ness of the mission... all my credentials will now be revoked, and I'll be relieved of my command... :o

Rockin Robbins 08-17-16 04:02 PM

Model for suggested mission text:


...And Saint Attila raised the hand grenade up on high, saying, "O LORD, bless this Thy hand grenade that with it Thou mayest blow Thine enemies to tiny bits, in Thy mercy." And the LORD did grin and the people did feast upon the lambs and sloths and carp and anchovies and orangutans and breakfast cereals, and fruit bats and large chu... [At this point, the friar is urged by Brother Maynard to "skip a bit, brother"]... And the LORD spake, saying, "First shalt thou take out the Holy Pin, then shalt thou count to three, no more, no less. Three shall be the number thou shalt count, and the number of the counting shall be three. Four shalt thou not count, neither count thou two, excepting that thou then proceed to three. Five is right out. Once the number three, being the third number, be reached, then lobbest thou thy Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch towards thy foe, who being naughty in My sight, shall snuff it."

max-peck 08-17-16 04:18 PM


Originally Posted by Rockin Robbins (Post 2427371)
Model for suggested mission text:

Good work - How on earth could I forget about the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch :hmmm:

Here - for anyone not familiar with this superweapon

We totally need a mod to enable this Holy Weapon into the game :yeah:

Oh man - that is funny
I haven't watched that movie for about 20 years
About to watch it again - thanks Chief

cdrsubron7 08-17-16 04:21 PM


Originally Posted by propbeanie (Post 2427370)
Oooh - nice find sir... Too many holes up high though, and not enough down low...

@ max-peck: that particular corrupted save I had, had not happened to me since the v1.3 or .4 days... can't remember which... used to be an all-too familiar occurrence. Might have just been a fluke this time, but when I saw granite00 posting in the GFO thread about a large save, my curiosity was piqued. So I experimented over there for a while, and we found you can relatively easily make a large "Save" file, just by choosing a Gar boat and "Normal" (or higher) difficulty at the start of a career. Makes no sense. But also seems harmless. I'm now experimenting similarly in FotRS UE, and getting similar results thus far... AND!:

Look what my first mission of my first patrol of my new career is (should have taken me a screenie):


Operational Order

  Your submarine will take on board an agent of

 an Allied secret service. Grant every support
 necessary for the preparation of this request.
 Betake yourself to Honshu Island. There, the
 agent will be inserted in the enemy area. With
 reference to this mission, secrecy is the most
 important point.

  Insertion of agent in Katsuura

I found that very interesting... and then I started laughing :har:

... just realized, I blew the top-secret-ness of the mission... all my credentials will now be revoked, and I'll be relieved of my command... :o

In case you've forgotten the object of this game, sir. The object you have to put the holes there yourself. You get nice shiny torpedoes with which to do this. Let me know how that works out for you? :03: :haha:

As for giving away the objects of a top-secret mission you will be reduced in rank to bilge-scrubber. When you report for your duty shift, you will be given a brand new toothbrush, and a bucket of water. :yep: :salute:

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