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torpedobait 11-23-19 01:56 PM


Originally Posted by propbeanie (Post 2637502)
The conning tower explains a ~lot~... while there is no renown payment required for the radar, there is a renown payment required for the "upgraded" conning towers. You have the pre-war conning tower, before the shears had their wrap removed, and the "cut-out" for the rear AA. Look at the pictures I posted about the same boat, but Single Mission configured for June of 1942. The shears only have the framework, and there is an AA platform. That is the improved conning tower, first "upgrade". I use that term loosely, since like a submarine "upgrade", it has to be paid for with a good patrol score and commander ranking. You cannot have a patrol that is below "Average", and especially early, and it is best if you have the first four of them in the "Good" category, which is above 800 renown. If you don't get above that, you are then not eligible for a boat or conning tower upgrade, and hence will not get the SJ radar - ever - until you get a new conning tower. See the "Of Refits.pdf" in the Support folder, which is a copy of one of Ducimus' posts from years ago. This is the reason for us putting extra objective assignments in the "Early" patrols...

Ok, I get it. I think. With few exceptions I've never scored poorly on a mission. I tend to meet the objectives and then amass tonnage. Where I made my mistake apparently was in accepting the new boats! I have NEVER been offered a refit conning tower, but I do get new boats, usually after three or four patrols. Occasionally it will only take three good ones, and the max so far as I remember has been five patrols.

I've never really tracked the renown earned from these missions and that now seems to be the key to both boats and refits. I'm currently conducting an experiment: I reloaded the saved patrol that started just before I was offered the Gato boat. If I do as well as the time before, I hope to be offered the Gato again. This time I'm going to turn it down and see if it will offer me a refit for the conning tower. It does seem strange though that they didn't make it an either/or choice, doesn't it?

I'll let you know.

propbeanie 11-23-19 03:00 PM

No, won't happen that way. Read that Ducimus "Of Refits.pdf" (found in the Support folder) and you'll understand it better. The game gives you a choice of either yes or no, to one question or the other. If you answer "no", that's it, no further logic is involved. It might ask again at the conclusion of the next patrol, but will usually skip one, and it also has to be a good patrol. We did a LOT of testing on this. If you qualify points-wise, and a new boat is available, you are asked if you want a new boat. No question about a conning tower. However, if you qualify, and there is not a new boat available, then you'll be asked if you want a new conning tower - if ~that's~ available. See the "Submarine Equipment Upgrades" pdf for most of the Pearl dates for the equipment. The conns are not listed there, but the Gato.upc says 1942-05-01 for the first cut-down "MedWar" conn, 1943-01-01 for the late-war, and 1944-01-01 for the "elite" sail, where you can mount the 40's. So, if you came in just prior to 1942-05-01 and qualified, you would not have been asked the question. You then go back out on patrol roughly 1942-05-25 or so, with the old conning tower and no surface radar. If you instead come back in after 05-01 but prior to 06-01 and qualified, you would then be offered the new conning tower. So it is really a strange set-up in the game. It should be, that if you decline the new boat, it gives you a conning tower, if available - but it does not work that way... No matter what though, if you get a new boat after the date for the new conning towers, you should be getting those ~and~ the radar, if available... sometimes, if it's close to the date of availability, it will ask for a "renown payment"... :salute:

merc4ulfate 11-23-19 08:38 PM

No Tokyo Express here.

I would like to say I do hope everyone has seen the Donation banner. It would be a lovely gesture to donate to the site if you haven't already. From general news, hosting forums and a huge download section the web site has a lot to offer us. A lot of people spent a lot of time on this mod and space cost money.

:Kaleun_Cheers: I sacrificed three bottles of rum ... yes I know ... it is truly sad ... :Kaleun_Cheers:


Please consider giving back in support of the web page.

ThePainSheriff 11-24-19 06:41 PM

This mod looks amazing! When I try to start a fleet boat career, however, it crashes ever time. The difficult artillery mission in the sub school worked though. I suspect it's because I didn't delete previous save games like the manual says. I couldn't figure out how to and I thought since I reinstalled SH4 clean it probably deleted them already. But when I click on the "Load Game" option my old saves are there. It seems the "Save Game" option is gone though, so I have no idea how to delete them. I guess I'll have to reinstall everything again too.

propbeanie 11-24-19 09:50 PM

No, hopefully you won't have to re-install the game. If you have not used MultiSH4 v1.5, then your Save folder is usually in "C:\Users \UserName \Documents \SH4", where "UserName" is the name you log into your computer with, and "Documents" might be "My PC", or "My Computer" or "This PC", all dependent upon which version of Windows you are using. Usually, the Windows File Manager (This PC, My Computer, etc) will have short-cuts available in the left section of the Window, and you could just click on the "Documents" folder short-cut icon, and look for an "SH4" folder in there. Open that folder, and delete the "Data" folder below that. Start the SH4 game again, and it will recreate the Save folder, and bring in all the new mod parts it needs.

Another thing to check is the use of LAA or some other applet that can set the "Large Address Aware" bits on the SH4.exe file. The file has to be write-enabled though first, so go into the game folder, find the "Sh4.exe" file, right-click on it, and choose "Properties" with a left-click. That will usually open a small window to a "General" tab. In the lower portion of that is "Attributes", and there will be a little square tick box for "Read-only". Be sure that is empty, then you can run LAA and flip the necessary bits for the game to address more of your computer's RAM. After you have activated the FotRSU mod, there should be a "01_FotRSU_Support_TOC.bat" that you can double-click on to start the "01_FotRSU_TableOfContents.pdf" that is in the Support folder. It has links to other help files in the Support folder. :salute:

ThePainSheriff 11-24-19 10:52 PM


Originally Posted by propbeanie (Post 2637920)
No, hopefully you won't have to re-install the game. If you have not used MultiSH4 v1.5, then your Save folder is usually in "C:\Users \UserName \Documents \SH4", where "UserName" is the name you log into your computer with, and "Documents" might be "My PC", or "My Computer" or "This PC", all dependent upon which version of Windows you are using. Usually, the Windows File Manager (This PC, My Computer, etc) will have short-cuts available in the left section of the Window, and you could just click on the "Documents" folder short-cut icon, and look for an "SH4" folder in there. Open that folder, and delete the "Data" folder below that. Start the SH4 game again, and it will recreate the Save folder, and bring in all the new mod parts it needs.

Another thing to check is the use of LAA or some other applet that can set the "Large Address Aware" bits on the SH4.exe file. The file has to be write-enabled though first, so go into the game folder, find the "Sh4.exe" file, right-click on it, and choose "Properties" with a left-click. That will usually open a small window to a "General" tab. In the lower portion of that is "Attributes", and there will be a little square tick box for "Read-only". Be sure that is empty, then you can run LAA and flip the necessary bits for the game to address more of your computer's RAM. After you have activated the FotRSU mod, there should be a "01_FotRSU_Support_TOC.bat" that you can double-click on to start the "01_FotRSU_TableOfContents.pdf" that is in the Support folder. It has links to other help files in the Support folder. :salute:

Thank you for the detailed instructions, you guys are awesome. Will try this when possible. That is my issue. I had been searching for the save folder in the root game folder rather than the documents.


merc4ulfate 11-26-19 08:24 AM

I had a CTD last night around Balikpapan. I think it was a plane spawn maybe I had been buzzed a couple of times by aircraft in the shallows of the harbor.

Aug 42 Sargo Class.

I also ran a test mission for the Three Task Force moving towards the Mariannas. I got a CTD after my engagement with the First Task Force like in the last version. This was ran from a single war patrol menu not campaign.

propbeanie 11-26-19 01:26 PM

Same, usual questions from me though merc4ulfate: I am supposing your were in career mode with the Balikpapan issue? From Fremantle? Do you remember your orders? How did you get those orders, from the Captain's Office going on Patrol, or a Status Report? Some new orders were added to the DynamicMiss file that are not accessible any other way than doing a Status Report and all Objectives completed. It is next to impossible to test all of those "in the laboratory", so only "the wild" can find issues there quickly from there. Davao Gulf and Balikpapan are both represented there. There is an airfield nearby, and if you were seen, they would send planes your way ceaselessly... :o

I am not completely understanding the "3 Task Force" thing, but if that's the mission from before when we were testing the Battle of the Philippine Sea, then that test mission would now be invalid. Only use the "SM04 Battle of Philippine Sea.mis", which on the Single Mission menu is "Battle of Philippines Sea" - er, let me say this: "~Should~ be the 'Battle of Philippines Sea' on the menu..." :roll:

ThePainSheriff 11-26-19 02:44 PM

LAA appears to have fixed the CTD issue for me. Thanks for the help. Can't wait to learn all the nuances of this mod! :salute:

propbeanie 11-26-19 03:36 PM

You are more than welcome. Consult the "SH4_Q-Ref_Card_Back.jpg" and "SH4_Q-Ref_Card_Front.jpg" files in the game's 'root' folder for pictures of the keystroke short-cuts. I printed them out on cardstock in landscape mode, front & back, and have it laying nearby when I play... I still can't remember all the short-cuts... :salute:

von Zelda 11-26-19 04:20 PM

Moved question per your request
Propbeanie, I have a question after seeing nine destroyers in each of two different 14 ship Japanese invasion fleets.

Side view using the unit camera buttons (< & >), destroyers with #5 and #18 on their bow (don't know them by name) seem to be riding abnormally high in the water. The red band around the hull appears extremely high as the propellers and rudders are seen at or above sea level. The other ships appeared normal.

Career mode, Manila was home port, located outside the Lingayen Gulf in my 4th patrol area in an S-boat. Dates were 12/24/41 and 12/26/41. Window 7 laptop, 4 gig memory, 64-bit, using LAA.

360 degree Bearing Plotter Mod
NMMO Reverse Ocean Colors Add-on Mod
Clean and Quiet Map Mod
Webster’s 300” Underwater Visibility Mod for v1.5
Remove Grain Effect Mod
Lee’s custom Additional Messages Mod
amb_SubmarineInterior sound Mod from Pacific
Lee’s custom Commands

merc4ulfate 11-26-19 08:38 PM


Originally Posted by propbeanie (Post 2638143)
Same, usual questions from me though merc4ulfate: I am supposing your were in career mode with the Balikpapan issue? YES
From Fremantle? YES
Do you remember your orders? How did you get those orders, from the Captain's Office going on Patrol, or a Status Report? Patrol an area just south east of there for five days and given from the captains office at the beginning of the patrol
Objective was completed before I went up to Balikpapan
Some new orders were added to the DynamicMiss file that are not accessible any other way than doing a Status Report and all Objectives completed. It is next to impossible to test all of those "in the laboratory", so only "the wild" can find issues there quickly from there. Davao Gulf and Balikpapan are both represented there. There is an airfield nearby, and if you were seen, they would send planes your way ceaselessly... :o

Planes were sent and avoided

I am not completely understanding the "3 Task Force" thing, but if that's the mission from before when we were testing the Battle of the Philippine Sea, then that test mission would now be invalid. Only use the "SM04 Battle of Philippine Sea.mis", which on the Single Mission menu is "Battle of Philippines Sea" - er, let me say this: "~Should~ be the 'Battle of Philippines Sea' on the menu..." :roll:

Yes Battle of the Philippine Sea but if you remember this was occurring in a campaign mode. I chose a patrol closest to that time period in order to test it out that way. I have not progressed far enough into the campaign to test it out on a full campaign load but if this patrol is any indication there is still something wrong in coming across those three task force.

propbeanie 11-27-19 12:20 AM

I'll have to see what you are getting with the Quick Patrols. Different files load for the different modes. You might be getting the game's Single Mission file, which I did not attempt to fix, and which is completely different from the Career mode... That being said, I have found old files back in the mod, which is not good... I'll look into that Balikpapan thing later today...


Originally Posted by von Zelda (Post 2638162)
Propbeanie, I have a question after seeing nine destroyers in each of two different 14 ship Japanese invasion fleets.

Side view using the unit camera buttons (< & >), destroyers with #5 and #18 on their bow (don't know them by name) seem to be riding abnormally high in the water. The red band around the hull appears extremely high as the propellers and rudders are seen at or above sea level. The other ships appeared normal.

Career mode, Manila was home port, located outside the Lingayen Gulf in my 4th patrol area in an S-boat. Dates were 12/24/41 and 12/26/41. Window 7 laptop, 4 gig memory, 64-bit, using LAA.

360 degree Bearing Plotter Mod
NMMO Reverse Ocean Colors Add-on Mod
Clean and Quiet Map Mod
Webster’s 300” Underwater Visibility Mod for v1.5
Remove Grain Effect Mod
Lee’s custom Additional Messages Mod
amb_SubmarineInterior sound Mod from Pacific
Lee’s custom Commands

The Reverse Colors, Clean & Quiet, Underwater Visibility, Remove Grain are all basically "overlay" mods, and should be OK, though they have not been tested. The 360 Plotter is basically already in the game, though not as big as that one, but it also does not take as much memory to display. The Additional Messages should be OK, but does ruin all of the base notifications you would normally get. What you could do with it, is to use WinMerge and combine the two files. You really have to be careful with Sound and Command mods in FotRSU, since some of them do things that are not good for the FotRSU mod, and they might also not comply with "Stock" specs. Certain sound files that do not comply to time lengths and bit-depth or resolution of the stock sound files can and do cause trouble, so be aware of that. All of that being said, none of those are the likely cause of the ships wearing hot pants and mini-skirts, dancing around with their skivvies showing... As mentioned in your other post, I am reasonably certain it was the Groups that had duplicate ship names, especially the sub chasers and Akatsuki DD, since there were four SC, and probably almost a half-dozen Akatsuki that had duplicated names in that particular mis file. Add-in that several of the groups with the Small Passenger troop ships exceeded their MaxSpeed setting, and I'm surprised the game ran. This is one of the files that 'reverted' to a previous state some how. Not good... :salute:

fitzcarraldo 11-27-19 08:52 AM

I tried the new skins by Vickers03, original skins in 4k. Looks really nice in FOTRSU.

Deserves a test...


Fitzcarraldo :Kaleun_Salute:

propbeanie 11-27-19 09:10 AM

Thanks fitzcarraldo! I have been checking them out myself. They are huge files though, but sure are beautiful! :salute:

Fifi 11-27-19 09:58 AM


Originally Posted by propbeanie (Post 2638261)
Thanks fitzcarraldo! I have been checking them out myself. They are huge files though, but sure are beautiful! :salute:

Huge files = lack of RAM = CTD! :D :haha:

vickers03 11-27-19 12:23 PM


Huge files = lack of RAM = CTD! :D
don't worry, each skin is only ~10mb:03:

merc4ulfate 11-27-19 12:41 PM


Originally Posted by propbeanie (Post 2638206)
I'll have to see what you are getting with the Quick Patrols. Different files load for the different modes. You might be getting the game's Single Mission file, which I did not attempt to fix, and which is completely different from the Career mode... That being said, I have found old files back in the mod, which is not good... I'll look into that Balikpapan thing later today...

The Reverse Colors, Clean & Quiet, Underwater Visibility, Remove Grain are all basically "overlay" mods, and should be OK, though they have not been tested. The 360 Plotter is basically already in the game, though not as big as that one, but it also does not take as much memory to display. The Additional Messages should be OK, but does ruin all of the base notifications you would normally get. What you could do with it, is to use WinMerge and combine the two files. You really have to be careful with Sound and Command mods in FotRSU, since some of them do things that are not good for the FotRSU mod, and they might also not comply with "Stock" specs. Certain sound files that do not comply to time lengths and bit-depth or resolution of the stock sound files can and do cause trouble, so be aware of that. All of that being said, none of those are the likely cause of the ships wearing hot pants and mini-skirts, dancing around with their skivvies showing... As mentioned in your other post, I am reasonably certain it was the Groups that had duplicate ship names, especially the sub chasers and Akatsuki DD, since there were four SC, and probably almost a half-dozen Akatsuki that had duplicated names in that particular mis file. Add-in that several of the groups with the Small Passenger troop ships exceeded their MaxSpeed setting, and I'm surprised the game ran. This is one of the files that 'reverted' to a previous state some how. Not good... :salute:

I miss spoke

It is the three TF going to the Marianas. 6-18-44 They are headed for the Turkey shoot. I tried it again this time in campaign mode and I am still getting the CTD upon closure of the third TF. I can make it around the first and second with no issue but when that third TF gets close CTD. You had thought this was caused by one of the DD in the third group.

propbeanie 11-27-19 12:44 PM

Yes, I should have said "huge SET of files in the download"... with each individual sub, I have not seen any impact on performance. The download took a while on my super-not-much-wide-band ISP connection... :roll:

fitzcarraldo 11-27-19 02:07 PM


Originally Posted by vickers03 (Post 2638271)
don't worry, each skin is only ~10mb:03:

I have FPS fixed, 30 FPS, via Nvidia Inspector, no change with the skins. The packs include all the subs.


Fitzcarraldo :salute:

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