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cwmurt 10-13-20 05:47 AM

hello again, quick q:

is it normal for russian capital ships and a/c carriers to spam rocket propelled torpedoes?

i had no time to take a screen but 2 encounters in a row, i might have seen about 20 or 30 rpts rain down on me and it was smack right on the noggin'. :timeout:

granted there were a lot of sonobuoys they might have gotten a pinpoint on my posit, but still i don't ever recall seeing something like this in cw and or it's mods ever.

epic mod version is 2.24 btw.

still, it was a great sight to see. :har:


SkulSS 10-13-20 10:37 AM


Originally Posted by cwmurt (Post 2700555)
hello again, quick q:

is it normal for russian capital ships and a/c carriers to spam rocket propelled torpedoes?

i had no time to take a screen but 2 encounters in a row, i might have seen about 20 or 30 rpts rain down on me and it was smack right on the noggin'. :timeout:

granted there were a lot of sonobuoys they might have gotten a pinpoint on my posit, but still i don't ever recall seeing something like this in cw and or it's mods ever.

epic mod version is 2.24 btw.

still, it was a great sight to see. :har:


Each escort ship to the point of bold and impudent contact with 3-4 missiles) it is necessary to behave more modestly with the air strike group ))

steel shark 10-13-20 12:22 PM

Epic Mod 2.24 Tweaks Version 4 (IV)
5.6 - Epic mod ver 2.24 tweaks Ver 4 Mod

is up and in the downloads / coldwaters / Gameplay mods section

1.)------------------Sound changes

this mod adds my NEW Crew Mic voices i made ive tried to get this the best that i can with mic bleeps and voice sounds & what department section is reporting.

3000 feet call out mod Ver II

this voices depth up to 3000 Feet also
ive added Depth hull pressure noises at fixed intervals they play when you use the dive plans to dive

New torpedo tube SFX mod & External Tube Sounds

New reworked Torpedo engines sounds

New Deck gun Sounds with reverb / mechanical / ejected shell effects

New Towed array out & in sounds

New Ultra quiet on/off sound

(this i recorded my self then reworked my voice using software ill redo it when i get a better mic at some point)

New cavitation sound

New Nuclear sub sound

New Diesel sub sound

New Diesel crew sounds for when its not a nuclear vessel so :


(this i recorded my self then reworked my voice using software ill redo it when i get a better mic at some point)

Fire & Flooding Sfx for Control Room
so when the Conn takes fire or Flooding Damage you can hear it

2.)------------------Depth Displays & Maneuvering changes

the helm depth arrow keys are now 100 ft increments so depth is

100 ft on arrows

50 ft on increase decrease depth keys

10 ft on increase decrease depth keys + shift

the displayed depth has been increased to 11000 feet so you can all ways find the sea floor

also the set depth readout can now show up to 11000 feet as well

3.)-------Tactical Game Changes

The towed array can now be used at 45 feet minimum or 14 meters ish i did this so in noisy sea condition it can help as well as ESM/Periscope

you still need

200 feet / 60 meters above the sea floor like it was for before tho to deploy the Array

also the maximum sonar error range has been reduced by 75% so its should be more accurate now

4.)------------------ssn_virginia replacer

ive have also included my virginia replacer model as a option so you can use it if you want to

5.)------------------Mod Fixes

also ive noticed a few missing vessels in single player that were not added to the ship rosta so it was impossible to id em till you get auto id so ive added those and reordered the rosta too so now its better to use for western side so :

soviet subs first then soviet warships ect better order i think

also if you find more missing vessels let me know

6.)------------------Custom Config Changes

this Version has my custom Config as well for better Realism Data Wise

ive also restored the (TestDepthAddition * 1.5) which affects the crush depth to the original Cold waters 1.5 rating so

take test Depth then times by 1.5 then -1.75 to get result ect

skipjack test depth on my game is 950 then times X this by 1.5 = 1,425 then - 1.75 so crush depth is 1,423 FEET

so a sturgeon with test depth of 1320 feet will crush at about 1,978 feet

REMEMBER DAMAGE reduces crush depth by about 50%

my config factors sea states , rain and thermal conditions to my set levels that i think are about right within the limitations of coldwaters data wise.

[Difficulty Settings]

I have made all of these 1 which means realistic so no advantage or disadvantage is given on hull points or reload times ect.

this is what i use so no matter what Difficulty setting you use or is scripted on a Campaign or Missions you get a realistic game.

[Difficulty Settings Campaign]

for the Campaign were left as was so Number of ASW do still increase as difficulty is Increased also handicap,s or Bonus Points are still valid.


this mod requires Epic Mod 2.24 to be installed first

once you have downloaded it ---UNZIP IT THEN put the mod folder were your cold waters EXE file is Easy way is to RIGHT CLICK on your cold waters icon with mouse then
go to Open file location

when this is done copy the mods folder and the Epicmod Install program were coldwaters exe is once mod folder is added their use mod installer to add your options

and id add this mod last in the load order so for example :

1. Epic Mod 2.24 (Main Mod)
3.2 ( All 3 control panels are visible and are attached to the right of minimap)
5.6 - Epic mod ver 2.24 tweaks Ver 4
7.4 Epic mod ver 2.24 ssn_virginia

to launch coldwaters just use your normal desktop icon as per usual

To install simple put the

" 5.6 - Epic mod version 2.24 tweaks Ver 4 folder "


"7.4 Epic mod ver 2.24 ssn_virginia folder"

in to the MODS folder then install with Epic mod Install application



any problems just message me on Subsim

Steel Shark

Sabreliner 10-14-20 12:49 AM

Hey, I just wanted to post a BIG thank you to the wonderful people who made this project! This mod tranforms the game completely!


steel shark 10-14-20 02:37 PM

Em 2.24 Tweaks Ver 4 (IV) Depth mod + SnS Hide Mod
k ive made this mod for those that want a choice on Depth arrow keys

i also added

SnS Comp Hider options as well for those that want to use that also for a harder game

its under :

Downloads / Coldwaters / GamePlay Mods

Epic mod ver 2.24 Tweaked files Ver 4 Depth & SnS Comp Hide Mod

1.)------------------Depth Manouvering changes

This helm depth Mod allows you to change the Helm arrow keys Depth increments

Choices are :

50 ft on arrows

100 ft on arrows

2.)------------------Depth Manouvering changes + SnS Comp Hide Versions

This Dose exactly what the above mod dose but also hides the Enemy Sonar Sensor Values

as you wont know the enemy's sensor levels it will also mean using the identification book to look up what sensors are equipped on the various contacts to gauge their sensor capability's

this plus experience of the vessels over time will give a good added depth to judging when you are in danger of being detected

also you will need to take in to account the conditions more so ect ;

is their a thermal layer & Duct

how loud is the back ground ocean noise

how close is the ocean floor

& how loud your own vessel is

as these factors will matter in how close you can safely get without fear of being detected

as not knowing what the enemy can see Sensor wise will make it harder to know when you in danger of being Detected

Choices are :

50 ft on arrows + SnS Comp Hide

100 ft on arrows + SnS Comp Hide


this mod requires Epic Mod 2.24 to be installed first & my 5.6 - Epic mod ver 2.24 tweaks Ver 4 (IV) so you need both

First Unzip------ this file

its going to be best to replace the original file without mod installer as this can cause problems if too many Assembly
files are stacked so

To install simple replace the ( Assembly-CSharp )

so find this path :

Cold Waters\MODS\5.6 - Epic mod ver 2.24 tweaks Ver 4\ColdWaters_Data\Managed

and delete ( Assembly-CSharp ) then pop the one you want in replacement files are :

" 50 FEET Helm Depth Mod folder " ( Standard Cold waters Version Depth )
" 100 FEET Helm Depth Mod folder " ( Original Mod Version )


"SnS Hide + 50 FEET Helm Depth Mod folder" ( Standard Cold waters Version Depth + SnS Hidden )
"SnS Hide + 100 FEET Helm Depth Mod folder" ( Original Mod Version + SnS Hidden )

IMPORTANT !!!!!!!!! Use the mod installer to remove ( 5.6 - Epic mod ver 2.24 tweaks Ver 4 ) then RE-ENABLE it before
launching Cold Waters. after swapping the ( Assembly-CSharp ) File.



any problems just message me on Subsim

Steel Shark

jack33 10-15-20 09:44 AM

Steel Shark, Thank´s

steel shark 10-16-20 03:30 PM

thanks mate

Tucker 10-17-20 01:40 PM

Awesome update SkulSS! Also now with the Chinese added back into the game, have you thought about a Soviet vs Chinese campaign?

Examples could be like the boarder conflict that actually happened in 1969 spins out of control, or a follow on fictional dispute in the 70’s/80’s develops into a full on war.

Other options could be the Soviets intervene in the Sino Vietnamese War in 1979, or China moves on Russia in the 1980's to claim contested territory when it believes Russia is stretched thin, fighting in Afghanistan and focused on Europe with the build up of American forces under Reagan.

I think it would be a fun campaign to add even more variety to the Russian campaigns.

steel shark 10-17-20 03:27 PM

EM ver 2.24 Weapons Tags Mod
EM ver 2.24 Weapons Tags Mod

ive nearly finished making my Weapons tag mod this also expands on weapons descriptions were needed

the main aim of the mod is to identify the Different types of weapons in Epic Mod to assist in playing the game by knowing :

what they do so for example is the missile a

anti-ship missile


land-attack missile

is the torpedo a wake homing torpedo or a wire guided one ect

ive also renamed the soviet side weapons to the actual Russian names as a Russian boat should not have NATO names for their weapons for example :

Epic Mod language_en Version

[Weapon Reference]
WeaponDescriptiveName=SS-N-16 Stallion
WeaponDescription=Submarine-launched stand-off ASW missile. It is similar to the SS-N-14 and drops the same UGMT homing torpedo.

In my Version is now :

[Weapon Reference]
WeaponName=Rpk-6m (Anti-Sub)Hm
WeaponDescriptiveName=RPK-6 Vodopad ASW Missile
WeaponDescription=RPK-6 Vodopad , "waterfall" is a Soviet 533 mm anti-submarine missile deployed operationally since 1981 RPK-6 "Waterfall" (NATO SS-N-16 STALLION), rockets 83Р and 84Р, after exiting the torpedo tube, the lattice rudders open, the solid propellant rocket turns on and the rocket leaves the water, then the flight continues in the atmosphere along a ballistic trajectory, along When the aiming point is reached, the warhead is detached from the missile and splashed down by parachute. The missile-torpedoes of the complex are capable of hitting enemy submarines at a distance of up to 50 km. The 400-mm small-sized electric torpedo UMGT-1 is used as a combat head (dropped by parachute, the speed 41 knots, cruising range - 8 km, depth - up to 500 m)

I think this add to the game when playing on the Russian side

weapon types Key :

Rd-Hm = Radar+Homing

Rd = Radar

Wh = Wake Homing

wr = Wire Guided

Hm = Homing

Un = Unguided

Ww = Wire Guided + Wake Homing

Int-G = Internal Guidance

the Abbreviated names had to be a certain length to fit ok and not go over hud elements so i came up with these bear in mind the names of the weapons have to fit as well


(Ship-Sub) Rd-Hm

(Anti-Ship) Rd

(Anti-Sub) Hm

(Land-Atk) Rd

(Duel-Role) Rd

(SLBM) Int-G

--------------anti ship torpedoes

(Anti-Ship) Un

(Anti-Ship) Hm

(Anti-Ship) Wh

------------anti sub torpedoes

(Anti-Sub) Un

(Anti-Sub) Hm

(Anti-Sub) Wr

--------------duel role torpedoes

(Duel-Role) Hm

(Duel-Role) Wh

(Duel-Role) Wr

(Duel-Role) Ww

--------------Counter fire torpedo

(Cntr-Fire) Hm

---------------anti torpedoes

(Anti-Torp) Hm


(Decoy) Un

(Decoy) Wr

pic 1 is a Usn example & Pic 2 is a Russian example

Steel Shark

steel shark 10-22-20 12:18 PM

mods made
Epic Mod ver 2.24 Weps Tags & DEX


Epic Mod ver 2.24 Weapons Tags & Description Expansion Mod

NOTE : this was made for Epic Mod 2.24 but will
work on other versions too tho if certain names
are different the new Information Names won’t be
used it that’s all.

i,ve put it up in the :

Downloads /coldwaters / Gameplay section

Steel Shark

LeathalMeatball 10-25-20 11:30 AM

Has anyone else run into an issue with 2.24 where the game fails to start with the message "Streaming Assets/ default/ language/ dictionary/ dictionary_message_log.txt" Not found? Never had any issues with 2.22.

whiskey111 10-26-20 05:51 AM

Please, can you tell me how to get an english version of this mod? All my menu is written in Russian now.

Thanks in advance !

steel shark 10-26-20 10:12 AM

try this
epic mod 2.24 is just like 2.23

fire up the game then go to options UNDER ( GAME ) there are 2 options for voice and language they on slider bars 2 choices :


Voice Russian or English

Language Russian or English

try that

Steel Shark

whiskey111 10-27-20 02:21 AM

Thanks, that helped. Is it normal behaviour that mod is still installed even when I removed it by Mod Enabler?

BENICK 10-29-20 02:23 PM

Epic Mod 2.24
Excellent job Steel Shark, carry on.
Perhaps a small correction....
Driving A U.S. Sub, (tried on China Sea campaign dont know if happens on other campaigns) after a mission when I get a medal, it is a Russian one !!!!
However when returning at the base the medal is corrected to U.S. one.

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