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Schroeder 03-13-17 01:00 AM


Originally Posted by Skybird (Post 2472450)
We want to be lost, by not doing this. That is the difference.

How is that different from what I wrote? I wrote we had lost when we decided not to take care of our own borders, when we decided to become passive and not do anything. Right now I would be surprised if we even had enough border security personnel to effectively guard something the size of Luxembourg. So just closing the borders might not even be possible for us at the moment as it takes years of training to get those officers in uniform.

Nippelspanner 03-13-17 05:18 AM


Originally Posted by ikalugin (Post 2472488)
A half troll. There is a fairly popular view the EU is the German attempt to create an Empire within Europe.

Oh, that's what you're referring to.
Well in that case empire fits better indeed, I see no parallels to anything nazi with today's Germany and was therefore a little confused.
Naturally Germany wants a strong Europe and of course it wants to maintain its leading status. Nothing bad though, someone has to, and I somehow don't see cute Denmark doing it, though Denmark shows more guts than Germany atm.

A shame the brain dead right wing populist fear mongers all want an end to the EU, the only thing guaranteeing us peace, at least between European countries. Well, that and NATO.
Big mistake to end the EU in my opinion. It needs to be handled differently, but of course politicians weren't able to act smartly and reasonable, so now everybody's leaving the sinking ship...

ikalugin 03-13-17 05:21 AM


Originally Posted by Nippelspanner (Post 2472509)
Oh, that's what you're referring to.
Well in that case empire fits better indeed, I see no parallels to anything nazi with today's Germany and was therefore a little confused.
Naturally Germany wants a strong Europe and of course it wants to maintain its leading status. Nothing bad though, someone has to, and I somehow don't see cute Denmark doing it, though Denmark shows more guts than Germany atm.

A shame the brain dead right wing populist fear mongers all want an end to the EU, the only thing guaranteeing us peace, at least between European countries. Well, that and NATO.
Big mistake to end the EU in my opinion. It needs to be handled differently, but of course politicians weren't able to act smartly and reasonable, so now everybody's leaving the sinking ship...

I think that within that narrative 4th Reich is a fine term, as the 4th Reich would differ from the 3rd Reich the same way 3rd Reich differed from the 2nd.

From what I understand the core of that narrative is that Germany both benefits more from the EU and has a greater control over the EU than any other member state.

Nippelspanner 03-13-17 06:00 AM


Originally Posted by ikalugin (Post 2472510)
I think that within that narrative 4th Reich is a fine term, as the 4th Reich would differ from the 3rd Reich the same way 3rd Reich differed from the 2nd.

From what I understand the core of that narrative is that Germany both benefits more from the EU and has a greater control over the EU than any other member state.

Good observation, you gotta know, being German, my school system tried to make me panic and hate myself whenever I hear or read about some "Reich", and sometimes it works, it seems. Lol.

And sure Germany wants maximum profit. It's a bunch of dirty politicians, no matter the country.
However, a strong EU would still be the best possible outcome in so many regards. Be it to keep Russia from annexing more eastern countries (come on, they are like Pokémon for Putin, he wants them all! :p), or keep Turkey from doing who knows what and also to counter America's absolute power. With each EU country on its own, there would be many possible dangers to global stability (which is instable already).

But Meh, this isn't really my turf, I might be off by miles.

Jimbuna 03-13-17 07:18 AM


Originally Posted by Schroeder (Post 2472392)
Did you really expect anything less? Like Merkel having a spine (well, I know you didn't but some people still do for reasons that are beyond me)?
There are a few million weaponized refugees waiting in Turkey to be let lose into Europe and both Erogan and Merkel know this. We've lost! We had lost the moment when we decided that others should be responsible for protecting our borders. We had lost when we didn't care for the refugee problems that haunted Greece and Italy for years. We had lost when we decided that Turkey has to be our friend and ally no matter what. I can only congratulate Erdogan. He's played all his cards and every one was higher than the ones we had. We've only one card left to play and that's tourism. But since we, as a people, don't give a sheet enough of us will still go there on vacation and leave their money there which Turkey so desperately needs.:/\\!!

An opinion I suspect that is gathering momentum in more European countries than simply Germany.

Skybird 03-13-17 08:22 AM

LINK - Report: Merkel and Rutte made concrete promises with Turkey over refugee quota

What a treacherous lying beast.

The political self-declared "elite" since long time already has established a feudal self-definition again. Peacefully this scum will not give up power, that is for certain, elections change nothing here - the scum prevails. Its names and smells vary, its automatism to stay in power remains. Already now all poltical party only represnett tiny ractions of the total electorate, none of them is even close to having somethign like a real majority. Pepel turnign away form politics don'T do that due to laziness or lacking interest, but because of getting realistically desillusionised - and also by being driven away by the stinking smells.

"In government, the scum raises to the top." A.F. Hayek.

Seal off those damn borders, all you dreamdancers of Europe. Stop cooperatio with Turkey on everything. get the Geran Tonaos out of Incirlik, and the Gerna Patriot missiles that only are there becasue Erdoghan held up a loop and wanted NATO to jump through it. The threat of Syrian air and missile attacks into Turkey never was a realistic scenario. In fact is has been qite the other way around - already since years before the Syrian conflict saw Turkey engaging.

Instead we get more German lecturing on that the Dutch "walked into a trap" and that they should have hoped instead that if they take the spanking while sitting still, Turks would not vote for Erdoghan. What a smelly, rotten, foul pseudo-logic that is.

If unwanted people storm your house and guests show up you have not invited and do not want, you do not appeal, you do not bribe them to go, you do not give them gifts in exchange for them behaving kinder, you do not smile - you call the police to throw them out, and then slam the door behind them and lock it.

Skybird 03-15-17 07:18 AM

After the federal state Saarland has formally banned any foreeign pllticians from cappaigning for national elections in theor cintry, the chancellor'S office has started to releaes warnign sthat the Geran govenrment cna mull such a ban nationwide, which the highest court of the coutnry has found some days ago to be in conformaity with already existing laws that indeed do a,low that.

Erdoghan'S AKP vice leader threatened to head for Germany as well, and in the coming days 16 more propaganda festivals by Turkish ministers i germany are announced, with another 10-15 such events being planned afterwards until the Turkish election.

The warning thus is just that so far: a warning, means: a verbal hint that costs nothing and binds nobody. And at the same time the German government agreed that in principle nothing speaksagainst having Turkish polling stations established in Germany.

Which, seeing all this together, to me sends another message: if Turkey only stops comparing us evil wicked Germans with Nazis, then Erdoghan can have his will in Germany as he pleases.

Why non-German Turks with idoitcally holding two passports should not travel to their wonderful homeland Turkey for casting their precious vote, or have their vote sent via mail, is beyond me. Whats next - Turkish ministries haveing branch offices set up in Germany? AKP party offices? Another palace for the Sultan? But hey, we already allow two Turkish ministries - religion and education - to massively interfere with German sovereign inner politics - on the grounds of treaties giving the Turks this right. Sovereign...?

Stupid this German habit is to so often state two detrimental opposites simultaneously and then claiming that is a "balanced approach". I call it: "avoiding to take a stand for anything, ever".

Turkish politicians by habit use the option to speak in Germany to call Turks living here to resist to integration and to not forget what country their real home is. Criticising this often triggers enragedfury of that demanding Turks to integrate is a crime against humanity.

For these reasons I am totally against double-nationalities. From some time on, you have to make a choice for either the one or the other. No cherry picking all life long. Two passports do not help integration, but absolutely hinder it.

Snapshot of German climate:

"Don't allow to get provoked... don't allow to get provoked... don't allow to get provoked..."

ikalugin 03-15-17 07:45 AM

I always assumed that allowing citizens of a foreighn country to vote in the diplomatic missions of that foreighn country for the elected officials of that foreighn country is normal.

I mean that is how Russian opposition parties get any votes - from voters in London and other such places.

Skybird 03-15-17 07:53 AM


Originally Posted by ikalugin (Post 2472908)
I always assumed that allowing citizens of a foreighn country to vote in the diplomatic missions of that foreighn country for the elected officials of that foreighn country is normal.

I mean that is how Russian opposition parties get any votes - from voters in London and other such places.

Germany is no foreign country to Turkey, but a not yet-conquered province only. Europe is Islam's, Europe is the Osmans'. And Germany is Turkey's. Only the US is given so many special rights in Germany, as Turkey enjoys. Just for very different reasons. And the Americans are wise enough not to make a big story of it. But Turkey - always shouting, always balking, always, demading more, more, more. Its like this since the AKP came to power and Erdoghan took over so many years ago now. They should have shot him in jail instead of releasing him, it would have been the greatest possible service to Turkey, the Turkish people, and us. Reminds me of a little Füher problem that our ancestors once have had over here.

ikalugin 03-15-17 01:03 PM


Originally Posted by Skybird (Post 2472912)
Germany is no foreign country to Turkey, but a not yet-conquered province only. Europe is Islam's, Europe is the Osmans'. And Germany is Turkey's. Only the US is given so many special rights in Germany, as Turkey enjoys. Just for very different reasons. And the Americans are wise enough not to make a big story of it. But Turkey - always shouting, always balking, always, demading more, more, more. Its like this since the AKP came to power and Erdoghan took over so many years ago now. They should have shot him in jail instead of releasing him, it would have been the greatest possible service to Turkey, the Turkish people, and us. Reminds me of a little Füher problem that our ancestors once have had over here.

Well if other countries (ie Russia) can use their diplomatic missions for voting in Germany, why can't Turkey?

Skybird 03-15-17 01:40 PM

Don't ask me. Why Turkish people in Germany must be given additional polling stations outside their diplomatic missions, in the public sphere as if it were about a German national election, is beyond me. Cant they travel to Turkey? Or go to their next embassy in Germany? Or vote by mail? Why must the Germans consider additional stations outside of all that? I have no clue different from "appeasement". However, later news form this day indicates that even the German lambs have enough now, and mull a total freezing of financial assets, economic contacts, further developing of th elatter, and even a formalö interruption, if not ultimate ending of the talks to join the EU (will not happen anyway anymore...) are on the agenda now. It seems some German politicians start to worry for their own election chances. Opening fire at Turkey's financial and economic dependencies however is a two-sided sword, since when you have a creditor and a lender, it is the creditor who holds the risk that he does not get anything back from his leased money. Thats why I criticise since many years thwe West'S self-deceiving entzusiasm in "investing" in Turkey. All these are at risk now. Personally I think they are pretty much lost. My compassion is limited, however. I warned for years and years to invest in Turkey and supporting it. Its just that a collapsing Turkish banking system once again will be at our cost. Many European banks have serious stakes of money at risk in Turkey, especially Italian and Greek ones with their already fragile situation at home. This paper money system is a total mess. On a side-note, the federal state of Saxony-Anhalt has become the second one banning Turkish ministers from holding rallies there. What Saxony-Anhalt and Saarland have in common? No such assemblies were planned there anyway.

ikalugin 03-15-17 01:56 PM

Ahh, so they were demanding additional polling stations? Well then tought luck for them I guess.

Skybird 03-15-17 02:13 PM

No, they did not demand them. At least not in the news from early this morning. The germans offered them voluntarily. And now it is official: the Turks have been formally advised that Germany officially allows polling stations in 13 cities.

ikalugin 03-15-17 02:29 PM


Originally Posted by Skybird (Post 2472971)
No, they did not demand them. At least not in the news from early this morning. The germans offered them voluntarily. And now it is official: the Turks have been formally advised that Germany officially allows polling stations in 13 cities.

Well if Germany volonteered then what is the problem?

Skybird 03-15-17 05:26 PM

Grrr, don't kill my nerves. The problem is the stupidity behind this German reasoning, this "never say/do/claim one thign without simultaneously saying/doing/claimiung th eother thing, else you're a biased bad boy discmrinating other opinions/views/intentions." Niemandem je ein Aua, niemandem je ein Weh.

ValoWay 03-15-17 07:04 PM

I think it's very democratic when e.g. turks can vote in e.g. germany. I also do not mind when foreign politicians come to other countries for political rallies. That's, however their business and they have to pay it out of their own pockets.

I mean think about it, when every single country suddenly wants to go on rallies in foreign countries is the local tax payer rly supposed to sponsor all of that and on top of that their oppositions, too, maybe?

The real question EU member states have to ask themselves is if they support a foreign government or not? I think kim jong un probably wouldn't get the go ahead from the EU if he wanted to visit us to teach us some real politics :p2:

Skybird 03-16-17 09:14 AM

Domestic policies belong into the according country, not foreign ones. And another problem is that only Erdoghanic AKP-minsters go to Germany for campaigning - while AKP-opponents go to Turkish jails. Turkey is the worldwide biggest jail now for correspondents and journalists. In no other country, globally, journalists and press representatives get as sacked and locked away in such quantiies - and the regime doing this we allow to campaign in Germany for even more power to the tyrant?

ikalugin 03-16-17 09:27 AM


Originally Posted by Skybird (Post 2473087)
Domestic policies belong into the according country, not foreign ones. And another problem is that only Erdoghanic AKP-minsters go to Germany for campaigning - while AKP-opponents go to Turkish jails. Turkey is the worldwide biggest jail now for correspondents and journalists. In no other country, globally, journalists and press representatives get as sacked and locked away in such quantiies - and the regime doing this we allow to campaign in Germany for even more power to the tyrant?

Ovearall I agree, as I do not see why support of Erdogan would be beneficial to German national interests.

However in general I think that it is possible for the goverment of one country to support the goverment of another country on the basis of realpolitic national interests even if that other country supports a different ideology to yours.

Skybird 03-18-17 06:19 AM

During Merkel's visit, German reporters seem to have caught Trump on the wrong foot, also "shocking" their American collegagues, American described it

In Trumps meeting with Merkel, Trump gave me the string impression of a man who is very uncertain of himself, and wants to overplay that by beeing noisy and accentuating a typical male shoulder-tapping attitude. With Sushi like Merkel, he could not have been successful in that.

Merkel however was visibly irritated by the dominant role Trump's daughter Ivanka Trump plays.

Skybird 03-19-17 10:50 AM

Schulz becomes chairman of the SPD with 100% of the votes.

An opportunistic populist complaining about populism. How original.

Anthrax or Ebola, dear german voters in 6 months, - what shall it be for you?

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