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von Zelda 11-27-19 03:02 PM

Are you intersted in typos in Mission Orders and Objectives?
Maybe minor but.......

Patrolling Area A2 for required days. Receive radio message at approx. 4pm, February 11, 1942 from Comsubpac: "Proceed to Area A6 in the China Sea....."

The Nav map (with circle & marker) shows B6 as the patrol area. Maybe a typo?

But, Mission Objectives states patrol area E6. Does not appear to be an E6 on the Nav map.

Is this too small of an error to report?

torpedobait 11-27-19 05:46 PM


Originally Posted by propbeanie (Post 2637502)
The conning tower explains a ~lot~... while there is no renown payment required for the radar, there is a renown payment required for the "upgraded" conning towers. You have the pre-war conning tower, before the shears had their wrap removed, and the "cut-out" for the rear AA. Look at the pictures I posted about the same boat, but Single Mission configured for June of 1942. The shears only have the framework, and there is an AA platform. That is the improved conning tower, first "upgrade". I use that term loosely, since like a submarine "upgrade", it has to be paid for with a good patrol score and commander ranking. You cannot have a patrol that is below "Average", and especially early, and it is best if you have the first four of them in the "Good" category, which is above 800 renown. If you don't get above that, you are then not eligible for a boat or conning tower upgrade, and hence will not get the SJ radar - ever - until you get a new conning tower. See the "Of Refits.pdf" in the Support folder, which is a copy of one of Ducimus' posts from years ago. This is the reason for us putting extra objective assignments in the "Early" patrols...

I did read the refit.pdf and your comments. However, reality does not jibe with what I read. Take a look at this:
Took command of GATO 1/19/43, with starting Renown = 5960.
Spent 1600 Renown on Radars; (Highway Robbery)
Renown to start 1st GATO Patrol = 4260.
5/10/43 Ended 2nd Patrol with Renown = 5245, earning 885;
Spent 0 Renown, with 5245 to start 2nd Patrol
6/2943 Ended 3rd Patrol with Renown = 6585, earning 1340;
Refused new Boat;
Spent 960 to get new torpedos, with 5625 to start 4th patrol.
8/23/43 Ended 4th Patrol with Renown = 9,725 (had a BIG one!) earning 3,283!
Spent 960 on torpedos, leaving 8765 to start 5th Patrol
11/8/43 Ended 5th Patrol with Renown = 10,352, earning 1,587;
Spent 960 on torpedos, leaving 9,592 to start 6th Patrol.
12/24/43 Ended 6th Patrol with Renown = 11,669, earning 2,077 (another BIG one)
Refused New Boat (2nd Time)
Spent 960 on torpedos, leaving 10,709 to start 7th Patrol.

After 6 patrols, and being offered a new boat twice, I still have not seen a conning tower refit. What does one have to do? If medals mean anything, I was awarded 7 consecutive Navy Crosses, then a Bronze Star, then 5 more Navy Crosses. There has not been one patrol without a medal awarded - 13 patrols; 13 medals.

These are all patrols out of Midway Atoll, mostly with missions around Hokkaido, Honshu, and Taiwan, with a couple of insertions to Guam and Okinawa (that was the Gato's 6th Patrol assignment - ran into 2 IJN TFs on the way back, accounting for the large scores.

I'm going to keep going in this mode, keeping the GATO, until they retire me or give me a refit. But in any case, it does not seem to fit the formula you and the Refit.pdf describe. With respect, :salute:

propbeanie 11-27-19 08:30 PM


Originally Posted by von Zelda (Post 2638284)
Maybe minor but.......

Patrolling Area A2 for required days. Receive radio message at approx. 4pm, February 11, 1942 from Comsubpac: "Proceed to Area A6 in the China Sea....."

The Nav map (with circle & marker) shows B6 as the patrol area. Maybe a typo?

But, Mission Objectives states patrol area E6. Does not appear to be an E6 on the Nav map.

Is this too small of an error to report?

No errors are too small to report. I'll look into that one, though that sounds like it's an old TMO 1.7 typo... We'll get that one stomped on and fixed, or at least ding it with the big hammer... :salute:


Originally Posted by torpedobait (Post 2638299)
I did read the refit.pdf and your comments. However, reality does not jibe with what I read...
... After 6 patrols, and being offered a new boat twice, I still have not seen a conning tower refit. What does one have to do?...
... I'm going to keep going in this mode, keeping the GATO, until they retire me or give me a refit. But in any case, it does not seem to fit the formula you and the Refit.pdf describe. With respect, :salute:

Read that again though - you get one question, and it is not an either / or kind of thing. If you qualify, which you did at least twice, and had several missions in between the offers, but there is a hierarchy of equipment. You reached the threshold, so now it comes down to "Is there a new submarine available? Yes? Then offer the submarine. If No, then offer the conning tower. That is the only way to get a new conning tower, is if there is NOT a new submarine available.

So you are in the Gato, and refuse the Balao when offered, you are not then offered a new conning tower. The same thing happens the next time. You still have a new boat available - in the Balao - and refuse it again - you still are not offered the conning tower. This is what Ducimus was getting at back in 2010. It's not right for our way of thinking. If you qualify, you should be asked an either / or question such as "Do you want a new submarine, or a new conning tower?" so that you have a choice. So the only ways to get a new conning tower, is either with the new boat, or by not having a new boat available at the time you qualify, and then the game defaults to the conning tower... :salute:

torpedobait 11-27-19 11:01 PM


Originally Posted by propbeanie (Post 2638323)
No errors are too small to report. I'll look into that one, though that sounds like it's an old TMO 1.7 typo... We'll get that one stomped on and fixed, or at least ding it with the big hammer... :salute:

Read that again though - you get one question, and it is not an either / or kind of thing. If you qualify, which you did at least twice, and had several missions in between the offers, but there is a hierarchy of equipment. You reached the threshold, so now it comes down to "Is there a new submarine available? Yes? Then offer the submarine. If No, then offer the conning tower. That is the only way to get a new conning tower, is if there is NOT a new submarine available.

So you are in the Gato, and refuse the Balao when offered, you are not then offered a new conning tower. The same thing happens the next time. You still have a new boat available - in the Balao - and refuse it again - you still are not offered the conning tower. This is what Ducimus was getting at back in 2010. It's not right for our way of thinking. If you qualify, you should be asked an either / or question such as "Do you want a new submarine, or a new conning tower?" so that you have a choice. So the only ways to get a new conning tower, is either with the new boat, or by not having a new boat available at the time you qualify, and then the game defaults to the conning tower... :salute:

Ah, I see what you are saying. Not quite a Catch 22 but close.

Thanks for explaining further.

von Zelda 11-28-19 04:31 AM


Originally Posted by propbeanie (Post 2638323)
No errors are too small to report. I'll look into that one, though that sounds like it's an old TMO 1.7 typo... We'll get that one stomped on and fixed, or at least ding it with the big hammer...


propbeanie 11-28-19 09:18 AM


Originally Posted by torpedobait (Post 2638327)
Ah, I see what you are saying. Not quite a Catch 22 but close.

Thanks for explaining further.

Exactly... 'logic' gone wrong... :roll:


Originally Posted by von Zelda (Post 2638334)


KaleunMarco 11-28-19 10:33 AM


Originally Posted by propbeanie (Post 2638372)
Exactly... 'logic' gone wrong... :roll:

i have not implemented this newest release of FOTRSU yet so it took me a while to figure out this particular string and actually find and read Refits.PDF.

having completed reading the documentation, that i can validate much of what you wrote.
when playing FOTRSU (or any other mod), i usually earn a Max Renown rating at the end of a mission. so when the sim reaches an Upgrade decision and i refuse the new boat then i will not be given updated refits. i can state without hesitation that that is true. no matter which mod-set i play, i never have a chance to play an updated boat (new turm). it never happens.

so i have a question(s) for you, based on all of this discussion. if the patrol rating calculation is true, which "old" rating is used...just the last mission rating or the sum of all of your previous mission ratings?
where is the "new" campaign rating stored? for example, my previous mission rating is 3 and my current mission rating is a 3...when i crunch the numbers my "new" campaign rating is 3. where is that stored such that i could see it?

before you answer let me say that i have inspected the CareerTrack.UPC file before, during, and after missions. i realize that there is a cumulative mission rating stored in the first section of the file (PlayerCurrentRating=24.000000).
i also know that each mission generates a rating (RatingGained=3.000000).
so, if the answer lies in one or both of those values, please explain it. thanks.:Kaleun_Salute:

Happy Thanksgiving to all of my fellow American Kaleuns!

propbeanie 11-28-19 11:12 AM

I don't know as there is a way to explain... Here's the thread from which I copied Ducimus' "math" from (I already have a headache from that "math" word):

Of refits, new commands, rank, and retirements

It seems to be a cumulative number that is stored, and it is (re-)calculated after each patrol, and is called a "campaign rating". In other words, the game does not store past patrol scores, only the cumulative "Campaign Rating", and the total Renown. A "missing" component in the equation, is that nothing is mentioned of "order of operations", ie: if there is a use of parenthesis to control addition first, then multiplaction... Without the use of parenthesis to control the "order of operations", things would be really bad with a "bad", or low rating early in a career, but either way, you can see with Ducimus' calculations, that an early patrol that is low-scoring, can result in a hole that is nigh-on impossible for a player to crawl out of. In real math, a division by zero is undefined, aka: illegal. It always results in "zero". You would need at least a couple of "Excellent" patrols to recover, and those can be difficult to come by.

Submarine availability looms large when you look at conning tower availability. I might try to make another version of the "Submarine Equipment Upgrades.pdf", and have it include the sub availability and their conning tower dates. That way, if a skipper knows he wants to keep his boat, but wants to get an updated conning tower for the future fitting of a radar, he might be able come in "early" from patrol, and possibly get what he wants... As it stands now though, each sub is in its own "UpgradeClass", in an attempt at having a player "step" through the progression to get a higher class sub... but there again, that "campaign rating" might decide the boat anyway, based upon your renown score it seems, and looks to be a hard-coded, "invisible" calculation, buried somewhere in the game's code, that actually decides which boat you are offered. The game sure does like handing out early Balao boats... :salute:

torpedobait 11-28-19 11:55 AM

New Skins

Originally Posted by fitzcarraldo (Post 2638259)
I tried the new skins by Vickers03, original skins in 4k. Looks really nice in FOTRSU.

Deserves a test...


Fitzcarraldo :Kaleun_Salute:

How do you implement. They do not appear to be JSGME ready. If I want them after loading FOTRS-Ultimate, Do I just copy the unzipped files to the Mod?

Thanks. Might be a silly question, but I don't want to mess up FOTRS-U.

vickers03 11-28-19 12:57 PM


How do you implement. They do not appear to be JSGME ready. If I want them after loading FOTRS-Ultimate, Do I just copy the unzipped files to the Mod?

Thanks. Might be a silly question, but I don't want to mess up FOTRS-U.
just extract into your MODS folder and activate with JSGME:)

fitzcarraldo 11-29-19 11:56 AM


Originally Posted by vickers03 (Post 2638402)
just extract into your MODS folder and activate with JSGME:)

The mod has the folder data and inside, a submarine and textures folder. When activated via JSGME, it overwrites the textures of FOTRSU. No problem. All works well and the subs look very nice.

There are two options: light blue and light grey, but the blackish boats are included too in both options.


Fitzcarraldo :Kaleun_Salute:

propbeanie 11-30-19 03:13 PM

We are now at 500 downloads - Thanks to all! :salute:

As a little note, other of the "Battle" files have been run through line-by-line, and other small issues found, so a couple more days worth of hold-up on an update to address the issues listed in Known Issue Tracker and Announcements, this thread Post #5. If anyone has found anything else, let us know ASAP! We are in the testing phase of the Battle missions, which is the last step before complilation. All other issues are 'fixed', and hopefully the update will be done by tomorrow evening (I maybe should not say such things out loud... :roll: ). The update should be backwards-compatible, so long as you are not in one of the missions fixed, which will be listed upon release, and at that, you'd just have to re-do the mod while in port... :salute:

merc4ulfate 11-30-19 07:54 PM


Originally Posted by propbeanie (Post 2638604)
We are now at 500 downloads - Thanks to all! :salute:

As a little note, other of the "Battle" files have been run through line-by-line, and other small issues found, so a couple more days worth of hold-up on an update to address the issues listed in Known Issue Tracker and Announcements, this thread Post #5. If anyone has found anything else, let us know ASAP! We are in the testing phase of the Battle missions, which is the last step before complilation. All other issues are 'fixed', and hopefully the update will be done by tomorrow evening (I maybe should not say such things out loud... :roll: ). The update should be backwards-compatible, so long as you are not in one of the missions fixed, which will be listed upon release, and at that, you'd just have to re-do the mod while in port... :salute:

Will this include a fix for the Marianas's Task Force issue?

Wizz 12-01-19 04:06 AM

Simply amazing, and a credit to Rockin Robins and the FOTR team for getting this release to its current standard!

BZ all!

Torpedo 12-01-19 06:06 AM

FOTRSU is a very very outstanding work!!! :Kaleun_Applaud:
I ask if it is possible to have the radio and the gramophone without added maps and even a larger compass.
Thanks in advance! :Kaleun_Salute:


propbeanie 12-01-19 08:14 AM


Originally Posted by merc4ulfate (Post 2638629)
Will this include a fix for the Marianas's Task Force issue?

Yes, it will. All "Battle" files have been re-worked again, and "Speed=" violations and naming conflicts have been completely purged now. For what ever reason, the wrong folder was included in v1 of the mod, and that did not include the update to the Mariannas Turkey Shoot... :hmmm:


Originally Posted by Wizz (Post 2638664)
Simply amazing, and a credit to Rockin Robins and the FOTR team for getting this release to its current standard!

BZ all!

Thanks for the thanks! :salute:


Originally Posted by Torpedo (Post 2638670)
FOTRSU is a very very outstanding work!!! :Kaleun_Applaud:
I ask if it is possible to have the radio and the gramophone without added maps and even a larger compass.
Thanks in advance! :Kaleun_Salute:


It will take a bit, but we might get around to including such for an add-in. All I have to do is remember where the list is... :roll:

fitzcarraldo 12-01-19 08:49 AM


Originally Posted by Torpedo (Post 2638670)
FOTRSU is a very very outstanding work!!! :Kaleun_Applaud:
I ask if it is possible to have the radio and the gramophone without added maps and even a larger compass.
Thanks in advance! :Kaleun_Salute:


+ 1, as an optional addon mod.

Question: Is implemented the TDW Fire and Damage dll in FOTRSU? I added it via JSGME because I don't see the dll in the main folder. That is a great mod.

And also...I know and read a lot about the debate OTC full version realistic-or-too- acurate. I like OTC as implemented for TMO and I would like to see an addon mod in FOTRSU (direct shot to Master CapnScurvy and RRobbins).

No problems departing from Manila 12-9-1941, pig boat with Vickers' 4k skin.

Many thanks and best regards

Fitzcarraldo :salute:

torpedobait 12-01-19 10:41 AM


Originally Posted by fitzcarraldo (Post 2638476)
The mod has the folder data and inside, a submarine and textures folder. When activated via JSGME, it overwrites the textures of FOTRSU. No problem. All works well and the subs look very nice.

There are two options: light blue and light grey, but the blackish boats are included too in both options.


Fitzcarraldo :Kaleun_Salute:

Thanks! When PKZip showed the contents of the downloaded zip file, it didn't show me the folder containing the contents, only the contents. However, when I actually unzipped the download, it was there and all I had to do was move it to the MODS folder as you suggested. Works fine and looks great.

Thanks again!

torpedobait 12-01-19 11:28 AM


Originally Posted by propbeanie (Post 2638384)
I don't know as there is a way to explain... Here's the thread from which I copied Ducimus' "math" from (I already have a headache from that "math" word):

Of refits, new commands, rank, and retirements

It seems to be a cumulative number that is stored, and it is (re-)calculated after each patrol, and is called a "campaign rating". In other words, the game does not store past patrol scores, only the cumulative "Campaign Rating", and the total Renown. A "missing" component in the equation, is that nothing is mentioned of "order of operations", ie: if there is a use of parenthesis to control addition first, then multiplaction... Without the use of parenthesis to control the "order of operations", things would be really bad with a "bad", or low rating early in a career, but either way, you can see with Ducimus' calculations, that an early patrol that is low-scoring, can result in a hole that is nigh-on impossible for a player to crawl out of. In real math, a division by zero is undefined, aka: illegal. It always results in "zero". You would need at least a couple of "Excellent" patrols to recover, and those can be difficult to come by.

Submarine availability looms large when you look at conning tower availability. I might try to make another version of the "Submarine Equipment Upgrades.pdf", and have it include the sub availability and their conning tower dates. That way, if a skipper knows he wants to keep his boat, but wants to get an updated conning tower for the future fitting of a radar, he might be able come in "early" from patrol, and possibly get what he wants... As it stands now though, each sub is in its own "UpgradeClass", in an attempt at having a player "step" through the progression to get a higher class sub... but there again, that "campaign rating" might decide the boat anyway, based upon your renown score it seems, and looks to be a hard-coded, "invisible" calculation, buried somewhere in the game's code, that actually decides which boat you are offered. The game sure does like handing out early Balao boats... :salute:

Props, after 8 patrols in the GATO and twice refusing a new boat after the third and sixth patrols, I was given an upgrade for the conning tower! The refit included space for 2 40mm Bofors, which I was able to add in port. I must say the refit came after a stupendously successful mission to the Carolines from Midway. I have to tell you about it, not that it is necessarily on topic.

On that patrol, I was laying on the surface about two miles off the western approach to Truk Lagoon when the radar operator detected a large group leaving Truk. Turned out to be a Yamato class BB, two Kongo class BB's, two Tone class CA's, and one fleet carrier, along with only four escort DD's (how's that for arrogance!). I had a full load of Mark XVI long range, high speed torpedos.

The range to the farthest Kongo was about 7,000 yards, well within range but just barely in visual range. I fired one at her aiming for the bow. After waiting about 30 seconds, I fired four at the Yamato's bow area, followed by one at the nearest Kongo. Before any hits, I went to flank and hard left rudder to bring the stern tubes to bear. All six bow torpedos hit, but the one at the farthest Kongo was a dud. The stern torpedos then stopped the Yamato and the closest Kongo dead in the water, and sank the nearest Tone. The fourth one hit the other Tone.

By the time the forward tubes were reloaded the remaining ships were either dead in the water or running at about 4 knots (!), including the second Kongo, which had turned and was coming back towards Truk. The escorts were roaming around looking where I wasn't. A single torpedo just under the forward turret of the returning Kongo detonated the magazine. It was a spectacular series of explosions before it went down like a $2 (oops!). The rest was a methodical slaughter. Two to the carrier, three to the Yamato, followed by three shots from the stern tubes and four more from the reloaded bow tubes finished every single capital ship. With one stern torpedo remaining, we took out a DD that crossed our stern at 1400 yards. That was the only DD that even came close to finding us. The total tonnage was approximately 181k. I know it is unrealistic to use auto-targeting, but it was still a thrill to wipe out almost an entire TF at 75% difficulty. I love those Mark 16's. Thanks for lowering the cost this time around.

This was the first Silver Star received, and the first conning tower refit, which by the way really looks cool! I made one more patrol in the Gato, and this time when I was offered a new boat I took the Balao. Humph. No Bofors, just twin 20mm's, and I had to repurchase the radars and 5" deck gun. Oh well. I'm off to do more mayhem. I'm still not certain how the math works on the conning tower upgrade vs new sub, but at least I proved to myself that you can turn down new boats and still eventually get a conning tower upgrade.

EDIT: Following the next patrol, first in the Balao, I was able to add twin 40mm Bofors, making my day complete. I also saw the new Balao had come with the new conning tower. Super! A nice added touch is that the model sub on my desk also sports the new conning tower. Another nice touch. :Kaleun_Cheers:

merc4ulfate 12-01-19 05:50 PM


Originally Posted by torpedobait (Post 2638713)
Props, after 8 patrols in the GATO and twice refusing a new boat after the third and sixth patrols, I was given an upgrade for the conning tower! The refit included space for 2 40mm Bofors, which I was able to add in port. I must say the refit came after a stupendously successful mission to the Carolines from Midway. I have to tell you about it, not that it is necessarily on topic.

On that patrol, I was laying on the surface about two miles off the western approach to Truk Lagoon when the radar operator detected a large group leaving Truk. Turned out to be a Yamato class BB, two Kongo class BB's, two Tone class CA's, and one fleet carrier, along with only four escort DD's (how's that for arrogance!). I had a full load of Mark XVI long range, high speed torpedos.

The range to the farthest Kongo was about 7,000 yards, well within range but just barely in visual range. I fired one at her aiming for the bow. After waiting about 30 seconds, I fired four at the Yamato's bow area, followed by one at the nearest Kongo. Before any hits, I went to flank and hard left rudder to bring the stern tubes to bear. All six bow torpedos hit, but the one at the farthest Kongo was a dud. The stern torpedos then stopped the Yamato and the closest Kongo dead in the water, and sank the nearest Tone. The fourth one hit the other Tone.

By the time the forward tubes were reloaded the remaining ships were either dead in the water or running at about 4 knots (!), including the second Kongo, which had turned and was coming back towards Truk. The escorts were roaming around looking where I wasn't. A single torpedo just under the forward turret of the returning Kongo detonated the magazine. It was a spectacular series of explosions before it went down like a $2 (oops!). The rest was a methodical slaughter. Two to the carrier, three to the Yamato, followed by three shots from the stern tubes and four more from the reloaded bow tubes finished every single capital ship. With one stern torpedo remaining, we took out a DD that crossed our stern at 1400 yards. That was the only DD that even came close to finding us. The total tonnage was approximately 181k. I know it is unrealistic to use auto-targeting, but it was still a thrill to wipe out almost an entire TF at 75% difficulty. I love those Mark 16's. Thanks for lowering the cost this time around.

This was the first Silver Star received, and the first conning tower refit, which by the way really looks cool! I made one more patrol in the Gato, and this time when I was offered a new boat I took the Balao. Humph. No Bofors, just twin 20mm's, and I had to repurchase the radars and 5" deck gun. Oh well. I'm off to do more mayhem. I'm still not certain how the math works on the conning tower upgrade vs new sub, but at least I proved to myself that you can turn down new boats and still eventually get a conning tower upgrade. :Kaleun_Cheers:

Great job. I too use long range firing at times and the DD never seem to go out far enough to find me.

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