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Jimbuna 02-09-09 02:51 PM

07:20 aboard U-13

Jimbuna hardly slept a wink during the night. Foremost on his mind was the story told to him in the privacy of his cabin just before he retired for the night by his friend and confidant Raptor 1.

Raptor 1 was explaining about an ancient myth told to him by his mother when he was a child, Something about men that took on the appearance of giant wolves and preyed on the bodies of humans during the night when a full moon was out.

Jimbuna was initially tempted to laugh at his Chief but he had known him since the beginning of the war and knew him to be anything but the superstitious type.

The last he saw of his Chief was when he informed him he was going topside to make a final check on the sentries/flak gunners.

He must have dosed off and not for long because he was soon awoken by the clatter and commotion within the boat and the curtain to his small cabin/sleeping quarters being pulled aside quickly by Nisgeis.

Nisgeis "Kaleun, you must come topside quickly I have grave news from ashore for you".

Jimbuna jumped out of his bed and hurredly followed Nisgeis over the conning tower and to the aft of the boat. He was instantly aware that many pairs of eyes and ears were trained on them.

Jimbuna "What is it Nisgeis, what is the matter"

Nisgeis "It's the Chief Kaleun, they've found him dead, ripped to shreds in a watchtower"

Jimbuna felt the nausea and anger rise up from within him and couldn't help but to recall the stories of man eating wolves as told to him by his friend the Chief just a matter of hours earlier.

He heard himself saying to Nisgeis "I want every member of the crew up on deck in two minutes, do you understand"

Nisgeis "Jawohl Herr Kaleun"

As he spun on his heel to carry out the order Jimbuna grabbed the cuff on his tunic and asked "Did Firewall return last night"

Nisgeis "Yes"

Jimbuna "Put an armed guard below with him and have him wait my presence shortly"

Nisgeis looked a little puzzled at this but nonetheless said "Jawohl Herr Kaleun" before rushing off to carry out his orders.

Laufen zum Ziel 02-09-09 02:55 PM

Watches Obern walk out thinking - Wonder why he ignored my suggestion of a guard on Letum? Strange though I wouldn't want to be the guard. I sometimes wish I was with U-13 and their AA guns. They beat the hell out of my guns. In fact I would not mind sleeping by a loaded deck gun.

UnderseaLcpl 02-09-09 02:55 PM


Originally Posted by Oberon

*He walks out of the pub and heads across to the mess hall where Letum is being treated.*

"Herr Oberfeldwebel! How is Herr Letum?"

<To Oberon>

To be honest, Gefreiter, I'm not quite sure. Minor abrasions to the facial area, severe laceration of the ribcage and gut, and he's lost a lot of blood. Ask around and see if you can find any willing donors with type A-, if you please.
Still, his vitals are fairly strong. It's almost a good thing he had that concussion or he'd be in a lot of pain right now.

Still, do you see these gouges? Notice anything unusual about them? The same parallel lacerations found on the constable. Like he was clawed....

<whispers> to be honest, Gefreiter, I'm beginning to think a little more of those ridiculous local legends.

Hitman 02-09-09 03:05 PM

Herr Oberst Chad!

I respectfully insist that we establish an official investigation of all this and put together all evidences according to the wehrmacht procedures!

Only through that will we be able to shed some light on this terrible affair. Three persons have died already (Well two and a half) and it is of highest importance that we determine who are the responsables!

Right now we can already conclude that there are AT LEAST two different murderers, since Chief engineer Raptor and Gemeiner Letum have been attacked in different places!

We must summon all evidences and assign protection to the members of the investigating comission to ensure that the truth is found!

With due respect to your rank Sir, if you refuse to follow the regular military procedures I will have to think that you are hiding something and will need to forward this case to the....Gestapo :88)

SandyCaesar 02-09-09 03:05 PM

"Oberfeldwebel! Herr UnderseaLcpl!"

The fisherman ambled over to the mess hall to examine Letum, staying out of UnderseaLcpl's way.

"This is frightening...I think we've all heard that legend about werewolves, sir," he said quietly. "But the scariest thing of all, Herr Oberfeldwebel, is that during the day...they become like one of us." He fixed his stare on a patch of snow. "German, Norwegian, Kamp staff, Boat crew, can be anyone. And I think there are two of them, possibly more...listening, waiting."

He gestured at Letum, and then at the cemetery.

"There's three people we know ain't werewolves: Letum here, Raptor1 and Gus over yonder. Everyone else, sir..."

Task Force 02-09-09 03:10 PM

Walks to where letum is.

Walks into door. Heard something about letum getting torn up pretty bad... Hows he doing?

(I get the report.)

Well, atleast he is alive. To bad about raptor. I have a feeling he was right about the werewolf thing. I overheard him and Kapt. Buna.

Jimbuna 02-09-09 03:12 PM

07:30 aboard U-13 on the foredeck.

Jimbuna looked at his assembled crew and couldn't help but feel admiration for the way they had acted in the past during times of great danger during combat. Many a time it was left to one of the older hands to calm the nerves of a youngster. Often he had witnessed a youngster with greater fitness abilities help an older man with a strenouos task.....good team players they were.

Jimbuna suddenly came out of his reminiscence when the realisation suddenly hit him in the face about the real reason for his men being assembled before him.

Fincuan brought the men to attention then after a nod from Jimbuna Nisgeis stood them at ease.

Jimbuna "Right, I am sure by now you are all well aware of the tragic course of events during the night. There are facts we need to establish and establish them I will".

Over the course of the next hour Jimbuna spoke to each one individually at the far end of the jetty. Everyone including the officers....nobody apart from Firewall for the time being was excepted.

What bits people knew were pieced together in Jimbunas mind and ran something like this:

Raptor 1 had went below with Jimbuna at approximately 01:00 and after sharing the story of the myth was seen to exit the boat at the conning tower hatch at about 02:00. This was accurate as far as Jimbuna was concerned because the Chief told him he was going to do a last check everything was okay before retiring for the night.

When challenged by the sentries the Chief told them he was going ashore to look for Firewall.

'You bloody old fool' Jimbuna said to himself in his mind 'If only you had asked me I would have sent an armed guard with you my friend'

Jimbuna couldn't help thinking if the Chief was sincere when reciting the story of the man eating wolves and saw this as an opportunity to find out once and for all.

'It was definitely once and for all my friend' Jimbuna thought.

Chad 02-09-09 03:15 PM

Hitman, you accuse me of hiding something? No, no, I'm not hiding anything.

I will put you in charge of investigating this manner. You have full access to any personal records that are in my office to prove I am not hiding anything.

You should really consider being a judge, with your straight forwardness and manner at finding information :|\\

<*Walking back over to UnderseaLcpl*>
Work with UnderseaLcpl on looking at the wounds found on both Letum and Raptor. You'll have to visit the local morque for information on Gus, I hear it is a nasty affair.

Report to me your findings as soon as you can.

<*Thinking to himself*>
With the constable dead, the town could run amock with only us to keep order. I wish Germany would send us more men!

Laufen zum Ziel 02-09-09 03:17 PM


"Oberfeldwebel! Herr UnderseaLcpl!"

The fisherman ambled over to the mess hall to examine Letum, staying out of UnderseaLcpl's way.

"This is frightening...I think we've all heard that legend about werewolves, sir," he said quietly. "But the scariest thing of all, Herr Oberfeldwebel, is that during the day...they become like one of us." He fixed his stare on a patch of snow. "German, Norwegian, Kamp staff, Boat crew, can be anyone. And I think there are two of them, possibly more...listening, waiting."

He gestured at Letum, and then at the cemetery.

"There's three people we know ain't werewolves: Letum here, Raptor1 and Gus over yonder. Everyone else, sir..."

Over hearing Fisherman conversation with Herr UnderseaLcpl Laufen turns white again and thinks to himself. If the superstions are true there may be more unnatural beast, at least three new ones.

Task Force 02-09-09 03:17 PM

Im realy getting concerded I tell Kapt. buna. I have heard these werewolf myths before. They come and get a person every full moon. But stangly. Every night at this god forsaken place has a full moon!!!! (I yell)

*I think to myself... "By the end of this, we all might end up dead... We realy need to get out of here."*

Jimbuna 02-09-09 03:22 PM

09:00 Kaleuns cabin aboard U-13

Jimbuna "So what do you have to say for yourself Firewall"

Firewall stuttered and stammered but eventually strung enough sentences to explain he hadn't gotten drunk in the village Inn and fancied his chances with Penelope Grey. In an attempt to impress her he drank a little too much and fell asleep in the toilet.

Jimbuna looked down at the nether regions of Firewalls trousers, smirked to himself and said "The next time you go to the toilet I suggest you pull your trousers down first"

Firewall looked sheepishly at Jimbuna and said "Understood Kaleun"

Jimbuna "Tonight it is my intention to put distance between the boat and the shore. We will anchor 100 yards offshore and you will take the only inflatable ashore and stand by it all night. You will not return to the boat unless it is either first light or you receive a direct order via megaphone from me. Failure to comply and the guards will have strict orders to turn the klak on you. Alles Klar!!"

Firewall "Alles Klar Kaleun".

mookiemookie 02-09-09 03:23 PM

*mookie the postman begins his rounds, mumbling to himself*

The blasted Germans show up and now people are getting torn to shreds in the night. Is it a coincidence? Saboteurs? Or something else...

I heard the stories about werewolves but those were just tales to keep the kiddies from wandering outside at night, weren't they? The way those men were torn up leads me to believe they were not....

*mookie makes his way over to the barracks to deliver the soldiers' mail*

Ho there, Oberfeldwebel! Terribly sorry about your men. Any word on what happened? If we have a murderer on the loose, and no constable, should we expect protection from your men? Or are we to take matters in our own hands?

Jimbuna 02-09-09 03:26 PM

Jimbuna to Task Force "Don't be silly you youngster, your letting your imagination run away with you.

What with your personal experience last night I'd have thought it was more important you sleep with your back toward the bulkhead"

Jimbuna couldn't help thinking....this was the second story of werewolves from two different sources in less than 24 hours.

Chad 02-09-09 03:30 PM

<*Studying the map in his office intently of Kamp Letzte Jagd*>

I will put Cpl Oberon and Private Laufen zum Ziel in the west tower..
Cpl Stabiz and JCWolf will watch the east tower.

A Very Supermarket will be held at HQ for questioning for missing his guard duty last night.

Hitman will be investigating the murders and attempted murder.

UnderseaLcpl is with Letum, nursing him back to health.

If Kapitan Jimbuna agrees, he should have 2 men stand watch at U-13, while the rest of the crew have a strict curfew.


That should keep us safe, and accounted for. I will have a talk with Contact and see what we can do to work with the townfolk to keep everyone safe.


I still don't believe any of this werewolf nonsense, just the locals trying to scare us off, but we're not going anywhere. Not till this war is won and we are reinforced. Now, for a drink..

Task Force 02-09-09 03:33 PM

I guess your right Kpt. buna. "even though I know different."

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