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longam 05-16-07 07:48 AM

Seems to be a love - hate relationship every time I play. Next patch please!

Bear 05-16-07 07:51 AM

SH4 Patch 3
I have been a fan of the SH series since SH2. I thought that SH3 was the best ever, after the Dev Team listened to the Subsim community SH3 and made adjustments. NOW, they have a chance to create the Greatest Subsim in history. But they have stopped short of their potential. There are a lot of things I really like about SH4, BUTT there are a number of bugs and complications that are keeping this Sim on store shelves. In my opinion there were a lot of things that could have just been switched over from SH3 that would have kept this game stable, but they went to far off the board.

There are a lot of brillant minds in this community (mine is not one of them) that could and most likely help to make this Sim the greatest WW2 sim ever concieved, IF they would but listen.

In WW2, we as a nation were committed to seeing the task through to the end. Sadly in the three wars after, we have not had the courage of our convictions. UBI, please complete what you started. Live up to the quality which we belive you are capable. Make a third patch, and be willing to make a forth if necessary. Do what it takes to complete the task.

OlegM 05-16-07 08:09 AM

I support this petition as a matter of principle. :up:


"Early retirement" has been discussed to death, and I don't think it can be qualified as "bug". I like it the way it is. I would not be hurt if the new option is included for those who wish their careers to be *unrealistic* and neverenending but for me personally it means nothing as I would continue to play using realistically short campaign option. So it's neither a bug, nor very important IMO.

Destroyers in surface fights are completely wrong though (my biggest gripe with the game currently).

And multiplayer.... I am yet to play one single minute of this famed adversarial mode - enough said.

donw 05-16-07 08:10 AM

Totally agree with Neal. :up:
For petes sake Ubi...finish what you started...PLEASE!

Whiskey 05-16-07 08:13 AM

Hi, i agree, i am signing this petition as well.


darkfin 05-16-07 08:15 AM

I totally agree 100%. We need AT LEAST on more patch. It's a shame that it takes all this just for the developer, who knows things are broke, to get them to fix it. It's bad when the manual says you can do things that aren't even implemented, or broke, in game.

Uber Gruber 05-16-07 08:19 AM

I've worked in IT software development for 22 years, from simple programmer all the way to Technical Director and I am appauled by the way in which you, UBI, have handled the release of this game. It sits on my shelf awaiting a patch that will make the game function correctly. I have taken the decision to never purchase any UBI software again until this issue is resolved.

Quite frankly, you give "Software Development" a bad name.

MarshalLaw 05-16-07 08:25 AM


I agree this game is unfinished and I personally have put it on the shelf once the 1.2 patch came out. UBI your close on this don't quit now :stare: :stare:

flintlock 05-16-07 08:29 AM

Ubisoft, fix your product, please.
Yes, please patch SH4.

To be honest, it's disappointing as well as incredibly frustrating that a thread with a plea like this even needs to be initiated by Neal. One would think that a publisher couldn't in good conscience abandon a title in such an unfinished state. Moreover, you would expect Ubisoft to fix their product without the community feeling the need to resort to begging or initiating a petition.

Again, please Ubisoft--fix your product, at least to a remotely reasonable level.

Shipwreck 05-16-07 08:30 AM

PLEASE!! Ubi, step up and do the right thing. :up:

Thank you.

MDykas 05-16-07 08:34 AM

Yes I agree................... Please give us another patch.

DeerHunter UK 05-16-07 08:38 AM

I can only but echo Neal's sentiments, SH4 still has an unfinished quality about it. The various bugs need addressing, my current bug is the non crewable deck gun which plagues my sub at the moment. Please developers, do not leave your customers in the dark much longer.

Steeltrap 05-16-07 08:46 AM

How can anyone not agree??

I payed $100 here for this "sim". I find it so badly flawed I simply don't play it at all.

* Fix radar
* Fix AI (especially DD's responses)
* Fix damage models (i.e. subs do NOT fight DDs on surface.....)
* Fix aircraft (number of patrols encountered and ease with which they are destroyed)
* Fix units of measurement to a standard in ALL areas (TDC, recognition manual etc...)
* Fix save game issues

I could go on, but that list above is enough to show that I think there is a moral responsibility on the part of Ubi/Devs to fix the product OR announce they won't and allow me to claim a full refund.

TopCat 05-16-07 08:52 AM

Entirely agree to Neal!

Argus00 05-16-07 08:57 AM

HUGE potential SH4 had to knock everything else off the shelves, a potential blown away by a marketing decision. The looks of the game are indeed awesome and the best in any naval sim yet (granted, they're still tweakable here and there), however looks aren't enough.

Things I'd like fixed in upcoming 1.3(+) patch:

- Neal's points;
- better multiplayer.

Oh - and Technical Support contacts in ROMANIA would also be a nice touch :doh:

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