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Catfish 03-03-21 09:11 AM


Originally Posted by Jimbuna (Post 2733729)
WOW!! I had absolutely no idea about those prices :o [...]
I'm surprised Steve has never alluded to this over the years during our regular conversations.

I won't speculate, but i guess having served he has some insurance?

Re EU "shocked" or "crushed", the only shocked seem to be the UK. But Rishi Sunak would probably be a better PM than Johnson :03:

Jimbuna 03-03-21 10:37 AM

I'd be a better PM than Johnson :O:

Catfish 03-03-21 03:18 PM

^ .. and i believe it :)

But you see, for us in the EU, the faces of brexit are Nigel Farage, Boris Johnson, Anne Widdecombe, Jacob Rees-Mogg, Dominic Cummings and a few others. "Right honourable" alright. No one here would trust any of them. Maybe Rees-Mogg, but you know..
Then Facebook (did you watch the video with Carole Cadwalladr further north?) and Cambridge Analytics and Rupert Murdoch, add Aaron Banks.
I think you have been betrayed, but it was not the EU.

Skybird 03-03-21 03:57 PM

They got and get lied to by both, their own as well as the EU. And we do get lied to as well.

I orderd from the UK as a test ballooon in the 20s of January, and still wait for the delivery, its on the way but stuck somewehre.

I have ordered from the USA, Canada and Korea before (and involuntaril from China, not realising the the shipping was from Shenyang). Took never longer than 3 weeks.

If the UK would be treated by the EU like any other foreign country, I would expect procedures to be comparable in duration to procedures doen with these other countries. Obviously they aren't. And the EU has a clearly defined interest to not let become the UK a successful story after Brexit. I said this since four years now. Thats why I see the lions share of responsibility for these issues on the EU's score card. The UK gets a tougher treatment than lets say the US, Canada, Brazil or anyone. Britons should noit complain - they should and could have seen this coming instead, its not about being kind, but about defined interests to turn Brexit into a mess, whatever it costs. A warning example to any other nations sympathetic to the idea of dropping out.

My advise to the UK: start retaliating on equal terms. As long as the eU feels no pain from its chosen way, it will not change. But this advise also is four yeras old already.

Catfish 03-03-21 04:11 PM

edit: ^ Your conspiracy theory again. I see it the other way round, why does the EU make it so easy for the UK, why is it so lenient, always remains polite and open for talks all along even during all those BS attacks from Johnson or Farage? Retaliate! Screw them!

Regarding your experience, we have orderd quite some automotive parts lately from UK countries, and it did not arrive here as well in six weeks. But you are certainly aware that other than food stuff like this 0,01 percent fishery drama, this is due to Her majesty's customs and excise, and not the EU?

I take it you did not see the video, this is not about brexit or the EU but the threats to democracy, and how it is done. The US is also under attack by social media, as is the rest of the world.

B.t.w. there is no need for anyone external to turn brexit into a mess. Brexiters are long since running away from the consequences of what they have inflicted. But still, England/UK is treated like a third country, not a third world country. No need for the drama.

Jimbuna 03-04-21 07:13 AM

I can agree with both of you (Sky and Catfish) to a certain extent but it is still early days and the British public will soon grow tired of the 'games' the EU are giving the impression they are playing.

The reference to 'Third World Country' is actually something I have been pondering for a few weeks now.

I remain thoughtful of an old customary saying 'What goes round comes round'

Only time will tell.

Jimbuna 03-04-21 07:14 AM

The EU is "negotiating with a partner it simply can't trust" in post-Brexit talks, Ireland's foreign minister has said.

On Wednesday, the UK said it would unilaterally extend grace periods for Irish Sea border checks, a move the EU said was a breach of international law.

Simon Coveney said he preferred "engagement", but the UK government was driving the EU towards legal action.

The grace periods mean procedures and checks are not yet fully applied.

Northern Ireland has remained a part of the EU's single market for goods so products arriving from GB undergo EU import procedures.

The first of these periods will expire at the end of March, but the UK has said it will be extended until October.

Jimbuna 03-04-21 07:36 AM

Saddens me to see the above deletion because it is pretty accurate imho but I won't reinstate it.

Catfish 03-04-21 07:50 AM

^ you do not mean me? I did not delete anything, only added :hmmm:

The term "the UK being treated like a third world country by the EU" was coined by Johnson or Gove (?not sure), and what i wanted to say is that this is not true. It is "treated" like it was outside the EU, like a "third country", which is exactly what the brexiters wanted(?)
Even this is not quite true since England already again has gained at least one Extrawurst in the negotiations :)

The link you posted is a bit critical, too, of the UK? Or is the Irish government playing some game?

Jimbuna 03-04-21 11:07 AM


Originally Posted by Catfish (Post 2733939)
^ you do not mean me? I did not delete anything, only added :hmmm:

The term "the UK being treated like a third world country by the EU" was coined by Johnson or Gove (?not sure), and what i wanted to say is that this is not true. It is "treated" like it was outside the EU, like a "third country", which is exactly what the brexiters wanted(?)
Even this is not quite true since England already again has gained at least one Extrawurst in the negotiations :)

The link you posted is a bit critical, too, of the UK? Or is the Irish government playing some game?

No not you Kai, your unable to see deletions and as for the Irish, just looking at past history should answer that question.

MGR1 03-04-21 12:31 PM

Found this on Conservative Home:

... George Galloway, who “is going to vote for Beelzebub, I’m going to vote for a Scottish Tory”


Welcome aboard, George. The Conservatives have gained a new and at first sight unlikely supporter in the Holyrood elections.
George Galloway is a ferocious orator, who rejoiced Unionist hearts during the 2014 Scottish referendum campaign by carrying the fight to the Nationalists with a brio unmatched by any other speaker.
He has now announced, in the course of his talk show on Russia Today, in answer to a call from David in Glasgow:
“Here’s a declaration, David, you never expected to hear from me. I’ll be voting Conservative in the elections in May, on my constituency vote, for the first time in my life, because my local MSP is a Conservative and the challenger to him is the SNP.
So my view is that everyone should vote for the best placed candidate standing against the SNP. Because this is a one-off election. It’s a referendum on a referendum. It’s an attempt to stop the neverendum. It’s an attempt to get Scotland off the hamster wheel of endless constitutional peregrinations.
It’s an attempt to get the country back from the brink. And therefore it qualifies as an existential threat not just to Scotland but to Britain as a whole.
So frankly, I’d vote for Beelzebub himself [David starts to chuckle] rather than the SNP, and I’m going to vote for Beelzebub, I’m going to vote for a Scottish Tory.”
Galloway, a left-wing socialist, is in normal times a sworn enemy of the Tories, and has also shown a marked ability to fall out with people on his own side.
A Tory who has often crossed swords with Galloway in the past, and takes a low view of him, responded with Churchill’s remark:
“If Hitler invaded hell I would make at least a favourable reference to the devil in the House of Commons.”

Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear - no idea whether to laugh or cry.:doh:


Jimbuna 03-05-21 07:26 AM

Skybird 03-05-21 08:19 AM

Got a refund for my order form the UK. They kindly apologized, pointed out that the item had left the UK weeks ago already and is now gone lost at their cost, and politely and vaguely indicated that the resistance by the bureaucratic system is so immense that they consider to stop delivering into the eU. Wowh. I do not seem the first one.

Catfish, note: the item has left the UK. Hence the problems are caused not by the UK authorities, but continental autorities. The UK side processed it with comparable speed as earlier deliveries I got from the UK in past years, maybe a few days longer that I would not mind for. Before I got parcels from the UK - via Amazon mostly - sometimes in five days, sometimes in 12 days, and all in between.

Jimbuna 03-05-21 10:16 AM

^ I can't say I'm surprised Sky if other examples I'm hearing and reading about are true.

Skybird 03-05-21 11:54 AM

Ubiquinol costs 3 times as much over here than in the UK, even with adding customs it still is much cheaper getting it from the UK, than buying it here. Must find other buying options. :hmmm: That stuff works wonders, but is really expensive.

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