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looney 11-10-09 05:46 AM

looks great but on the selector switch for single torpedo's I only see 5 tubes instead of shown at the bottom ;)

Nitpicking lol

karamazovnew 11-10-09 08:46 AM

It's not a bug, it's a feature :03: Just kidding. There are actually 3 versions of selector dial text (both single and salvo): one for Type II (with 3 torps), one for Type VII (with 5) and one for the 6 tube series. In this image I only forgot to unhide the 6 tube text.

Hitman 11-10-09 08:49 AM

Looks excellent :up:

Where are the aditional dials for the FAT torpedoes when available? Do they replace some of the existing ones when switching to a FAT?

karamazovnew 11-10-09 10:37 AM

:hmmm: You mean the Pattern Angle and the Leg? Those work only for the LuT torpedo. For the FaT, in SH4 you can only set the straight run and the second gyro (only 2 values, 90 port and 90 starboard). So I chose to place them on the Periscope Page because they're easy to use. The small red/green switch you can see is actually the second gyro. The Leg dial should allow you to at least switch between 800m and 1600m as it worked in SH3. But it doesn't, it's fixed to 1600m.

But for the LuT, I didn't have space for all of the dials anyway and I couldn't find a way to make a Fat/Lut switch as you have on the Attack Map, or at least show which torpedo is in which tube. Also, even I can't figure out how to set a Lut if I don't see the graphically indicated course on the attack map. Having them on the Periscope screen would've been pointless for 99% of the players. :-?

makman94 11-10-09 12:21 PM

AWESOME Kara !!! :up::up:

my opinion is to remove also the dails for FaT torpedoes from your panel and leave them only to attack map becuase ,as you allready said, you need this optical vision of graphically indicated course on the attack map.i think that FaT torpedoes dails are also useless in any page exept the attack map page

ps: i hope that you have allready start realizing now that you are digging the 'grave' of sh3 with this mod ! :DL


Hitman 11-10-09 02:46 PM


:hmmm: You mean the Pattern Angle and the Leg? Those work only for the LuT torpedo. For the FaT, in SH4 you can only set the straight run and the second gyro (only 2 values, 90 port and 90 starboard). So I chose to place them on the Periscope Page because they're easy to use. The small red/green switch you can see is actually the second gyro. The Leg dial should allow you to at least switch between 800m and 1600m as it worked in SH3. But it doesn't, it's fixed to 1600m.

But for the LuT, I didn't have space for all of the dials anyway and I couldn't find a way to make a Fat/Lut switch as you have on the Attack Map, or at least show which torpedo is in which tube. Also, even I can't figure out how to set a Lut if I don't see the graphically indicated course on the attack map. Having them on the Periscope screen would've been pointless for 99% of the players. :-?
Ah OK, very logical solution. Sorry for the confusion FAT/LUT, I sometimes tend to mix them up :doh:

Coincidentally, I have some scans of an authentic LUT torpedo manual :D, and if I manage to interpretate what the tables are for, it would be an awesome add-on as slide out in the attack map screen :yeah:

May I suggest that you reowrk the useless attack screen with your models to make it look like the real TDC and the real torpedo settings cases with a bacground of a wall with tubes, pipes, valves, etc.? Would be amazing.

karamazovnew 11-14-09 02:01 PM

Alpha 2 released
Well, after what has been without doubt the most boring and tedious time of my life, I've managed to finish the bloody torpedo panel. I had hoped for work to go faster but I encountered new and exciting (NOT) problems at each step. If you're curious take a look at the new image files and take a guess why they look that way :-?. Anyway without further ado, here's the link:

And here's a pic (the image was taken at night, that's why it's so red):

Now there are bad and good news:

- First, the bad news (just one): You can't click the open/close switches. Sorry, but I couldn't find a way to send to the game a command with parameter. It can be done for 3D objects, but not through dials. You'll have to use the keys to open/close the tubes. Also bare in mind that I haven't touched the Commands.cfg file so you will encounter the bug were the tubes close when you select another one. I'll fix that when I finish the mod, for the time being, you should just comment out the "Close Torpedo Tube" or "Toggle_Open_Close_Torpedo_Tube", depending on which you prefer to use. Please note that this bug only appears when you click on the Tube bulbs, not when you use the selector dials. It's a hard coded bug :haha:

- Now the good news (two of them):

1. Please remember that this mod is made for OMEGU v210, but I've tested it with RFB, OM, with and without OMEGU. The mod worked with all of them. But that's mainly because I've used the OMEGU v210 menu_1024_768.ini file as a base. I've only changed the periscope page so far. To make the mod easier to include in other mods I've deleted FLBSale's dials from the Periscope and UZO pages, and the corresponding entries from the dials.cfg file. So if your mod makes changes in any other page, I don't recommend using the entire file, just the periscope page. As far as I can tell, you can even copy/paste the Periscope section (G26) over the vanilla version, it should still work without bugs.

2. I've managed to link the tube selector dials and open/close switches to the tube buttons. That means that the game will only load as many tubes as needed (3 for Type II, 5 for Type VII and 6 for Type IX). This is done automatically, there's no need for optional files :yeah:

So have fun with it, and report any bugs. I can underline the following:
- if you use the 3d radar range switch, or the Attack Page autoupdate button, or you use a keybind for the autoupdate command, you might desync the Autoupdate bulb on the periscope screen.
- I haven't changed the autohide handles for my panels... yet.
- on lower resolutions you might see black lines around some objects (there's one under one torpedo tube bulb, when the 5'th tube is closed for ex). Please report any such errors for any resolution.
- uhmmm... that's all of them I guess.

Now I can finnaly start work on the main ingredient... the background with stadimeter button and AOB wheel. :smug:

PS: can any moderator change the name of this thread into "[WIP] KiUB Interface for Uboats"?

lurker_hlb3 11-14-09 06:37 PM

It appears that the "Dial.cfg" file is missing from the cfg directory

Alex 11-14-09 06:54 PM

It's getting pretty. :03:
I wish you good luck with your mod. :up:

karamazovnew 11-14-09 07:56 PM


Originally Posted by lurker_hlb3 (Post 1203545)
It appears that the "Dial.cfg" file is missing from the cfg directory

The Dials.cfg file sits in the Data\Menu\Cfg\ folder, not the Data\cfg one... That folder is just a leftover from my work with the commands file.
Is there any problem? Is there any dial that doesn't work or items that look weird or misplaced at certain resolutions?

Thanks Alex, it's nearing completion. Compared to the almost 200 new items I had to add, the next part will be a breeze.

lurker_hlb3 11-14-09 08:42 PM


Originally Posted by karamazovnew (Post 1203582)
The Dials.cfg file sits in the Data\Menu\Cfg\ folder, not the Data\cfg one... That folder is just a leftover from my work with the commands file.

You are correct, got thrown off by the empty cfg in Data

karamazovnew 11-15-09 07:23 AM

About the AOB wheel: how would you rather have it? Surrounding the periscope allowing you to view through it as in all the SH3 mods? Or completely replacing the periscope, something like here

makman94 11-15-09 11:41 PM


Originally Posted by karamazovnew (Post 1203720)
About the AOB wheel: how would you rather have it? Surrounding the periscope allowing you to view through it as in all the SH3 mods? Or completely replacing the periscope, something like here

hello Kara,
my vote is to make it surrounding the periscope allowing view through...the bigger...the better !

you are making really good things here :up:

karamazovnew 11-16-09 07:12 PM

Well, I've done a bit of searching for periscope images and such. I've found a decent zoom level that moves the marking lines off-screen. It allows for a good 32/8 degrees FOV which is preety consistent with the real thing. Plus my markers will be exactly where they should be on all resolutions. But at 4:3 resolution the aobf would be almost always covered up by the panels. However, if I place it at the center of the screen it fits snugly between them.

Hitman 11-17-09 10:28 AM

In real life its movement was automated and coordnated with the stadimeter. Since you can't do that in SH4, you need unfortunately to have it work while you are able to see the target. Another option would be to get the range via stadimeter and observe the number of horizontal marks the target extends, then go to the wiz wheel and move it accordingly.

In any case, please make the AOB finder optionally independent of the rest of your interface :up:

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